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Grab Definition and Meaning

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Published on March 6, 2024
Grab means quickly seizing or taking hold of something with one's hand. e.g., She made a quick grab for the falling book.

Grab Definitions

A mechanical device for gripping
The crane's grab lifted the cargo effortlessly.
To grasp or clutch suddenly
He made a grab at the rope to save himself.
To capture or obtain eagerly
The company made a grab for market share.
To attract attention or interest
The bold headline was designed to grab the reader's attention.
An attempt to seize power or control
The coup was seen as a grab for power by the military.
To take advantage of a situation
He saw an opportunity and made a grab for it.
An abrupt interception in sports
The player's impressive grab prevented a goal.
To quickly eat or drink
We'll grab a coffee on the way to the office.
To secure possession of something
She managed to grab the last ticket.
To apprehend or arrest
The police were quick to grab the suspect.
To take or grasp suddenly
Grabbed the letter from me.
To capture or restrain; arrest.
To obtain or appropriate unscrupulously or forcibly
Grab public funds.
Grab power.
To take hurriedly
Grabbed my coat and hat and left.
(Slang) To capture the attention of
A plot that grabs the reader.
To make a grasping or snatching motion
We grabbed for the life raft.
A sudden attempt to grasp or hold something
Made a grab for the railing.
A sudden, often unscrupulous taking control or ownership of something
"The imminence of death is reflected in every last power-stroke and grab of the great money bosses" (Dylan Thomas).
A mechanical device for gripping an object.
A usually two-masted, sharp-prowed coastal vessel of the Indian Ocean.
Relating or being an object or device that is grabbed or gripped for support or balance
Installed a grab bar in the shower.
(transitive) To grip suddenly; to seize; to clutch.
I grabbed her hand to pull her back from the cliff edge.
(intransitive) To make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something).
The suspect suddenly broke free and grabbed at the policeman's gun.
To restrain someone; to arrest.
(transitive) To grip the attention of; to enthrall or interest.
How does that idea grab you?
(informal) To quickly collect or retrieve.
(informal) To consume something quickly.
We'll just grab a sandwich and then we'll be on our way.
Is there time to grab a coffee?
To take the opportunity of.
(countable) A sudden snatch at something.
(countable) An acquisition by violent or unjust means.
(countable) A mechanical device that grabs or clutches.
A device for withdrawing drills, etc., from artesian and other wells that are drilled, bored, or driven.
A sound bite.
(obsolete) That which is seized.
(uncountable) A simple card game.
A two- or three-masted vessel used on the Malabar coast.
A vessel used on the Malabar coast, having two or three masts.
A sudden grasp or seizure.
An instrument for clutching objects for the purpose of raising them; - specially applied to devices for withdrawing drills, etc., from artesian and other wells that are drilled, bored, or driven.
To gripe suddenly; to seize; to snatch; to clutch.
A mechanical device for gripping an object
The act of catching an object with the hands;
Mays made the catch with his back to the plate
He made a grab for the ball before it landed
Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away
The infielder's snap and throw was a single motion
Take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of;
Catch the ball!
Grab the elevator door!
Get hold of or seize quickly and easily;
I snapped up all the good buys during the garage sale
Make a grasping or snatching motion with the hand;
The passenger grabbed for the oxygen mask
Obtain illegally or unscrupulously;
Grab power
Take or grasp suddenly;
She grabbed the child's hand and ran out of the room
Capture the attention or imagination of;
This story will grab you
The movie seized my imagination

Grab Snonyms


To grasp or hold tightly.
She clutched the child's hand as they crossed the street.


To take hold of something and quickly remove it from its place.
She plucked a flower from the garden.


To take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
She seized the opportunity with both hands.


To seize and hold firmly.
He grasped the rope and pulled himself up.


To quickly seize something in a rude or eager way.
He snatched the book out of my hand.


To capture or seize, especially after pursuit.
She managed to catch the ball just before it hit the ground.


To seize someone or something suddenly.
The police nabbed the thief as he tried to escape.


To hold tightly.
He gripped the steering wheel firmly.


To catch or ensnare with or as if with a hook.
He hooked a large fish.


To take into one's possession or control by force.
The photograph captures the beauty of the sunset.

Grab Idioms & Phrases

Grab bag

A random assortment of items.
The prize was a grab bag of various goodies.

Grab a seat

To take a chair or find a place to sit.
Come in and grab a seat wherever you like.

Grab someone's attention

To attract someone's notice or interest.
The bright colors of the painting grab your attention.

Grab a bite

To eat something quickly.
Let's grab a bite before the meeting starts.

Grab the bull by the horns

To confront a problem directly.
She decided to grab the bull by the horns and address the issue with her boss.

Make a grab for

To attempt to obtain or seize eagerly.
The contestants made a grab for the prize.

Grab some air

To jump, especially in skateboarding or basketball.
He went to grab some air with that last skateboard trick.

Grab one's interest

To arouse someone's curiosity or enthusiasm.
The mystery novel really grabbed my interest.

Money grab

An attempt to obtain money unfairly.
Many saw the new fees as a blatant money grab.

Power grab

An attempt to gain excessive control or power.
The CEO's actions were criticized as a power grab.

Grab the reins

To take control of a situation.
After the manager left, she grabbed the reins of the project.

Grab the spotlight

To become the center of attention.
The new singer really grabbed the spotlight with her performance.

Grab and go

Referring to fast and convenient service or products.
This cafe specializes in grab-and-go meals for busy professionals.

Grab a cab

To hail or take a taxi.
We decided to grab a cab to the airport.

Grab the opportunity

To seize a chance eagerly.
When the scholarship opened up, he grabbed the opportunity.

Grab ahold of

To grasp something firmly.
Grab ahold of the rope and don't let go.

Grab headlines

To receive a lot of media attention.
The scandal grabbed headlines for weeks.

Grab the mic

To take a turn speaking or performing in public.
At the karaoke party, he was eager to grab the mic.

Grab Example Sentences

He managed to grab the last seat on the bus.
The eagle made a powerful grab for its prey.
The child tried to grab a cookie from the jar.
She made a grab at the opportunity to study abroad.
The magician's quick grab amazed the audience.
Let's grab a bite to eat before the movie starts.
The detective made a grab for the escaping thief.
She made a quick grab for her phone as it started to ring.
He made a daring grab for the ball during the game.
He made a grab for the railing to avoid falling.
The player's skillful grab saved the team from losing.
She tried to grab his attention with her bright dress.
Let's grab some coffee and catch up on work.
She made a grab at the chance to work with the renowned artist.
They made a land grab in the newly developed area.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called grab?

It is called "grab" because it originates from Middle Dutch "graben," meaning to seize or grasp suddenly.

How is grab used in a sentence?

"Grab" is used to describe the act of quickly seizing something, e.g., He made a quick grab for the rope.

What is the verb form of grab?

The verb form of "grab" is "grab," as in "to grab something."

What is the pronunciation of grab?

The pronunciation of "grab" is /ɡræb/.

How do we divide grab into syllables?

Grab is a single-syllable word and cannot be divided further.

What is a stressed syllable in grab?

In the word "grab," the entire word is stressed, as it has only one syllable.

What part of speech is grab?

"Grab" can be a verb (to seize suddenly) or a noun (a quick seizure).

What is the first form of grab?

The first form of "grab" is "grab," as in "to seize."

How many syllables are in grab?

Grab has one syllable.

What is the singular form of grab?

The singular form is "grab."

Is grab a noun or adjective?

"Grab" can be a noun; it is not typically used as an adjective.

Is grab an abstract noun?

No, when used as a noun, "grab" is not abstract; it refers to a physical action or its result.

Is grab an adverb?

No, "grab" is not an adverb.

What is the root word of grab?

The root of "grab" comes from the Middle Dutch "graben."

What is the third form of grab?

The third form of "grab" is also "grabbed," used in perfect tense constructions.

What is the opposite of grab?

The opposite of "grab" could be "release" or "let go."

Is grab a negative or positive word?

"Grab" can be neutral, negative, or positive depending on the context. It can imply aggression or assertiveness, but also initiative or quick action.

Is grab a collective noun?

No, "grab" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word grab imperative?

"Grab" can be used in the imperative mood as a command, e.g., "Grab that rope!"

Is the word grab a Gerund?

No, "grab" itself is not a gerund. The gerund form would be "grabbing."

Is the word “grab” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Grab" can be the action done to a direct object, e.g., "He will grab the book." The book is the direct object.

What is another term for grab?

Another term for "grab" could be "snatch" or "seize."

What is the plural form of grab?

The plural form is "grabs."

Is grab a vowel or consonant?

The word "grab" starts with a consonant, "g."

Is the grab term a metaphor?

"Grab" can be used metaphorically to describe obtaining or seizing something non-physical, like an opportunity.

Which vowel is used before grab?

The vowel used before "grab" depends on the article or adjective, e.g., "an aggressive grab" (using "an" because the adjective starts with a vowel sound).

Which conjunction is used with grab?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "grab," depending on the sentence, e.g., "Grab your coat and let's go."

Is grab a countable noun?

Yes, when used as a noun, "grab" is countable, as in "She made several grabs for the ball."

Which determiner is used with grab?

Determiners like "a," "the," or possessive pronouns can be used with "grab," depending on the context, e.g., "a quick grab," "the grab," or "my grab."

Which preposition is used with grab?

Prepositions used with "grab" can vary, such as "for" in "grab for something" or "at" in "make a grab at something."

What is the second form of grab?

The second form of "grab" is "grabbed," indicating past action.

Which article is used with grab?

The indefinite article "a" or the definite article "the" can be used with "grab," depending on whether you're referring to a specific act of grabbing or any grab in general, e.g., "Make a grab for it" or "The grab was successful."

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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