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Mention Definition and Meaning

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Published on March 7, 2024
Mention means to refer to something briefly or casually. e.g., She didn't mention her plans for the weekend.

Mention Definitions

To acknowledge or recognize someone or something in passing.
He mentioned her contribution in his speech.
To name-drop or refer to someone to impress others.
He always mentions his celebrity acquaintances.
To note or state something for consideration.
Please mention any dietary restrictions when you RSVP.
To speak about something in a few words.
He mentioned that he would be late.
To make a reference to someone or something.
The article mentioned several key figures in the industry.
To make a casual or incidental remark.
In passing, she mentioned the weather would be nice.
To specify or identify in a particular context.
The contract mentions the penalties for late delivery.
To cite or bring up for discussion.
During the meeting, she mentioned the need for more resources.
To list or enumerate among other things.
The report mentions several factors affecting the outcome.
To speak or write about, especially briefly or incidentally
I mentioned your idea during the conversation. She mentioned that she was going to be five minutes late.
The act or an instance of mentioning something
He made no mention of the incident in his report. There was a mention of the play in the local newspaper.
A statement or citation of honor or appreciation
Sponsors were given a special mention during the opening ceremony.
A speaking or notice of anything, usually in a brief or cursory manner. Used especially in the phrase make mention of.
A social media feed, a list of replies or posts mentioning a person.
To make a short reference to something.
To utter a word or expression in order to refer to the expression itself, as opposed to its usual referent.
A speaking or notice of anything, - usually in a brief or cursory manner. Used especially in the phrase to make mention of.
I will make mention of thy righteousness.
And sleep in dull, cold marble, where no mentionOf me more must be heard of.
To make mention of; to speak briefly of; to name.
I will mention the loving-kindnesses of the Lord.
A remark that calls attention to something or someone;
She made frequent mention of her promotion
There was no mention of it
The speaker made several references to his wife
A short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage;
The student's essay failed to list several important citations
The acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book
The article includes mention of similar clinical cases
An official recognition of merit;
Although he didn't win the prize he did get special mention
Make reference to;
His name was mentioned in connection with the invention
Make mention of;
She observed that his presentation took up too much time
They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing
He was cited for his outstanding achievements
To hint at or suggest something indirectly.
She mentioned the possibility of moving to a new city.

Mention Snonyms


To make reference to; to mention.
She referred to the company's privacy policy.


To quote as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement.
He cited several studies to support his theory.


To observe or notice; to mention or refer to.
The report notes that conditions have improved.


To express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing.
She stated her opinion on the matter.


To identify by name; to mention.
Several experts were named in the report.


To identify something clearly and definitely.
The contract specifies the deadlines for completion.


To suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.
The speaker alluded to the recent elections.


To accept or admit the existence or truth of something.
The author acknowledges the contributions of his colleagues.

Point out

To direct someone's attention to the existence or presence of something.
He pointed out the error in the calculations.


To say; to make a comment or observation.
She remarked on the beautiful landscape.

Mention Idioms & Phrases

Mention in passing

To refer to something briefly and without detail.
She mentioned in passing that she might visit next month.

Not to mention

Used to introduce an additional point emphasizing the previous statement.
The car is fast, not to mention expensive.

Don't mention it

A polite response to thank you, implying it was no trouble.
Thank you for your help. Don't mention it!

Make mention of

To refer to or mention specifically.
The speech made mention of several key achievements.

Fail to mention

To omit or leave out in mention.
He failed to mention that the deadline was moved up.

Mention someone's name in vain

To use someone's name inappropriately or disrespectfully.
He warned them not to mention his name in vain.

Honorable mention

A recognition given to something that merits acknowledgment but does not meet the criteria for a prize.
Her essay received an honorable mention in the competition.

Mention by name

To specify or identify someone or something directly.
The award winners were mentioned by name.

Worth mentioning

Deserving attention or noteworthy.
There are several points worth mentioning in the report.

Special mention

Recognition or acknowledgment deserving special attention.
The project received special mention for its innovation.

First mention

The initial time something is referred to.
The first mention of the concept appears in the third chapter.

Deserve a mention

To merit acknowledgment or reference.
Her outstanding performance deserves a mention.

Barely mention

To mention very briefly or scarcely.
She barely mentioned the incident, trying to avoid the topic.

Worthy of mention

Deserving to be mentioned or noted.
The artist's early works are worthy of mention.

Never mention it

Used to tell someone that thanks are not needed.
Thanks for the advice. Never mention it!

No mention of

Indicating that something was not referred to or acknowledged.
There was no mention of any changes to the schedule.

Give a mention

To acknowledge or refer to someone or something.
The author gave a mention to all those who helped in the research.

Last mention

The final time something is referred to.
The last mention of the character is quite poignant.

Without mention of

Without referring to or acknowledging.
The agreement was concluded without mention of the previous disputes.

To mention a few

Used to indicate that there are more examples than those specifically listed.
The menu includes salads, sandwiches, and soups, to mention a few.

Mention Example Sentences

The book mentions various historical events.
The policy mentions the conditions for a refund.
They made sure to mention their gratitude in the speech.
The article didn't mention the impact on the local community.
Can you mention a time when you demonstrated leadership?
He was careful not to mention the surprise party to her.
It's polite to mention the host in your thank-you note.
Did she mention anything about the meeting tomorrow?
He didn't mention the reason for his absence.
It's important to mention all relevant details in the report.
She was thrilled to be mentioned in the acknowledgments of the book.
Don't forget to mention the deadline in your email.
The guide will mention the main attractions during the tour.
The review didn't mention anything about the service quality.
The teacher asked us to mention our favorite historical figures.
Please mention your dietary preferences when you RSVP.
I'll mention your concerns to the manager.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called mention?

It is called "mention" because it comes from the Latin word "mentionem," meaning a calling to mind, a speaking of, or a making mention, which reflects the act of referring to something in speech or writing.

How do we divide mention into syllables?

We divide "mention" into syllables as "men-tion."

What is a stressed syllable in mention?

The first syllable "men" is stressed in "mention."

How is mention used in a sentence?

"Mention" can be used to refer to the act of making a reference or acknowledging something, e.g., He didn't mention the main issue during the discussion.

How many syllables are in mention?

There are two syllables in "mention."

What part of speech is mention?

"Mention" is a verb, indicating the action of referring to something briefly or casually.

What is the pronunciation of mention?

"Mention" is pronounced as /ˈmen.ʃən/.

What is the root word of mention?

The root word of "mention" is the Latin "mentionem," meaning a calling to mind or making mention.

Is mention an abstract noun?

When used as a noun, "mention" can be considered abstract since it refers to the act or instance of mentioning, which is an intangible concept.

What is the first form of mention?

The first form is "mention," as in the base form of the verb.

What is the plural form of mention?

As a verb, "mention" does not change form for plural subjects. As a noun, "mentions" would be the plural form, referring to multiple instances of mentioning.

Is mention an adverb?

"Mention" is not an adverb. The related adverb form would involve using "mention" in a phrase, like "briefly mention."

Is the mention term a metaphor?

"Mention" can be used metaphorically, particularly in expressions like "not to mention," which means in addition to.

Is the word mention Gerund?

The gerund form of "mention" is "mentioning," which functions as a noun, e.g., "Mentioning his name brought back memories."

What is the verb form of mention?

The verb form is "mention," with "mentioned" as the simple past and past participle.

Which vowel is used before mention?

The vowel used before "mention" depends on the preceding word in a sentence; there is no specific vowel always used before "mention."

What is the second form of mention?

The second form is "mentioned," indicating the past tense.

What is the third form of mention?

The third form is also "mentioned," used as the past participle.

What is the singular form of mention?

"Mention" remains the same in both singular and plural contexts when used as a verb. As a noun, it also remains "mention" for singular use.

What is the opposite of mention?

The opposite of "mention" could be "omit" or "ignore," implying not bringing up or referring to something.

Is mention a negative or positive word?

"Mention" is neutral; its positive or negative connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is mention a vowel or consonant?

The word "mention" starts with the consonant "m."

Is the word “mention” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Mention" can be related to a direct object when used as a verb, e.g., "She didn't mention the incident." It does not typically function as an indirect object.

Which determiner is used with mention?

Determiners such as "a," "the," "every," and "any" can be used with "mention," e.g., "Every mention of the event made her smile."

Which article is used with mention?

Articles such as "a," "an," and "the" can be used with "mention" when it is used as a noun, e.g., "She received a mention in the article."

What is another term for mention?

Another term for "mention" could be "refer to" or "cite," depending on the context.

Is mention a collective noun?

"Mention" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Which preposition is used with mention?

Prepositions such as "of," "in," and "about" can be used with "mention," depending on the context, e.g., "a mention of the award," "mention in the report," "mention about the weather."

Is mention a noun or adjective?

"Mention" is primarily a verb and can also be used as a noun, as in "She received a special mention." It is not used as an adjective.

Is mention a countable noun?

When used as a noun, "mention" is countable, e.g., "He had several mentions in the report."

Is the word mention imperative?

"Mention" can be used in the imperative mood as a command or request, e.g., "Mention your references at the end of your essay."

Which conjunction is used with mention?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," and "or" can be used in sentences with "mention," depending on the context, e.g., "He mentioned the date and time."

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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