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Husky Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Husky" describes a voice that is deep and slightly hoarse, often sounding rugged or rough. e.g., His voice turned husky after cheering loudly at the game.

Husky Definitions

Husky pertains to sounding rough, throaty, and low-pitched.
His husky laughter echoed in the room.
Husky can describe a type of dog breed known for thick fur and endurance.
The husky pulled the sled effortlessly across the snow.
Husky describes a voice affected by emotion or illness.
Her voice was husky with emotion as she spoke.
Husky denotes a substantial or heavyset body type.
The husky bear roamed the forest confidently.
Husky means having a deep, slightly rough voice.
She sang in a husky voice that captivated the audience.
Husky refers to someone big, strong, and often slightly overweight.
The husky football player was a key defender for his team.
Husky can mean powerful and hefty in appearance.
The husky construction worker lifted the heavy beams with ease.
Husky describes clothing sizes for fuller or larger builds.
He shopped in the husky section for a better fit.
Hoarse or rough in quality
A voice husky with emotion.
Resembling a husk.
Containing husks.
Strongly built; burly.
Heavily built
Clothing sizes for husky boys.
A husky person.
A dog of any of various compact, thick-coated Arctic breeds developed as sled dogs, especially the Siberian husky.
(of a voice) Hoarse and rough-sounding.
Burly, stout.
Abounding with husks; consisting of husks.
Any of several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs.
Abounding with husks; consisting of husks.
Rough in tone; harsh; hoarse; raucous; as, a husky voice.
Powerful; strong; burly.
A good, husky man to pitch in the barnyard.
An Eskimo.
The Eskimo language.
An Eskimo dog, especially a breed of strong heavy-coated dogs used to pull dogsleds in the Northern regions of North America.
Breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dog
Muscular and heavily built;
A beefy wrestler
Had a tall burly frame
Clothing sizes for husky boys
A strapping boy of eighteen
`buirdly' is a Scottish term
Deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion;
Gruff voices
The dog's gruff barking
Hoarse cries
Makes all the instruments sound powerful but husky
Husky is used for something bulky or robust in build.
He wore a husky coat to protect against the cold.
Husky can imply a gruff or gravelly quality of voice.
The old man's husky voice told stories of his youth.

Husky Snonyms


Rough and low in pitch.
His gruff greeting was intimidating at first.


Having a rough or harsh sounding voice.
After shouting at the game, his voice was hoarse.


Rough, making a scraping noise.
The old record sounded scratchy.


Extending far down from the top or surface.
His voice was deep and resonant, filling the room.


Unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound.
His raspy voice was the result of a cold.


(Of a voice or sound) deep and husky.
She sang with a throaty tone that captivated the audience.


Produced in the throat; harsh-sounding.
The guttural sounds of the language were difficult for her to pronounce.


Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or soft.
His voice was rough after not speaking for several days.


Characterized by a deep, harsh, raspy voice.
He answered the phone with a croaky hello.


Unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.
The harsh voice startled her.

Husky Idioms & Phrases

Husky as the north wind

Having a strong and robust nature, like the harsh northern winds.
His personality was as husky as the north wind.

A husky-hearted hero

Someone who is brave and strong, both physically and emotionally.
The firefighter was a true husky-hearted hero.

A husky voice in the crowd

A distinctive, strong voice that stands out among others.
Her husky voice in the crowd made her easily recognizable.

The husky edge of winter

The harsh, robust nature of the winter season.
We braced ourselves for the husky edge of winter.

With husky endurance

Exhibiting a high level of stamina or persistence.
He completed the marathon with husky endurance.

A husky tone of determination

Speaking with a strong, determined voice.
She spoke with a husky tone of determination about her goals.

To have a husky resolve

To possess a strong and unwavering determination.
She tackled the challenges with a husky resolve.

A husky layer of trust

A strong, solid foundation of trust.
Their relationship was built on a husky layer of trust.

To pull a husky sled

To do hard, strenuous work, similar to that of a sled dog.
Finishing this project on time was like pulling a husky sled.

A husky sense of humor

A robust and often bold type of humor.
His husky sense of humor was not always appreciated.

In husky strides

Making progress with strong, confident steps.
He approached the challenge in husky strides.

A husky approach to life

Living life in a strong, vigorous manner.
She lived with a husky approach to life, full of energy and enthusiasm.

The husky bark of leadership

A commanding and powerful approach to leading others.
She led the team with the husky bark of leadership.

To have a husky spirit

To exhibit a bold and resilient character.
Despite the setbacks, he maintained a husky spirit.

Husky whispers of love

Deep, passionate expressions of affection.
They exchanged husky whispers of love in the moonlight.

Through husky terrain

Navigating through tough, challenging conditions.
The explorers trekked through the husky terrain.

With a husky hand

Handling something with strength and firmness.
He managed the crisis with a husky hand.

Husky shadows of the past

Strong, significant influences or memories from the past.
He was often haunted by the husky shadows of his past.

Husky laughter in the hall

Deep, hearty laughter that fills a room.
His husky laughter in the hall was infectious.

To face a husky challenge

To confront a significant and tough challenge.
Climbing the mountain was like facing a husky challenge.

Husky Example Sentences

The husky dog barked loudly at the strangers.
He coughed, making his voice sound even huskier.
His voice was husky from shouting at the concert.
She found his husky voice surprisingly soothing.
The husky man helped move the heavy furniture.
The husky puppy played happily in the snow.
Her laughter was deep and husky, full of joy.
The husky coat kept him warm in the freezing weather.
The husky sailor navigated the rough seas expertly.
He spoke in a husky whisper during the movie.
The husky bear wandered into their campsite.
The husky athlete trained daily for strength.
Her normally clear voice was husky with a cold.
She admired the husky timber of the jazz singer's voice.
He bought husky jeans that fit him comfortably.

Common Curiosities

How is husky used in a sentence?

As a noun: "The husky pulled the sled effortlessly across the snow." As an adjective: "He spoke in a low, husky voice that caught everyone's attention."

What is the root word of husky?

For the dog breed, the root word is "Eskimo Husky," shortened to "husky." For the adjective describing a voice, it may derive from "husk," indicating a dry, rough quality.

What is a stressed syllable in husky?

The stressed syllable in "husky" is "hus."

What is the pronunciation of husky?

Husky is pronounced as /ˈhʌ

How many syllables are in husky?

There are two syllables in "husky."

How do we divide husky into syllables?

Husky is divided into syllables as hus-ky.

What is the singular form of husky?

The singular form is "husky."

Why is it called husky?

The term "husky" can refer to a breed of dog known for its strength and endurance in cold climates, originally used as sled dogs by the Inuit. The word "husky" is a shortened form of "Eskimo Husky," which originally referred to these dogs. When used to describe a voice, "husky" means rough or hoarse, possibly derived from the sound resembling a dog's bark or from the word "husk," implying a dry or rough quality.

What is the opposite of husky?

As an adjective describing a voice: "clear," "smooth," or "melodious."

What is the verb form of husky?

"Husky" is primarily used as a noun and adjective, and it doesn't have a conventional verb form. However, one could use "husk" as a related verb when referring to the action of becoming hoarse or rough in voice.

Is husky a negative or positive word?

"Husky" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is husky a countable noun?

Yes, when referring to the dog breed, "husky" is a countable noun.

Is the husky term a metaphor?

When used to describe a voice, "husky" can be considered a metaphorical term, implying a roughness or hoarseness reminiscent of the sound a husky dog might make.

What is the plural form of husky?

The plural form is "huskies" when referring to the dogs.

Is husky a noun or adjective?

"Husky" can be both a noun (referring to the dog) and an adjective (describing a voice).

Is the word husky Gerund?

No, "husky" is not a gerund.

Which vowel is used before husky?

The article "a" is used before "husky" because it starts with a consonant sound.

What is another term for husky?

As a noun: "Siberian Husky" (a specific breed). As an adjective: "hoarse" or "gruff."

Is husky an adverb?

No, "husky" is not an adverb.

Is husky a vowel or consonant?

The word "husky" starts with a consonant sound.

Is husky a collective noun?

No, "husky" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word husky imperative?

"Husky" is not an imperative form as it is not a verb.

Is the word “husky” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Husky" can be a direct object in sentences like "She adopted a husky," but it is not used as an indirect object.

Which determiner is used with husky?

Determiners like "a," "the," "my," or "that" can be used with "husky," depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with husky?

Conjunctions like "and," "or," and "but" can be used with "husky," depending on the sentence structure.

What part of speech is husky?

"Husky" can be a noun (referring to the dog breed) or an adjective (describing a rough voice).

Is husky an abstract noun?

No, "husky" is not an abstract noun.

Which preposition is used with husky?

Prepositions like "with," "of," or "by" can be used with "husky," depending on the context.

Which article is used with husky?

Both "a" (indefinite) and "the" (definite) can be used with "husky," depending on the context and specificity.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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