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Identify Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Published on March 6, 2024
Identify means to establish the identity of someone or something. e.g., The detective was able to identify the suspect from the security footage.

Identify Definitions

To recognize or distinguish, especially through analysis.
She can identify a song just by hearing a few notes.
To establish the exact nature of a problem or illness.
The mechanic identified the issue as a faulty alternator.
To specify or name.
The witness was asked to identify the thief in a lineup.
To associate or affiliate oneself closely with a group or idea.
He identifies strongly with his cultural heritage.
To relate to or empathize with.
Many readers identify with the protagonist's struggle.
To use specific markers or signs to recognize.
Biologists identify birds by their markings and songs.
To ascertain as being a particular thing or person.
Forensic scientists can identify victims through DNA testing.
To discover or establish the origin or provenance of.
Archaeologists have identified the artifact as ancient Roman.
To label or designate in a particular context.
The teacher identified the first row of students as group one.
To equate oneself or another person with someone or something.
Fans often identify their favorite athletes as heroes.
To establish or recognize the identity of; ascertain as a certain person or thing
Can you identify what kind of plane that is? I identified the man at the next table as a famous actor.
(Biology) To determine the taxonomic classification of (an organism).
To ascertain as having a certain characteristic or feature
Job candidates who are identified as overqualified.
Children who have been identified with hearing loss.
To consider as identical or united; equate
The Greek god Ares is identified with the Roman god Mars.
To associate or affiliate closely with
Writers who are identified with modernism.
To consider oneself as sharing certain characteristics or attitudes as another
She identifies strongly with her grandmother.
To associate oneself with or admire something, such as a set of ideas
A language learner who identifies with a new culture.
To believe or assert that one belongs to a certain group or class
She identifies as a libertarian. He identifies as bisexual.
(transitive) To establish the identity of someone or something.
It was hard to identify the shoplifter because the CCTV records didn't have a clear image.
(transitive) To disclose the identity of someone.
The Associated Press will not identify the suspect of the crime because he is a juvenile.
To establish the taxonomic classification of an organism.
(transitive) To equate or make the same; to unite or combine into one.
(reflexive) To have a strong affinity with; to feel oneself to be modelled on or connected to.
(intransitive) To associate oneself with some group; to feel, or believe one feels, the same way.
To claim an identity; to describe oneself as a member of a group; to assert the use of a particular term to describe oneself.
To make to be the same; to unite or combine in such a manner as to make one; to treat as being one or having the same purpose or effect; to consider as the same in any relation.
Every precaution is taken to identify the interests of the people and of the rulers.
Let us identify, let us incorporate ourselves with the people.
To establish the identity of; to prove to be the same with something described, claimed, or asserted; as, to identify stolen property.
To become the same; to coalesce in interest, purpose, use, effect, etc.
To coalesce in interest, purpose, use, effect, etc.; to associate oneself in name, goals, or feelings; usually used with with; as, he identified with the grief she felt at her father's death.
An enlightened self-interest, which, when well understood, they tell us will identify with an interest more enlarged and public.
Recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something;
She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster
Give the name or identifying characteristics of; refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property;
Many senators were named in connection with the scandal
The almanac identifies the auspicious months
Consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else;
He identified with the refugees
Conceive of as united or associated;
Sex activity is closely identified with the hypothalamus
Identify as in botany or biology, for example
Consider to be equal or the same;
He identified his brother as one of the fugitives

Identify Snonyms


To ascertain something conclusively through examination or calculation.
The scientists worked to determine the cause of the outbreak.


To perceive or recognize something, often with difficulty.
It's sometimes hard to discern the truth from fiction in his stories.


To discover or identify the presence of.
The test can detect traces of the virus in the blood.


To recognize or treat (someone or something) as different.
He has the ability to distinguish between very subtle shades of color.


To acknowledge the existence, validity, or legality of something.
It's important to recognize the signs of stress early.


To find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search.
She discovered her love for painting in her 40s.


To identify clearly and definitely.
The contract should specify all the necessary conditions of the agreement.


To arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics.
The librarian classifies the books according to genre.


To locate exactly.
Rescuers were able to pinpoint the location of the stranded hikers.


To identify the nature of (an illness or problem) by examination of the symptoms.
The doctor diagnosed the patient with early-stage arthritis.

Identify Idioms & Phrases

Hard to identify

Something that is difficult to recognize or distinguish.
The camouflaged insect was hard to identify against the tree bark.

Identify in a lineup

To pick out an individual from a group as being responsible for a crime.
The witness was unable to identify the suspect in a lineup.

Easy to identify

Something that is easily recognizable or distinguishable.
The bright red door is easy to identify from a distance.


To classify oneself, especially in terms of race, gender, or sexuality.
More people are choosing to self-identify on surveys to reflect their true identities.

Identify on sight

To recognize something or someone immediately upon seeing.
Experienced bird watchers can identify many species on sight.

Identify beyond doubt

To establish the identity of something or someone with certainty.
The evidence allowed them to identify the culprit beyond doubt.

Identify against

To set oneself apart from a group or idea.
He identifies against the mainstream trends to preserve his unique identity.

Identify from afar

To recognize something or someone from a long distance.
He could identify his friend from afar by his distinctive hat.

Identify under pressure

To recognize or determine something when under stress or in a challenging situation.
It's not easy to identify the right answer under pressure.

Identify with

To feel a strong connection or empathy with something or someone.
She identifies with the characters in the novel because of their shared experiences.

Fail to identify

To be unable to recognize or determine what something is.
The expert failed to identify the cause of the problem.

Identify among many

To pick out or distinguish from a large number of items or people.
It was a challenge to identify the original document among many copies.

Identify by association

To recognize something by relating it to another familiar thing.
She identified the plant by associating it with its similar-shaped leaves.


To establish the identity of something by comparing it with another thing.
The researcher cross-identified the samples with known specimens for accuracy.


To identify again or anew, especially after a change has occurred.
After the renovation, it was hard to re-identify the building.

Identify at a glance

To recognize something or someone very quickly.
She could identify a counterfeit bill at a glance.

Identify by name

To specify someone or something by their name.
The teacher asked the students to identify themselves by name.

Identify as part of

To recognize oneself as belonging to a specific group or category.
He identifies as part of the artistic community.


To incorrectly identify someone or something.
The journalist apologized for misidentifying the source of the information.

Identify by feature

To recognize something by its characteristics or attributes.
You can identify the bird by its feature, such as its colorful plumage.

Identify Example Sentences

It's important to identify your goals before making a plan.
The app helps you identify plants by taking a photo of them.
Sometimes, it's hard to identify the best solution to a problem.
She could easily identify all the constellations in the night sky.
He struggled to identify his feelings about the sudden news.
The scientist managed to identify a new species of frog.
It took a while to identify the source of the leak in the roof.
The teacher asked us to identify the capital cities on the map.
The police needed to identify the owner of the abandoned car.
Can you identify the main theme of this story?
Identify the errors in this article and correct them.
The challenge was to identify the fake painting among the real ones.
Can you identify the key factors that led to this outcome?
She had a unique ability to identify rare books by their covers.
It's crucial to identify the symptoms of dehydration early.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called identify?

Identify is called so because it involves determining, recognizing, or establishing the identity of someone or something.

How many syllables are in identify?

There are four syllables in "identify."

How is identify used in a sentence?

Identify is used as a verb to describe the action of recognizing or establishing the identity of someone or something.

What is the first form of identify?

The first form is "identify."

What is another term for identify?

Another term for identify is "recognize."

How do we divide identify into syllables?

Identify is divided into syllables as: i-den-ti-fy.

What is the root word of identify?

The root word of "identify" is "identity," derived from Late Latin "identitas."

What is a stressed syllable in identify?

The stressed syllable in "identify" is the second one: i-den-ti-fy.

What part of speech is identify?

Identify is a verb.

What is the verb form of identify?

The verb form is "identify" itself.

What is the pronunciation of identify?

Identify is pronounced as /aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ/.

What is the second form of identify?

The second form is "identified."

Is identify an abstract noun?

No, identify is a verb, not a noun.

Is identify a noun or adjective?

Identify is a verb.

Is identify an adverb?

No, identify is not an adverb.

Is identify a negative or positive word?

Identify is neutral; it can be used in both positive and negative contexts.

Is the word identify imperative?

Identify can be used in the imperative form in commands or instructions.

What is the third form of identify?

The third form is also "identified."

What is the singular form of identify?

The singular form is "identify."

What is the plural form of identify?

Identify does not have a plural form as it is a verb; its actions can be pluralized, e.g., "identifies."

Is identify a countable noun?

Identify is not a noun; it is a verb and thus not countable.

Which article is used with identify?

Articles like "the" or "an" can be used with noun forms related to "identify," depending on the context.

Is identify a vowel or consonant?

The word "identify" begins with a vowel sound.

Is identify a collective noun?

No, identify is a verb and not a collective noun.

Is the word identify Gerund?

Yes, when used as a noun, e.g., "Identifying the problem is the first step," "identifying" acts as a gerund.

Is the word “identify” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Identify" can be used with both direct and indirect objects, depending on the sentence structure.

Which determiner is used with identify?

Determiners like "the," "a," "this," etc., can be used with the noun form of actions derived from "identify" (e.g., identification).

Which conjunction is used with identify?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," and "or" can be used in sentences involving "identify."

What is the opposite of identify?

The opposite of identify could be "misidentify" or "disregard."

Is the identify term a metaphor?

The term "identify" can be used metaphorically in some contexts.

Which vowel is used before identify?

Vowels like "a" or "an" can be used before "identify" based on the context and following word.

Which preposition is used with identify?

Prepositions like "as," "with," and "by" are often used with "identify."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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