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Exorbitant Definition and Meaning

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Exorbitant means excessively high in price or amount, unreasonable. e.g., The shop charged exorbitant prices for basic necessities during the storm.

Exorbitant Definitions

Unreasonable Charges: Charges that are much higher than what is fair or just.
The exorbitant late fees discouraged patrons from borrowing library books.
Excessive Costs: Costs that far exceed what is reasonable or appropriate.
The project was canceled due to its exorbitant costs.
Unjustifiable Rates: Rates that cannot be justified by the quality or nature of the service.
The hotel's exorbitant rates did not match its mediocre service.
Inflated Prices: Prices that are increased to an unreasonable level.
After the hurricane, some stores were accused of charging exorbitant prices for water and food.
Excessive Interest Rates: Interest rates that are significantly higher than the norm.
The loan's exorbitant interest rate made it nearly impossible to pay off.
Overpriced Goods: Charging unreasonably high prices for products or services.
The boutique's exorbitant prices deterred budget-conscious shoppers.
Sky-High Fees: Fees that are significantly higher than normal or expected.
The university faced criticism for its exorbitant tuition fees.
Excessive Demands: Demands that are much too high and not reasonable.
The celebrity's exorbitant demands made the event planning difficult.
Going beyond what is reasonable or customary, especially in cost or price
Exorbitant rent.
Exorbitant telephone bills.
Exceeding proper limits; excessive or unduly high; extravagant.
It’s a nice car, but they are charging an exorbitant price for it.
You also have to pay exorbitant interest if you have credit card debt.
Departing from an orbit or usual track; hence, deviating from the usual or due course; going beyond the appointed rules or established limits of right or propriety; excessive; extravagant; enormous; inordinate; as, exorbitant appetites and passions; exorbitant charges, demands, or claims.
Foul exorbitant desires.
Not comprehended in a settled rule or method; anomalous.
The Jews . . . [were] inured with causes exorbitant, and such as their laws had not provided for.
Greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation;
Exorbitant rent
Extortionate prices
Spends an outrageous amount on entertainment
Usorious interest rate
Unconscionable spending
Outrageous Costs: Costs that provoke outrage because they are so high.
The exorbitant cost of medical care in the country is a major concern.
Financial Extortion: Prices or fees that seem like financial extortion due to their high amounts.
The mechanic's exorbitant quote for the repair work felt like financial extortion.

Exorbitant Snonyms


More than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate.
The fees are excessive and need to be reduced.


(Of a price or demand) not reasonable; too high.
The steep price of the ticket made her reconsider attending the concert.


Shockingly bad or excessive.
The outrageous demand left everyone in shock.


Unusually or disproportionately large; excessive.
She spent an inordinate amount of time on the project.


Too costly for the value.
The merchandise is overpriced for such quality.


(Of a price or charge) excessively high; preventing people from buying or doing something.
The cost of housing in the city is prohibitive for many.


Extremely high or large.
The astronomical rent forced them to move.


Extremely high.
The sky-high prices at the boutique deterred budget-conscious shoppers.


Costing a lot of money.
The repair costs were unexpectedly expensive.


Not guided by or based on good sense.
The unreasonable price discouraged potential buyers.

Exorbitant Idioms & Phrases

Exorbitant ambition

Ambition that is so extreme it might be considered unreasonable.
His exorbitant ambition led him to overextend his company financially.

Exorbitant prices to pay

A situation where the cost of something is much higher than reasonable or fair.
The exorbitant prices to pay for concert tickets these days are keeping many fans at home.

Exorbitant rates

Charges or fees that are excessively high and beyond what is considered reasonable.
The hotel charges exorbitant rates during the peak season, much to the dismay of budget travelers.

Exorbitant demands

Requests or demands that are much too high compared to what is normal or reasonable.
The union was criticized for its exorbitant demands during the negotiations.

Exorbitant overheads

Excessively high operating costs.
The exorbitant overheads of running the boutique made it difficult to turn a profit.

Exorbitant leap

A significant and excessively large increase.
There's been an exorbitant leap in the cost of living in the city.

Exorbitant expectations

Expectations that are unreasonably high.
The investors had exorbitant expectations for the startup, demanding double-digit growth month over month.

Exorbitant appetite

An excessive desire or demand for something.
The billionaire's exorbitant appetite for art led to the creation of one of the most significant private collections.

Exorbitant fee

A fee that is much higher than is customary or reasonable.
The exorbitant fee for baggage on flights has become a major complaint among travelers.

Exorbitant interest

Interest rates that are much higher than what is considered fair or reasonable.
Payday loans often come with exorbitant interest, trapping people in a cycle of debt.

Exorbitant sum

A sum of money that is excessively high.
He was asked to pay an exorbitant sum for a simple car repair.

Exorbitant spending

Spending money in an excessively high or unreasonable manner.
The government's exorbitant spending on defense was a contentious issue during the elections.

Exorbitant toll

A metaphorical or literal high cost or sacrifice.
The exorbitant toll of pursuing medical school left her in significant debt.

Exorbitant lifestyle

Living in a way that involves spending more money than is wise or reasonable.
Despite his exorbitant lifestyle, he eventually faced financial ruin.

Exorbitant cost of living

The high expenses associated with daily living in a certain area.
The exorbitant cost of living in the city is pushing residents to move to more affordable areas.

Exorbitant price tag

The high price attached to an item, suggesting it is overpriced.
The exorbitant price tag on the designer dress made her question its true value.

Exorbitant luxury

Luxury that goes beyond the bounds of what is considered normal or necessary.
The movie star's mansion was a testament to exorbitant luxury, complete with a private cinema and helicopter pad.

Exorbitant penalty

A penalty that is much higher than what seems just or fair.
The exorbitant penalty for a late payment on the bill was criticized as predatory.

Exorbitant claims

Claims that are excessively high and often not justifiable.
The product advertised exorbitant claims about its effectiveness that could not be substantiated.

Exorbitant reach

Striving or extending far beyond what is reasonable or achievable.
The small company's exorbitant reach to compete with industry giants was admired by some and questioned by others.

Exorbitant Example Sentences

Many tourists find the prices in the city exorbitant.
She complained about the exorbitant cost of textbooks.
The concert tickets were sold at exorbitant prices.
The exorbitant insurance rates discouraged young drivers.
The family refused to pay the exorbitant asking price for the house.
Their exorbitant spending habits eventually led to financial trouble.
The exorbitant price tag on the luxury car turned many buyers away.
Paying exorbitant rent made it hard to save money.
They argued that the fines were exorbitant for such minor infractions.
The exorbitant price of the meal was not justified by its quality.
Parents were upset about the exorbitant fees for school activities.
They were shocked by the exorbitant bill for the simple repair.
Finding an apartment without exorbitant utility charges was challenging.
The exorbitant price of the designer dress made her hesitate.
Despite its exorbitant cost, the exclusive resort was fully booked.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide exorbitant into syllables?

Exorbitant is divided into syllables as follows: ex-or-bi-tant.

How many syllables are in exorbitant?

There are four syllables in exorbitant.

How is exorbitant used in a sentence?

The exorbitant price of the concert tickets discouraged many fans from attending.

What is another term for exorbitant?

Another term for exorbitant is "excessive."

Why is it called exorbitant?

It is called exorbitant because it describes something that is excessively high or unreasonable, typically in terms of price or amount.

What is a stressed syllable in exorbitant?

The stressed syllable in exorbitant is the second syllable: "or."

What is the verb form of exorbitant?

Exorbitant does not have a verb form; it is an adjective.

What is the pronunciation of exorbitant?

Exorbitant is pronounced as /ɪɡˈzɔːrbɪtənt/.

What part of speech is exorbitant?

Exorbitant is an adjective.

What is the root word of exorbitant?

The root word is "orbit," from the Latin "orbita," meaning "wheel track" or "course."

Is exorbitant an abstract noun?

No, exorbitant is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Is exorbitant a countable noun?

Exorbitant is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Is the exorbitant term a metaphor?

Exorbitant is not typically used as a metaphor; it is used to describe something that is excessively high.

Is the word “exorbitant” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Exorbitant is neither a direct object nor an indirect object; it is an adjective.

Which determiner is used with exorbitant?

Determiners such as "an," "the," or "this" can be used with exorbitant (e.g., "an exorbitant price").

What is the opposite of exorbitant?

The opposite of exorbitant is "reasonable" or "moderate."

Is exorbitant a noun or adjective?

Exorbitant is an adjective.

What is the singular form of exorbitant?

The singular form is "exorbitant."

Is exorbitant a negative or positive word?

Exorbitant is generally considered a negative word as it implies something is unreasonably high or excessive.

Is exorbitant a collective noun?

No, exorbitant is not a collective noun.

Is the word exorbitant Gerund?

No, exorbitant is not a gerund; it is an adjective.

Which article is used with exorbitant?

Articles such as "an" or "the" can be used with exorbitant (e.g., "an exorbitant fee").

What is the plural form of exorbitant?

Exorbitant does not have a plural form as it is an adjective.

Is exorbitant an adverb?

No, exorbitant is not an adverb.

Is exorbitant a vowel or consonant?

The first letter of exorbitant, "e," is a vowel.

Is the word exorbitant imperative?

No, exorbitant is not an imperative form; it is an adjective.

Which vowel is used before exorbitant?

There is no specific rule for using a vowel before exorbitant. It depends on the context of the sentence.

Which preposition is used with exorbitant?

Prepositions such as "of" or "for" can be used with exorbitant (e.g., "exorbitant prices of houses").

Which conjunction is used with exorbitant?

Conjunctions such as "and" or "but" can be used with exorbitant, depending on the context.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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