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Depict Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Depict means to represent or show something in a picture, sculpture, or through descriptive language. e.g., The artist chose to depict a serene landscape in his painting.

Depict Definitions

To describe vividly in words.
The author depicted the character's emotions with great detail.
To represent or portray in a specific manner.
The film depicts ancient Rome as a place of intrigue.
To create a visual representation.
The mural depicts the city's history.
To convey or express in a particular way.
The documentary depicts the struggles of wildlife.
To show or illustrate through art.
She depicted the sunset with vibrant colors.
To present a likeness or image of.
The brochure depicts the hotel as an idyllic retreat.
To visually or textually bring to life.
The painting depicts a bustling marketplace.
To use imagery or symbols to represent.
The poem depicts love as a journey.
To represent in a picture or sculpture
Each page's border has designs that depict forest animals.
To represent in words; describe
Stories that depict life on the frontier.
To render a representation of something, using words, sounds, images, or other means.
(obsolete) Depicted.
To form a colored likeness of; to represent by a picture; to paint; to portray.
His arms are fairly depicted in his chamber.
To represent in words; to describe vividly.
Cæsar's gout was then depicted in energetic language.
Show in, or as in, a picture;
This scene depicts country life
The face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting
Give a description of;
He drew an elaborate plan of attack
Make a portrait of;
Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba
To outline or detail through drawing or painting.
The child depicted his family in the drawing.
To embody or symbolize in physical form.
The statue depicts a famous historical figure.

Depict Snonyms


Explain or make (something) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc.
The lecturer illustrated the point with a diagram.


Give an account in words of (someone or something), including all the relevant characteristics.
Could you describe the suspect?


Provide or give (a service, help, etc.).
The artist rendered the landscape in stunning detail.


Allow or cause (something) to be visible.
The museum shows works of modern art.


Make a rough drawing of.
He sketched a map on the back of an envelope.


Give a summary of (something).
The report outlines the main areas of concern.


Describe (someone or something) in a particular way.
The book portrays him as a rather unpleasant character.


Represent in paint, as in art.
She paints the sea beautifully in her pictures.


Describe the distinctive nature or features of.
The documentary characterizes the dictator as a ruthless leader.


Be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official capacity.
Each state is represented by two senators.

Depict Idioms & Phrases

Depict in vivid detail

To represent or describe something with extreme clarity and rich detail.
The novel depicts life in the 18th century in vivid detail, bringing history to life.

Depict the essence

To capture the fundamental nature or quality of something.
The portrait manages to depict the essence of the subject's personality.

Depict with accuracy

To represent something in a way that is precise and true to reality.
The historian sought to depict the battle with accuracy, relying on first-hand accounts.

Depict through the lens

To represent or show something from a specific perspective or viewpoint.
The photographer depicts urban life through the lens of her personal experiences.

Artistically depict

To represent something in a manner that emphasizes artistic expression and creativity.
The mural artistically depicts the city's vibrant multicultural community.

Depict in broad strokes

To represent something in a general or simplistic manner, without focusing on details.
The brief overview depicts the theory in broad strokes, omitting complex details.

Faithfully depict

To represent something accurately without taking artistic liberties.
The documentary aims to faithfully depict the events leading up to the revolution.

Metaphorically depict

To represent something symbolically rather than literally.
The poem uses the river to metaphorically depict the flow of time.

Depict a contrast

To show a stark difference between two things.
The film depicts a contrast between wealth and poverty in modern society.

Depict a journey

To represent or show the process or progress of something over time.
The novel depicts a journey of self-discovery and redemption.

Historically depict

To represent or portray events, people, or settings in a historically accurate manner.
The film aims to historically depict the life of the famous explorer.

Depict from memory

To represent something based on one's recollection rather than direct observation or reference.
The veteran depicted scenes from the war from memory, imbuing them with emotional depth.

Depict in shades

To represent something with subtlety, highlighting its complexity.
The artist depicts the landscape in shades of gray, capturing its moody atmosphere.

Depict in silhouette

To represent something as an outline, with the interior details obscured.
The artist chose to depict the dancers in silhouette, focusing on their movement.

Depict a scene

To represent or describe a specific moment or setting visually or in writing.
The opening chapter depicts a scene of chaotic beauty at dawn.

Depict with emotion

To represent something in a way that conveys strong feelings.
Her paintings depict with emotion the struggles of everyday people.

Depict a narrative

To represent or tell a story through visual art, literature, or another form.
The mural on the library wall depicts a narrative of the community's history.

Depict a transformation

To show or describe a significant change or evolution.
The series depicts a transformation of the main character from a villain to a hero.

Symbolically depict

To represent something using symbols or metaphorical imagery.
The allegory symbolically depicts the battle between good and evil.

Depict Example Sentences

The sculpture depicts a scene from mythology.
The map accurately depicts the geography of the area.
The book depicts life in the 18th century.
She depicted her journey through a series of photographs.
The video game depicts a dystopian future.
The play depicts the challenges of growing up.
The movie depicts a powerful story of redemption.
The documentary depicts the effects of climate change on polar bears.
The artist depicts everyday scenes with extraordinary detail.
The poster depicts various aspects of healthy living.
He depicted the landscape with broad, sweeping strokes.
The novel vividly depicts the protagonist's adventures.
The advertisement depicts the product in an appealing way.
She chose to depict her memories in a series of sketches.
The painting depicts the city at dawn with delicate light.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called depict?

"Depict" comes from the Latin word "depictus," the past participle of "depictare," meaning "to portray or describe," indicating the act of representing something visually or through description.

How do we divide depict into syllables?

"Depict" is divided into syllables as "de-pict."

How many syllables are in depict?

There are two syllables in "depict."

How is depict used in a sentence?

"The artist aimed to depict the raw emotions of his subjects through his paintings."

What is the pronunciation of depict?

Depict is pronounced as /dɪˈpɪkt/.

What is the root word of depict?

The root word of "depict" is the Latin "depictus," meaning "to portray or describe."

What is the first form of depict?

The first form (present tense) is "depict."

What is a stressed syllable in depict?

The second syllable "pict" is the stressed syllable in "depict."

What is the second form of depict?

The second form (simple past tense) is "depicted."

What is the third form of depict?

The third form (past participle) is "depicted."

Is depict a noun or adjective?

"Depict" is a verb.

Which vowel is used before depict?

The vowel used before "depict" depends on the context and the preceding words in a sentence.

What is the verb form of depict?

The verb form is "depict."

What is another term for depict?

Another term for "depict" could be "portray" or "illustrate."

Is depict a negative or positive word?

"Depict" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

Is depict a countable noun?

"Depict" is not a noun; it is a verb.

Is depict a collective noun?

"Depict" is not a noun; it is a verb.

Is the word depict imperative?

"Depict" can be used in the imperative form as a command, e.g., "Depict this scene with your words."

Which determiner is used with depict?

Determiners are not typically used with verbs like "depict."

What part of speech is depict?

"Depict" is a verb.

What is the plural form of depict?

Verbs do not have plural forms in the same way nouns do, so "depict" remains the same regardless of subject number.

What is the opposite of depict?

The opposite of "depict" could be "obscure" or "distort."

Which preposition is used with depict?

Prepositions such as "as" (depict as) or "in" (depict in the painting) can be used, depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with depict?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "depict," depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with depict?

Articles are not typically used directly with verbs like "depict."

What is the singular form of depict?

As a verb, "depict" does not have a singular or plural form; it remains "depict."

Is depict an abstract noun?

"Depict" is a verb, not a noun.

Is depict a vowel or consonant?

The word "depict" starts with the consonant "d."

Is the depict term a metaphor?

"Depict" can be used metaphorically to describe the act of representation in various contexts.

Is the word depict Gerund?

The gerund form of "depict" is "depicting."

Is depict an adverb?

No, "depict" is not an adverb.

Is the word “depict” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Depict" can take a direct object, e.g., "The novel depicts a futuristic society." It does not take an indirect object.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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