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Lengthy Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Lengthy" describes something that is unusually long in duration or size, often more than is typical or necessary. e.g., The meeting turned into a lengthy discussion.

Lengthy Definitions

Lengthy means extending for a considerable distance or time.
The novel was a lengthy read, but worth it.
Lengthy can describe something that is prolonged and extended.
They had a lengthy debate over the issue.
Lengthy can refer to being tediously prolonged.
The legal process turned out to be lengthy and complex.
Lengthy refers to being long and time-consuming.
Preparing for the concert required a lengthy rehearsal process.
Lengthy involves being extensive and thorough.
The investigation into the case was quite lengthy.
Lengthy is used for something that takes a long time to complete.
Writing the report was a lengthy task.
Of considerable length, especially in time; extended
A lengthy convalescence.
Tediously long; drawn-out
A lengthy explanation.
Having length; long and overextended, especially in time rather than dimension.
A lengthy text
A lengthy discussion
A laborious and lengthy process
She died last night after a lengthy illness.
They received lengthy prison terms.
Speaking or writing at length; long-winded.
Having length; rather long or too long; prolix; not brief; - said chiefly of discourses, writings, and the like.
Relatively long in duration; tediously protracted;
A drawn-out argument
An extended discussion
A lengthy visit from her mother-in-law
A prolonged and bitter struggle
Protracted negotiations
Lengthy pertains to being long-winded or verbose.
The lecture was informative but somewhat lengthy.
Lengthy describes an action or event lasting longer than expected.
The restoration of the old house was a lengthy project.
Lengthy can mean detailed and comprehensive.
The research paper required a lengthy amount of data collection.
Lengthy denotes a long duration in terms of distance.
They went on a lengthy hike through the mountains.

Lengthy Snonyms


Measuring a great distance from end to end.
It was a long journey across the desert.


Having or seeming to have no end or limit.
The meeting seemed endless.


Lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.
The contract negotiations were protracted and difficult.


Causing one to feel bored or annoyed.
The lecture was informative but somewhat tiresome.


Too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.
The tedious task took hours to complete.


Made longer; extended.
They went on an extended vacation to Europe.


Endless or apparently endless (often used hyperbolically).
The wait for news seemed interminable.


Continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.
The discussion turned into a prolonged debate.


Extending for a considerable length of time.
The legal process was slow and drawn-out.


Lengthy and confused or inconsequential.
His speech was rambling and failed to hold the audience's attention.

Lengthy Idioms & Phrases

Lengthy discussions

Extended conversations or debates that take a considerable amount of time.
The committee had lengthy discussions before reaching a decision.

Lengthy list

A long list of items, tasks, or points.
The project manager presented a lengthy list of requirements.

Lengthy period

An extended amount of time.
The construction work took a lengthy period to complete.

A lengthy process

A procedure or operation that takes a long time to complete.
Applying for citizenship turned out to be a lengthy process.

Engage in lengthy negotiations

To participate in negotiations that take a considerable amount of time.
The company engaged in lengthy negotiations to secure the deal.

Lengthy explanation

An explanation that is long and detailed, often more than necessary.
He gave a lengthy explanation for his late arrival that bored everyone.

Lengthy absence

Being away or absent for a long period.
After his lengthy absence, it took him a while to adjust back to work.

Go to lengthy lengths

To go to great or excessive lengths; to do a lot to achieve something.
She went to lengthy lengths to ensure the event was a success.

Lengthy delay

A delay that lasts for a long time.
The flight experienced a lengthy delay due to bad weather.

Lengthy recovery

A recovery period that is long and drawn out.
Following the surgery, he faced a lengthy recovery.

Lengthy tenure

Holding a position or office for a long time.
She celebrated her lengthy tenure at the organization with a retirement party.

Lengthy wait

A waiting period that is longer than anticipated or desired.
Patients experienced a lengthy wait at the overcrowded clinic.

Lengthy review

An evaluation or assessment that is detailed and takes a lot of time to conduct or read.
The film received a lengthy review that analyzed every aspect of its production.

Lengthy debate

A debate that extends over a long period, possibly without resolution.
The policy change sparked a lengthy debate among the board members.

Lengthy sentence

A prison sentence that is long, often more than is typical or expected.
The judge handed down a lengthy sentence for the serious crime.

Lengthy silence

A silence that lasts for a considerable amount of time, often awkwardly.
There was a lengthy silence after the controversial question was asked.

Lengthy journey

A trip or voyage that takes a long time to complete.
They embarked on a lengthy journey across the continent.

Lengthy discussion

A detailed conversation that covers many topics or details over an extended period.
The team had a lengthy discussion about the project's direction, covering all possible angles.

Lengthy manuscript

A manuscript that is very long, often longer than typical or expected.
The author submitted a lengthy manuscript that exceeded the publisher's limits.

Lengthy lecture

A lecture that lasts for a long time, potentially testing the audience's attention span.
The professor was known for his informative but lengthy lectures.

Lengthy Example Sentences

The book had a lengthy list of characters.
The documentary provided a lengthy insight into the issue.
She gave a lengthy explanation for her tardiness.
His recovery from the injury was a lengthy process.
She spent a lengthy amount of time on her artwork.
The play's run time was quite lengthy.
The journey was more lengthy than they anticipated.
He was known for his lengthy speeches.
There was a lengthy pause before she answered.
Preparing for the exam required lengthy study sessions.
They engaged in a lengthy discussion about the future.
The project had a lengthy timeline for completion.
The lengthy road trip was filled with adventures.
The application form was surprisingly lengthy.
The story had a lengthy introduction before the main plot.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide lengthy into syllables?

Lengthy is divided into syllables as length-y.

What is a stressed syllable in lengthy?

The stressed syllable in "lengthy" is "length."

Why is it called lengthy?

"Lengthy" is called so because it describes something of great or considerable length, derived from the word "length" with the suffix "-y" indicating the characteristic of having length.

How many syllables are in lengthy?

There are two syllables in "lengthy."

What is another term for lengthy?

Another term for "lengthy" could be "prolonged" or "extended."

How is lengthy used in a sentence?

"The meeting was unexpectedly lengthy, lasting over three hours."

What is the root word of lengthy?

The root word is "length."

Is lengthy an abstract noun?

No, "lengthy" is an adjective and not a noun.

What is the opposite of lengthy?

The opposite of "lengthy" could be "short" or "brief."

Is lengthy a negative or positive word?

"Lengthy" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is lengthy a collective noun?

No, "lengthy" is not a noun and therefore cannot be a collective noun.

Is the word lengthy Gerund?

"Lengthy" is not a verb, so it does not have a gerund form. The related verb "lengthen" would have "lengthening" as its gerund form.

What is the verb form of lengthy?

"Lengthy" is an adjective and does not have a verb form. The related verb would be "lengthen."

What is the pronunciation of lengthy?

Lengthy is pronounced as /ˈlɛŋkθi/.

What part of speech is lengthy?

"Lengthy" is an adjective.

What is the singular form of lengthy?

"Lengthy" remains the same in both singular and plural contexts as an adjective.

Is lengthy a countable noun?

"Lengthy" is not a noun; it's an adjective and therefore not countable.

Which vowel is used before lengthy?

The article "a" is used before "lengthy" because it starts with a consonant sound.

Is lengthy a vowel or consonant?

The word "lengthy" starts with the consonant "l."

Which preposition is used with lengthy?

Prepositions like "of" or "in" can be used with "lengthy," depending on the context, e.g., "a lengthy period of time" or "involved in lengthy discussions."

Which conjunction is used with lengthy?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "lengthy" in compound sentences.

Which article is used with lengthy?

Both "a" (indefinite) and "the" (definite) can be used with "lengthy," depending on whether it's being used in a specific or nonspecific context, e.g., "a lengthy process" or "the lengthy document."

What is the plural form of lengthy?

As an adjective, "lengthy" does not change form for plural nouns.

Is lengthy a noun or adjective?

"Lengthy" is an adjective.

Is lengthy an adverb?

No, "lengthy" is not an adverb. The adverb form would be "lengthily."

Which determiner is used with lengthy?

Determiners such as "a," "the," "this," "that," "every," and "no" can be used with "lengthy," depending on the context.

Is the lengthy term a metaphor?

"Lengthy" can be used metaphorically to describe time or processes that feel longer than expected or necessary.

Is the word lengthy imperative?

As an adjective, "lengthy" cannot form an imperative. Imperatives are formed with verbs.

Is the word “lengthy” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Lengthy" as an adjective cannot be a direct or indirect object. However, it can describe a noun that could be a direct or indirect object in a sentence.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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