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Host Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Host" refers to a person who receives or entertains guests at home or elsewhere. e.g., As a gracious host, she made sure everyone felt welcome at the party.

Host Definitions

Host means someone who organizes and entertains guests at an event.
The host of the dinner party greeted each guest warmly.
Host refers to a person who presents or moderates a show.
The host of the game show was very charismatic.
Host is used for a person who provides facilities for an event.
Our school was the host for the regional science fair.
Host describes a large number or multitude of people or things.
The beach saw a host of tourists every summer.
Host can mean a person who leads a discussion in a podcast.
The podcast host invited several experts for the discussion.
Host denotes an individual who accommodates guests in a lodging place.
The bed and breakfast's host was known for her excellent service.
Host can refer to a nation or city organizing a large event.
Japan was the host of the last international sports tournament.
One who receives or entertains guests in a social or official capacity.
A person who manages an inn or hotel.
One that furnishes facilities and resources for a function or event
The city chosen as host for the Olympic Games.
The emcee or interviewer on a radio or television program.
An organism on which or in which another organism lives.
A cell that has been infected by a virus or other infective agent.
(Medicine) The recipient of a transplanted tissue or organ.
A computer or other device providing data or services that a remote computer can access by means of a network or modem.
A computer that is connected to a TCP/IP network such as the internet.
An army.
A great number; a multitude.
The consecrated bread or wafer of the Eucharist.
To serve as host to or at
"the garden party he had hosted last spring" (Saturday Review).
To provide software that offers data or services, hardware, or both over a computer network.
One which receives or entertains a guest, socially, commercially, or officially.
A good host is always considerate of the guest’s needs.
One that provides a facility for an event.
A person or organization responsible for running an event.
Our company is host of the annual conference this year.
A moderator or master of ceremonies for a performance.
The host was terrible, but the acts themselves were good.
Any computer attached to a network.
(ecology) A cell or organism which harbors another organism or biological entity, usually a parasite.
Viruses depend on the host that they infect in order to be able to reproduce.
An organism bearing certain genetic material, with respect to its cells.
The so-called junk DNA is known, so far, to provide no apparent benefit to its host.
A multitude of people arrayed as an army; used also in religious senses, as: Heavenly host (of angels)
A large number of items; a large inventory.
The dealer stocks a host of parts for my Model A.
(Christianity) The consecrated bread of the Eucharist.
To perform the role of a host.
Our company will host the annual conference this year.
I was terrible at hosting that show.
I’ll be hosting tonight. I hope I’m not terrible.
To lodge at an inn.
To run software made available to a remote user or process.
Kremvax hosts a variety of services.
The consecrated wafer, believed to be the body of Christ, which in the Mass is offered as a sacrifice; also, the bread before consecration.
An army; a number of men gathered for war.
A host so great as covered all the field.
Any great number or multitude; a throng.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God.
All at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils.
One who receives or entertains another, whether gratuitously or for compensation; one from whom another receives food, lodging, or entertainment; a landlord.
Time is like a fashionable host,That slightly shakes his parting guest by the hand.
Any animal or plant affording lodgment or subsistence to a parasitic or commensal organism. Thus a tree is a host of an air plant growing upon it.
To give entertainment to.
To lodge at an inn; to take up entertainment.
A person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there
A vast multitude
An animal or plant that nourishes and supports a parasite; the host does not benefit and is often harmed by the association
A person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers)
Archaic terms for army
Any organization that provides resources and facilities for a function or event;
Atlanta was chosen to be host for the Olympic Games
(medicine) recipient of transplanted tissue or organ from a donor
The owner or manager of an inn
A technical name for the bread used in the service of Mass or Holy Communion
(computer science) a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network
Be the host of or for;
We hosted 4 couples last night
Host can describe a living organism that harbors another organism.
The tree acted as a host for various types of moss.
Host pertains to a server in a network in computing.
The host computer was responsible for managing the network's data.
Host involves the role of a master of ceremonies at an event.
The host kept the audience engaged throughout the award ceremony.

Host Snonyms


A person who introduces or hosts television programs.
The presenter of the news tonight is very experienced.


Master of ceremonies; a person who hosts staged events or performances.
The emcee for the awards ceremony kept the audience engaged.

Master of ceremonies (MC)

A person who officiates at a formal event, introducing speakers, performers, etc.
The MC for the evening introduced each speaker with a brief bio.


A person who presents and coordinates a live television or radio program.
The news anchor reported on the latest developments.


Host of a program and entertainer, especially in a broadcast show.
The compere made sure the show ran smoothly.


A person who makes an action or process easy or easier.
As a facilitator, he helped guide the group discussion.


A person who gives support to someone or something.
The patron of the arts festival helped fund the event.


A person who arranges and coordinates events or activities.
The event organizer planned every detail of the conference.


A person whose job is to present or announce programs on radio or television.
The broadcaster provided live commentary during the game.


Someone who moderates a discussion or debate.
The moderator ensured all panelists had a chance to speak.

Host Idioms & Phrases

Host with the most

A person who provides outstanding hospitality.
At every party, he’s known as the host with the most.

Be host to

To accommodate or entertain guests or events.
The gallery was proud to be host to a collection of rare artworks.

Host of the year

Someone recognized for exceptional skills in hosting or entertaining.
With her elaborate dinners, she could easily be the host of the year.

A host of possibilities

A large number or wide range of options or opportunities.
Moving to the city opened up a host of possibilities for her career.

Fall to the host

To become the responsibility of the person hosting.
Making all the guests feel welcome falls to the host.

Host’s nightmare

A situation at a social event that is problematic for the person hosting.
The unexpected rainstorm during the garden party was a host’s nightmare.

Host’s prerogative

The right or privilege of the person in charge of an event or location.
Choosing the evening’s theme was the host’s prerogative.

Play host to

To serve as a host or provide a venue for an event or person.
The city is playing host to the international conference next month.

In the host's shoes

In the position or role of the person responsible for entertaining or accommodating.
In the host’s shoes, he quickly realized how much work goes into a successful event.

Host’s honor

The privilege or distinction of being the host.
It was her host’s honor to have such esteemed guests in her home.

A host’s touch

The unique ability or style of a person when they host.
The beautiful decorations at the dinner party were a testament to her host’s touch.

Host’s choice

The preference or decision made by the person hosting.
The music selection was the host’s choice.

Under the host’s roof

In the place or home where someone is hosting.
Under the host’s roof, everyone felt comfortable and welcome.

The invisible host

A host who efficiently manages an event while remaining unobtrusive.
He was the invisible host, ensuring everything ran smoothly without drawing attention to himself.

A welcoming host

Someone who provides a warm and friendly environment for guests.
She is known in her community as a welcoming host.

Take on the host role

To assume the responsibilities and duties of hosting.
He decided to take on the host role for the charity event.

Overwhelm the host

To burden the host with more guests, demands, or expectations than they can manage.
The unexpected arrival of extra guests threatened to overwhelm the host.

A host of problems

Many different issues or difficulties.
The project faced a host of problems from the start.

Host by nature

Someone who is innately skilled at or inclined towards hosting.
Always ready to throw a party, he’s a host by nature.

Host at heart

A person who naturally enjoys or is inclined to host and entertain.
Even in small gatherings, she’s a host at heart.

Host Example Sentences

The host welcomed us as we arrived at the party.
She was excited to be the host of the new talk show.
Our biology teacher explained how a parasite affects its host.
As the host, he introduced the guest speaker at the conference.
As a host, she always had fun games planned for her guests.
The talk show host interviewed several famous celebrities.
He was a generous host, offering refreshments to all his guests.
The host computer crashed, causing issues in the network.
The host of the charity event thanked everyone for their contributions.
He acted as the host for the evening's entertainment program.
The host of the event was dressed in a fancy suit.
The museum acted as a host for the art exhibition.
The garden was a host to a variety of colorful flowers.
The host city for the next Olympics was announced with excitement.
As the host, she took great care to accommodate all dietary needs.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in host?

There is one syllable in "host."

How is host used in a sentence?

"She will host the party at her house this weekend."

How do we divide host into syllables?

Since "host" has only one syllable, it is not divided.

What is the verb form of host?

The verb form is "host," as in "to host an event."

What is the first form of host?

The first form (present tense) is "host."

What part of speech is host?

"Host" can be a noun (as in someone who entertains guests) or a verb (as in to entertain guests or hold an event).

Why is it called host?

It is called "host" from the Latin word "hospes," meaning "guest" or "stranger," which evolved to denote someone who receives or entertains guests.

What is a stressed syllable in host?

The entire word "host" is stressed, as it consists of only one syllable.

What is another term for host?

Another term for "host" can be "presenter" or "entertainer" when referring to events, or "innkeeper" for lodging.

What is the root word of host?

The root word is the Latin "hospes," meaning "guest" or "stranger."

What is the pronunciation of host?

Host is pronounced as /hoʊst/ in American English.

What is the second form of host?

The second form (simple past tense) is "hosted."

What is the singular form of host?

The singular form is "host."

Is host a negative or positive word?

"Host" is neutral, with positive or negative connotations depending on the context.

Which determiner is used with host?

Determiners such as "the," "a," "this," or "that" can be used with "host," depending on the context.

Is host an adverb?

No, "host" is not an adverb.

Is the word “host” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Host" can be a direct object in sentences like "They thanked the host," but it typically does not serve as an indirect object.

What is the third form of host?

The third form (past participle) is "hosted."

Is host a collective noun?

"Host" can function as a collective noun when referring to a large number or group (e.g., a host of stars).

Which vowel is used before host?

The article "a" is used before "host" (a host), as "host" begins with a consonant sound.

What is the opposite of host?

The opposite of "host" (as a noun) could be "guest."

Is host a vowel or consonant?

The word "host" starts with a consonant "h."

Is host a countable noun?

Yes, "host" is a countable noun (e.g., one host, two hosts).

Is the host term a metaphor?

"Host" can be used metaphorically, especially in expressions like "a host of problems."

Is the word host imperative?

"Host" can be used in the imperative mood as a verb, e.g., "Host the meeting at 10 AM."

Is the word host Gerund?

The gerund form of "host" is "hosting," which functions as a noun.

Which conjunction is used with host?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "host" in compound sentences.

Which article is used with host?

Both "a" (indefinite) and "the" (definite) can be used with "host," depending on whether it's being used in a specific or nonspecific context.

What is the plural form of host?

The plural form is "hosts."

Is host a noun or adjective?

"Host" is primarily a noun and a verb, but not an adjective.

Is host an abstract noun?

No, "host" is a concrete noun when referring to a person, and not an abstract noun.

Which preposition is used with host?

Prepositions like "of" or "for" can be used with "host," depending on the context (e.g., "host of the show," "host for the event").

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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