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Inhabit Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Published on March 6, 2024
Inhabit refers to living or residing in a particular place or environment. e.g., The indigenous tribes inhabit the remote areas of the rainforest.

Inhabit Definitions

To live or dwell in a specific place or environment.
Many unique species inhabit the coral reef.
To occupy a place as one's home or residence.
The old mansion was said to be inhabited by ghosts.
To exist or be present in a particular context or area.
Deep-sea creatures inhabit the ocean's darkest depths.
To reside in a place temporarily or permanently.
Nomadic tribes inhabit the desert regions during certain seasons.
To be a native or resident of a particular place.
The people who inhabit the island have a rich cultural heritage.
To fill a space with presence or influence.
A sense of calm inhabits the meditation room.
To be situated or found in a specific area or location.
Rare plants inhabit the protected national park.
To live or exist in a particular state or condition.
Legends inhabit the space between truth and fiction.
To infuse a place with a particular quality or character.
An air of mystery inhabits the ancient ruins.
To live or reside in
Dinosaurs inhabited the earth millions of years ago.
To be present in; fill
Old childhood memories inhabit the attic.
To dwell.
(transitive) To live or reside in.
The Inuit inhabit the Arctic.
(transitive) To be present in.
Strange thoughts inhabit my mind.
To live or dwell in; to occupy, as a place of settled residence; as, wild beasts inhabit the forest; men inhabit cities and houses.
The high and lofty One, that inhabiteth eternity.
O, who would inhabitThis bleak world alone?
To have residence in a place; to dwell; to live; to abide.
They say wild beasts inhabit here.
Make one's home or live in;
She resides officially in Iceland
I live in a 200-year old house
These people inhabited all the islands that are now deserted
The plains are sparsely populated
Be present in; be inside of
To make a place one's home or dwelling.
The artist decided to inhabit a small studio in the countryside.

Inhabit Snonyms


To inhabit; live in; be the inhabitants of.
People who populate urban areas often face unique challenges.

Live in

To inhabit or dwell within (a place).
They live in a small apartment downtown.


The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.
The forest serves as a habitat for many species.


A group of people who settle in a new place but keep ties with their homeland.
The early colony struggled through the winter.


To make a home in a particular place.
He is domiciled in the northeastern part of the country.


To establish a home.
They decided to settle in the countryside.


To live or stay as a permanent resident; reside.
They dwell in the mountains.


To reside or have one's place of business in (a building).
The family occupies an old Victorian house.


To have one's permanent home in a particular place.
She resides in a quaint village.


To provide someone with a place to sleep or live.
The lodge can accommodate up to 20 guests.

Inhabit Idioms & Phrases

Inhabit one's thoughts

To occupy someone's mind or thinking persistently.
The idea of traveling the world inhabited his thoughts day and night.

Inhabit the same space

To live or exist together in the same area or environment.
Different cultures peacefully inhabit the same space in the city.

Inhabit a role

To fully embody a character, especially in acting.
The actress inhabited the role so convincingly that it won her an award.

Inhabit a world of one's own

To be engrossed in one's own thoughts or fantasies.
Lost in his writing, he inhabited a world of his own.

Inhabit the margins

To live or exist in the peripheral or less mainstream areas of society.
The novel explores characters who inhabit the margins of society.

Inhabit the stage

To dominate or command presence in a performance space.
The lead actor inhabited the stage with his powerful performance.

Inhabit the shadows

To live or operate in secrecy or obscurity.
Spies often inhabit the shadows, unseen by the public eye.

Inhabit a bubble

To live in an isolated or detached reality, often unaware of broader perspectives.
It's easy to inhabit a bubble in such a close-knit community.

Inhabit a grey area

To exist in an undefined or ambiguous situation.
The legality of the procedure inhabits a grey area.

Inhabit the realm of

To exist within a particular domain or area of interest.
His research inhabits the realm of quantum physics.

Inhabit the silence

To be present in a quiet or silent environment, often implying comfort with silence.
In the early mornings, he would inhabit the silence of the library.

Inhabit a moment

To be fully present and engaged in a particular time.
During the concert, everyone inhabited the moment, forgetting all else.

Inhabit the land of the living

To be alive or part of everyday life, often used humorously after a period of illness or isolation.
After recovering from the flu, he joked about rejoining the land of the living.

Inhabit the digital world

To be actively engaged in online activities or communities.
Teenagers today significantly inhabit the digital world.

Inhabit a state of mind

To be in a particular mental or emotional condition.
He often inhabited a state of mind filled with creativity and inspiration.

Inhabit the spotlight

To be the center of attention.
As the keynote speaker, she inhabited the spotlight with confidence.

Inhabit two worlds

To be part of two distinct cultures, lifestyles, or realities.
Bilingual children often inhabit two worlds simultaneously.

Inhabit someone's world

To become an important part of someone's life.
Ever since they met, she has inhabited his world completely.

Inhabit the extreme

To live or exist in extreme conditions or hold extreme views.
Adventurers who climb Everest inhabit the extreme in terms of physical challenges.

Inhabit a character

To fully assume the identity of a character in acting.
For the duration of the play, she inhabited the character completely.

Inhabit Example Sentences

Penguins inhabit the cold regions of Antarctica.
Dolphins inhabit the warm coastal waters around the island.
He inhabits a world of his own creation in his novels.
They chose to inhabit the countryside for its tranquility.
The family inhabits a cozy house by the lake.
Endangered species inhabit this protected wildlife reserve.
Spirits are said to inhabit these ancient woods.
The community inhabits a small village in the mountains.
Myths and legends inhabit the folklore of the region.
Artists and musicians inhabit the vibrant downtown district.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called inhabit?

It's called "inhabit" from the Latin "inhabitare," meaning to dwell or live in, reflecting the act of residing or being present in a place.

How many syllables are in inhabit?

There are three syllables in "inhabit."

What is a stressed syllable in inhabit?

The stressed syllable in "inhabit" is the second one: hab.

What is the root word of inhabit?

The root word of "inhabit" is the Latin "habitare," meaning to live, with the prefix "in-" added for emphasis.

How do we divide inhabit into syllables?

We divide "inhabit" into syllables as: in-hab-it.

How is inhabit used in a sentence?

"Inhabit" is used as a verb to describe the act of living in or occupying a particular place or space.

What is the singular form of inhabit?

"Inhabit" is a verb, so it doesn't have a singular or plural form in the way nouns do. However, its singular third-person present tense form is "inhabits."

What is the verb form of inhabit?

The verb form is "inhabit," with "inhabiting" as its present participle and "inhabited" as its past tense and past participle.

What part of speech is inhabit?

"Inhabit" is a verb.

What is another term for inhabit?

Another term for "inhabit" could be "dwell" or "reside."

What is the opposite of inhabit?

The opposite of "inhabit" could be "vacate" or "abandon."

What is the pronunciation of inhabit?

Inhabit is pronounced as /ɪnˈhæbɪt/.

What is the plural form of inhabit?

As a verb, "inhabit" does not have a plural form, but "inhabit" can be used with singular or plural subjects.

Is inhabit a noun or adjective?

"Inhabit" is a verb.

Is inhabit an abstract noun?

No, "inhabit" is a verb and not a noun.

Is inhabit a collective noun?

No, "inhabit" is not a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with inhabit?

Determiners are not typically used directly with verbs like "inhabit." However, determiners can be used with the noun objects of the verb, e.g., "They inhabit the island."

What is the first form of inhabit?

The first form is "inhabit."

What is the second form of inhabit?

The second form is "inhabited."

What is the third form of inhabit?

The third form is also "inhabited."

Is inhabit an adverb?

No, "inhabit" is not an adverb.

Is inhabit a negative or positive word?

"Inhabit" is neutral; its positivity or negativity depends on the context.

Is inhabit a countable noun?

No, "inhabit" is a verb and not a noun.

Is the inhabit term a metaphor?

"Inhabit" can be used metaphorically to describe existence or presence in non-physical contexts.

Is the word inhabit imperative?

"Inhabit" can be used in the imperative form as a command or instruction, e.g., "Inhabit this space with respect."

Which preposition is used with inhabit?

Prepositions like "in" and "within" are commonly used with "inhabit," depending on the context, e.g., "They inhabit in the forest."

Which article is used with inhabit?

Articles are not directly used with verbs like "inhabit." However, articles can be used with the noun objects of the verb, e.g., "They inhabit the apartment."

Is inhabit a vowel or consonant?

The word "inhabit" starts with a vowel sound.

Is the word inhabit a Gerund?

Yes, "inhabiting" can be considered a gerund when used as a noun, e.g., "Inhabiting deserted islands has always fascinated him."

Is the word “inhabit” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a verb, "inhabit" does not serve as a direct or indirect object but can have direct objects, e.g., "They inhabit the house."

Which conjunction is used with inhabit?

Conjunctions like "and" and "but" can be used with "inhabit" in compound sentences, e.g., "They inhabit the area and protect its wildlife."

Which vowel is used before inhabit?

The vowel "i" is used at the beginning of "inhabit."

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Author Spotlight

Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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