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Deemphasise Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
Deemphasise means to reduce the importance or prominence of something. e.g., The teacher decided to deemphasise homework in favor of in-class activities.

Deemphasise Definitions

To make something less significant or prominent.
The company will deemphasise its older products to focus on new releases.
To lessen the emphasis or stress on something.
The curriculum was revised to deemphasise rote memorization.
To diminish the role or significance of something.
The director decided to deemphasise special effects in the movie.
To play down or understate the importance of an aspect.
In her speech, she decided to deemphasise her personal achievements.
To divert attention away from a specific element.
The coach decided to deemphasise individual performance in favor of teamwork.
To make a certain point or detail less conspicuous.
She chose to deemphasise her disagreement during the discussion.
To give less priority to a certain area or topic.
The new policy will deemphasise standardized testing.
To reduce the focus on a particular subject or matter.
The article will deemphasise the controversial aspects of the event.
To underplay the importance or urgency of a matter.
The guidebook tends to deemphasise the risks of the trail.
To shift focus away from an emphasized area.
The new strategy will deemphasise sales in favor of customer service.
Alternative spelling of de-emphasize

Deemphasise Snonyms


To make (someone or something) seem smaller or less important.
The critic belittled the author's works as trivial.


To describe or represent something as being smaller or less important than it actually is.
He understated his role in the project.


To make or become less.
The importance of the issue has diminished over time.


To make less severe, serious, or painful; often used in the context of reducing the impact.
They took measures to mitigate the effects of the disaster.


To reduce something to the smallest possible amount or degree.
The government seeks to minimize the environmental impact.


To underestimate the extent, value, or importance of (someone or something).
The film was underrated by critics at its release.


To de-emphasize; to reduce the impact or intensity of something.
The company soft-pedaled the layoffs in its public statements.


To make something seem less important or significant.
The company downplayed the defects in its new product.

Play down

Similar to downplay, to make something appear less important.
She played down her own contribution to the success of the event.


To make something seem less important, significant, or complex than it really is.
The article trivialized the plight of the homeless.

Deemphasise Idioms & Phrases

Deemphasise by design

To intentionally make something less prominent or noticeable as part of a strategic plan.
The architect decided to deemphasise the garage by designing it to blend in with the landscape.

Deemphasise the negative

To intentionally downplay or give less attention to the negative aspects of something.
In his speech, the politician tried to deemphasise the negative consequences of the policy.

Deemphasise with diplomacy

To subtly downplay or reduce the significance of an issue in a tactful or sensitive manner.
The diplomat was able to deemphasise the disagreements during the negotiations with finesse.

Deemphasise to diffuse

To lessen the impact or intensity of a situation in order to prevent escalation.
The mediator aimed to deemphasise the conflict by acknowledging both parties' concerns.

Deemphasise for harmony

To downplay certain elements to maintain or restore balance and harmony.
The orchestra conductor chose to deemphasise the brass section to allow the woodwinds to shine.

Deemphasise to streamline

To reduce the emphasis on certain parts in order to make a system or process more efficient.
The company decided to deemphasise certain bureaucratic procedures to streamline operations.

Deemphasise to prioritise

To lessen the focus on one thing in order to concentrate on another, more important matter.
The teacher chose to deemphasise less critical topics in the curriculum to prioritize core subjects.

Deemphasise for clarity

To reduce the emphasis on less important details to make the main message clearer.
The author chose to deemphasise secondary plotlines to provide clarity to the main narrative.

Deemphasise through distraction

To divert attention away from something by focusing on other matters.
The company decided to deemphasise the product's flaws by highlighting its unique features.

Deemphasise the obvious

To intentionally understate something that is already widely known or apparent.
The guide decided to deemphasise the historical facts that were obvious to the well-read tour group.

Deemphasise the drama

To reduce the importance or intensity of a dramatic situation or conflict.
The manager decided to deemphasize the drama in the office by promoting more team-building activities.

Deemphasise in discussion

To deliberately play down the importance of a topic during a conversation.
In the meeting, the manager decided to deemphasise the budget cuts to avoid panic among the staff.

Deemphasise for impact

To make something less prominent to increase the significance or impact of another element.
The advertisement designers chose to deemphasise the text to make the visuals more striking.

Deemphasise out of respect

To downplay or understate something out of consideration for others' feelings or sensitivities.
He decided to deemphasise his own achievements out of respect for his colleagues who were not as fortunate.

Deemphasise for strategy

To intentionally play down certain elements as part of a strategic plan or approach.
The coach decided to deemphasise the team's weaknesses in the public interview to keep their tactics secret.

Deemphasise to innovate

To downplay traditional or existing methods to foster creativity and new ideas.
The company decided to deemphasise conventional marketing strategies to innovate with new digital campaigns.

Deemphasise and redirect

To lessen the focus on one area in order to shift attention or resources to another.
The teacher decided to deemphasise homework assignments and redirect efforts towards in-class participation.

Deemphasise Example Sentences

The coach encouraged the team to deemphasise winning over having fun.
The teacher decided to deemphasise the role of tests in grading.
The museum exhibit will deemphasise modern art this season.
The guide decided to deemphasise the difficulty of the hike.
The company will deemphasise older technologies to promote innovation.
The new design will deemphasise bright colors in favor of neutral tones.
In the report, the author chose to deemphasise the negative findings.
The campaign aimed to deemphasise the candidate's lack of experience.
He tried to deemphasise his accent while speaking.
The editor advised to deemphasise technical jargon in the article.
The school's new policy will deemphasise homework assignments.
The plan was to deemphasise the cost and focus on the benefits.
She decided to deemphasise her career to focus on her family.
The lesson plan was adjusted to deemphasise memorization techniques.
The speaker chose to deemphasise his personal opinions during the lecture.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in deemphasise?

The stressed syllable in "deemphasise" is the third one: -pha.

How many syllables are in deemphasise?

There are four syllables in "deemphasise."

How do we divide deemphasise into syllables?

"Deemphasise" is divided into syllables as "de-em-pha-sise."

What is the root word of deemphasise?

The root word of "deemphasise" is "emphasise."

Why is it called deemphasise?

It is called "deemphasise" because it combines the prefix "de-" (meaning to reverse an action) with "emphasise," indicating the action of making something less important or prominent.

How is deemphasise used in a sentence?

Example: "The company decided to deemphasise its focus on retail sales."

What is the verb form of deemphasise?

"Deemphasise" itself is the verb form.

What is the third form of deemphasise?

The third form (past participle form) of "deemphasise" is "deemphasised."

Is deemphasise an adverb?

No, "deemphasise" is not an adverb.

What is the pronunciation of deemphasise?

Deemphasise is pronounced as /diːˈɛmfəsaɪz/.

What is another term for deemphasise?

Another term for "deemphasise" is "downplay."

What is the opposite of deemphasise?

The opposite of "deemphasise" is "emphasise."

Is deemphasise a noun or adjective?

"Deemphasise" is a verb, not a noun or adjective.

Is deemphasise a vowel or consonant?

The word "deemphasise" starts with a consonant.

Is the word deemphasise imperative?

"Deemphasise" can be used in the imperative form, as in "Deemphasise the error in the report."

What is the first form of deemphasise?

The first form (present form) of "deemphasise" is "deemphasise."

What is the singular form of deemphasise?

"Deemphasise" does not have a singular form as it is a verb.

Is deemphasise an abstract noun?

"Deemphasise" is a verb, so it cannot be an abstract noun.

What is the second form of deemphasise?

The second form (past simple form) of "deemphasise" is "deemphasised."

What is the plural form of deemphasise?

"Deemphasise" does not have a plural form as it is a verb.

Is the deemphasise term a metaphor?

"Deemphasise" is not typically used as a metaphor; it is a literal term.

Is the word “deemphasise” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Deemphasise" is a verb and therefore cannot be a direct or indirect object.

Which determiner is used with deemphasise?

Determiners are not typically used with the verb "deemphasise."

Which vowel is used before deemphasise?

There is no specific rule for a vowel used before "deemphasise." It depends on the context of the sentence.

Which preposition is used with deemphasise?

Common prepositions used with "deemphasise" include "in" and "on," depending on the context.

Which article is used with deemphasise?

Articles are not used with the verb "deemphasise."

What part of speech is deemphasise?

"Deemphasise" is a verb.

Is deemphasise a negative or positive word?

"Deemphasise" is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is deemphasise a countable noun?

"Deemphasise" is not a noun; it's a verb.

Is deemphasise a collective noun?

"Deemphasise" is not a noun, so it cannot be a collective noun.

Is the word deemphasise Gerund?

The gerund form of "deemphasise" is "deemphasising."

Which conjunction is used with deemphasise?

There is no specific conjunction that is always used with "deemphasise." It depends on the sentence structure.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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