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Lush Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Published on March 6, 2024
Lush means growing luxuriantly or abundantly; rich and profuse in growth. e.g., The garden was lush with colorful flowers.

Lush Definitions

Characterized by luxurious or profuse growth.
The lush forest is home to many species.
Pleasingly rich or full.
The orchestra's music was lush and captivating.
Luxuriously rich in appearance or quality.
The velvet curtains were of a lush deep blue color.
(Of conditions) Conducive to growth or richness.
The lush soil of the valley supports diverse crops.
Thick and healthy.
They walked through the lush greenery of the park.
Richly abundant; opulent.
The lavish party had a lush spread of food and drinks.
Very appealing to the senses.
The perfume had a lush scent that filled the room.
Producing a great deal of foliage or vegetation.
The rainforest is incredibly lush and dense.
(Of lifestyle) Marked by richness and extravagance.
He led a lush life filled with travel and fine dining.
Full of vitality and vigor.
Her lush hair was the envy of her friends.
Having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation
A lush valley.
Abundant; plentiful.
Extravagant or luxurious, as in ornamentation
The lush decor of a grand hotel.
Extremely pleasing to the senses
A lush scent.
Lush fruit.
The lush sounds of an orchestra.
Voluptuous or sensual
"[His]eyes swept over her lush young body until she was all the way out the door" (Clark Howard).
A drunkard.
To cause to get drunk.
Juicy, succulent.
(dialectal) Mellow; soft; (of ground or soil) easily turned; fertile.
(of vegetation) Dense, teeming with life; luxuriant.
(of food) Savoury, delicious.
That meal was lush! We have to go to that restaurant again sometime!
Thriving; rife; sumptuous.
Beautiful, sexy.
Boys with long hair are lush!
Amazing, cool, fantastic, wicked.
Your voice is lush, Lucy! I could listen to it all day!
(obsolete) Lax; slack; limp; flexible.
A drunkard, sot, alcoholic.
(slang) Intoxicating liquor.
A person who enjoys talking about themselves.
Am I humble or am I a lush?
(ambitransitive) To drink (liquor) to excess.
Full of juice or succulence.
How lush and lusty the grass looks! how green!
Having thick and luxurient vegetation.
Characterized by abundance or luxurience; rich.
Liquor, esp. intoxicating liquor; drink.
An habitual drunkard.
A person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually
Produced or growing in extreme abundance;
Their riotous blooming
Characterized by extravagance and profusion;
A lavish buffet
A lucullan feast
Full of juice;
Lush fruits
Succulent roast beef
Succulent plants with thick fleshy leaves

Lush Snonyms


Developing rapidly and successfully; thriving.
The flourishing garden was a result of her hard work.


Ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish.
The opulent design of the hotel lobby was breathtaking.


Full of energy and life.
The painting was vibrant with colors that seemed to leap off the canvas.


Green with grass or other rich vegetation.
The verdant fields stretched as far as the eye could see.


Luxuriously soft and rich in quality.
The plush carpet felt wonderful underfoot.


Closely compacted in substance; thick.
The dense undergrowth made it difficult to walk through the forest.


Splendid and expensive-looking.
The sumptuous feast was fit for royalty.


Capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops.
The farmers were thankful for the fertile land.


Rich and profuse in growth.
The luxuriant foliage provided a cool, shaded area.


Having a great deal of money or assets; wealthy. Also refers to depth and quality.
The rich soil was perfect for planting.

Lush Example Sentences

The jungle was lush and teeming with life.
He enjoyed the lush landscape of the countryside.
She admired the lush beauty of the tropical island.
After the rains, the hills turned lush and green.
The fabric of her dress was lush to the touch.
The sound of the string quartet was lush and soothing.
The movie's lush visuals were stunning.
Her hair looked exceptionally lush and shiny.
The party was set in a lush garden.
The lushness of the valley was breathtaking.
His descriptions made the ancient city sound incredibly lush and vibrant.
Their backyard is lush with a variety of plants and flowers.
The room was decorated with lush, velvet drapes.
The book described a lush paradise on a deserted island.
They walked through a lush meadow full of wildflowers.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in lush?

There is one syllable in "lush."

Why is it called lush?

The term "lush" comes from the Middle English word "lussh," which means succulent or juicy, reflecting its association with rich, abundant growth.

What is a stressed syllable in lush?

The entire word "lush" is stressed, as it consists of only one syllable.

What is the verb form of lush?

"Lush" is primarily used as an adjective; it does not have a verb form.

How is lush used in a sentence?

The landscape was lush with a wide array of plants and flowers.

What is the root word of lush?

The root word of "lush" is the Middle English "lussh," meaning succulent or juicy.

How do we divide lush into syllables?

Lush is a single syllable word and is not divided.

What is the pronunciation of lush?

Lush is pronounced as /lʌʃ/.

What is the plural form of lush?

As an adjective, "lush" does not have a plural form.

Is lush an abstract noun?

No, "lush" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is the lush term a metaphor?

"Lush" can be used metaphorically to describe richness or abundance in non-physical contexts.

Is lush an adverb?

No, "lush" is not an adverb.

Is lush a collective noun?

No, "lush" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is the word lush imperative?

As an adjective, "lush" cannot be imperative.

Is the word lush Gerund?

No, "lush" is not a verb and does not have a gerund form.

Which determiner is used with lush?

Determiners like "a," "the," or possessive pronouns can be used with "lush" depending on context.

What is the opposite of lush?

The opposite of "lush" could be "barren" or "sparse."

Is lush a noun or adjective?

"Lush" is an adjective.

Is lush a negative or positive word?

"Lush" typically has a positive connotation, implying richness and abundance.

Is lush a vowel or consonant?

The word "lush" starts with a consonant.

Is lush a countable noun?

"Lush" is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Which preposition is used with lush?

Prepositions like "in" (in a lush valley) or "with" (lush with vegetation) are commonly used with "lush."

Is the word “lush” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Lush" is an adjective and does not function as an object.

Which vowel is used before lush?

The choice of vowel before "lush" depends on the article or determiner; typically, "a" is used (a lush garden).

Which conjunction is used with lush?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "lush" in sentences that describe multiple attributes.

Which article is used with lush?

The indefinite article "a" or the definite article "the" can be used with "lush" depending on specificity.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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