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Fluctuate Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Fluctuate" means to vary or change irregularly, often increasing and decreasing unpredictably. e.g., Stock market prices tend to fluctuate based on economic news.

Fluctuate Definitions

Fluctuate means to change level, strength, or value frequently.
The river's water level fluctuates with the seasons.
Fluctuate can describe irregular rising and falling movements.
The temperature in the desert fluctuates dramatically.
Fluctuate describes experiencing frequent changes or variations.
The stock prices fluctuated after the company's announcement.
Fluctuate refers to oscillating between different states or conditions.
His mood seemed to fluctuate throughout the day.
Fluctuate pertains to varying in quantity or intensity.
Her interest in the hobby would fluctuate from week to week.
Fluctuate can mean to shift back and forth unpredictably.
The exchange rates fluctuate daily.
Fluctuate involves alternating between different states or amounts.
The demand for the product fluctuated with the seasons.
Fluctuate is used for something that is not constant or stable.
The speed of the wind fluctuated, making sailing challenging.
Fluctuate denotes wavering or changing position frequently.
Public opinion on the issue seemed to fluctuate regularly.
To vary irregularly, especially in amount
School enrollment has fluctuated from year to year.
(intransitive) To vary irregularly; to swing.
(intransitive) To undulate. en
(intransitive) To be irresolute; to waver.
I fluctuated between wishing he was back home and wishing I'd never met him.
(transitive) To cause to vary irregularly.
To move as a wave; to roll hither and thither; to wave; to float backward and forward, as on waves; as, a fluctuating field of air.
To move now in one direction and now in another; to be wavering or unsteady; to be irresolute or undetermined; to vacillate.
To cause to move as a wave; to put in motion.
And fluctuate all the still perfume.
Cause to fluctuate or move in a wave-like pattern
Move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern;
The line on the monitor vacillated
Be unstable; have ups and downs;
The stock market fluctuates
Fluctuate can refer to being inconstant in behavior or feeling.
His enthusiasm for the project would fluctuate depending on the day.

Fluctuate Snonyms


To move or cause to move back and forth or from side to side while suspended or on an axis.
Stock prices swing up and down due to market forces.


To change in character, appearance, or function.
Fashion styles alter from season to season.


To adjust or adapt to a certain level or proportion; to regulate.
The radio was designed to modulate the volume automatically.


To move or swing back and forth in a regular rhythm.
The fan oscillated from side to side, cooling the room.


To go back and forth between choices or opinions; to be indecisive.
His determination never wavered, even under pressure.


To move up and down or back and forth repeatedly.
Her weight tends to yo-yo because of her fluctuating diet.


To move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance.
Public opinion can shift quickly in response to news events.


To change or alter in form, appearance, or nature.
The temperature can vary dramatically in the desert.


To make or become different.
The leaves change color in autumn.


To move with a smooth wavelike motion.
The fields of grain undulate in the wind.

Fluctuate Idioms & Phrases

Fluctuate between extremes

Alternating between two very different states or conditions.
The stock market can fluctuate between extremes within a single day.

Fluctuate under pressure

To experience changes or instability when faced with stress or challenges.
Her confidence began to fluctuate under pressure during the interview.

Fluctuate with the tides

To change or vary in a way that is dependent on external circumstances.
His moods seem to fluctuate with the tides of his personal life.

The fluctuate of fortune

The variability or unpredictability of luck or success.
As an investor, she was well accustomed to the fluctuate of fortune.

A pattern of fluctuate

A regular or predictable series of changes or variations.
The scientist observed a pattern of fluctuate in the climate data.

Fluctuate at the slightest provocation

To change or vary easily or with minimal cause.
His mood would fluctuate at the slightest provocation.

To fluctuate at will

To change or vary according to one's own desire or decision.
He seemed to fluctuate his opinions at will, depending on his audience.

Fluctuate across the spectrum

To vary widely across a range of possibilities or areas.
His musical tastes fluctuate across the spectrum from classical to modern pop.

Fluctuate like the wind

To change direction or opinion frequently and unpredictably.
Her decisions fluctuate like the wind, making it hard to anticipate her next move.

A fluctuate in feelings

Experiencing changes in emotions or sentiments.
He experienced a fluctuate in feelings after receiving the unexpected news.

To fluctuate with every turn

To change frequently as situations or circumstances change.
Market prices fluctuate with every turn of global events.

To fluctuate between hope and despair

Alternating between positive and negative emotional states.
Throughout the ordeal, they fluctuated between hope and despair.

Fluctuate in harmony

Changing or varying while still maintaining overall balance.
In nature, populations fluctuate in harmony with their environment.

Fluctuate on a whim

To change unpredictably or based on a sudden desire.
His decisions seemed to fluctuate on a whim, often without clear reasoning.

Fluctuate in the balance

To be in a state of uncertainty or variability.
The fate of the project continued to fluctuate in the balance.

Fluctuate in response

To change or alter as a reaction to something else.
The government's policies fluctuate in response to public opinion.

A constant fluctuate

Continuous or ongoing changes or variations.
The political landscape is in a constant fluctuate.

A fluctuate of thoughts

Experiencing a rapid change or succession of different thoughts or ideas.
As a creative writer, she was used to the fluctuate of thoughts.

To fluctuate without pattern

To change or vary in a way that is irregular or lacks predictability.
The symptoms of the illness can fluctuate without pattern.

Fluctuate Example Sentences

Her grades started to fluctuate when she lost focus.
The crowd's cheers fluctuated as the game progressed.
The weather here can fluctuate rapidly, so always be prepared.
His confidence would fluctuate before every major exam.
The frequency of the train service fluctuates during holidays.
The value of antique items can fluctuate over time.
The battery life of my phone fluctuates depending on usage.
The number of visitors to the park fluctuates every month.
Prices of fruits and vegetables fluctuate based on the season.
The amount of homework given each week tends to fluctuate.
The number of people at the beach fluctuates with the weather.
Sales figures often fluctuate during different times of the year.
The brightness of the stars can fluctuate on cloudy nights.
The team's performance fluctuated throughout the season.
Her interest in different subjects fluctuated over the year.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide fluctuate into syllables?

"Fluctuate" is divided into syllables as fluc-tu-ate.

Why is it called fluctuate?

It is called "fluctuate" from the Latin "fluctuatus," past participle of "fluctuare," meaning to flow or wave. It refers to changing or varying, especially in a wave-like pattern.

What is the verb form of fluctuate?

"Fluctuate" itself is a verb form.

What is the root word of fluctuate?

The root word of "fluctuate" is "fluctu," from Latin, meaning flow or wave.

What is the first form of fluctuate?

The first form of "fluctuate" is "fluctuate."

How many syllables are in fluctuate?

There are three syllables in "fluctuate."

What is the second form of fluctuate?

The second form of "fluctuate" is "fluctuated."

How is fluctuate used in a sentence?

Example: "The stock prices fluctuate daily, making the market unpredictable."

What is another term for fluctuate?

Another term for "fluctuate" is "vary" or "oscillate."

What is a stressed syllable in fluctuate?

The first syllable, "fluc," is the stressed syllable in "fluctuate."

What is the pronunciation of fluctuate?

Fluctuate is pronounced as /ˈflʌktʃueɪt/.

What is the third form of fluctuate?

The third form of "fluctuate" is also "fluctuated."

What part of speech is fluctuate?

"Fluctuate" is a verb.

Is fluctuate an adverb?

No, "fluctuate" is not an adverb.

Is fluctuate an abstract noun?

No, "fluctuate" is a verb, not a noun.

Is fluctuate a negative or positive word?

"Fluctuate" is generally neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

Is the word fluctuate is imperative?

"Fluctuate" can be used in the imperative form in commands or requests.

What is the opposite of fluctuate?

The opposite of "fluctuate" could be "stabilize" or "remain constant."

Is fluctuate a countable noun?

"Fluctuate" is not a noun; it's a verb, so it is not countable.

Which vowel is used before fluctuate?

The choice of vowel before "fluctuate" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

What is the plural form of fluctuate?

"Fluctuate" does not have a plural form as it is a verb.

Is fluctuate a noun or adjective?

"Fluctuate" is a verb.

Is the word “fluctuate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Fluctuate" is a verb and thus can neither be a direct nor an indirect object.

What is the singular form of fluctuate?

"Fluctuate" itself is the singular form as it is a verb.

Is fluctuate a vowel or consonant?

"Fluctuate" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with a consonant.

Is fluctuate a collective noun?

No, "fluctuate" is not a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with fluctuate?

As a verb, "fluctuate" typically doesn't use a determiner.

Which conjunction is used with fluctuate?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "fluctuate," depending on the sentence structure.

Is the fluctuate term a metaphor?

"Fluctuate" can be used metaphorically in some contexts but is generally used in a literal sense.

Is the word fluctuate Gerund?

The gerund form of "fluctuate" is "fluctuating."

Which preposition is used with fluctuate?

Prepositions like "by" or "in" can be used with "fluctuate," depending on the context.

Which article is used with fluctuate?

As a verb, "fluctuate" does not typically require an article.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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