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Do the Dishes Definition and Meaning

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
To do the dishes means to wash the plates, glasses, utensils, and other dishware used during a meal. e.g., After dinner, it was his turn to do the dishes.
Do the Dishes

Do the Dishes Definitions

Kitchen Task: A routine task involving washing, drying, and putting away dishes.
He listens to music while he does the dishes.
Household Chore: Washing the kitchenware used for eating and cooking.
Everyone in the family takes turns to do the dishes.
Shared Responsibility: A task often divided among family members or roommates.
They created a schedule to share the task of doing the dishes.
Daily Routine: Part of daily household routines to maintain cleanliness.
Doing the dishes before bed is a nightly ritual for them.
Cleaning Up: The act of cleaning cookware and tableware after meals.
She prefers to do the dishes right after supper.
Domestic Duty: A common domestic duty within a household.
Doing the dishes is my least favorite domestic duty.
Contribution to Household: A way to contribute to household chores and responsibilities.
By doing the dishes, he felt he was contributing to the household.
Manual Washing: The act of hand-washing dishes instead of using a dishwasher.
They had to do the dishes by hand since the dishwasher broke.
After-Meal Cleanup: The process of tidying up the kitchen after eating.
The kids are responsible for doing the dishes after lunch.
Hygienic Practice: Essential for maintaining kitchen hygiene and cleanliness.
Regularly doing the dishes prevents the buildup of germs.

Do the Dishes Snonyms

Wash up

To clean dishes, utensils, and pans by washing.
After dinner, it's your turn to wash up.

Clean the dishes

To remove dirt or food from plates, glasses, and silverware by washing.
She cleaned the dishes quickly after the meal.

Rinse the dishes

To wash something in clean water to remove soap, detergent, or dirt.
Make sure to rinse the dishes thoroughly.

Scrub the plates

To rub hard in order to clean dishes, especially with a brush.
He scrubbed the plates until they sparkled.

Clear the table

To remove dishes and utensils from the table after a meal.
After eating, they cleared the table together.

Tidy up the kitchen

To make the kitchen neat by cleaning and putting things away, especially after a meal.
They tidied up the kitchen to finish the chore.

Hand wash

To wash dishes manually rather than using a machine.
Delicate glasses need to be hand washed.

Do the washing up

British term for washing the dishes.
After the party, there was a lot of washing up to do.

Load the dishwasher

To place dirty dishes in a dishwasher for cleaning.
He loaded the dishwasher and started the cycle.

Polish the silverware

To clean and make the utensils shine, especially after washing them.
After drying, she polished the silverware.

Do the Dishes Idioms & Phrases

Do the dishes with a smile

To carry out one's duties cheerfully, regardless of their nature.
No matter how tedious the task, he always managed to do the dishes with a smile.

Everyone's turn to do the dishes

A reminder that everyone must take responsibility or their turn in a group task.
When it came to cleaning up after the project, it was everyone's turn to do the dishes.

Do the dishes before dessert

To complete necessary work before enjoying rewards.
He always made sure to do the dishes before dessert, finishing his homework before playing video games.

Do the dishes, not just dine

To contribute to work rather than just enjoy the benefits.
She believed in teaching her children to do the dishes, not just dine, instilling a strong work ethic.

Too many cooks, but who'll do the dishes?

A situation where many want to give input, but few want to do the necessary follow-up work.
At the meeting, it was a case of too many cooks, but who'll do the dishes?

Do the dishes or dine alone

A warning that those who do not contribute might find themselves excluded.
In this household, you do the dishes or dine alone, as everyone is expected to help.

Do the dishes and clear the table

To fully complete a task, leaving no loose ends.
When she takes on a project, she does the dishes and clears the table, ensuring everything is finalized.

Do the dishes to play the tunes

To do one's share of work before having fun.
The band agreed to do the dishes to play the tunes, setting up all the equipment before jamming.

To do the dishes together

To collaborate on tasks or challenges.
The best partnerships are those where both are willing to do the dishes together.

Do the dishes before the sink overflows

To address issues or tasks before they become too large to manage.
She always advised to do the dishes before the sink overflows, tackling problems while they were still small.

Do the dishes, even in a storm

To fulfill one's responsibilities, no matter the circumstances.
She was determined to do the dishes, even in a storm, ensuring her store remained open despite the weather.

Do the Dishes Example Sentences

If you cook, I'll do the dishes afterward.
After the party, we had to do the dishes together.
He forgot to do the dishes last night, and now the sink is full.
When I do the dishes, I like to wear gloves to protect my hands.
She taught her son how to do the dishes efficiently.
Every night after dinner, it's my job to do the dishes.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in do the dishes?

There are four syllables in "do the dishes."

How do we divide do the dishes into syllables?

"Do the dishes" is divided as "do-the-dish-es."

How is do the dishes used in a sentence?

After dinner, it's your turn to do the dishes.

Why is it called do the dishes?

It's called "do the dishes" because it describes the action of washing the kitchenware used in serving and eating food.

What is the root word of do the dishes?

The root word is "do," which means to perform an action or task.

What is the pronunciation of do the dishes?

"Do the dishes" is pronounced as /duː ðə ˈdɪʃɪz/ in American English.

What is a stressed syllable in do the dishes?

The stressed syllable in "do the dishes" is on "dish."

What is the first form of do the dishes?

The first form is "do the dishes."

What is the third form of do the dishes?

The third form, often used in perfect tenses, is "done the dishes."

Is do the dishes an abstract noun?

No, "do the dishes" is a verb phrase, not a noun.

What is the plural form of do the dishes?

The action "do the dishes" doesn't change in plural form; it remains the same.

What is the opposite of do the dishes?

The opposite might be "to dirty the dishes," implying using clean dishes to make them dirty.

Is do the dishes a countable noun?

"Do the dishes" is not a noun; it's a verb phrase, so it's not countable.

What is the verb form of do the dishes?

The verb form is "to do the dishes."

Is the word do the dishes imperative?

"Do the dishes" can be used in the imperative mood as a command, e.g., "Please do the dishes."

Is the word “do the dishes” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

In the phrase "do the dishes," "the dishes" serve as the direct object of the verb "do."

What is the second form of do the dishes?

The second form, implying past action, is "did the dishes."

What is the singular form of do the dishes?

The phrase remains "do the dishes" regardless of number, as it refers to the action, not the quantity of dishes.

Which conjunction is used with do the dishes?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence, e.g., "and," "but," or "or."

What is another term for do the dishes?

Another term is "wash the dishes."

Is do the dishes a noun or adjective?

"Do the dishes" is a verb phrase.

Is do the dishes an adverb?

No, "do the dishes" is not an adverb.

Is do the dishes a collective noun?

No, "do the dishes" is a verb phrase, not a noun.

Is the do the dishes term a metaphor?

"Do the dishes" is not typically used as a metaphor; it directly refers to the action of washing dishes.

Is the word do the dishes Gerund?

When used as a noun, it could be in the gerund form "doing the dishes."

What part of speech is do the dishes?

"Do the dishes" is a verb phrase.

Is do the dishes a negative or positive word?

"Do the dishes" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context and the speaker's attitude toward the chore.

Is do the dishes a vowel or consonant?

The phrase starts with a consonant sound, "d."

Which determiner is used with do the dishes?

The definite article "the" is commonly used, as in "the dishes."

Which vowel is used before do the dishes?

The vowel "e" in "the" is used before "dishes."

Which preposition is used with do the dishes?

Commonly, no preposition is used directly with "do the dishes," but in context, one might say "after dinner."

Which article is used with do the dishes?

The definite article "the" is used, as in "do the dishes."

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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