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Entrust Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Maham Liaqat — Published on March 8, 2024
Entrust means to give someone the responsibility of doing something or caring for someone or something. e.g., She was entrusted with the company's financial records.

Entrust Definitions

To assign the responsibility for doing something to someone.
He entrusted the task of organizing the event to his assistant.
To confer a trust upon; to deliver something in trust to.
The community entrusted him with the key to the city hall.
To charge someone with a duty or responsibility.
The teacher entrusted the students with the responsibility of keeping the classroom clean.
To place something in someone's care for safekeeping.
They entrusted their family heirlooms to the museum.
To rely on someone to perform a task or duty faithfully.
They entrusted the babysitter with their children's safety.
To make someone responsible for doing something important.
The principal entrusted the organization of the school play to the drama teacher.
To imbue someone with the confidence to handle something.
Her mentor entrusted her with complex tasks to boost her confidence.
To give over (something) to another for care, protection, or performance.
He entrusted the letter to his friend to mail.
To endow someone with a particular responsibility or duty.
The captain entrusted the navigation of the ship to his first mate.
To commit (something) to the care of someone as a trustee or agent.
She entrusted her investments to a reputable financial advisor.
To give over (something) to another for care, protection, or performance
"He still has the aura of the priest to whom you would entrust your darkest secrets" (James Carroll).
To give as a trust to (someone)
Entrusted his aides with the task.
(transitive) To trust to the care of.
Can I entrust you with a secret?
He entrusted me his daughter.
He entrusts that task to her.
See Intrust.
Confer a trust upon;
The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret
I commit my soul to God
Put into the care or protection of someone;
He left the decision to his deputy
Leave your child the nurse's care

Entrust Snonyms


To give someone a task, duty, or responsibility.
The teacher charged her with leading the project.


To entrust something to someone else for care or safekeeping.
She committed her secret to her best friend.


To trust (someone) enough to tell them of a secret or private matter.
She confided her fears to her mother.


To give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
The document empowers the agent to make decisions on the client's behalf.


To deliver something to a person's custody, typically in order for it to be sold.
He consigned the paintings to the gallery for the exhibition.


To entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.
He delegated the task to his assistant.


To allocate a job or duty.
The editor assigned the article to a freelance writer.


To assign the responsibility for doing something to (someone).
I will intrust you with the key to the archive.


To confer or bestow (power, authority, property, etc.) on someone.
Authority is vested in the committee.


To formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or to formally ask for a special piece of work from someone.
She was commissioned to paint the queen's portrait.

Entrust Idioms & Phrases

Entrust something to someone's care

To give something to someone to look after or manage.
The rare books were entrusted to the librarian's care.

Entrust one's life to someone

To depend on someone for one's safety or well-being.
In that critical moment, he had to entrust his life to the rescue team.

Entrust one's faith in someone

To believe in someone's ability or reliability.
She entrusted her faith in the new team leader.

Entrust someone with a secret

To confide in someone to keep a secret.
She entrusted her friend with a secret, hoping it would be safe.

Entrust someone with a task

To give someone a particular job or duty to carry out.
The manager entrusted her with a task of great importance.

Entrust one's future to someone

To rely on someone to guide or shape one's future.
Young apprentices entrust their future to their mentors.

Entrust someone with responsibility

To give someone a duty to perform.
The community entrusted the new mayor with the responsibility of improvement.

Entrust someone with a decision

To allow someone to make an important decision.
The board entrusted the CEO with the final decision.

Entrust someone with a legacy

To leave someone in charge of maintaining one's legacy.
The founder entrusted the company's legacy to his successors.

Entrust someone with one's heart

To give someone one's love or affection fully.
He entrusted her with his heart, believing in their love.

Entrust someone with a mission

To assign someone a specific, important task.
The agency entrusted him with a covert mission.

Entrust to memory

To memorize something; to commit to memory.
The poem was so beautiful that she entrusted it to memory.

Entrust someone with a message

To give someone a message to deliver.
He entrusted the courier with a confidential message.

Entrust someone with leadership

To give someone the role of leader.
The team entrusted her with leadership due to her expertise.

Entrust someone with one's wishes

To tell someone one's desires, trusting they will honor them.
She entrusted her lawyer with her final wishes.

Entrust someone with a duty

To give someone a specific obligation to fulfill.
The community entrusted him with the duty of organizing the event.

Entrust someone with one's care

To depend on someone for personal care or support.
The patient entrusted her daily care to the nurse.

Entrust one's hopes to someone

To depend on someone to fulfill one's hopes.
The team entrusted their hopes to the new coach.

Entrust someone with an investment

To give someone money to invest on one's behalf.
Investors entrusted the fund manager with their investments.

Entrust someone with a role

To assign someone a specific role or position.
The director entrusted the lead role to an unknown actor.

Entrust Example Sentences

Parents often entrust their children's education to reputable schools.
Parents often entrust teachers with their children's education.
The CEO decided to entrust the new project to a team of young innovators.
The community chose to entrust the organization of the annual fair to a local committee.
The author chose to entrust the publication of her novel to a well-known publishing house.
The farmer chose to entrust the management of his farm to his eldest son.
She decided to entrust her financial savings to a trusted advisor.
The secret agent had to entrust the confidential documents to his partner.
The scientist decided to entrust the research project to a team of dedicated students.
He had to entrust the care of his pets to his neighbor while he was away.
She chose to entrust the planning of her wedding to a professional planner.
The director chose to entrust the leading role of the play to a promising young actor.
The artist decided to entrust the gallery with the exhibition of his latest collection.
The king decided to entrust the defense of the realm to his most loyal knight.
The business owner chose to entrust the daily operations of her shop to her assistant.
The inventor decided to entrust the patenting of his new invention to a specialized lawyer.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called entrust?

It is called "entrust" because it combines "en-", a prefix meaning to cause to be in a particular condition, with "trust", reflecting the act of placing confidence in someone or something.

How do we divide entrust into syllables?

Entrust is divided into syllables as en-trust.

What is the pronunciation of entrust?

Entrust is pronounced as /ɛnˈtrʌst/.

How is entrust used in a sentence?

Entrust is used to indicate the act of giving someone the responsibility of taking care of something or someone. e.g., Parents entrust their children's safety to the school.

What is the second form of entrust?

The second form of "entrust" is "entrusted."

What is a stressed syllable in entrust?

The stressed syllable in "entrust" is the second syllable: trust.

What is the root word of entrust?

The root word of "entrust" is "trust," with the prefix "en-" added to it.

What is the first form of entrust?

The first form of "entrust" is "entrust."

What is the singular form of entrust?

"Entrust" does not have a singular or plural form as it is a verb; its form depends on the tense and subject it is used with.

How many syllables are in entrust?

Entrust has two syllables.

Is entrust an adverb?

No, "entrust" is not an adverb; it is a verb.

What is the verb form of entrust?

The verb form of "entrust" is "entrust," as in to entrust someone with something.

What is the opposite of entrust?

The opposite of "entrust" could be "withhold" or "retract."

What is the third form of entrust?

The third form of "entrust" is also "entrusted."

Which determiner is used with entrust?

Determiners such as "the," "a," "her," "his," "their" can be used with "entrust," depending on the subject and object in the sentence.

Which vowel is used before entrust?

The vowel used before "entrust" can vary depending on the context and preceding word. There's no specific rule.

What part of speech is entrust?

"Entrust" is a verb.

What is the plural form of entrust?

"Entrust" as a verb does not have a plural form. Its use changes with the subject and tense.

Is the word “entrust” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Entrust" is a verb, so it does not serve as a direct or indirect object. However, it can take both in a sentence, e.g., "She entrusted him (indirect object) with the documents (direct object)."

Which preposition is used with entrust?

The preposition "with" is commonly used with "entrust," as in "entrusted with."

Which article is used with entrust?

As "entrust" is a verb, articles are not directly used with it, but with its object, e.g., "the," "a."

What is another term for entrust?

Another term for "entrust" is "confide."

Is entrust a noun or adjective?

"Entrust" is a verb, not a noun or adjective.

Is entrust a negative or positive word?

"Entrust" is generally considered a neutral word, but it can have a positive connotation when it implies trust and confidence.

Is entrust a vowel or consonant?

The word "entrust" starts with a vowel sound (/ɛ/).

Is entrust a countable noun?

"Entrust" is not a noun; it is a verb and therefore is not countable.

Is the entrust term a metaphor?

"Entrust" can be used metaphorically to signify placing trust or responsibility in someone or something.

Is the word entrust a Gerund?

"Entrusting" would be the gerund form of "entrust."

Which conjunction is used with entrust?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "because" can be used with "entrust," depending on the sentence structure.

Is entrust an abstract noun?

"Entrust" is a verb, so it is not considered an abstract noun.

Is entrust a collective noun?

"Entrust" is not a noun, so it cannot be a collective noun.

Is the word entrust imperative?

"Entrust" can be used in the imperative mood, as in giving a command or instruction.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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