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Offer Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Offer" means to present or propose something for acceptance or rejection, or to provide an opportunity or possibility. e.g., The store offered a discount on all items.

Offer Definitions

Offer refers to proposing a deal or agreement.
The company offered her a new job.
Offer can describe providing a service or opportunity.
The program offers free tutoring for students.
Offer pertains to expressing a willingness to do something.
She offered to help with the project.
Offer is used for suggesting a possible course of action.
He offered some advice on the matter.
Offer can mean to provide or supply something.
The hotel offers complimentary breakfast.
Offer denotes putting forward for consideration.
They offered a new perspective on the topic.
Offer involves presenting as a gesture of goodwill.
She offered her seat to the elderly man.
To present for acceptance or rejection; proffer
Offered me a drink.
To put forward for consideration; propose
Offer an opinion.
To present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirement
Offered new statistics in order to facilitate the decision-making process.
To present as an act of worship
Offer a prayer.
To propose as payment; bid
Offered only half what I was asking for the car.
To make available; afford
The situation offers us the opportunity to learn more.
To present for sale
Those boots are being offered at half price.
To provide; furnish
A hotel that offers conference facilities.
To exhibit readiness or desire (to do something); volunteer
Offered to carry the packages.
To engage in; put up
Partisans who offered strong resistance to the invaders.
To threaten
Offered to leave without them if they didn't hurry.
To produce or introduce on the stage
The repertory group is offering two new plays this season.
To present an offering in worship or devotion.
To make an offer or proposal, especially of marriage.
To present itself
"This plan was dropped, because of its risk, and because a better offered" (T.E. Lawrence).
(Baseball) To swing at a pitch. Used of a batter.
The act of offering
An offer of assistance.
Something, such as a suggestion, proposal, bid, or recommendation, that is offered
Did you accept his offer for the car?.
(Law) A proposal that if accepted constitutes a legally binding contract.
The condition of being offered, especially for sale
Thousands of bushels of wheat on offer.
A proposal that has been made.
What's in his offer?
I decline your offer to contract.
Something put forth, bid, proffered or tendered.
His offer was $3.50 per share.
(legal) An invitation to enter into a binding contract communicated to another party which contains terms sufficiently definite to create an enforceable contract if the other party accepts the invitation.
His first letter was not a real offer, but an attempt to determine interest.
(used in combinations from phrasal verbs) agent noun of off
(intransitive) To propose or express one's willingness (to do something).
She offered to help with her homework.
(transitive) To present in words; to proffer; to make a proposal of; to suggest.
Everybody offered an opinion.
(transitive) To place at someone’s disposal; to present (something) to be either accepted or turned down.
He offered use of his car for the week.
He offered his good will for the Councilman's vote.
(transitive) To present (something) to God or gods as a gesture of worship, or for a sacrifice.
To place (something) in a position where it can be added to an existing mechanical assembly.
(transitive) To bid, as a price, reward, or wages.
I offered twenty dollars for it. The company is offering a salary of £30,000 a year.
(intransitive) To happen, to present itself.
(obsolete) To make an attempt; typically used with at.
(transitive) To put in opposition to; to manifest in an offensive or defensive way; to threaten.
To offer violence to somebody
The peasants offered no resistance as they were rounded up.
To present, as an act of worship; to immolate; to sacrifice; to present in prayer or devotion; - often with up.
Thou shalt offer every day a bullock for a sin offering for atonement.
A holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices.
To bring to or before; to hold out to; to present for acceptance or rejection; as, to offer a present, or a bribe; to offer one's self in marriage.
I offer thee three things.
To present in words; to proffer; to make a proposal of; to suggest; as, to offer an opinion. With the infinitive as an objective: To make an offer; to declare one's willingness; as, he offered to help me.
To attempt; to undertake.
All that offer to defend him.
To bid, as a price, reward, or wages; as, to offer a guinea for a ring; to offer a salary or reward.
To put in opposition to; to manifest in an offensive way; to threaten; as, to offer violence, attack, etc.
To present itself; to be at hand.
The occasion offers, and the youth complies.
To make an attempt; to make an essay or a trial; - used with at.
He would be offering at the shepherd's voice.
I will not offer at that I can not master.
The act of offering, bringing forward, proposing, or bidding; a proffer; a first advance.
That which is offered or brought forward; a proposal to be accepted or rejected; a sum offered; a bid.
When offers are disdained, and love denied.
Attempt; endeavor; essay; as, he made an offer to catch the ball.
The verbal act of offering;
A generous offer of assistance
Something offered (as a proposal or bid);
Noteworthy new offerings for investors included several index funds
A usually brief attempt;
He took a crack at it
I gave it a whirl
Make available or accessible, provide or furnish;
The conference center offers a health spa
The hotel offers private meeting rooms
Present for acceptance or rejection;
She offered us all a cold drink
Agree freely;
She volunteered to drive the old lady home
I offered to help with the dishes but the hostess would not hear of it
Put forward for consideration;
He offered his opinion
Offer verbally;
Extend my greetings
He offered his sympathy
Make available for sale;
The stores are offering specials on sweaters this week
Propose a payment;
The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting
Produce or introduce on the stage;
The Shakespeare Company is offering `King Lear' this month
Present as an act of worship;
Offer prayers to the gods
Mount or put up;
Put up a good fight
Offer resistance
Make available; provide;
Extend a loan
The bank offers a good deal on new mortgages
Ask (someone) to marry you;
He popped the question on Sunday night
She proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months
The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman
Threaten to do something;
I offered to leave the committee if they did not accept my proposal
Offer means to present something for someone to accept or reject.
He offered a solution to the problem.
Offer describes making available for sale.
The shop offered various handmade crafts.
Offer can refer to showing or exhibiting.
The museum offered a rare collection of artifacts.

Offer Snonyms


Put forward (a plan or suggestion) for consideration by others.
He proposed a new plan to increase sales.


Put forward for consideration.
I suggest taking a different route to avoid traffic.


Give something to (someone) formally or ceremonially.
She presented her friend with a gift.


Make available for use; supply.
The program provides assistance to low-income families.


Present (a proposal, application, or other document) for consideration or judgment.
Applicants must submit their applications by the deadline.


Hold out (something) to someone for acceptance; offer.
She proffered a glass of water to her guest.


Freely offer to do something.
He volunteered to help with the charity event.


Offer or give (a service, help, etc.) to someone.
They extended their support to the new project.


Offer (money) as payment.
He tendered the exact amount for the bill.


Offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction.
Several collectors bid for the rare painting.

Offer Idioms & Phrases

Offer assistance

To provide help or support.
The community volunteers offered assistance to those affected by the flood.

Offer insight

To provide a deeper understanding or perspective on a topic.
The professor offered valuable insights during the lecture.

Offer condolences

To express sympathy or sorrow.
They offered their condolences to the family of the deceased.

Offer an apology

To say sorry or express regret for something done.
He offered an apology for his late arrival.

Make an offer

To propose a deal or a price for something.
After seeing the house, they decided to make an offer.

Offer a solution

To propose a way to solve a problem.
The engineer offered a solution to fix the structural issue.

Offer guidance

To give advice or direction.
The mentor offered guidance to the young entrepreneur.

Offer a chance

To provide an opportunity.
The internship offered her a chance to gain valuable work experience.

Offer a hand

To provide physical assistance or help.
She offered a hand to her friend who was moving into a new apartment.

Offer a discount

To reduce the usual price of something.
The store offered a discount on all electronics for the weekend.

Offer hospitality

To provide a friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests.
They offered great hospitality to all the visitors.

Offer one's seat

To give up one's place for someone else to sit.
He offered his seat to an elderly person on the bus.

Offer a toast

To make a speech and raise one's glass in honor of someone or something.
At the wedding, the best man offered a toast to the happy couple.

Offer resistance

To oppose or fight against something.
The small army offered resistance against the invaders.

Offer services

To provide professional help or skills.
The company offered its services to design the website.

Offer an explanation

To provide a reason or justification for something.
The manager offered an explanation for the project's delay.

Offer protection

To provide safety or defense against harm.
The program offers protection to endangered species.

Offer support

To give emotional or practical assistance.
The community offered support to the victims of the natural disaster.

Offer a perspective

To present a particular viewpoint.
The documentary offered a new perspective on the historical event.

Offer a reward

To promise something in return for providing help or information.
The family offered a reward for any information about their missing pet.

Offer Example Sentences

He offered a hand to his friend in need.
The restaurant offered a special menu for the event.
The teacher offered extra credit to the students.
She offered her skills as a volunteer.
The school offered various after-school activities.
He offered his apologies for being late.
She offered a warm smile to everyone she met.
He offered to drive them to the airport.
They offered a range of options to choose from.
The guide offered interesting facts about the city.
They offered their support during the difficult times.
The store offered a big sale over the weekend.
The company offered a new line of products.
She offered a creative idea during the meeting.
The library offered a quiet place to study.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide offer into syllables?

Offer is divided into syllables as of-fer.

What is a stressed syllable in offer?

The stressed syllable in "offer" is "of."

How is offer used in a sentence?

"The company decided to offer him the job after the final interview."

How many syllables are in offer?

There are two syllables in "offer."

Why is it called offer?

It is called "offer" from the Latin "offerre," meaning "to present, bring before, or place before," referring to the act of presenting something for acceptance or rejection.

What is the pronunciation of offer?

Offer is pronounced as /ˈɒf.ər/ in British English and /ˈɔː.fər/ or /ˈɑː.fər/ in American English.

What is the first form of offer?

The first form (present tense) is "offer."

What is the opposite of offer?

The opposite of "offer" could be "withdraw" or "refuse."

What is the verb form of offer?

The verb form is "offer."

What is the second form of offer?

The second form (simple past tense) is "offered."

What is the third form of offer?

The third form (past participle) is "offered."

What is another term for offer?

Another term for "offer" could be "propose" or "present."

Is offer a negative or positive word?

"Offer" is generally neutral but often has a positive connotation, as it implies a proposition or opportunity.

Is offer a vowel or consonant?

The word "offer" starts with the vowel "o."

What is the root word of offer?

The root word is the Latin "offerre."

What is the singular form of offer?

The singular form is "offer," applicable to both the noun and verb forms.

What part of speech is offer?

"Offer" can be used as both a verb and a noun.

Is offer a countable noun?

When used as a noun, "offer" is countable (e.g., "several offers").

Is offer a collective noun?

No, "offer" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word offer imperative?

"Offer" can be used in the imperative form as a command or suggestion, e.g., "Offer help to those in need."

Which determiner is used with offer?

Determiners such as "a," "the," "this," "every," and "no" can be used with "offer," depending on the context.

Which preposition is used with offer?

Prepositions like "to" or "for" can be used with "offer," depending on the context, e.g., "offer to help" or "offer for sale."

Is offer a noun or adjective?

"Offer" is primarily a verb and a noun. It is not commonly used as an adjective.

Is offer an abstract noun?

When used as a noun, "offer" can be considered somewhat abstract, as it refers to a proposal or suggestion, not a physical object.

Is the word “offer” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Offer" can serve as a direct object when used as a noun, e.g., "He accepted the offer." It is not used as an indirect object.

Which vowel is used before offer?

The article "an" is used before "offer" when it functions as a singular noun in a sentence where the next word starts with a consonant sound, but "offer" itself would typically use "a" as in "a generous offer" due to its consonant start.

What is the plural form of offer?

The plural form, when used as a noun, is "offers."

Is offer an adverb?

No, "offer" is not an adverb.

Is the offer term a metaphor?

"Offer" can be used metaphorically in various contexts to imply providing or proposing something intangible, like an opportunity or idea.

Is the word offer Gerund?

The gerund form of "offer" is "offering," which functions as a noun.

Which conjunction is used with offer?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "offer" in compound sentences.

Which article is used with offer?

Both "a" (indefinite) and "the" (definite) can be used with "offer," depending on whether it's being used in a specific or nonspecific context, e.g., "a special offer" or "the offer was declined."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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