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Disguise Definition and Meaning

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Published on June 25, 2024
Disguise means to change the appearance or form of something or someone to conceal its true nature or identity. e.g., She wore a disguise to the party so that no one would recognize her.

Disguise Definitions

To conceal the truth or real nature of something by misleading appearances.
The company disguised the defects of the product in its advertising.
To camouflage or blend in with one's surroundings.
The chameleon can disguise itself effectively among green leaves.
To cover up or mask the true feelings or intentions.
He could hardly disguise his disappointment when he heard the news.
To modify the manner or appearance of (a person, for example) in order to prevent recognition
Disguised himself as a guard and escaped.
To make indistinct or difficult to perceive
Disguised the bad taste of the medicine with lemon syrup.
To conceal or obscure by dissemblance or false show; misrepresent
Disguise one's true intentions.
Clothes or accessories worn to conceal one's true identity.
Appearance that misrepresents the true character of something
A blessing in disguise.
A pretense or misrepresentation
His repeated references to his dangerous hobbies were only a disguise to cover up his insecurity.
Material (such as clothing, makeup, a wig) used to alter one’s visual appearance in order to hide one's identity or assume another.
A cape and moustache completed his disguise.
(figuratively) The appearance of something on the outside which masks what’s beneath.
The act or state of disguising, notably as a ploy.
Any disguise may expose soldiers to be deemed enemy spies.
(archaic) A change of behaviour resulting from intoxication, drunkenness.
(transitive) To change the appearance of (a person or thing) so as to hide, or to assume an identity.
Spies often disguise themselves.
To transform or disfigure, to change the appearance of in general.
(transitive) To avoid giving away or revealing (something secret); to hide by a false appearance.
He disguised his true intentions.
To dress in newfangled or showy clothing, to deck out in new fashions.
To dissemble, to talk or act falsely while concealing one’s thoughts.
To affect or change by liquor; to intoxicate.
To change the guise or appearance of; especially, to conceal by an unusual dress, or one intended to mislead or deceive.
Bunyan was forced to disguise himself as a wagoner.
To hide by a counterfeit appearance; to cloak by a false show; to mask; as, to disguise anger; to disguise one's sentiments, character, or intentions.
All God's angels come to us disguised.
To affect or change by liquor; to intoxicate.
I have just left the right worshipful, and his myrmidons, about a sneaker of five gallons; the whole magistracy was pretty well disguised before I gave them the ship.
A dress or exterior put on for purposes of concealment or of deception; as, persons doing unlawful acts in disguise are subject to heavy penalties.
There is no passion which steals into the heart more imperceptibly and covers itself under more disguises, than pride.
Artificial language or manner assumed for deception; false appearance; counterfeit semblance or show.
That eye which glances through all disguises.
Change of manner by drink; intoxication.
A masque or masquerade.
Disguise was the old English word for a masque.
An outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something;
The theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories
Any attire that modifies the appearance in order to conceal the wearer's identity
The act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance;
He is a master of disguise
Make unrecognizable;
The herb disguises the garlic taste
We disguised our faces before robbing the bank
To alter the appearance or form of something to prevent recognition.
The spy disguised himself with a fake beard and glasses.
To change one's appearance using clothing, makeup, or other means to prevent identification.
For the masquerade, he disguised himself as a historical figure.
To modify or hide the characteristics or features of something.
She disguised her handwriting to avoid detection.
To present or describe something in a way that obscures its true nature or implications.
The report disguised the severity of the situation.
To use a disguise for fun or entertainment, as in costume parties.
Children often disguise themselves as their favorite characters for Halloween.
To hide the existence or presence of something.
The smell of baking bread can disguise other less pleasant odors in the kitchen.
To adopt a false appearance or identity.
Undercover agents must disguise their true intentions when infiltrating criminal organizations.

Disguise Snonyms


To cover or shield to prevent recognition or to protect.
She masked her sadness with a bright smile.


To keep something hidden or secret.
He concealed the gift until her birthday.


To hide or conceal by blending in with surroundings.
The soldiers used mud to camouflage their helmets.


To hide, cover, or disguise.
The spy cloaked his intentions with friendly conversation.


To hide one's true motives, feelings, or beliefs.
Despite the questions, she dissembled about her whereabouts.


To cover, hide, or obscure.
The forest was veiled in mist.

Cover up

To hide or conceal something illicit or embarrassing.
The scandal was a major cover-up by the corporation.


To make unclear or difficult to understand.
The author used technical jargon to obscure the point.


Having one's true identity concealed.
She traveled incognito to avoid the press.


To pretend to be someone one is not.
They masqueraded as wealthy investors.

Disguise Idioms & Phrases

Disguise the limit

Trying to hide something but there's only so much you can hide.
He tried to keep his feelings hidden, but disguise the limit; everyone knew how he felt.

In disguise

Hidden under a changed appearance.
The celebrity attended the party in disguise to avoid attention.

Thin disguise

A poor attempt at hiding something.
His friendliness was a thin disguise for his ambition.

Under the disguise of

Pretending to be something else to conceal true intentions.
He came under the disguise of a journalist to gather sensitive information.

Disguise one's feelings

To hide how one truly feels.
She could no longer disguise her feelings of resentment.

A blessing in disguise

A misfortune that eventually results in something good.
Losing that job was a blessing in disguise because it led to better opportunities.

See through someone's disguise

To recognize someone's true nature or intent despite attempts to hide it.
She was clever enough to see through his disguise.

Disguise Example Sentences

The spy used an elaborate disguise to infiltrate the embassy.
The villain in the movie was a master of disguise, fooling everyone.
She could not disguise her disappointment when she saw the gift.
He wore glasses and a hat in a futile attempt to disguise himself.
The architect designed the building to disguise its actual size.
The malware was in the disguise of a routine software update.
The harsh reality was hidden under the disguise of a joke.
She tried to disguise her handwriting on the anonymous letter.
The true purpose of the meeting was disguised as a casual gathering.
In nature, many animals use camouflage to disguise themselves from predators.
To avoid recognition, celebrities often step out in disguise.
Disguise is a common strategy in espionage and covert operations.
His kind act was just a disguise to gain public favor.
The magician's skill was in his ability to disguise the secrets of his tricks.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called "disguise"?

The term "disguise" comes from the Old French word "desguiser" or "disguisier," meaning to change one’s appearance or dress to conceal one's identity.

How many syllables are in "disguise"?

"Disguise" has two syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in "disguise"?

The stressed syllable in "disguise" is the second syllable, -guise.

How is "disguise" used in a sentence?

"Disguise" is used to describe the act of altering appearance or hiding the truth, e.g., He used a clever disguise to escape from the guards.

What is the pronunciation of "disguise"?

"Disguise" is pronounced as /dɪˈɡaɪz/.

What is the third form of "disguise"?

The third form of "disguise" is also "disguised."

What is another term for "disguise"?

Another term for "disguise" is "camouflage," particularly when referring to hiding something’s appearance.

How do we divide "disguise" into syllables?

"Disguise" is divided into syllables as dis-guise.

What is the root word of "disguise"?

The root of "disguise" comes from the Old French "desguiser."

What is the first form of "disguise"?

The first form of "disguise" is "disguise."

What is the singular form of "disguise"?

"Disguise" is both the singular and plural form when used as a noun; as a verb, it does not change for singular or plural.

What is the verb form of "disguise"?

"Disguise" itself is a verb, meaning to conceal the appearance or nature of something.

What is the second form of "disguise"?

The second form of "disguise" is "disguised."

Is "disguise" a noun or adjective?

"Disguise" can be used as both a noun (a means of altering one's appearance) and a verb (the act of concealing something).

What is the opposite of "disguise"?

The opposite of "disguise" is "reveal" or "unmask."

Is the word "disguise" imperative?

As a verb, "disguise" can be used in the imperative mood, e.g., "Disguise yourself quickly!"

What is the plural form of "disguise"?

The plural form of "disguise" as a noun is "disguises."

Is "disguise" an abstract noun?

As a noun, "disguise" refers to something tangible (like a costume) and is not abstract.

Is the word "disguise" Gerund?

The gerund form of "disguise" is "disguising."

Which vowel is used before "disguise"?

Typically, "a" is used before "disguise" as in "a disguise."

Is "disguise" an adverb?

No, "disguise" is not an adverb.

Is "disguise" a countable noun?

Yes, "disguise" is countable; you can have one or multiple disguises.

Is the word “disguise” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a verb, "disguise" can take a direct object, e.g., "She disguised her intentions."

What part of speech is "disguise"?

"Disguise" is a verb and can also be used as a noun.

Is "disguise" a negative or positive word?

"Disguise" is neutral, though it may carry a negative connotation when associated with deception.

Is "disguise" a vowel or consonant?

"Disguise" starts with the consonant 'd'.

Is the "disguise" term a metaphor?

"Disguise" can be used metaphorically to describe actions or behaviors intended to conceal or mislead.

Which preposition is used with "disguise"?

"Disguise" is often used with prepositions like "as," as in "disguised as a police officer."

Which conjunction is used with "disguise"?

Conjunctions such as "and" can be used with "disguise," e.g., "disguise and deceive."

Is "disguise" a collective noun?

No, "disguise" is not a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with "disguise"?

Determiners such as "a" or "the" can be used with "disguise," as in "a clever disguise" or "the disguise was effective."

Which article is used with "disguise"?

The definite article "the" is often used with "disguise," especially when referring to specific instances,

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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