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Inperson Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
In-person refers to an event or activity that occurs with the physical presence of individuals, as opposed to being online or virtual. e.g., The meeting will be held in-person at the office.

Inperson Definitions

Attending or participating directly, not remotely.
The conference offers in-person workshops for attendees.
Involving physical presence rather than through the internet or phone.
Interviews are more effective when conducted in-person.
Involving face-to-face interaction.
In-person communication often conveys more than emails.
Engaging in activities at a specific location.
The fitness class encourages in-person participation.
Physically attending a location or event.
The course requires in-person attendance for completion.
Conducting business or activities with physical presence.
In-person transactions ensure immediate feedback.
Involving direct, physical interaction among people.
In-person networking events foster better connections.
Meeting someone directly, not through electronic means.
She prefers in-person discussions for clarity.
Participating or appearing somewhere physically.
Voting in-person on election day.
Engaging with someone directly, without technological mediation.
The therapist offers in-person sessions.

Inperson Snonyms


Interaction or contact directly with someone rather than through another medium.
We will have a face-to-face meeting tomorrow.


With no intervening persons, conditions, or agencies; immediate.
She prefers direct communication with her team.


Located or taking place at a site or location.
On-site support staff will assist during the event.

Physical presence

Being present in a location physically rather than remotely.
The course requires physical presence in the classroom.

Personal appearance

The act of appearing in person or being present at a location.
The judge requested his personal appearance in court.


Performed or occurring in real time and in the physical presence of others.
The live performance was much more impactful than the recording.

In-person interaction

Engaging with others directly and physically.
In-person interaction is crucial for building strong relationships.

Physical interaction

Interaction that occurs when two or more individuals are physically present.
The workshop encourages physical interaction between participants.

In the flesh

Present in person; physically.
Seeing the celebrity in the flesh was an unforgettable experience.


Done in person; without the intervention of another.
He will personally deliver the message.

Inperson Idioms & Phrases

Resolve it in person

To settle a dispute or misunderstanding through a face-to-face meeting.
They tried to resolve their issues over the phone, but decided it would be best to do so in person.

Conduct interviews in person

To perform interviews with candidates being physically present.
The final round of interviews will be conducted in person.

Meet in person

To have a meeting or gathering where all participants are physically present.
We've discussed the plans over email, but it's crucial we meet in person to finalize the details.

Audition in person

To perform an audition by being physically present at the venue.
While video auditions are accepted, auditioning in person can make a stronger impression.

Shop in person

To go to a physical store to purchase items instead of buying them online.
I prefer to shop in person for clothes to ensure they fit well.

Experience in person

To witness or undergo something by being physically present.
Viewing the painting online is convenient, but experiencing it in person is incomparable.

Appear in person

To physically attend an event or location rather than sending a representative or participating virtually.
The celebrity agreed to appear in person at the charity event.

Take the oath in person

To officially swear into office or position through a ceremony attended physically.
The mayor-elect will take the oath in person at city hall.

Pay respects in person

To express condolences or honor someone's memory by physically attending a funeral or memorial service.
They traveled across the country to pay their respects in person.

Verify in person

To confirm the authenticity or accuracy of something by being physically present.
You will need to verify your identity in person at the post office.

Thank in person

To express gratitude to someone by meeting them physically.
I wanted to thank you in person for all your help.

Submit in person

To deliver documents or applications by physically going to the designated place.
All applications must be submitted in person by the deadline.

Greet in person

To welcome or say hello to someone by being physically present.
It was an honor to greet the ambassador in person.

Attend in person

To be physically present at an event, meeting, or class.
Students are expected to attend the lectures in person unless otherwise stated.

Sign in person

To put one's signature on a document while physically present.
You are required to sign the contract in person at our office.

Negotiate in person

To discuss terms or agreements face-to-face rather than through electronic communication.
The complexity of the deal necessitated that we negotiate in person.

Present in person

To give a presentation or speech by being physically in front of an audience.
The keynote speaker will present in person at the conference.

Register in person

To sign up for an event, course, or service by going to the location physically.
Participants must register in person at the start of the event.

Inperson Example Sentences

Buying tickets in-person at the box office can avoid service fees.
They scheduled an in-person interview for the job position.
The teacher welcomed the students for their first in-person class.
Parents attended the in-person parent-teacher conference at the school.
The band announced an in-person tour after a year of virtual concerts.
The in-person seminar offers hands-on experience.
The celebration will be an in-person event with all safety measures.
We're planning an in-person meeting to finalize the project details.
After months of virtual learning, the in-person reunion was joyful.
Students are required to complete certain labs in-person for accreditation.
The doctor prefers in-person consultations to assess patients more accurately.
The workshop's in-person format allowed for immediate feedback.
In-person voting tends to have a higher turnout in our community.
The art exhibit opening will be an in-person event next month.
The in-person training session covered topics not easily taught online.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide inperson into syllables?

"In person" is divided as "in-per-son."

Why is it called inperson?

"In person" refers to being physically present in a location, as opposed to being represented or attending virtually. It emphasizes direct physical presence.

What is the pronunciation of inperson?

"In person" is pronounced as /ɪn ˈpɜːrsən/.

What is the first form of inperson?

As an adverbial phrase, "in person" does not have conjugated forms like verbs do.

How is inperson used in a sentence?

"The interview will be conducted in person at our main office."

How many syllables are in inperson?

In "in person," there are three syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in inperson?

The stressed syllable in "in person" is on "son."

What is the verb form of inperson?

"In person" is an adverbial phrase, not a verb, so it does not have a verb form.

What is the second form of inperson?

"In person" does not have a second form as it is not a verb.

What is another term for inperson?

Another term for "in person" could be "face-to-face" or "physically present."

What is the third form of inperson?

"In person" does not have a third form as it is not a verb.

What is the singular form of inperson?

"In person" does not have singular or plural forms as it is an adverbial phrase.

Is inperson an abstract noun?

"In person" is not a noun; it is an adverbial phrase.

Is inperson a vowel or consonant?

The phrase "in person" starts with the vowel "i" in "in."

Which vowel is used before inperson?

The use of a vowel before "in person" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

What is the root word of inperson?

The phrase "in person" does not have a root word as it is a combination of the preposition "in" and the noun "person."

What is the plural form of inperson?

"In person" remains the same and does not change in plural contexts.

What is the opposite of inperson?

The opposite of "in person" could be "remotely" or "virtually."

Is inperson a noun or adjective?

"In person" is an adverbial phrase, not a noun or adjective.

Is inperson an adverb?

Yes, "in person" is used as an adverb to describe the manner of presence.

Is inperson a negative or positive word?

"In person" is neutral, with the connotation depending on the context.

Is the inperson term a metaphor?

"In person" can be used metaphorically in some contexts to emphasize direct or genuine interaction.

Is the word “inperson” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"In person" is an adverbial phrase and cannot serve as a direct or indirect object.

Which preposition is used with inperson?

"In" is the preposition used in the phrase "in person."

Which article is used with inperson?

Articles are not typically used directly with adverbial phrases like "in person."

Is inperson a collective noun?

"In person" is not a noun; it is an adverbial phrase.

Is the word inperson Gerund?

"In person" does not have a gerund form as it is not a verb.

Which conjunction is used with inperson?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "in person," depending on the sentence structure.

What part of speech is inperson?

"In person" is used as an adverbial phrase, indicating the manner of presence.

Is inperson a countable noun?

"In person" is not a noun; it is an adverbial phrase.

Is the word inperson imperative?

"In person" can be used in imperative sentences, e.g., "You must appear in person."

Which determiner is used with inperson?

Determiners are not typically used with adverbial phrases like "in person."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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