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Dorky Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
Dorky describes someone or something that is awkward, socially inept, unfashionable, or lacking in social skills, often used in a playful or affectionate manner. e.g., His dorky laugh was endearing to his friends.

Dorky Definitions

Awkward or clumsy in behavior or appearance.
He felt dorky wearing the oversized suit.
Lacking social grace or sophistication.
Her dorky mannerisms made her stand out.
Unfashionable or out of style.
The dorky glasses soon became a trend.
Exhibiting geeky or nerdy qualities.
She had a dorky passion for science.
Quirky in a charming way.
His dorky jokes always lightened the mood.
Socially awkward yet lovable.
His dorky charm won her over.
Unsophisticated or not smooth in social situations.
She had a dorky way of introducing herself.
Not fitting in with mainstream fashion or style.
The dorky theme of the party was a hit.
(Slang) A stupid, inept, or foolish person
"the stupid antics of America's favorite teen-age cartoon dorks" (Joshua Mooney).
Like a dork.
Stupid, socially inept, unfashionable, or ridiculous; - always used disparagingly.
Playfully unsophisticated or uncool.
They embraced their dorky interests.
Clumsily or ineffectively endearing.
His dorky attempt at dancing was adorable.

Dorky Snonyms


Knowledgeable and obsessively interested in something, especially technology.
He wore his geeky T-shirt to the comic book convention.


Lacking grace or ease in movement or manner.
His awkward attempt at dancing made everyone smile.

Socially Awkward

Exhibiting discomfort or ineptitude in social situations.
Her socially awkward pauses made conversations difficult.


Not fashionable or in line with current trends.
The uncool music choice did not impress the teenagers at the party.


Unfashionably enthusiastic about highly technical or esoteric topics.
Her nerdy interest in entomology fascinated her friends.


Lacking in common sense or showing a lack of judgment.
Their silly antics got them into trouble.


Lacking coordination in movement; awkward in action.
His clumsy handling of the vase ended in disaster.


Not conforming to high standards of taste or style.
His unfashionable attire made him stand out from the crowd.


Foolish or harmlessly eccentric.
His goofy sense of humor always lightened the mood.


Old-fashioned; not currently in style or use.
His outdated references confused the younger listeners.

Dorky Idioms & Phrases

Dorky glasses

Eyeglasses that are unfashionable or considered nerdy.
He wore his dorky glasses from childhood, not caring about the latest styles.

Dorky charm

An endearing quality found in someone's awkward or unconventional behavior.
Despite his dorky charm, he was well-liked by everyone in the office.

Dorky demeanor

Behaving in a manner that is socially awkward or not smooth.
His dorky demeanor was off-putting at first, but he was genuinely a nice person.

Dorky laugh

An unusual or awkward laugh that might be considered socially awkward.
Her dorky laugh was infectious, making everyone in the room smile.

Dorky outfit

Clothing that is out of fashion or socially awkward.
She wore her dorky outfit with pride, not caring about the latest trends.

Dorky dance moves

Uncoordinated or awkward dancing often perceived as endearing.
At the party, he won everyone over with his dorky dance moves.

Embrace your dorky side

To accept and take pride in one's quirks or unconventional traits.
He learned to embrace his dorky side and started to wear his favorite comic book T-shirts confidently.

Dorky haircut

A hairstyle that is unfashionable or considered nerdy.
His dorky haircut from the '90s was a topic of friendly jokes among his friends.

Dorky sense of humor

A type of humor that is quirky, nerdy, or not typically mainstream.
His dorky sense of humor was one of his most charming qualities.

Dorky jokes

Humor that is corny, nerdy, or lacking sophistication.
His dorky jokes always made his friends groan and laugh at the same time.

Dorky pastime

A hobby or activity that is considered awkward or unfashionable.
Collecting vintage calculators was his dorky pastime.

Dorky genius

Someone who is extremely intelligent or skilled but socially awkward.
The scientist was a dorky genius, brilliant in her field but clumsy in social settings.

A dorky kind of cool

An unconventional type of coolness that embraces nerdy or awkward traits.
He had a dorky kind of cool that made him stand out in his group of friends.

Dorky interests

Hobbies or activities that are considered nerdy or uncool by mainstream standards.
He had dorky interests like collecting stamps and building model trains.

Dorky but lovable

Despite being socially awkward, still being charming and endearing.
He was dorky but lovable, winning people over with his genuine personality.

Dorky enthusiasm

An intense excitement or eagerness about something that might be considered nerdy.
Her dorky enthusiasm for science fiction movies was infectious.

Rock the dorky look

To confidently wear or exhibit a style that is considered nerdy or uncool.
She managed to rock the dorky look with her vintage video game T-shirt.

Dorky persona

A public image or character that embraces nerdy or awkward attributes.
The comedian was famous for her dorky persona on stage.

Dorky Example Sentences

She wore dorky glasses that were actually cool.
His dorky grin was infectious.
He felt dorky trying to dance at the party.
They made dorky videos together and had fun.
He had a dorky way of explaining things.
The dorky T-shirt became his favorite.
He wore a dorky hat that made everyone smile.
Her dorky enthusiasm for math was admirable.
Her dorky sense of humor was unique.
His dorky laugh was loud and contagious.
He embraced his dorky personality at school.
Her dorky dance moves were the highlight of the evening.
She collected dorky souvenirs from every place she visited.
They found his dorky habits endearing.
She told dorky jokes that somehow were hilarious.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in dorky?

There are two syllables in "dorky."

Why is it called dorky?

"Dorky" is called so because it's derived from the word "dork," a slang term for someone who is socially awkward or not fashionable, often in a quaint or endearing way.

What is the pronunciation of dorky?

Dorky is pronounced as /ˈdɔː

What is a stressed syllable in dorky?

The stressed syllable in "dorky" is the first one: dork-.

What is the verb form of dorky?

"Dorky" is an adjective; it does not have a verb form.

What is the root word of dorky?

The root word of "dorky" is "dork."

What is another term for dorky?

Another term for "dorky" is "nerdy" or "awkward."

How do we divide dorky into syllables?

"Dorky" is divided into syllables as "dork-y."

How is dorky used in a sentence?

Example: "He wore a dorky hat that made everyone laugh."

Is dorky a noun or adjective?

"Dorky" is an adjective.

Is dorky an adverb?

No, "dorky" is not an adverb.

Is the word dorky imperative?

No, "dorky" is an adjective and cannot be imperative.

Which determiner is used with dorky?

Determiners like "a," "the," or "that" can be used with "dorky."

Which vowel is used before dorky?

The use of a vowel before "dorky" depends on the context and the preceding word.

Is dorky a vowel or consonant?

"Dorky" is a word, not a single vowel or consonant.

Is dorky a countable noun?

"Dorky" is an adjective, not a noun, so it is neither countable nor uncountable.

What is the plural form of dorky?

"Dorky" remains the same in plural form, as it is an adjective.

Which preposition is used with dorky?

Prepositions like "in," "with," or "of" can be used with "dorky."

What is the singular form of dorky?

"Dorky" remains the same in singular form.

What is the opposite of dorky?

The opposite of "dorky" might be "cool" or "stylish."

Is the dorky term a metaphor?

"Dorky" can be used metaphorically in some contexts.

Which article is used with dorky?

The articles "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "dorky," depending on the context.

What part of speech is dorky?

"Dorky" is an adjective.

Is dorky an abstract noun?

"Dorky" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is dorky a negative or positive word?

"Dorky" is often used in a light-hearted, mildly negative way but can be endearing depending on the context.

Is dorky a collective noun?

No, "dorky" is not a collective noun.

Is the word dorky Gerund?

No, "dorky" is an adjective and not a gerund.

Is the word “dorky” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Dorky" as an adjective is neither a direct object nor an indirect object.

Which conjunction is used with dorky?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "dorky."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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