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Login Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
A login is the process or credentials used to gain access to a computer system or application by identifying oneself. e.g., He forgot his login password and couldn't access his email.

Login Definitions

The screen or page where users enter their credentials.
The website's login page was redesigned for ease of use.
The procedure of verifying one’s identity to access a system or service.
The login process requires both a username and a password.
A combination of username and password used for identification.
She updated her login credentials for better security.
A method to protect digital information by requiring authentication.
A secure login helps protect users' private information.
Unique identifier like a username or email used in the login process.
You can use your email as your login ID.
A part of login to confirm the user’s identity, sometimes using a code or biometrics.
The bank’s app uses fingerprint verification at login for extra security.
An added layer of security requiring two forms of identification during login.
She set up two-factor authentication for her login to increase security.
The act of starting a new user session in an application.
After a successful login, the user's session begins.
The process of identifying oneself to a computer, usually by entering one's username and password.
A username.
(computing) A combination of a user's identification and password used to enter a computer, program, network, etc.
I've forgotten my login again.
(computing) The process of logging in.
Your login failed because you weren't connected to the office network.
Misspelling of log in
Gaining entry into a personal or work account through login.
He gained account access after three failed login attempts.
A feature to retrieve or reset login information when forgotten.
The password recovery option is available on the login screen.

Login Snonyms

Sign in

To access a computer system or service by entering a username and password.
I sign in to my email account every morning.


The act of entering data or credentials in order to access a system or service.
User entry is monitored for security reasons.


To join or be joined with something else, often used in the context of accessing a network or service.
You need to connect to the WiFi before logging in.


To gain entry into a computer system, typically requiring a username and password.
He accessed his work files from home.


A single word variant of 'sign in', used in many digital platforms for the login process.
The app's signIn page was recently updated.


To prove or serve to prove to be real, true, or genuine, especially by entering credentials on a digital platform.
Users must authenticate before accessing the secure server.


Another term for logging into a system, similar to 'login'.
Logon procedures are critical for maintaining system security.


The process of proving or confirming authenticity or validity, often part of the login process.
The system requires two-factor verification for login.


To input or key in (data or credentials) in order to access something, such as a computer system or website.
Enter your password to proceed.


The process of registering or logging into a service, sometimes used in digital contexts similarly to 'login'.
Please check-in at the terminal upon arrival.

Login Idioms & Phrases

Login page

The webpage or screen where users enter their login credentials.
She bookmarked the login page to quickly access her email each day.

Login credentials

The username and password used to access an account or system.
She keeps her login credentials secure to prevent unauthorized access to her accounts.

Login session

The period during which a user is logged into a system.
The system automatically logs users out after 30 minutes of inactivity to secure the login session.

Successful login

When access to a system or service is granted after entering correct login details.
He received a notification of a successful login from a new device.

Login attempt

An effort made to access a system or service by logging in.
After several failed login attempts, his account was temporarily locked.

Failed login

An unsuccessful attempt to access a system due to incorrect credentials.
A failed login can trigger a security alert within the system.

Two-factor login

A security process where users provide two different authentication factors to verify themselves.
For added security, he enabled two-factor login on all his important accounts.

Login interface

The user interface of a login screen where credentials are entered.
The new login interface is much more user-friendly and intuitive.

Guest login

A way to access a system or service without creating a personal account.
Visitors can use the guest login to access the Wi-Fi network.

Automatic login

A feature that logs a user into a system without requiring manual entry of credentials each time.
Automatic login saves time but can pose a security risk if the device is lost or stolen.

Login verification

The process of verifying the identity of a user attempting to log in.
Login verification is a critical step in protecting users' information.

Login history

A record of all the times a user has logged into a system.
Checking the login history, she noticed an unfamiliar login at an odd hour.

Login timeout

A security feature that automatically logs a user out after a certain period of inactivity.
She was frustrated when the login timeout occurred while she was reading a long article.

Multi-step login

A login process that requires users to complete multiple steps to verify their identity.
The multi-step login process includes answering security questions and providing a verification code.

Remember me login

A convenience feature that stores login information on a device for future access.
She used the remember me login option on her personal computer for faster access.

Biometric login

Accessing a system using biological measurements, like fingerprints or facial recognition, instead of traditional passwords.
His phone uses biometric login for enhanced security and ease of access.

Secure login

A login process enhanced with security measures to protect against unauthorized access.
The bank requires a secure login process involving a password and a one-time code.

Login portal

A gateway through which users access multiple services or applications with a single login.
The company's employees access their tools through a centralized login portal.

Social media login

Using a social media account to log into other services or applications.
She appreciates the convenience of social media login for signing up for new apps.

Passwordless login

A method of accessing systems that does not require a password, often using links sent via email or text.
For convenience, the app offers a passwordless login feature.

Login Example Sentences

If you forget your login details, click on "Forgot Password".
Every time I login, I have to enter a captcha code.
The new app requires a fingerprint login for added security.
Students have a unique login for the school's learning portal.
The system automatically logs out users after 30 minutes of inactivity, requiring a new login.
Multiple failed login attempts will lock you out of your account.
To login, enter your username followed by your password.
Remember to logout after you're done, even if it's your personal login.
The company updated its login system to improve user experience.
He keeps his login information written down in a safe place.
You will receive your login credentials via email after registration.
Her first task of the day is to login to her email and check messages.
I had to reset my login password after it was compromised.
Parents can login to the portal to view their child's grades.
The login page now features a new, user-friendly design.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in login?

There are two syllables in login.

Why is it called login?

It is called login because it refers to the process of entering into a system or service by providing credentials, typically a username and password. The term comes from the act of "logging into" a system.

How is login used in a sentence?

"Please login to your account to view the information."

How do we divide login into syllables?

Login is divided into syllables as log-in.

What is the verb form of login?

The verb form is "log in," used in two words.

What is a stressed syllable in login?

The first syllable, "log," is the stressed syllable in login.

What is another term for login?

Another term for login could be "sign-in."

What is the pronunciation of login?

The pronunciation of login is /ˈlɒɡ.ɪn/.

What is the second form of login?

Not applicable for the noun. For the verb "log in," there is no traditional second form, but past tense would be "logged in."

What part of speech is login?

Login can be a noun (the act or credentials) or an adjective (describing something related to the process of logging in).

What is the root word of login?

The root words are "log" and "in," indicating the action of entering (logging) into a system.

What is the third form of login?

Not applicable for the noun. For the verb "log in," the past participle is also "logged in."

What is the singular form of login?

The singular form is "login."

Is login an adverb?

No, login is not an adverb.

What is the first form of login?

As a noun or adjective, it remains "login." As a verb, the base form is "log in."

What is the opposite of login?

The opposite of login is "logout" or "sign out."

Is login a noun or adjective?

Login is primarily used as a noun, but it can function as an adjective in contexts like "login page."

Is login a countable noun?

Yes, login is a countable noun (e.g., multiple logins).

Is login a collective noun?

No, login is not typically used as a collective noun.

Which vowel is used before login?

Articles "a" or "an" are based on the following word's initial sound; since "login" starts with a consonant sound, "a" is used.

Is login a negative or positive word?

Login is neutral; it neither conveys a negative nor positive connotation by itself.

What is the plural form of login?

The plural form is "logins."

Is login an abstract noun?

Yes, as a noun, login refers to an abstract process rather than a tangible object.

Is login a vowel or consonant?

This question doesn't apply to the word "login" as a whole; it pertains to individual letters.

Is the word “login” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Login" as a noun can be a direct object, e.g., "Your login failed."

Which preposition is used with login?

Common prepositions used with "login" include "to" as in "login to the system."

Which article is used with login?

The definite article "the" or the indefinite article "a" can be used with "login" depending on whether it refers to a specific instance or any login in general, e.g., "the login" or "a login."

Is the word login Gerund?

The gerund form related to login would be "logging in."

Which determiner is used with login?

Determiners such as "the," "a," "your," or "this" can be used with login, depending on the context.

Is the login term a metaphor?

Login is not commonly used as a metaphor; it directly refers to the action of entering into a system.

Is the word login is imperative?

When used as a verb in instruction, "log in" can be imperative, e.g., "Log in to continue."

Which conjunction is used with login?

Conjunctions like "and," "or," and "but" can be used in sentences involving "login."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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