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Felicitate Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Felicitate" means to congratulate or express good wishes to someone on a happy occasion or for a notable achievement. e.g., The team gathered to felicitate their coach on the victory.

Felicitate Definitions

Felicitate describes the act of acknowledging a significant milestone.
The company felicitated its employees on its 10th anniversary.
Felicitate means to offer congratulations or best wishes.
They held a party to felicitate the newlyweds.
Felicitate involves giving public acknowledgment of someone's achievements.
Artists were felicitated at the cultural festival.
Felicitate refers to expressing joy or approval for an achievement.
The principal felicitated the top students at the assembly.
Felicitate denotes offering formal congratulations in a ceremony.
The winners were felicitated at the annual awards night.
Felicitate pertains to celebrating someone's accomplishments.
The community came together to felicitate the retiring teacher.
Felicitate is used when expressing praise for a noteworthy deed.
The volunteers were felicitated for their selfless service.
Felicitate can mean to give good wishes on a special occasion.
The ambassador felicitated the leaders during the independence celebrations.
Felicitate can refer to expressing happiness for someone's fortune or success.
The entire town gathered to felicitate the Olympic medalist.
To offer congratulations to
"I felicitate you on your memory, sir" (John Fowles).
(Archaic) To make happy.
(transitive) To congratulate.
(archaic) Made very happy.
Made very happy.
I am alone felicitateIn your dear highness' love.
To make very happy; to delight.
What a glorious entertainment and pleasure would fill and felicitate his spirit.
To express joy or pleasure to; to wish felicity to; to call or consider (one's self) happy; to congratulate.
Every true heart must felicitate itself that its lot is cast in this kingdom.
Express congratulations
Felicitate can mean to formally acknowledge someone's success.
The mayor felicitated the local sports team for their championship win.

Felicitate Snonyms


To praise formally or officially.
He was commended for his bravery.


To show approval or praise by clapping.
The audience applauded the performers enthusiastically.


To acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.
They celebrated their anniversary with a dinner.


To express warm approval or admiration of.
The teacher praised the students for their hard work.


To praise enthusiastically and publicly.
The novel received critical acclaim.


To praise enthusiastically.
Critics extolled the virtues of the new film.


To express pleasure to (someone), typically to someone who has achieved something.
They congratulated her on her graduation.


To recognize the importance or quality of.
The company acknowledged his years of service with a gift.


To regard with great respect.
They honored their parents by following their teachings.


To express admiration for or recognition of; to honor publicly.
The soldiers saluted the fallen heroes.

Felicitate Idioms & Phrases

A moment to felicitate

An appropriate time to celebrate success or congratulate someone.
Winning the championship was certainly a moment to felicitate.

Felicitate with open arms

To welcome or celebrate someone's achievement enthusiastically.
The community felicitated the returning athletes with open arms.

Felicitate in unison

To join together as a group in congratulating someone or celebrating.
The whole family felicitated in unison at the wedding anniversary.

A cause to felicitate

A good reason to celebrate or offer congratulations.
The successful mission was indeed a cause to felicitate.

Felicitate in silence

To acknowledge and celebrate an achievement in a quiet, respectful manner.
They chose to felicitate the heroic act in silence, honoring its solemnity.

Felicitate with words and deeds

To congratulate someone not just verbally but also through actions.
The company decided to felicitate its top employees with words and deeds, including bonuses.

To felicitate with grandeur

To celebrate someone's success or achievement in a very lavish or grand way.
The award ceremony felicitated the winners with grandeur.

Felicitate the journey, not just the destination

To celebrate the entire process or experience, not just the final achievement.
The coach emphasized the need to felicitate the journey, not just the destination.

Felicitate from the heart

To offer sincere and heartfelt congratulations.
His words to felicitate the newlyweds were from the heart.

To felicitate wholeheartedly

To offer congratulations or celebrate without any reservations.
The team felicitated their coach's retirement wholeheartedly.

Felicitate across borders

To celebrate or congratulate someone irrespective of geographical boundaries.
The achievement was significant enough to felicitate across borders.

To felicitate in kind

To offer congratulations or celebrate in a manner similar to the achievement.
They decided to felicitate the author's literary success in kind, with a special reading.

Felicitate each step

To celebrate or acknowledge every small achievement.
As a mentor, she made it a point to felicitate each step her mentees took.

Felicitate at every milestone

To celebrate or congratulate someone at every significant point of their journey.
The company makes it a policy to felicitate employees at every milestone.

Felicitate with sincerity

To congratulate someone genuinely and earnestly.
Her gesture to felicitate her competitor was done with sincerity.

Felicitate behind closed doors

To celebrate or acknowledge someone's achievements in a private setting.
The team decided to felicitate their leader behind closed doors.

The hour to felicitate

The appropriate or designated time to celebrate or congratulate.
As he accepted his diploma, it was truly his hour to felicitate.

Ready to felicitate

Being prepared and eager to celebrate achievements or offer congratulations.
As the results were announced, they were ready to felicitate.

Felicitate Example Sentences

They gathered to felicitate their friend on her book launch.
The school organized a function to felicitate the winning debate team.
The students made a card to felicitate their coach.
Everyone was excited to felicitate the champion swimmer.
The mayor planned a ceremony to felicitate the city's heroes.
Family members came from far to felicitate her on her graduation.
The community decided to felicitate the young inventor.
The athletes were felicitated at the school assembly.
The teachers came together to felicitate the principal on his retirement.
The organization held a gala to felicitate its generous donors.
The artists were felicitated with awards for their exceptional work.
The village gathered to felicitate the local team's success.
The company felicitated employees for their years of service.
They arranged a special dinner to felicitate the guest speaker.
The club president felicitated members for their dedication.

Common Curiosities

How is felicitate used in a sentence?

Example: "The team was felicitated for their outstanding performance in the championship."

What is a stressed syllable in felicitate?

The third syllable, "ci," is the stressed syllable in "felicitate."

What is the pronunciation of felicitate?

Felicitate is pronounced as /fɪˈlɪsɪteɪt/.

What is the root word of felicitate?

The root word of "felicitate" is "felix," which is Latin for "happy."

Why is it called felicitate?

It is called "felicitate" from the Latin "felicitare," meaning to make happy, as it refers to the act of congratulating or expressing happiness for someone's success or good fortune.

How do we divide felicitate into syllables?

"Felicitate" is divided into syllables as fe-li-ci-tate.

What is the verb form of felicitate?

"Felicitate" itself is a verb form.

What is the third form of felicitate?

The third form of "felicitate" is also "felicitated."

What is another term for felicitate?

Another term for "felicitate" is "congratulate."

How many syllables are in felicitate?

There are four syllables in "felicitate."

What is the plural form of felicitate?

"Felicitate" does not have a plural form as it is a verb.

Is felicitate an abstract noun?

No, "felicitate" is a verb, not a noun.

What part of speech is felicitate?

"Felicitate" is a verb.

Is felicitate a countable noun?

"Felicitate" is not a noun; it's a verb, so it is not countable.

Is the felicitate term a metaphor?

"Felicitate" can be used metaphorically in some contexts but is generally used in a literal sense.

What is the first form of felicitate?

The first form of "felicitate" is "felicitate."

What is the singular form of felicitate?

"Felicitate" itself is the singular form as it is a verb.

Is felicitate a negative or positive word?

"Felicitate" is a positive word.

Is the word “felicitate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Felicitate" is a verb and thus can neither be a direct nor an indirect object.

Which determiner is used with felicitate?

As a verb, "felicitate" typically doesn't use a determiner.

What is the second form of felicitate?

The second form of "felicitate" is "felicitated."

Is felicitate an adverb?

No, "felicitate" is not an adverb.

Which conjunction is used with felicitate?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "felicitate," depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with felicitate?

As a verb, "felicitate" does not typically require an article.

What is the opposite of felicitate?

The opposite of "felicitate" could be "condemn" or "criticize."

Is felicitate a noun or adjective?

"Felicitate" is a verb.

Is felicitate a vowel or consonant?

"Felicitate" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with a consonant.

Is felicitate a collective noun?

No, "felicitate" is not a collective noun.

Is the word felicitate is imperative?

"Felicitate" can be used in the imperative form in commands or requests.

Is the word felicitate Gerund?

The gerund form of "felicitate" is "felicitating."

Which vowel is used before felicitate?

The choice of vowel before "felicitate" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

Which preposition is used with felicitate?

Prepositions like "on" or "for" can be used with "felicitate," depending on the context.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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