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Flaky Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Flaky" describes something that is breaking or peeling off in thin layers, or it can refer to someone who is unreliable or eccentric. e.g., The old paint was flaky and chipping off.

Flaky Definitions

Flaky means easily breaking into small, thin pieces.
The pastry was deliciously flaky.
Flaky can mean inconsistently present or engaged.
His flaky attendance affected his grades.
Flaky is used for skin that is dry and peeling.
In winter, my skin becomes dry and flaky.
Flaky denotes having an unusual or unconventional manner.
Her flaky ideas always surprised us.
Flaky involves being prone to flaking.
The old mural was flaky and fading.
Flaky refers to being unreliable in one's behavior.
He's too flaky to depend on for important tasks.
Flaky describes an object that is covered in flakes.
The flaky croissant was covered in almonds.
Flaky can describe something that peels off in flakes.
The flaky bark of the tree was unique.
Flaky pertains to someone who is unpredictably eccentric.
She has a flaky sense of style.
Flaky can refer to a light and airy texture.
The biscuits were perfectly flaky and buttery.
Made of or resembling flakes.
Forming or tending to form flakes or thin, crisp fragments
Flaky pastry.
Undependable, as in keeping social engagements
A flaky friend who is always late.
Somewhat eccentric; odd
"that slightly flakey quality, in joy as well as in grief, that prepares us subtly for the mad scenes to come" (Village Voice).
Consisting of flakes or of small, loose masses; lying, or cleaving off, in flakes or layers; flakelike.
Unreliable; likely to make plans with others but then abandon those plans.
Unreliable; working only on an intermittent basis; likely due to malfunction.
I cannot enjoy the online game because of my flaky Internet connection.
Consisting of flakes or of small, loose masses; lying, or cleaving off, in flakes or layers; flakelike.
What showers of mortal hail, what flaky fires!
A flaky weight of winter's purest snows.
Prone to strange or erratic behavior; - of persons.
Odd, unpredictable or unconventional; offbeat; whacky; - of behavior.
Unpredictable, erratic, or unreliable; - of machinery, especially electronic devices.
Made of or easily forming flakes
Conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual;
Restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit
Famed for his eccentric spelling
A freakish combination of styles
His off-the-wall antics
The outlandish clothes of teenagers
Outre and affected stage antics

Flaky Snonyms


Not able to be relied upon.
The witness gave unreliable testimony that conflicted with the facts.


Hard but liable to break or shatter easily.
The brittle branches snapped under the weight of the snow.


Breaking or falling apart into small fragments.
The ancient ruins were crumbling, yet still majestic.


Easily broken or damaged.
The old manuscript was too fragile to touch without care.


Not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.
His behavior was erratic, making it difficult to predict his next move.


Very fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or quality.
The delicate lacework on the dress was stunning.


Existing or happening in small, isolated areas.
The grass was patchy, with spots of dirt showing through.


Coming off in pieces or layers.
The old paint on the wall was peeling and needed to be redone.


Not staying the same throughout.
His attendance at the meetings has been inconsistent.


Covered with or characterized by scales.
The scaly skin of the reptile felt dry to the touch.

Flaky Idioms & Phrases

Flaky crust

A pie crust that is light and crumbles easily, often considered desirable in baking.
Her apple pie had a perfectly flaky crust that melted in your mouth.

Flaky texture

A physical quality where something easily crumbles or breaks apart.
The freshly baked biscuit had a delightful flaky texture.

Flaky scalp

A scalp condition characterized by dandruff or dry skin that peels off.
He used a special shampoo to treat his flaky scalp.

Flaky paint

Paint that is peeling or chipping off in flakes.
The flaky paint on the wall indicated it was time for a fresh coat.

Flaky appearance

An inconsistent or changeable look.
The varnish gave the wood a somewhat flaky appearance.

Flaky response

An unreliable or noncommittal answer.
She gave a flaky response when asked about her plans, leaving everyone confused.

Flaky excuse

A poor or unreliable excuse that is not convincing.
He always has a flaky excuse for being late to meetings.

Flaky pastry

A type of pastry that is light and breaks into flakes easily.
She is known for her flaky pastry, especially her croissants and puff pastries.

Flaky behavior

Actions that are unpredictable and unreliable.
His flaky behavior made him difficult to work with on group projects.

Flaky idea

An idea that is impractical, unrealistic, or poorly thought out.
His flaky idea for a start-up was met with skepticism.

Flaky friend

A friend who is unreliable and fails to keep commitments.
I stopped making plans with him because he’s too flaky and always cancels at the last minute.

Flaky personality

A personality that is eccentric, unpredictable, or unreliable.
Her flaky personality made her an interesting but unreliable colleague.

Flaky dough

Dough that is light, airy, and breaks into flakes when cooked.
The key to a flaky dough for pies is keeping all the ingredients cold.

Flaky commitment

A commitment that is not taken seriously or likely to be broken.
Given his flaky commitment in the past, they were hesitant to rely on him.

Flaky memory

An unreliable memory that fails at times.
I can’t depend on his account of events; he has a rather flaky memory.

Flaky connection

An unreliable or intermittent connection, often used in the context of internet or phone connections.
I need to fix my Wi-Fi; it’s been really flaky lately.

Flaky plan

A plan that is poorly conceived and likely to change or fail.
Their flaky plan for the holiday fell apart at the last minute.

Flaky surface

A surface that has bits or pieces coming off easily.
The antique table had a flaky surface that needed restoration.

Flaky weather

Weather that is changeable and unpredictable.
The flaky weather made it hard to plan outdoor activities.

Flaky performance

Performance that is inconsistent or unreliable.
The team's flaky performance this season has frustrated the fans.

Flaky Example Sentences

The flaky texture of the fish was perfect.
The flaky snow started to cover the streets.
He often had flaky ideas for the science project.
The crust of the pie was golden and flaky.
His flaky responses made planning difficult.
The paint on the old door was flaky.
She was known for her flaky, unpredictable moods.
The flaky pastry was everyone's favorite at the bakery.
The flaky croissants were fresh from the oven.
They noticed the flaky rust on the old bike.
The flaky layers of the dessert were impressive.
She apologized for being flaky lately.
Her skin gets flaky in the dry climate.
The flaky sediment crumbled at a touch.
He had a reputation for being a bit flaky.

Common Curiosities

How is flaky used in a sentence?

Example: "The pastry was deliciously flaky."

Why is it called flaky?

"Flaky" is called so because it describes something that is breaking or peeling off in layers, similar to flakes. It can also refer to someone being unreliable or inconsistent.

How many syllables are in flaky?

There are two syllables in "flaky."

What is the root word of flaky?

The root word of "flaky" is "flake."

What part of speech is flaky?

"Flaky" is an adjective.

What is a stressed syllable in flaky?

The first syllable, "flak," is the stressed syllable in "flaky."

What is the pronunciation of flaky?

Flaky is pronounced as /ˈfleɪki/.

How do we divide flaky into syllables?

"Flaky" is divided into syllables as flak-y.

What is the verb form of flaky?

There is no direct verb form of "flaky"; it is an adjective.

Is flaky a noun or adjective?

"Flaky" is an adjective.

Is flaky a negative or positive word?

"Flaky" can be negative, especially when referring to someone unreliable. When describing food, it can be positive.

Is the word “flaky” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Flaky" as an adjective cannot be a direct or indirect object.

What is the singular form of flaky?

"Flaky" itself is both singular and plural as an adjective.

What is the plural form of flaky?

"Flaky" does not change form between singular and plural uses as an adjective.

Is flaky a countable noun?

"Flaky" is not a noun; it's an adjective, so it is not countable.

Is flaky a collective noun?

No, "flaky" is not a collective noun.

Is the flaky term a metaphor?

"Flaky" can be used metaphorically to describe someone's unreliable behavior.

Which determiner is used with flaky?

Determiners like "a," "the," "this," "that," etc., can be used with "flaky."

What is another term for flaky?

Another term for "flaky" is "peeling" or "unreliable."

What is the opposite of flaky?

The opposite of "flaky" (meaning unreliable) could be "reliable" or "consistent."

Which vowel is used before flaky?

The choice of vowel before "flaky" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

Is flaky an adverb?

No, "flaky" is not an adverb.

Is the word flaky Gerund?

No, "flaky" is not a gerund. It's an adjective.

Which preposition is used with flaky?

Prepositions are not typically used directly with "flaky."

Which conjunction is used with flaky?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "flaky," depending on the sentence structure.

Is flaky an abstract noun?

No, "flaky" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is flaky a vowel or consonant?

"Flaky" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with the consonant 'f'.

Is the word flaky is imperative?

No, "flaky" is not used in the imperative; it's an adjective.

Which article is used with flaky?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with "flaky," depending on whether it's used in a specific or general context.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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