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Focus Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Focus" refers to the central point of attention or interest, or the act of concentrating the mind on a particular subject. e.g., Her focus during the exam was unwavering.

Focus Definitions

Focus pertains to directing effort or resources towards a goal.
The company decided to focus its efforts on renewable energy.
Focus means the center of interest or activity.
The focus of the meeting shifted to discussing budget issues.
Focus can denote adjusting one's vision to see clearly.
She had to focus her eyes to read the small print.
Focus refers to the act of concentrating one's attention.
He needed to focus more to solve the complex puzzle.
Focus is used to describe a point at which rays of light meet.
The camera's lens couldn't focus properly in dim light.
Focus describes a state of having clear goals or ideas.
The project lacked focus, leading to confusion among team members.
Focus can mean to bring into sharpness or clarity.
He adjusted the microscope to focus on the cells.
Focus denotes the main purpose or target.
The new policy's focus was to improve public health.
Focus involves limiting one's scope to a specific area.
The study will focus on the effects of pollution on wildlife.
Focus can refer to a place of concentrated activity or intensity.
The kitchen was the focus of activity during the party.
The distinctness or clarity of an image rendered by an optical system.
The state of maximum distinctness or clarity of such an image
In focus.
Out of focus.
An apparatus used to adjust the focal length of an optical system in order to make an image distinct or clear
A camera with automatic focus.
A point at which rays of light or other radiation converge or from which they appear to diverge, as after refraction or reflection in an optical system
The focus of a lens. Also called focal point.
See focal length.
A center of interest or activity
"Precisely how diet affects E. coli in livestock is the focus of current research" (Cindy Engel).
Close or narrow attention; concentration
"He was forever taken aback by [New York's] pervasive atmosphere of purposefulness—the tight focus of its drivers, the brisk intensity of its pedestrians" (Anne Tyler).
A condition in which something can be clearly apprehended or perceived
Couldn't get the problem into focus.
(Medicine) The region of a localized bodily infection or disease.
(Geology) The point of origin of an earthquake.
(Mathematics) A fixed point whose relationship with a directrix determines a conic section.
To cause (light rays, for example) to converge on or toward a central point; concentrate.
To render (an object or image) in clear outline or sharp detail by adjustment of one's vision or an optical device; bring into focus.
To adjust (a lens, for example) to produce a clear image.
To direct toward a particular point or purpose
Focused all their attention on finding a solution to the problem.
To converge on or toward a central point of focus; be focused.
To adjust one's vision or an optical device so as to render a clear, distinct image.
To concentrate attention or energy
A campaign that focused on economic issues.
A point at which reflected or refracted rays of light converge.
The heat of sunlight at the focus of a magnifying glass can easily set dry leaves on fire.
A point of a conic at which rays reflected from a curve or surface converge.
The fact of the convergence of light on the photographic medium.
Unfortunately, the license plate is out of focus in this image.
The quality of the convergence of light on the photographic medium.
During this scene, the boy’s face shifts subtly from soft focus into sharp focus.
(uncountable) Concentration of attention.
I believe I can bring the high degree of focus required for this important job.
The exact point of where an earthquake occurs, in three dimensions (underneath the epicentre).
The earthquake's focus was at exactly 37 degrees north, 18 degrees south, seventy five meters below the ground.
(GUI) The status of being the currently active element in a user interface, often indicated by a visual highlight.
Text entered at the keyboard or pasted from a clipboard is sent to the component which currently has the focus.
(linguistics) The most important word or phrase in a sentence or passage, or the one that imparts information.
An object used in casting a magic spell.
To concentrate during a task.
I have to focus on my work.
(transitive) To direct attention, effort, or energy to a particular audience or task.
The president focused her remarks to the newcomers.
(transitive) To cause (rays of light, etc) to converge at a single point.
(transitive) To adjust (a lens, an optical instrument) in order to position an image with respect to the focal plane.
You'll need to focus the microscope carefully in order to capture the full detail of this surface.
(intransitive) To concentrate one’s attention.
If you're going to beat your competitors, you need to focus.
To transfer the input focus to (a visual element), so that it receives subsequent input.
The text box won't receive the user's keystrokes unless you explicitly focus it.
To aggregate figures of accounts.
A point in which the rays of light meet, after being reflected or refracted, and at which the image is formed; as, the focus of a lens or mirror.
A point so related to a conic section and certain straight line called the directrix that the ratio of the distance between any point of the curve and the focus to the distance of the same point from the directrix is constant.
A central point; a point of concentration.
To bring to a focus; to focalize; as, to focus a camera.
The concentration of attention or energy on something;
The focus of activity shifted to molecular biology
He had no direction in his life
Maximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system;
In focus
Out of focus
Maximum clarity or distinctness of an idea;
The controversy brought clearly into focus an important difference of opinion
A central point or locus of an infection in an organism;
The focus of infection
Special emphasis attached to something;
The stress was more on accuracy than on speed
A point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges
A fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section
Direct one's attention on something;
Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies
Cause to converge on or toward a central point;
Focus the light on this image
Bring into focus or alignment; to converge or cause to converge; of ideas or emotions
Become focussed or come into focus;
The light focused
Put (an image) into focus;
Please focus the image; we cannot enjoy the movie

Focus Snonyms


The point that is equally distant from every point on the circumference of a circle or sphere.
He tried to center his thoughts on the task at hand.


To give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing.
In her speech, she emphasized the need for change.


To attract attention to or emphasize something important.
The report highlights the key issues facing the industry.


To focus one's attention or mental effort on a particular object or activity.
You need to concentrate on your studies.


To find out or say the exact position in space or time of (something).
It was difficult to pinpoint the source of the error.


To aim at or direct something at.
The new policy targets the reduction of waste.


To designate or treat (something) as more important than other things.
You must prioritize your health over your work.

Zero in on

To direct all one's attention to (someone or something).
The detective zeroed in on the suspect's alibi.


To refine or perfect (something) over a period of time.
She honed her skills as a violinist.


To improve or cause to improve.
He needed to sharpen his focus before the exam.

Focus Idioms & Phrases

A focus of steel

Having an exceptionally strong and unwavering concentration.
She approached her studies with a focus of steel.

Sharp as a focus

Refers to someone who is extremely attentive or concentrated.
In critical situations, she is as sharp as a focus.

Beyond the focus

Not paying attention to the main or important issue.
His thoughts often wandered beyond the focus during lectures.

A blur without focus

A situation or task that lacks clear direction or concentration.
Without a plan, the project was a blur without focus.

Focus-driven success

Achieving goals through sustained concentration and effort.
His rise in the company was a result of focus-driven success.

In the lens of focus

Concentrating on a specific issue or task with great attention.
When in the lens of focus, he could solve even the most complex problems.

To bring into focus

To clarify or understand something more clearly.
The new evidence helped to bring the case into focus.

The eclipse of focus

A temporary loss or overshadowing of one's usual concentration.
During the chaotic event, there was an eclipse of focus among the team.

The anchor of focus

A stable and grounding force of concentration.
Her daily meditation served as an anchor of focus.

To lose one's focus

To become distracted or unable to concentrate.
During the long meeting, he began to lose his focus.

The compass of focus

Guiding one's actions and decisions with concentration.
She used her goals as the compass of focus in her career.

To widen the focus

To consider a broader range of factors or perspectives.
The team needed to widen the focus to understand the issue fully.

Focus like a laser

Concentrating intensely and precisely on something.
She completed the project quickly, focusing like a laser.

A symphony of focus

Harmoniously concentrating all efforts towards a single goal.
The project was a success thanks to a symphony of focus from all departments.

The art of focus

The skill of concentrating one's attention effectively.
Mastering the violin requires the art of focus.

Focus at the crossroads

A crucial point where concentration and decision-making intersect.
At the peak of his career, he stood at a focus at the crossroads.

A focus that wanders

An inability to keep one's attention fixed on a single task or point.
With a focus that wanders, he struggled to complete his thesis.

Focus in a storm

Maintaining concentration amidst chaos or difficulty.
He kept his focus in a storm of distractions.

Focus and the flame

The passion and concentration required to achieve something.
To win the championship, it takes both focus and the flame.

In the realm of focus

Being in a state or area where concentration is paramount.
In the realm of focus, she found her creativity flourished.

Focus Example Sentences

She tried to focus on her homework despite the noise.
The team's focus was to win the championship.
Her focus on detail made her an excellent editor.
She needed to focus her efforts on practicing piano.
The focus of their study was local history.
The lecture helped students focus on the important concepts.
The photographer struggled to focus in the dim light.
The meeting's main focus was improving communication.
The book's focus was on healthy eating habits.
He adjusted the binoculars to focus on the distant bird.
Meditation helped him focus his mind.
To focus the telescope, he turned the small knob.
The class lost focus when the fire alarm rang.
He found it hard to focus with so much on his mind.
She taught the children how to focus on their breathing.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in focus?

There are two syllables in focus.

What is a stressed syllable in focus?

The stressed syllable in focus is "fo."

What is the pronunciation of focus?

Focus is pronounced as /ˈfoʊ.kəs/.

What is the second form of focus?

The second form is "focused" or "focussed" (past tense).

How do we divide focus into syllables?

Focus is divided into syllables as fo-cus.

Why is it called focus?

It is called focus because it originates from the Latin word "focus," meaning "hearth" or "fireplace," symbolizing the central point of interest or activity, and later adopted in English to denote the concentration of attention or energy on something.

How is focus used in a sentence?

"She needs to focus on her studies to improve her grades."

What part of speech is focus?

Focus can be a noun or a verb, depending on its usage in a sentence.

What is the verb form of focus?

The verb form is "focus" as in "to focus."

What is the first form of focus?

The first form is "focus" (present tense).

Is the focus term a metaphor?

Focus can be used metaphorically to describe the act of directing attention or resources towards a particular goal or task.

Is the word focus Gerund?

When used as a noun, "focusing" can be a gerund, as in "Focusing is essential for success."

Which vowel is used before focus?

The article "a" is used before focus because it starts with a consonant sound.

What is the root word of focus?

The root word of focus is the Latin word "focus," meaning "hearth" or "fireplace."

What is the third form of focus?

The third form is "focused" or "focussed" (past participle).

What is another term for focus?

Another term for focus is "concentration."

What is the opposite of focus?

The opposite of focus is "distraction."

Is focus a countable noun?

Yes, when referring to specific points or areas of concentration, focus is a countable noun.

What is the singular form of focus?

The singular form is "focus."

Is focus a negative or positive word?

Focus is generally considered a neutral or positive word, depending on the context.

Is focus a vowel or consonant?

The word "focus" starts with a consonant sound.

Is focus a collective noun?

No, focus is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word focus imperative?

"Focus" can be used as an imperative verb in commands, e.g., "Focus on your work."

Is the word “focus” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Focus" can be a direct object in sentences like "She lost her focus," but it is not used as an indirect object.

Which conjunction is used with focus?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used with focus, depending on the sentence structure.

What is the plural form of focus?

The plural form is "foci" (for the points of interest) or "focuses" (for the acts of concentrating).

Is focus a noun or adjective?

Focus is primarily a noun and a verb, but not an adjective.

Is focus an abstract noun?

Yes, when used to refer to the concept of concentration, focus is an abstract noun.

Which article is used with focus?

Both "a" (indefinite) and "the" (definite) can be used with focus, depending on whether it is being referred to in a specific or general sense.

Is focus an adverb?

No, focus is not an adverb.

Which determiner is used with focus?

Determiners like "the," "a," "your," "my," etc., can be used with focus, depending on the context.

Which preposition is used with focus?

Prepositions like "on," "in," or "at" can be used with focus, depending on the context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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