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Imbecility Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Imbecility" refers to a state of severe intellectual disability or extreme foolishness and lack of good judgment. e.g., His decision to ride a bike on thin ice was pure imbecility.

Imbecility Definitions

Imbecility can refer to a momentary lapse of reason.
His imbecility in leaving the keys in the car was quickly realized.
Imbecility can describe a state of weak-mindedness or folly.
His imbecility in financial matters led to a series of poor investments.
Imbecility pertains to behavior that is senselessly foolish.
Jumping into the pool fully clothed was an imbecility that amused everyone.
Imbecility is used for illogical or irrational thought processes.
The theory he proposed was dismissed as pure imbecility.
Imbecility describes a lack of common sense or practicality.
Forgetting to wear a coat in a snowstorm was an imbecility.
Imbecility can imply a condition of being easily confused or misled.
The imbecility of the plan was evident when it failed immediately.
Imbecility means the quality of being extremely stupid or silly.
The imbecility of eating soup with a fork was clear to everyone.
Imbecility refers to actions showing a lack of intelligence.
Painting the cat was an act of sheer imbecility.
Imbecility denotes an absurd or pointless act.
Building a sandcastle at high tide was an imbecility.
Imbecility describes an act lacking wisdom or sound judgment.
His imbecility in handling the situation led to a bigger problem.
Great stupidity or foolishness.
Something, such as an act or suggestion, that is considered stupid or foolish.
The quality of being imbecile; weakness; feebleness, especially of mind.
Something imbecilic; a stupid action, behaviour, etc.
The quality of being imbecile; weakness; feebleness, esp. of mind.
Cruelty . . . argues not only a depravedness of nature, but also a meanness of courage and imbecility of mind.
Retardation more severe than a moron but not as severe as an idiot
A stupid mistake

Imbecility Snonyms


Extremely stupid behavior.
Risking your job for such a prank is pure idiocy.


The state of being foolish or nonsensical.
I couldn't understand the senselessness of his actions.


Behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment.
I was amazed by the stupidity of their decision.


Lack of good sense or judgment; stupidity.
His foolishness at the meeting was embarrassing.


The state or quality of being silly, foolish, or absurd.
We laughed at the silliness of the situation.


A lack of sense or meaning; silliness.
The conversation descended into inanity.


Lack of good sense; foolishness.
Investing in that scheme was pure folly.


Lack of skill or ability.
The team's loss was due to their ineptitude on defense.


The quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable.
The absurdity of the movie plot made it hilarious.


Something foolish or stupid.
The fatuity of his comment left everyone speechless.

Imbecility Idioms & Phrases

A dance of imbecility

Engaging in actions that are clearly foolish and unproductive.
Arguing over trivial matters at the meeting was nothing but a dance of imbecility.

Imbecility's embrace

To be deeply involved in or influenced by foolish behavior.
He found himself in imbecility's embrace when he followed his friends' reckless advice.

Imbecility’s shadow

The aftermath or consequences of foolish actions.
They are now dealing with imbecility’s shadow after ignoring expert advice.

Echoes of imbecility

The lingering effects or reminders of a foolish action.
The project's failure left echoes of imbecility in the team’s morale.

A parade of imbecility

A series of foolish actions or decisions, especially when displayed publicly.
The series of failed product launches was like a parade of imbecility.

Imbecility's playground

A situation or environment where foolishness is rampant or encouraged.
Social media can sometimes become imbecility's playground.

Imbecility’s companion

Someone who consistently engages in or supports foolish behavior.
In every risky endeavor, he was imbecility’s companion.

The height of imbecility

Refers to an action or decision that is extremely foolish or senseless.
Investing all his savings in a dubious scheme was the height of imbecility.

Wearing the crown of imbecility

Being the most prominent example of foolishness in a group or situation.
By making such an uninformed statement, he was wearing the crown of imbecility.

The mask of imbecility

Pretending to be foolish or ignorant for some ulterior motive.
He wore the mask of imbecility to avoid taking responsibility.

The garden of imbecility

A situation or group characterized by a variety of foolish behaviors.
The company's leadership seemed like a garden of imbecility, with every decision worse than the last.

Cloaked in imbecility

Engulfed in or characterized by extreme foolishness.
The plan was so poorly thought out, it was cloaked in imbecility.

A symphony of imbecility

An event or situation where everything that occurs is foolish or senseless.
The meeting turned into a symphony of imbecility with no constructive outcome.

The fruit of imbecility

The results or outcomes of foolish actions.
The collapse of the scheme was the fruit of imbecility.

The well of imbecility

A seemingly endless source of foolish ideas or actions.
His excuses were like drawing water from the well of imbecility.

Sailing on the sea of imbecility

Continuously engaging in or dealing with foolish behavior.
By constantly making impulsive decisions, he was sailing on the sea of imbecility.

Imbecility’s footsteps

Following a path or method that is clearly foolish or unwise.
By ignoring the warnings, they were walking in imbecility’s footsteps.

Seeds of imbecility

The origins or initial actions that lead to a series of foolish events.
Skipping the planning phase were the seeds of imbecility for the project.

Imbecility Example Sentences

The imbecility of his argument was obvious to everyone in the class.
It was sheer imbecility to go hiking without a map or compass.
Her decision to paint the dog was an imbecility that puzzled her parents.
He later laughed at his own imbecility for mixing up the meeting dates.
He showed imbecility by leaving his homework on the bus.
The imbecility of forgetting her lines during the play made her nervous.
The movie character's imbecility in the haunted house made everyone scream.
Trying to fly by jumping off the roof was an act of imbecility.
The imbecility of bringing a skateboard to a formal event was clear.
The imbecility of eating ice cream in freezing weather made his teeth hurt.
The imbecility of not charging the phone overnight was felt in the morning.
Wearing flip-flops in the snow was an imbecility he regretted instantly.
Bringing a cat to a dog park was an imbecility quickly realized.
Their plan to catch rain in a colander was full of imbecility.
He committed an imbecility by pouring orange juice into his cereal.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in imbecility?

The stressed syllable in imbecility is "cil."

Why is it called imbecility?

Imbecility is called so because it originates from the Latin word "imbecillitas," meaning weakness or feebleness, particularly referring to a lack of mental acuity or intellectual capacity.

How do we divide imbecility into syllables?

Imbecility is divided into syllables as follows: im-be-cil-i-ty.

What is the verb form of imbecility?

Imbecility is a noun; it does not have a direct verb form. However, the verb form related to the concept of imbecility is "behave imbecilely" or "to act with imbecility."

What is the pronunciation of imbecility?

Imbecility is pronounced as /ɪmˌbɛˈsɪlɪti/.

What is the root word of imbecility?

The root word of imbecility is "imbecilis," which is Latin for weak or feeble.

How many syllables are in imbecility?

There are five syllables in imbecility.

How is imbecility used in a sentence?

"The decision was made with such imbecility that it led to widespread criticism."

What part of speech is imbecility?

Imbecility is a noun.

Is imbecility a noun or adjective?

Imbecility is a noun.

What is another term for imbecility?

Another term for imbecility is "foolishness" or "idiocy."

What is the singular form of imbecility?

The singular form is "imbecility."

Is imbecility an abstract noun?

Yes, imbecility is an abstract noun as it refers to a concept or state rather than a tangible object.

Is imbecility a vowel or consonant?

Imbecility is neither a vowel nor a consonant; it is a noun. However, it starts with a vowel letter "i."

Is the word “imbecility” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

The word "imbecility" can function as a direct object in a sentence, as in "I cannot understand his imbecility." It is not typically used as an indirect object.

Which determiner is used with imbecility?

Determiners such as "the," "a," or possessive pronouns like "his" or "her" can be used with imbecility, depending on the context.

Which vowel is used before imbecility?

The article "an" is used before imbecility because it starts with a vowel sound.

Is imbecility a countable noun?

Imbecility is usually used as an uncountable noun when referring to the state or quality of being imbecile. However, in certain contexts, it can be countable, as in "various imbecilities."

Is the word imbecility Gerund?

No, imbecility is not a gerund. A gerund is a noun formed from a verb ending in "-ing."

Is imbecility an adverb?

No, imbecility is not an adverb.

Is the imbecility term a metaphor?

Imbecility can be used metaphorically to describe actions or decisions that are perceived as foolish or lacking in sense.

Is the word imbecility imperative?

No, imbecility is not imperative; it is a noun. Imperative is a mood used in verbs.

Which article is used with imbecility?

The indefinite article "an" is used with imbecility when it is singular and not specific, and "the" when it is specific or previously mentioned.

What is the plural form of imbecility?

The plural form is "imbecilities."

What is the opposite of imbecility?

The opposite of imbecility is "intelligence" or "wisdom."

Is imbecility a collective noun?

No, imbecility is not a collective noun.

Which preposition is used with imbecility?

Prepositions such as "of," "in," or "with" can be used with imbecility, depending on the sentence, e.g., "The act was one of imbecility."

Which conjunction is used with imbecility?

Conjunctions like "and," "or," and "but" can be used with imbecility, depending on the context of the sentence.

Is imbecility a negative or positive word?

Imbecility is generally considered a negative word as it refers to a lack of intelligence or sense.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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