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Hungry Definition and Meaning

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 6, 2024
Hungry means having a desire or need for food. e.g., After the long hike, everyone felt very hungry.

Hungry Definitions

Showing signs of poverty or deprivation.
The hungry look in his eyes spoke of his difficult life.
Marked by a lack of food.
The famine left the land hungry and barren.
Needy, greedy, or grasping for something.
The company was hungry for success and pushed its employees hard.
Lacking or deficient in something.
The soil was hungry and needed fertilization.
Having an appetite for something non-food related.
He was hungry for adventure and traveled the world.
Feeling or displaying a need for food.
The children were hungry after playing all day.
Having a strong desire or craving for something.
She was hungry for knowledge and read every book she could find.
Desiring to consume or absorb a large amount.
The hungry flames consumed the old timber rapidly.
Insufficiently fed or nourished.
The rescue dog was hungry and malnourished when found.
Experiencing a desire or need for food.
Extremely desirous; avid
Hungry for recognition.
Characterized by or expressing hunger or craving
Hungry eyes.
Lacking richness or fertility
Hungry soil.
Affected by hunger; having the physical need for food.
My kids go to bed hungry every night because I haven’t got much money for food.
I woke up very hungry and made some toast.
Causing hunger.
All this gardening is hungry work.
(figuratively) Eager, having an avid desire (‘appetite’) for something.
The students are hungry to learn
Young and hungry
Not rich or fertile; poor; barren; starved.
A hungry soil
Feeling hunger; having a keen appetite; feeling uneasiness or distress from want of food; hence, having an eager desire.
Showing hunger or a craving desire; voracious.
The cruel, hungry foam.
Cassius has a lean and hungry look.
Not rich or fertile; poor; barren; starved; as, a hungry soil.
Feeling hunger; feeling a need or desire to eat food;
A world full of hungry people
(usually followed by `for') extremely desirous;
Athirst for knowledge
Hungry for recognition
Thirsty for informaton
Eager or keen for an opportunity or activity.
The team was hungry for a win after several losses.

Hungry Snonyms


Extremely hungry; voracious.
The smell of the food made him ravenous.


(Of appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy.
He had an insatiable hunger for knowledge.


To suffer a mental and physical decline, especially because of a broken heart.
He was pining for his favorite dishes from home, feeling very hungry.


Slightly hungry.
I'm feeling a bit peckish; I could go for a snack.


Abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance.
She was fasting for religious reasons but felt very hungry.


Extremely hungry.
After the long hike, they were absolutely famished.


Suffering or dying from hunger.
By dinner time, I was starving.


A powerful desire for something.
She had a craving for chocolate, feeling hungry all afternoon.


Having or characterized by desire; feeling hunger for something specific.
They were desirous of a hearty meal after the long day.


Excessively greedy; grasping.
His rapacious appetite could never be satisfied.

Hungry Idioms & Phrases

Hungry for success

Having a strong desire to achieve success.
The young entrepreneur was hungry for success.

Hungry for more

Desiring even more of something already received.
After the first success, they were hungry for more.

Hungry eyes

Looking eagerly or with a strong desire for something.
He watched the championship with hungry eyes, dreaming of competing one day.

Nourish a hungry mind

To provide intellectual stimulation to satisfy curiosity or desire for knowledge.
The library was a perfect place to nourish a hungry mind.

Hungry for power

Having an intense desire to gain and wield control or authority.
The antagonist in the story was hungry for power, stopping at nothing to get it.

Work up an appetite/hungry

To do something that makes you feel hungry.
That hike really worked up an appetite; I'm starving now.

Eyes bigger than one's stomach

Choosing more food than one can eat; also used to describe someone who takes on more than they can handle.
He was so hungry he piled his plate high, but it was a case of his eyes being bigger than his stomach.

A hungry mind

An eager desire to learn or know more about something.
She approached each new subject with a hungry mind, eager to delve into its depths.

Hungry for knowledge

Eager to learn or acquire new information or skills.
As a lifelong learner, he's always hungry for knowledge.

Feed a hungry mind

To provide someone with knowledge or information they are eager to learn.
The seminar was an excellent opportunity to feed hungry minds.

Hungry for change

Desiring or being eager for a new or different experience or situation.
After years in the same role, she was hungry for change.

Hungry Example Sentences

The garden looked hungry and in need of watering.
By lunchtime, I was really hungry and ready to eat.
She's always hungry for new challenges at work.
You could see a hungry determination in her eyes.
The startup was hungry for investment to fuel its growth.
The hungry kitten meowed for food.
Many people in the region are hungry due to the drought.
They were hungry for victory in the championship game.
The artist was hungry for recognition and worked tirelessly.
In a world hungry for energy, renewable sources are key.
The hungry fire lit up the night sky.
The team had a hungry look, ready to tackle the project.
His mind was hungry for the mysteries of science.
Adventure seekers are always hungry for the next thrill.
The documentary highlighted the plight of the hungry population.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called hungry?

It is called "hungry" because it comes from the Old English word "hunger," referring to the physical sensation needing or desiring food.

What is a stressed syllable in hungry?

The first syllable "hun" is stressed in "hungry."

How many syllables are in hungry?

There are two syllables in "hungry."

What is the verb form of hungry?

"Hungry" is an adjective; it does not have a verb form. The related verb form would be "hunger."

How is hungry used in a sentence?

"Hungry" can be used to describe the state of wanting food, e.g., After the game, all the players were hungry.

How do we divide hungry into syllables?

We divide "hungry" into syllables as "hun-gry."

What is the opposite of hungry?

The opposite of "hungry" could be "full" or "satiated."

Is hungry a noun or adjective?

"Hungry" is an adjective, describing the feeling of wanting or needing to eat.

What is another term for hungry?

Another term for "hungry" could be "famished" or "starving," depending on the degree of hunger.

Is hungry a countable noun?

"Hungry" is an adjective and does not have a countable form. The related noun "hunger" can be used in countable contexts.

Is the word hungry imperative?

"Hungry" is an adjective and not used in the imperative mood. Imperative mood is typically used with verbs.

Is the word “hungry” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Hungry" is an adjective and does not function as a direct or indirect object. It describes the state of a subject.

What is the pronunciation of hungry?

"Hungry" is pronounced as /ˈhʌŋ.ɡri/.

What is the root word of hungry?

The root word of "hungry" is the Old English "hunger," meaning a desire or need for food.

Is hungry an adverb?

"Hungry" is not an adverb. The adverb form related to "hungry" would be "hungrily."

Is hungry an abstract noun?

"Hungry" is not a noun; it's an adjective. The related noun form is "hunger."

Which vowel is used before hungry?

There is no vowel used directly before "hungry" in a sentence; it depends on the context and the preceding word.

Is the word hungry Gerund?

"Hungry" is not a gerund. Gerunds are derived from verbs, while "hungry" is an adjective.

Which conjunction is used with hungry?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used in sentences with "hungry," depending on the context, e.g., "hungry and thirsty," "hungry but waiting."

Which article is used with hungry?

Articles such as "the," "a," or "an" are not typically used directly with "hungry" unless "hungry" is followed by a noun, e.g., "the hungry child."

What part of speech is hungry?

"Hungry" is an adjective, describing a state of wanting food or a strong desire for something.

What is the singular form of hungry?

"Hungry" is an adjective and does not have singular or plural forms. It remains "hungry" regardless of the number of subjects.

What is the plural form of hungry?

As an adjective, "hungry" does not change form and is the same for singular and plural uses, e.g., "The hungry child" and "The hungry children."

Is hungry a vowel or consonant?

The word "hungry" starts with the consonant "h."

Is hungry a collective noun?

"Hungry" is not a collective noun; it's an adjective used to describe a state or feeling.

Is the hungry term a metaphor?

"Hungry" can be used metaphorically to describe a strong desire for non-food items, such as success or knowledge.

Which preposition is used with hungry?

Prepositions are not typically used directly with "hungry." However, in sentences, "hungry" can be followed by "for" when expressing a desire, e.g., "hungry for success."

Is hungry a negative or positive word?

"Hungry" is generally considered neutral; its positive or negative connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Which determiner is used with hungry?

Determiners such as "very," "quite," and "extremely" can be used with "hungry" to modify its intensity, e.g., "She was very hungry."

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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