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Incalcitrant Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Incalcitrant" describes someone who is stubbornly resistant to authority or control, often refusing to comply or cooperate. e.g., The incalcitrant student refused to follow the classroom rules.

Incalcitrant Definitions

Incalcitrant means stubbornly disobedient.
The incalcitrant child wouldn't eat his vegetables.
Incalcitrant refers to being uncooperative with authority.
The incalcitrant employee resisted new policies.
Incalcitrant pertains to resisting change or persuasion.
The incalcitrant old man refused to use technology.
Incalcitrant can mean challenging to manage or deal with.
The incalcitrant problem persisted despite efforts.
Incalcitrant can describe someone defiant of control.
His incalcitrant attitude made discipline difficult.
Incalcitrant denotes being resistant to guidance or discipline.
The incalcitrant puppy wouldn't follow commands.
Incalcitrant describes a refusal to conform.
The incalcitrant artist went against traditional styles.
Incalcitrant is used for someone who is obstinately defiant.
Despite the warnings, she remained incalcitrant.
Incalcitrant can refer to showing inflexibility or stubbornness.
Her incalcitrant stance on the issue was well-known.
Incalcitrant involves being recalcitrant or unyielding.
He was incalcitrant in his political views.

Incalcitrant Snonyms


Boldly resistant or challenging.
The defiant child would not go to bed.


Stubborn or unmanageable.
The refractory horse refused to jump the fence.


Unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.
The intransigent negotiator would not budge from his position.


Opposite in nature, direction, or meaning; perversely inclined to disagree or to do the opposite of what is expected or desired.
She has a contrary streak and often goes against the advice given.


Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.
The recalcitrant employee resisted all efforts for improvement.


Stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
His obstinate attitude made negotiation difficult.


Having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
Her stubborn refusal to admit fault led to more problems.


Disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control.
The unruly class was difficult for the teacher to manage.


Intentional; deliberate; determined to do as one wants even if one knows it is wrong.
His willful disregard for the rules landed him in trouble.


Not following the rules or orders given by authority.
The disobedient dog would not sit when commanded.

Incalcitrant Idioms & Phrases

An incalcitrant attitude

Refers to a persistent refusal to comply or agree with others.
His incalcitrant attitude during negotiations made it difficult to reach a compromise.

Battling with incalcitrant bureaucracy

Struggling against a stubbornly uncooperative and inflexible administrative system.
The reformers found themselves battling with incalcitrant bureaucracy that resisted all attempts at change.

Incalcitrant nature of the problem

Describes a problem that is stubbornly difficult to solve or deal with.
The incalcitrant nature of the environmental crisis requires innovative and persistent solutions.

An incalcitrant witness in court

Refers to a witness who stubbornly refuses to cooperate or provide useful testimony in a legal setting.
The case was challenging due to the incalcitrant witness who refused to answer the lawyer's questions.

Incalcitrant against change

Describes someone who is unyieldingly opposed to new ideas or ways of doing things.
The veteran employee was incalcitrant against change, refusing to adapt to the new digital systems introduced in the office.

Incalcitrant to advice

Describes someone who stubbornly refuses to heed guidance or counsel.
The young entrepreneur remained incalcitrant to advice, insisting on following his risky business plan.

Dealing with an incalcitrant disease

Battling a disease that is stubbornly resistant to treatment.
Doctors were struggling with the incalcitrant disease that showed no response to conventional therapies.

Incalcitrant to training

Describes an individual or animal that is stubbornly resistant to learning or following training procedures.
The new recruit was incalcitrant to training, consistently ignoring the instructor's commands.

An incalcitrant member of the team

Refers to a team member who persistently resists following group decisions or directives.
The project was delayed due to an incalcitrant member of the team who wouldn't cooperate with the others.

An incalcitrant child in the classroom

Refers to a student who is stubbornly resistant to authority or control in an educational setting.
Despite the teacher's repeated instructions, the incalcitrant child continued to disrupt the class with his loud outbursts.

Incalcitrant to discipline

Describes a person, typically a child or subordinate, who resists rules and authority.
The new teacher found the class incalcitrant to discipline, as they would not follow even basic instructions.

Incalcitrant to reason

Describes someone who stubbornly refuses to be swayed by logical arguments or rational explanations.
Despite all the clear evidence presented to him, he remained incalcitrant to reason.

Incalcitrant to innovation

Describes a reluctance or refusal to accept new ideas or approaches.
The old-fashioned company was incalcitrant to innovation, sticking to its traditional methods.

An incalcitrant attitude towards work

Exhibiting a stubborn unwillingness to engage in work or fulfill job responsibilities.
His incalcitrant attitude towards work led to his eventual dismissal from the company.

An incalcitrant issue in society

Refers to a social issue that is stubbornly persistent and difficult to eradicate.
Homelessness is an incalcitrant issue in society, with solutions often proving elusive.

An incalcitrant political opponent

Refers to a political adversary who is stubbornly unyielding and difficult to negotiate with.
The senator faced an incalcitrant political opponent, who consistently blocked all attempts at bipartisan legislation.

Incalcitrant in the face of authority

Exhibiting stubborn resistance or defiance when confronted with authoritative figures.
The activist remained incalcitrant in the face of authority, refusing to end the protest.

Incalcitrant to feedback

Describes someone who stubbornly refuses to accept or consider feedback or criticism.
The author was incalcitrant to feedback, rejecting all suggestions for improving her manuscript.

An incalcitrant machinery

Refers to machinery or equipment that is stubbornly difficult to operate or repair.
The mechanics struggled with the incalcitrant machinery, which broke down frequently.

Facing incalcitrant challenges

Confronting challenges that are exceptionally stubborn and hard to overcome.
The team faced incalcitrant challenges in the development of the new software, encountering numerous unforeseen obstacles.

Incalcitrant Example Sentences

The incalcitrant teenager refused to do his homework.
Her incalcitrant nature often led to arguments.
They faced an incalcitrant challenge in the project.
He found the incalcitrant machinery difficult to operate.
The incalcitrant cat would not leave its spot.
She was incalcitrant about changing her plans.
His incalcitrant behavior caused constant delays.
The teacher struggled with the incalcitrant student.
He had an incalcitrant habit of arriving late.
He remained incalcitrant despite the persuasive arguments.
The incalcitrant crowd refused to disperse.
The incalcitrant horse wouldn't enter the stable.
The incalcitrant weeds were tough to remove.
Her incalcitrant attitude frustrated her parents.
The incalcitrant software issue took hours to resolve.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in incalcitrant?

There are four syllables in incalcitrant.

What is a stressed syllable in incalcitrant?

The stressed syllable in incalcitrant is the second one: in-CAL-ci-trant.

What is the first form of incalcitrant?

Incalcitrant itself is an adjective; it doesn't have a first form as it's not a verb.

How is incalcitrant used in a sentence?

Example sentence: The incalcitrant student refused to follow the rules.

What is the pronunciation of incalcitrant?

Incalcitrant is pronounced as /ɪnˈkælsɪtrənt/.

How do we divide incalcitrant into syllables?

Incalcitrant is divided into syllables as: in-cal-ci-trant.

What is the second form of incalcitrant?

Incalcitrant doesn't have a second form as it's not a verb.

What is the verb form of incalcitrant?

The verb form of incalcitrant is "to be incalcitrant" as in "to be stubbornly resistant."

What is the root word of incalcitrant?

The root word of incalcitrant is "calcitrare," a Latin word meaning to kick.

What is another term for incalcitrant?

Another term for incalcitrant is "stubborn" or "uncooperative."

What part of speech is incalcitrant?

Incalcitrant is an adjective.

What is the singular form of incalcitrant?

Incalcitrant is the same in both singular and plural forms when used as an adjective.

Why is it called incalcitrant?

Incalcitrant is called so because it describes someone who is stubbornly resistant to authority or control, derived from the Latin "calcitrare," meaning to kick.

What is the third form of incalcitrant?

Incalcitrant doesn't have a third form as it's not a verb.

Is the word incalcitrant is imperative?

No, incalcitrant is not an imperative; it's an adjective.

Which vowel is used before incalcitrant?

The vowel used before incalcitrant depends on the preceding word; there's no specific vowel always used before it.

What is the opposite of incalcitrant?

The opposite of incalcitrant is "compliant" or "cooperative."

Is incalcitrant a noun or adjective?

Incalcitrant is an adjective.

Is incalcitrant an abstract noun?

No, incalcitrant is not a noun; it's an adjective.

Is incalcitrant a collective noun?

No, incalcitrant is not a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with incalcitrant?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "an" can be used with incalcitrant depending on the context.

Is the incalcitrant term a metaphor?

Incalcitrant is not typically used as a metaphor; it's a descriptive adjective.

Which conjunction is used with incalcitrant?

Any conjunction can be used with incalcitrant as it depends on the sentence structure.

What is the plural form of incalcitrant?

Incalcitrant remains the same in plural form.

Is incalcitrant an adverb?

No, incalcitrant is not an adverb.

Is incalcitrant a negative or positive word?

Incalcitrant is generally considered a negative word.

Is incalcitrant a countable noun?

Incalcitrant is not a noun; it's an adjective.

Is the word incalcitrant Gerund?

No, incalcitrant is not a gerund; it's an adjective.

Is incalcitrant a vowel or consonant?

Incalcitrant is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

Is the word “incalcitrant” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Incalcitrant is neither a direct object nor an indirect object; it's an adjective.

Which preposition is used with incalcitrant?

Prepositions used with incalcitrant vary by context, like "towards" in "incalcitrant towards authority."

Which article is used with incalcitrant?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with incalcitrant depending on the sentence.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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