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Goaded Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Goaded" refers to having been provoked or encouraged into action, often in a way that is irritating or annoying. e.g., He was goaded into arguing by his peers.

Goaded Definitions

Goaded can describe being incited or instigated to react.
The players were goaded by the opposing team's taunts.
Goaded pertains to being pushed or nudged into doing something.
The artist was goaded into entering the competition.
Goaded means being prodded or driven into taking action.
She was goaded into running for class president by her friends.
Goaded refers to being stimulated or urged forcefully.
He felt goaded by the constant reminders.
Goaded is used for being coaxed or encouraged in a challenging way.
They were goaded into accepting the difficult challenge.
Goaded describes being teased or egged on to respond.
The siblings goaded each other into a playful argument.
Goaded denotes being pressured or compelled to do something.
She felt goaded by societal expectations.
Goaded can mean being motivated or stimulated to act.
He was goaded by ambition to work harder.
Goaded involves being provoked into a reaction, often by annoyance.
The comedian goaded the audience into laughter.
A long stick with a pointed end used for prodding animals.
An agent or means of prodding or urging; a stimulus.
To prod or urge with or as if with a long pointed stick.
Simple past tense and past participle of goad
Compelled forcibly by an outside agency; as, mobs goaded by blind hatred.
Compelled forcibly by an outside agency;
Mobs goaded by blind hatred
Goaded can refer to being spurred on or stimulated into action.
They were goaded by their curiosity to explore further.

Goaded Snonyms


Provided with a reason to do something.
She was motivated by the promise of a reward.


Encouraged or stirred up (violent or unlawful behavior).
The speaker incited the crowd to take action.


Encouraged or prompted strongly.
He was urged to apply for the scholarship by his teacher.


Encouraged or aroused interest or enthusiasm.
The debate stimulated his interest in politics.


Attempted to persuade or coerce (someone) into doing something.
She felt pressured to agree with their plan.


Compelled to act in a particular way, especially because of pressure or necessity.
She felt driven by a desire to help others.


Driven to take action.
He was impelled by a sense of duty.


Stimulated or incited to some action or reaction.
She was provoked into responding to the false accusations.


Caused or brought about.
His curiosity was prompted by the mysterious letter.


Given an incentive or encouragement to do something.
His early failures spurred him on to work even harder.

Goaded Idioms & Phrases

Goaded into response

Compelled to reply or react, often reluctantly.
The politician was goaded into response by the persistent questions from the media.

Goaded into debate

Provoked or stimulated into engaging in a discussion or argument.
She was goaded into debate by the controversial comments.

Goaded into action

Provoked or stimulated into taking action.
He was goaded into action by his friends' encouragement.

Goaded by ambition

Driven or spurred on by a strong desire to achieve.
She was goaded by ambition to reach the top of her field.

Goaded by necessity

Forced to act due to urgent need or circumstances.
He was goaded by necessity to find a solution to the crisis.

Goaded by peers

Urged or prodded into doing something by friends or colleagues.
The teenager felt goaded by peers to conform to their expectations.

Goaded by rivalry

Driven to act or compete due to competition with others.
The team was goaded by rivalry to improve their performance.

Reluctantly goaded

Hesitantly encouraged or prodded into doing something.
She was reluctantly goaded into joining the competition.

Goaded by fear

Driven to act out of fear or anxiety.
He was goaded by fear to take precautions he normally wouldn't consider.

Goaded to excel

Pushed or encouraged to achieve high performance.
The athlete was goaded to excel by his coach's relentless training regimen.

Goaded by curiosity

Driven to explore or investigate due to a desire to know more.
She was goaded by curiosity to uncover the truth.

Goaded into silence

Pressured or coerced into not speaking or expressing oneself.
The harsh criticism goaded him into silence.

Goaded for a cause

Stimulated or encouraged to support a particular purpose or movement.
She was goaded for a cause, becoming an advocate for environmental issues.

Goaded by circumstances

Compelled to act by the specific situation one is in.
They were goaded by circumstances to make a hasty decision.

Goaded into rebellion

Prodded or incited to resist or revolt.
The oppressive policies goaded the people into rebellion.

Goaded by pride

Compelled to act due to a sense of self-respect or ego.
He was goaded by pride to prove his critics wrong.

Goaded into compliance

Forced or nudged into conforming or agreeing.
Employees felt goaded into compliance with the new policies.

Goaded into adventure

Encouraged or stimulated to undertake exciting and risky activities.
He was goaded into adventure, deciding to travel the world.

Goaded by challenge

Prompted to take action by a difficult task or problem.
The complex puzzle goaded him by challenge.

Goaded by passion

Driven to act by intense enthusiasm or emotion.
Artists are often goaded by passion in their creative endeavors.

Goaded Example Sentences

He was goaded into answering the challenge.
The crowd goaded the performer for an encore.
They were goaded into a debate by the controversial topic.
The team was goaded into trying harder after their loss.
The athletes were goaded by the cheering of the fans.
She reluctantly joined the game, having been goaded by her friends.
He felt goaded by his brother's constant teasing.
His competitive nature was goaded by the rivalry.
She goaded her friend into joining the dance.
Her decision was influenced by being goaded by her peers.
He was goaded into making a hasty decision.
They were goaded by the promise of a reward.
The dog was goaded into chasing the ball.
The challenge goaded him into proving his skills.
The students were goaded into studying harder for the test.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in goaded?

The first syllable, "goad," is the stressed syllable in "goaded."

Why is it called goaded?

It is called "goaded" from the verb "goad," meaning to provoke or annoy someone so as to stimulate some action or reaction.

What is the pronunciation of goaded?

Goaded is pronounced as /ˈɡoʊdɪd/.

How many syllables are in goaded?

There are two syllables in "goaded."

How do we divide goaded into syllables?

"Goaded" is divided into syllables as goad-ed.

What is the verb form of goaded?

The verb form from which "goaded" is derived is "goad."

What is the first form of goaded?

The first form of "goaded" is "goad."

What is the second form of goaded?

The second form of "goaded" is "goaded."

What is the singular form of goaded?

"Goaded" is both singular and plural as it is a verb form or an adjective.

What is another term for goaded?

Another term for "goaded" is "provoked" or "stimulated."

How is goaded used in a sentence?

Example: "He felt goaded into agreeing with their plan."

Is goaded an abstract noun?

No, "goaded" is not a noun; it's an adjective or a verb form.

Is the word goaded is imperative?

No, "goaded" is not used in the imperative; it's a past tense or adjective.

What is the root word of goaded?

The root word of "goaded" is "goad."

What is the third form of goaded?

The third form of "goaded" is also "goaded."

What is the opposite of goaded?

The opposite of "goaded" could be "dissuaded" or "discouraged."

Is goaded a negative or positive word?

"Goaded" often has a negative connotation, implying provocation or irritation.

Is goaded a countable noun?

"Goaded" is not a noun; it's an adjective or a verb form, so it is not countable.

Which determiner is used with goaded?

Determiners such as "the," "a," "an," "this," "that," etc., can be used with "goaded" depending on the context.

Is goaded a noun or adjective?

"Goaded" is used as an adjective or a verb form, not a noun.

Is goaded a vowel or consonant?

"Goaded" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with a consonant.

Which preposition is used with goaded?

Prepositions like "into," "by," or "to" can be used with "goaded," depending on the context.

What part of speech is goaded?

"Goaded" is an adjective or past participle form of the verb "goad."

What is the plural form of goaded?

"Goaded" does not change in form between singular and plural uses.

Is the word goaded Gerund?

No, "goaded" is not a gerund. The gerund form of "goad" is "goading."

Is the word “goaded” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Goaded" can be used as an adjective describing a direct or indirect object but is not itself an object.

Which article is used with goaded?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with "goaded" depending on the context.

Is goaded an adverb?

No, "goaded" is not an adverb.

Is goaded a collective noun?

No, "goaded" is not a collective noun.

Is the goaded term a metaphor?

"Goaded" can be used metaphorically in some contexts but is generally used in a literal sense.

Which vowel is used before goaded?

The choice of vowel before "goaded" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

Which conjunction is used with goaded?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "goaded," depending on the sentence structure.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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