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Fierce Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Published on March 6, 2024
Fierce means showing intense aggression or force. e.g., The fierce lion roared in the jungle.

Fierce Definitions

Extremely severe or violent.
The storm was fierce, with strong winds and heavy rain.
Exhibiting extreme fierceness or unbridled energy.
The dancers performed with fierce energy.
Marked by extreme intensity or passion.
She had a fierce dedication to her work.
Having a powerful, intense, or ferocious appearance.
His fierce expression made everyone step back.
Characterized by a strong and powerful nature.
The fierce competition left no room for errors.
Showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity of emotion.
Their fierce love for each other was undeniable.
Having an intense or fiery temperament.
Her fierce temper was known to all her colleagues.
Used to describe something impressively strong or intense.
He admired her fierce intellect and wit.
Denoting something very difficult or challenging.
The exam was fierce, testing every bit of their knowledge.
Hostile and violent, especially by nature or temperament; ferocious
The Huns were fierce warriors.
Characterized by or showing hostility
Gave us a fierce look.
Extremely powerful or destructive
A fierce storm.
A fierce flood.
Intense in activity or feeling; vigorous or ardent
A fierce debate.
Fierce loyalty.
Exceedingly violent, severe, ferocious, cruel or savage.
A fierce storm battered the coast.
I felt a fierce loyalty to my family.
Resolute or strenuously active.
We made a fierce attempt to escape.
Threatening in appearance or demeanor.
The lion gave a fierce roar.
Excellent, very good.
Q: "How was the party last night?" A: "Fierce!"
Of exceptional quality, exhibiting boldness or chutzpah.
Tyra said to strike a pose and make it fierce.
Extremely; very.
It was fierce cold last night.
Furious; violent; unrestrained; impetuous; as, a fierce wind.
His fierce thunder drove us to the deep.
Vehement in anger or cruelty; ready or eager to kill or injure; of a nature to inspire terror; ferocious.
The fierce foe hung upon our broken rear.
Thou huntest me as a fierce lion.
Excessively earnest, eager, or ardent.
Marked by extreme and violent energy;
A ferocious beating
Fierce fighting
A furious battle
Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid;
Fierce loyalty
In a tearing rage
Vehement dislike
Violent passions
Ruthless in competition;
Cutthroat competition
Bowelless readiness to take advantage
Violently agitated and turbulent;
Boisterous winds and waves
The fierce thunders roar me their music
Rough weather
Rough seas

Fierce Snonyms


Ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
He took an aggressive stance in negotiations.


Savagely fierce, cruel, or violent.
The storm was ferocious.


Showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
She was vehement in her opposition to the plan.


Of extreme force, degree, or strength.
The competition was intense.


(Of an animal or plant) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated. Also, uncontrolled or unrestrained.
The wilderness is home to many wild species.


(Of an animal or force of nature) fierce, violent, and uncontrolled.
The landscape was shaped by the savage winds.


Deliberately cruel or violent.
A vicious attack on the innocent bystander.


Unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.
The desert is known for its harsh climate.


Extremely angry; full of rage or energy.
She was furious at the betrayal.


Savagely violent; punishingly hard or uncomfortable.
The match was brutal and left both players exhausted.

Fierce Idioms & Phrases

Fierce as a tiger

Extremely aggressive or ferocious.
He defended his team's project fiercely as a tiger.

Fierce loyalty

Intense and unwavering commitment.
Her fierce loyalty to her family was commendable.

Fierce reputation

Known for being intense or formidable.
The company had a fierce reputation in the industry for innovation.

Fierce independence

Strong desire and ability to be self-sufficient.
Her fierce independence led her to travel the world alone.

Fierce critic

Someone known for harsh or intense criticism.
The director was known to be a fierce critic of lazy performances.

Fierce determination

Intense resolve or willpower.
With fierce determination, she overcame all obstacles.

Fierce advocate

Someone who supports a cause with intense passion.
He became a fierce advocate for environmental conservation.

Fierce competition

Very intense and aggressive rivalry.
The fierce competition in the market drove prices down.

Fierce opposition

Strong and determined resistance.
The policy faced fierce opposition from various groups.

Fierce encounter

A very intense and possibly violent meeting or confrontation.
The police had a fierce encounter with the suspects.

Fierce resistance

Strong opposition or refusal to yield.
The invaders met with fierce resistance from the locals.

Fierce debate

A very intense and passionate argument.
The topic sparked a fierce debate among the panelists.

Fierce glare

A very intense and angry look.
The teacher's fierce glare silenced the noisy classroom.

Fierce pride

Intense sense of self-respect or satisfaction.
The community took fierce pride in their local traditions.

Fierce protector

Someone who defends something or someone with great intensity.
The older sibling was a fierce protector of the younger ones.

Fierce loyalty to the cause

Deep commitment to a particular mission or goal.
Her fierce loyalty to the cause inspired many to join.

Fierce winds

Extremely strong and powerful winds.
The fierce winds uprooted trees and damaged homes.

Fierce ambition

A strong and relentless desire to achieve something.
His fierce ambition drove him to the top of his profession.

Fierce struggle

Intense and difficult conflict or effort.
The fierce struggle for freedom lasted many years.

Fierce passion

An intense and powerful enthusiasm or love for something.
She pursued her interests with fierce passion.

Fierce Example Sentences

Her fierce determination was visible in her eyes.
The fierce wind rattled the windows throughout the night.
The fierce storm caused widespread damage in the area.
The fierce debate lasted for hours without a clear winner.
His fierce loyalty to his friends was admirable.
The fierce criticism did not deter her from pursuing her dreams.
The fierce fire consumed the entire forest.
The team played with fierce intensity to win the championship.
They faced fierce resistance from the local population.
The wilderness is known for its fierce animals.
The fierce battle was fought with great courage.
Her fierce passion for art led her to become a renowned painter.
The fierce glare from the sun made it hard to see.
The fierce competition among students raised the academic standards.
The fierce waves crashed against the shore relentlessly.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in fierce?

Fierce has one syllable.

What is the verb form of fierce?

Fierce does not have a verb form; it is an adjective.

What is the root word of fierce?

The root word of fierce is the Latin "ferus," meaning wild or untamed.

Why is it called fierce?

Fierce derives from the Latin word "ferus," meaning wild or untamed, reflecting its connotations of intensity and aggressiveness.

How do we divide fierce into syllables?

Fierce is a single-syllable word and is not divided.

How is fierce used in a sentence?

Fierce can describe intense aggression or passion, e.g., The athlete's fierce determination led to her victory.

What is the pronunciation of fierce?

Fierce is pronounced as /fɪərs/.

What is a stressed syllable in fierce?

The entire word fierce is stressed, as it contains only one syllable.

What part of speech is fierce?

Fierce is an adjective.

What is the opposite of fierce?

The opposite of fierce could be "gentle" or "mild."

Is fierce a negative or positive word?

Fierce can be either negative or positive depending on the context.

Is fierce a noun or adjective?

Fierce is an adjective.

Is fierce an adverb?

No, fierce is not an adverb.

Is fierce an abstract noun?

Fierce is not a noun; it is an adjective and therefore cannot be an abstract noun.

Is fierce a vowel or consonant?

The word "fierce" starts with a consonant.

Is fierce a countable noun?

Fierce is not a noun; it is an adjective and therefore not countable.

Is the fierce term a metaphor?

Fierce can be used metaphorically to describe intense non-physical traits, like competition or passion.

Which determiner is used with fierce?

Determiners like "a," "the," and possessive pronouns can be used with fierce when it modifies a noun.

Which conjunction is used with fierce?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used with fierce when connecting phrases or clauses.

Is the word fierce a Gerund?

No, fierce is an adjective and cannot be a gerund.

Which vowel is used before fierce?

The vowel "i" is used within fierce, but as an adjective, it can follow any vowel sound depending on the word it modifies.

Which preposition is used with fierce?

Prepositions such as "with," "in," or "of" can be used with fierce, e.g., "fierce in battle."

What is another term for fierce?

Another term for fierce is "intense" or "ferocious."

What is the singular form of fierce?

Fierce is an adjective and does not have a singular or plural form.

What is the plural form of fierce?

As an adjective, fierce does not have a plural form.

Is fierce a collective noun?

No, fierce is an adjective, not a noun.

Is the word fierce imperative?

As an adjective, fierce is not used in the imperative mood.

Is the word “fierce” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Fierce, being an adjective, cannot serve as a direct or indirect object.

Which article is used with fierce?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with fierce when it modifies a noun, depending on the context.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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