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Demand Definition and Meaning

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on March 6, 2024
Demand refers to the desire for particular goods or services, combined with the ability and willingness to pay for them. e.g., There's a high demand for organic produce in the market.

Demand Definitions

A strong request or claim for something considered due.
The workers issued a demand for higher wages.
The desire of consumers to purchase goods and services.
The new phone saw an unprecedented demand upon release.
A requirement or need for something.
The job demands a high level of expertise.
The economic concept of consumer's willingness and ability to purchase a product.
Demand for luxury cars remains steady despite economic fluctuations.
A forceful statement of what one requires.
The ultimatum was clear and ended with a non-negotiable demand.
To ask for something with authority.
She demanded to see the manager immediately.
A situation in which a particular skill is needed.
There's a high demand for data analysts in today's job market.
To require as necessary.
This task demands your undivided attention.
The quantity of a product that buyers are willing to purchase at various prices.
Demand decreases as prices increase, according to the law of demand.
A legal claim or right.
He filed a demand for compensation after the accident.
To ask for urgently or peremptorily
Demand an investigation into the murder.
Demanding that he leave immediately.
Demanded to speak to the manager.
To claim as just or due
Demand repayment of a loan.
To ask to be informed of
Demanded an explanation for the interruption.
To require as useful, just, proper, or necessary; call for
A gem that demands a fine setting.
To lay legal claim to; claim formally.
To ask that (something) be done in accordance with a legal requirement.
To make a demand.
An act of demanding; an urgent request.
Something demanded
On strike until they get their demands.
An urgent requirement or need
The heavy demands of her job.
The emotional demands of his marriage.
An increased oxygen demand.
The state of being sought after
In great demand as a speaker.
(Economics) The desire for goods or services in an economy, measured as the amount people are ready to buy at a given price
Supply should rise to meet demand.
A formal claim.
A request that some act be done or payment made in accordance with a legal requirement.
(Archaic) An emphatic question or inquiry.
The desire to purchase goods and services.
Prices usually go up when demand exceeds supply.
(economics) The amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at a particular price.
A forceful claim for something.
Modern society is responding to women's demands for equality.
A requirement.
His job makes many demands on his time.
There is a demand for voluntary health workers in the poorer parts of Africa and Asia.
An urgent request.
She couldn't ignore the newborn baby's demands for attention.
An order.
(electricity supply) More precisely peak demand or peak load, a measure of the maximum power load of a utility's customer over a short period of time; the power load integrated over a specified time interval.
To request forcefully.
I demand to see the manager.
To claim a right to something.
The bank is demanding the mortgage payment.
To ask forcefully for information.
I demand an immediate explanation.
To require of someone.
This job demands a lot of patience.
(legal) To issue a summons to court.
To ask or call for with authority; to claim or seek from, as by authority or right; to claim, as something due; to call for urgently or peremptorily; as, to demand a debt; to demand obedience.
This, in our foresaid holy father's name,Pope Innocent, I do demand of thee.
To inquire authoritatively or earnestly; to ask, esp. in a peremptory manner; to question.
I did demand what news from Shrewsbury.
To require as necessary or useful; to be in urgent need of; hence, to call for; as, the case demands care.
To call into court; to summon.
To make a demand; to inquire.
The soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do?
The act of demanding; an asking with authority; a peremptory urging of a claim; a claiming or challenging as due; requisition; as, the demand of a creditor; a note payable on demand.
The demand [is] by the word of the holy ones.
He that has confidence to turn his wishes into demands will be but a little way from thinking he ought to obtain them.
Earnest inquiry; question; query.
A diligent seeking or search; manifested want; desire to possess; request; as, a demand for certain goods; a person's company is in great demand.
In 1678 came forth a second edition [Pilgrim's Progress] with additions; and then the demand became immense.
That which one demands or has a right to demand; thing claimed as due; claim; as, demands on an estate.
The asking or seeking for what is due or claimed as due.
The ability and desire to purchase goods and services;
The automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips
The demand exceeded the supply
An urgent or peremptory request;
His demands for attention were unceasing
A condition requiring relief;
She satisfied his need for affection
God has no need of men to accomplish His work
There is a demand for jobs
The act of demanding;
The kidnapper's exorbitant demands for money
Required activity;
The requirements of his work affected his health
There were many demands on his time
Request urgently and forcefully;
The victim's family is demanding compensation
The boss demanded that he be fired immediately
She demanded to see the manager
Require as useful, just, or proper;
It takes nerve to do what she did
Success usually requires hard work
This job asks a lot of patience and skill
This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice
This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert
This intervention does not postulates a patient's consent
Claim as due or just;
The bank demanded payment of the loan
Lay legal claim to
Summon to court
Ask to be informed of;
I demand an explanation

Demand Snonyms


A necessary condition or need.
Passing the exam is a requirement for certification.


A situation in which something is necessary.
There is a need for affordable housing in the city.


Politely or formally asking for something.
He made a request for additional resources.


An authoritative command, direction, or instruction.
The general gave the order to advance.


A demand or request for something considered one's due.
She filed a claim for her insurance benefits.


A formal written request, typically one signed by many people.
The petition for safer roads was submitted to the council.


A demand or request for something to happen.
There was a call for reform in the organization.


A desire to possess or do something.
There's a strong want for change among the populace.


A desire or hope for something to happen.
His wish for a peaceful resolution was clear.


An attempt or effort to achieve something.
Her bid for the championship was successful.

Demand Idioms & Phrases

In demand

Being wanted by many people.
Skilled electricians are in demand in the construction industry.

Supply and demand

The economic principle that the price of goods is determined by their availability and buyers' desire.
The price of vintage cars goes up due to supply and demand.

Demand exceeds supply

When the want or need for something surpasses what is available.
For certain high-tech components, demand exceeds supply.

On demand

Available whenever requested.
Streaming services offer movies on demand.

Meet the demand

To satisfy the request or need.
Manufacturers struggled to meet the demand for new gadgets.

High demand

A great desire for something, often more than is available.
There's high demand for tickets to the concert.

At someone's demand

According to what someone has strongly requested.
The documents were released at the lawyer's demand.

To demand respect

To insist on being treated with respect.
She commands the room and demands respect from her peers.

Demand a ransom

To require payment for the release of someone or something held captive.
The kidnappers demanded a ransom for the safe return of the hostage.

Under demand

Experiencing less desire than expected or needed.
Some luxury items are under demand during economic downturns.

Demand justice

To call for fairness or lawful treatment.
The community demanded justice after the unfair trial.

Give into demand

To comply with a request or requirement.
The company finally gave into demand and improved working conditions.

Beyond demand

More than what is requested or required.
The volunteer's contribution went beyond demand, showing extraordinary commitment.

Demand action

To call for something to be done.
The activists demanded action on climate change.

Put a demand on

To impose a requirement or need onto someone or something.
The influx of orders puts a demand on the factory's capacity.

The law of demand

The economic rule that, all else being equal, an increase in price results in a decrease in demand.
Price hikes for cereal demonstrated the law of demand.

Demand an explanation

To insist on receiving a reason or justification.
Parents demanded an explanation for the school's sudden closure.

Demand attention

To require notice or consideration.
The striking design of the building demands attention.

Voice a demand

To express a need or requirement openly.
Employees voiced a demand for better health benefits.

Demand Example Sentences

They placed a demand on their time and expertise.
Demand for the product outstripped the supply within days.
She has the skills that are currently in high demand.
Rising consumer demand drives economic growth.
The market has seen a surge in demand for electric vehicles.
The demand for renewable energy sources is growing.
The report highlights the demand for skilled workers in the tech industry.
There's always been a steady demand for classic literature.
Meeting customer demand is their top priority.
They've seen an increase in demand since launching the new service.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in demand?

The stressed syllable in demand is the second one, "mand."

What is the verb form of demand?

The verb form of demand is "demand," as in to request or ask for something forcefully.

What part of speech is demand?

Demand can be both a noun and a verb, depending on its use in a sentence.

What is another term for demand?

Another term for demand is "request."

How is demand used in a sentence?

Demand is used to describe the desire for goods or services, or to express a forceful request for something.

What is the first form of demand?

The first form of demand is "demand," used as a verb.

Why is it called demand?

Demand comes from the Old French "demander," meaning to request or ask for, reflecting its use in expressing the desire or need for something.

How many syllables are in demand?

There are two syllables in demand.

How do we divide demand into syllables?

Demand is divided into syllables as de-mand.

What is the pronunciation of demand?

Demand is pronounced as /dɪˈmænd/.

What is the singular form of demand?

The singular form is "demand."

What is the third form of demand?

The third form of demand, in verb form, is also "demanded."

What is the plural form of demand?

The plural form is "demands."

Is demand a noun or adjective?

Demand is primarily a noun, but it can also be used as a verb.

Is demand a vowel or consonant?

The word "demand" begins with a consonant.

Which determiner is used with demand?

Determiners such as "the," "a," "this," and "their" can be used with demand, depending on the context.

What is the root word of demand?

The root of demand is the Latin word "demandare," which means to entrust, give in charge, or demand.

What is the second form of demand?

The second form of demand, when used as a verb, is "demanded."

Is the word demand Gerund?

Yes, when used as a verb, "demanding" is the gerund form.

Is the word “demand” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Demand can serve as a direct object, e.g., "The market showed a demand for organic products."

Is demand an adverb?

No, demand is not an adverb.

Is demand a negative or positive word?

Demand is neutral; its positive or negative connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is demand a countable noun?

Yes, demand is a countable noun; one can have multiple demands.

Is demand a collective noun?

No, demand is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word demand imperative?

Demand can be used in an imperative form, e.g., "Demand respect."

Which vowel is used before demand?

As demand starts with a consonant sound, "a" is used, e.g., "a demand."

Which article is used with demand?

Both "the" (definite article) and "a" (indefinite article) can be used with demand, depending on the context.

What is the opposite of demand?

The opposite of demand could be "supply" in economic terms, or "offer" when referring to the act of providing something willingly.

Which conjunction is used with demand?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used in sentences involving the word demand.

Is demand an abstract noun?

Yes, when used as a noun, demand can be considered abstract as it refers to a concept or desire, not a tangible object.

Is the demand term a metaphor?

The term demand can be used metaphorically to describe a strong need or requirement in various contexts.

Which preposition is used with demand?

Prepositions such as "for," "on," and "by" can be used with demand, depending on the context, e.g., "demand for products."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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