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Movein Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Move-in refers to the act of starting to live in a new residence. e.g., The family was excited for their move-in day to their new home.

Movein Definitions

The initial occupation of a residence.
Move-in day for the dorms is next Thursday.
The process of settling into a new home.
They completed their move-in over the weekend.
Transferring possessions to a new living space.
The move-in to the apartment took all day.
Establishing oneself in a new residential environment.
The move-in process included setting up utilities.
Starting to reside in a newly rented or purchased property.
Their move-in to the new house was smooth.
Shifting habitation to a different location.
The move-in required renting a large moving truck.
The commencement of living in a new space.
Move-in day marks the start of college life for many students.
The act of bringing items into a new place of habitation.
The first step of their move-in was unloading boxes.
Transitioning into a new living arrangement.
Her move-in to the shared apartment was a big change.
The initial phase of inhabiting a new dwelling.
During move-in, they discovered they needed more furniture.

Movein Snonyms


To take control of a place by moving into it.
The new tenants will occupy the apartment starting next month.


To go or come into a particular place.
They enter their new home with excitement and anticipation.


To live or reside in a place.
The family has inhabited the rural farmhouse for generations.


To live, especially permanently, in a place.
He resides in a modest apartment in the downtown area.

Take up residence

To begin to live in a place as a resident.
She took up residence in the city to be closer to work.


To move to a new place and establish one's home or business there.
The company decided to relocate its headquarters to a more central location.


To establish oneself or one's home in a new place.
After years of traveling, they finally settled in a small coastal town.


To undergo or cause to undergo a process of change.
The family is transitioning into their new home smoothly.

Move into

To begin to live in a new home or place.
They're excited to move into their first house together.


To set up or lay the groundwork for something.
They plan to establish their new home with care and attention to detail.

Movein Idioms & Phrases

Smooth move-in

An easy and trouble-free start to a new situation or environment.
They experienced a smooth move-in into their new home, with no major issues.

Move-in mindset

Adopting an attitude or mentality geared towards initiating change or new beginnings.
She approached the project with a move-in mindset, eager to bring fresh ideas.

Ready for move-in

Being prepared to start something new or to take on a new challenge.
After months of training, he felt ready for move-in day at the new job.

Move-in moment

A significant point in time when starting a new phase or chapter in life.
Graduating from college was a real move-in moment for her, marking the start of her independent life.

Move-in condition

Being in a state that is ready for starting something new or for someone's arrival.
The apartment was in perfect move-in condition, fully furnished and clean.

Move-in day excitement

The enthusiasm or eagerness associated with beginning a new endeavor or phase.
The move-in day excitement was palpable as the students arrived at the dorms.

Move-in celebration

An event or gathering to mark the beginning of a new chapter or the settling into a new place.
They threw a move-in celebration to welcome the new neighbors.

Move-in milestone

A significant achievement or event marking the beginning of something new.
The opening of their first store was a major move-in milestone for the family business.

Move-in adventure

The exciting and challenging experience of starting a new phase or endeavor.
Moving to a new country was a real move-in adventure for the whole family.

Move-in ready plan

A strategy or approach that is fully prepared to be implemented.
Their move-in ready plan for the product launch was meticulously detailed.

Move-in blues

A feeling of sadness or difficulty in adjusting to a new situation or environment.
After relocating for work, he struggled with the move-in blues in the unfamiliar city.

Post-move-in reflection

The act of thinking back or considering one's experiences after starting something new.
Her post-move-in reflection revealed how much she had grown since starting college.

Move-in process

The series of actions or steps taken to start something new or to settle into a new place.
The move-in process for the new tenants was streamlined by the property management.

Delayed move-in

Postponement or delay in starting something new or entering a new phase.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, their move-in to the new office was delayed.

Pre-move-in jitters

The nervousness or anxiety felt before beginning something new.
He had the pre-move-in jitters the night before starting his new job.

Move-in phase transition

The process of moving from one stage or condition to another.
The company is in a move-in phase transition as it expands into international markets.

Move-in decision

A choice or resolution made regarding the beginning of a new chapter or venture.
Her move-in decision to join the startup was influenced by its innovative culture.

Movein Example Sentences

The new tenants completed their move-in yesterday.
During move-in, they realized they needed more shelves.
Their move-in date is set for next Friday.
They planned a move-in party with their friends.
The move-in process was tiring but exciting.
She made a checklist for her move-in day.
Move-in day was hectic with boxes everywhere.
The family's move-in coincided with the start of school.
For their move-in, they painted the walls first.
The move-in to the college dorm was a new experience.
The first thing they did after move-in was set up the bed.
The move-in to the new neighborhood was smooth.
Their move-in was delayed due to bad weather.
They celebrated their move-in with a small gathering.
After the move-in, the house felt like home.

Common Curiosities

How is movein used in a sentence?

Example: "The move-in date for the apartment is next Friday."

How many syllables are in movein?

There are two syllables in "move-in."

What is a stressed syllable in movein?

The stressed syllable in "move-in" is the first one: "move."

What is the root word of movein?

The root words of "move-in" are "move" and "in."

How do we divide movein into syllables?

"Move-in" is divided into syllables as "move-in."

What is the verb form of movein?

"Move in" is the verb form (used as two separate words).

What is another term for movein?

Another term for "move-in" is "relocation" or "settlement."

Why is it called movein?

It is called "move-in" because it describes the action of moving into a new residence or space. It combines "move" (to change location) with "in" (indicating entrance).

What is the third form of movein?

The third form (past participle form) of "move in" is "moved in."

What is the plural form of movein?

The plural form is "move-ins."

What is the first form of movein?

The first form (present form) of "move in" is "move in."

What part of speech is movein?

"Move-in" is a noun when used as one word. As two separate words, "move in" is a verb phrase.

What is the singular form of movein?

The singular form is "move-in."

Is movein an adverb?

No, "move-in" is not an adverb.

What is the pronunciation of movein?

Move-in is pronounced as /ˈmuːv ɪn/.

What is the second form of movein?

The second form (past simple form) of "move in" is "moved in."

Is movein an abstract noun?

"Move-in" is a concrete noun, referring to the action or process of moving in.

Is movein a collective noun?

"Move-in" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with movein?

Determiners like "the" or "a" can be used with "move-in" depending on the context.

Is movein a negative or positive word?

"Move-in" is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is the word movein imperative?

As a verb, "move in" can be used in the imperative form, as in "Move in by the end of the week."

Which conjunction is used with movein?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "move-in," depending on the sentence.

What is the opposite of movein?

The opposite of "move-in" could be "move-out."

Is the movein term a metaphor?

"Move-in" is usually used literally and not as a metaphor.

Which article is used with movein?

Articles such as "the" or "a" can be used with "move-in," depending on the context.

Is movein a noun or adjective?

"Move-in" is a noun.

Is movein a vowel or consonant?

The word "move-in" starts with a consonant.

Is movein a countable noun?

Yes, "move-in" is a countable noun (e.g., move-ins).

Is the word movein Gerund?

The gerund form of the verb "move in" is "moving in."

Is the word “movein” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Move-in" as a noun can be a direct object. As a verb, "move in" can have direct and indirect objects.

Which vowel is used before movein?

The vowel used before "move-in" depends on the context of the sentence.

Which preposition is used with movein?

Common prepositions used with "move-in" include "on" and "before."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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