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Liaise Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Liaise" means to establish and maintain communication between people or organizations for the purpose of sharing information and coordinating activities. e.g., The manager had to liaise with different departments for the project.

Liaise Definitions

Liaise means to work closely with others to coordinate efforts.
She will liaise with the team to ensure the event's success.
Liaise refers to acting as a link between groups.
He was chosen to liaise between the two companies.
Liaise describes acting as an intermediary in communication.
The representative was appointed to liaise with the community.
Liaise involves ensuring smooth interaction and workflow.
Her role is to liaise between the director and staff.
Liaise can describe facilitating communication and cooperation.
The coordinator will liaise with volunteers for the charity event.
Liaise is used for establishing contact for communication.
She will liaise with clients to understand their needs.
Liaise can refer to connecting parties to achieve a common goal.
The agent will liaise with buyers and sellers.
Liaise pertains to exchanging information for mutual benefit.
The departments need to liaise more effectively.
Liaise can mean to collaborate or work jointly.
The two schools agreed to liaise on the project.
Liaise denotes building and maintaining relationships for coordination.
He will liaise with local authorities on the issue.
To effect or establish a liaison.
To act or serve as a liaison officer.
To establish a liaison.
To act between parties with a view to reconciling differences.
To cooperate, consult and discuss in order to come to a common solution.
To form or maintain a liaison{3}.
To act as a liaison{4}.
Act between parties with a view to reconciling differences;
He interceded in the family dispute
He mediated a settlement

Liaise Snonyms


To work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something.
The two companies decided to collaborate on a new project.


To share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
The departments must communicate effectively to avoid overlap.


To bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.
The new bridge will connect the two communities.


To bring the different elements of a complex activity or organization into a relationship that will ensure efficiency or harmony.
The event planners will coordinate with the catering team.


To act in such a way as to have an effect on another; act reciprocally.
The teacher encouraged the students to interact with their peers from other schools.


To seek information or advice from (someone, especially an expert or professional).
You should consult with a legal expert before proceeding.


To interact with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one's career.
It’s important to network at professional conferences.


To work together toward a common goal.
Different agencies must cooperate to provide effective services.


To interact with (another system, person, organization, etc.).
The software is designed to interface seamlessly with your existing apps.


To participate or become involved in.
The program engages local communities in environmental conservation.

Liaise Idioms & Phrases

Liaise with clients

To establish and maintain a communicative relationship with clients.
Our account managers liaise with clients to understand their needs better.

Liaise with partners

To establish and maintain communication with business or strategic partners.
It's crucial to liaise with our partners regularly to align our goals.

Liaise with authorities

To communicate and coordinate with government or regulatory bodies.
The event organizer had to liaise with local authorities for the necessary permits.

Liaise closely

To work in very close cooperation or coordination.
The two departments need to liaise closely to ensure the project's success.

Liaise on a project

To work together with others specifically for the successful completion of a project.
We will liaise on a project to combine our expertise and resources.

Liaise for solutions

To collaborate or communicate with the aim of solving problems.
The team will liaise for solutions to the challenges we've encountered.

Liaise with stakeholders

To maintain communication with all parties that have an interest in a particular project or business.
It's part of her job to liaise with stakeholders and keep them informed.

Liaise internationally

To establish connections or communication with parties in different countries.
The corporation must liaise internationally to expand its global presence.

Liaise between departments

To act as a mediator or a communication link between different departments.
His role is to liaise between departments to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Liaise for approval

To communicate with the necessary parties to gain authorization or consent.
We need to liaise for approval before moving forward with the changes.

Liaise across teams

To facilitate communication and cooperation between different groups or teams.
She was appointed to liaise across teams and streamline the workflow.

Liaise over issues

To communicate with the intention of discussing and resolving problems.
Let's liaise over issues that have been raised during the review meeting.

Liaise for feedback

To communicate with the purpose of receiving evaluations or opinions.
After the product launch, we will liaise for feedback to improve future versions.

Liaise with experts

To establish communication with specialists in a particular field for advice or collaboration.
To ensure accuracy, we will liaise with experts in marine biology.

Liaise on strategy

To work together in forming or discussing strategic plans.
The marketing and sales teams will liaise on strategy for the upcoming campaign.

Liaise on behalf

To communicate or coordinate with someone representing another person's interests.
I will liaise on your behalf with the suppliers to negotiate better terms.

Liaise and coordinate

To communicate with others and organize activities or efforts efficiently.
The main office will liaise and coordinate with the regional teams for the launch.

Liaise for information

To establish communication specifically to exchange or gather information.
You'll need to liaise for information with the research department.

Liaise with the community

To establish a communicative relationship with the local or broader community.
The project aims to liaise with the community to ensure local needs are met.

Liaise Example Sentences

The teacher agreed to liaise with parents about student progress.
He will liaise with the event organizers.
They appointed someone to liaise with the press.
Our team needs to liaise with the marketing department.
The diplomat's job is to liaise with foreign governments.
The HR department will liaise with employees about the new policy.
She had to liaise with various experts for her research.
I'll liaise with the tech support team to resolve this issue.
The manager was responsible for liaising with the regional offices.
She has been liaising with suppliers for the new product.
It's important to liaise regularly with your team members.
The agents liaise daily to update the project status.
We need to liaise closely on this project to succeed.
The committee will liaise with local charities.
As project leader, you'll need to liaise with all stakeholders.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide liaise into syllables?

"Liaise" is divided into syllables as li-aise.

Why is it called liaise?

"Liaise" is called so because it comes from the French word "liaison," which means a link or connection, typically referring to communication and cooperation between groups.

What is the pronunciation of liaise?

Liaise is pronounced as /liˈeɪz/.

How many syllables are in liaise?

There are two syllables in "liaise."

What is a stressed syllable in liaise?

The second syllable, "aise," is the stressed syllable in "liaise."

What is the root word of liaise?

The root word of "liaise" is the French "liaison."

What is another term for liaise?

Another term for "liaise" is "coordinate" or "communicate."

What is the verb form of liaise?

"Liaise" itself is a verb form.

How is liaise used in a sentence?

Example: "She was chosen to liaise between the two departments."

What is the first form of liaise?

The first form of "liaise" is "liaise."

What is the plural form of liaise?

"Liaise" does not have a plural form as it is a verb.

Is liaise a collective noun?

No, "liaise" is not a collective noun.

Is liaise a noun or adjective?

"Liaise" is a verb.

Is liaise an adverb?

No, "liaise" is not an adverb.

Is liaise a vowel or consonant?

"Liaise" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with the consonant 'l'.

Is the liaise term a metaphor?

"Liaise" can be used metaphorically in some contexts but is generally used in a literal sense.

Is the word “liaise” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Liaise" is a verb and thus can neither be a direct nor an indirect object.

Which determiner is used with liaise?

As a verb, "liaise" typically doesn't use a determiner.

Which vowel is used before liaise?

The choice of vowel before "liaise" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

What is the second form of liaise?

The second form of "liaise" is "liaised."

What part of speech is liaise?

"Liaise" is a verb.

Is liaise an abstract noun?

No, "liaise" is a verb, not a noun.

Is liaise a negative or positive word?

"Liaise" is generally neutral but often carries a positive connotation due to its association with cooperation and communication.

Is liaise a countable noun?

"Liaise" is not a noun; it's a verb, so it is not countable.

What is the singular form of liaise?

"Liaise" itself is the singular form as it is a verb.

Is the word liaise is imperative?

"Liaise" can be used in the imperative form as a command or request.

Which conjunction is used with liaise?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "liaise," depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with liaise?

As a verb, "liaise" does not typically require an article.

What is the third form of liaise?

The third form of "liaise" is also "liaised."

What is the opposite of liaise?

The opposite of "liaise" could be "disconnect" or "separate."

Is the word liaise Gerund?

The gerund form of "liaise" is "liaising."

Which preposition is used with liaise?

Prepositions like "with," "between," or "among" are commonly used with "liaise," depending on the context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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