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Operate Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 5, 2024
To operate means to control the function of a machine or process. e.g., She learned to operate the new coffee machine with ease.

Operate Definitions

Operate within Laws: To function or act in accordance with legal regulations.
The company operates within all federal and state laws.
Machinery Operation: To control or use a machine effectively.
He can operate heavy machinery, including excavators and bulldozers.
Surgical Operation: To perform a medical procedure, typically involving an incision.
The surgeon will operate on the patient early tomorrow morning.
Business Operation: To conduct the affairs of a business.
The small cafe operates from 8 AM to 4 PM.
Operate Electronically: To function or be controlled through electronic means.
The smart home system operates all the lights and appliances.
Operate Remotely: To control a device or system from a distance.
With this app, you can operate the security system remotely.
Military Operation: A coordinated military action.
The troops are ready to operate at dawn.
Operate Under Conditions: To function in specific circumstances or environments.
This vehicle can operate under extreme temperatures.
Operate Independently: To function without assistance or control from others.
The robot can operate independently for hours.
Operate a Vehicle: To drive or pilot a vehicle.
She learned to operate a boat last summer.
To perform a function; work
The motor operates smoothly.
To perform surgery.
To exert an influence
Forces operating on the economy.
To produce a desired or proper effect
A drug that operates quickly.
To carry on a military or naval action or campaign.
(Informal) To conduct business in an irregular or devious manner
Drug dealers operating in residential and urban areas.
To control the functioning of; run
Operate a sewing machine.
To conduct the affairs of; manage
Operate a business.
To supply with power
A car that is operated by electricity.
To perform a work or labour; to exert power or strength, physical or mechanical; to act.
Could someone explain how this meeting operates?
In this town, the garbage removal staff operate between six o'clock at midnight.
The police had inside knowledge of how the gang operated.
To produce an appropriate physical effect; to issue in the result designed by nature; especially (medicine) to take appropriate effect on the human system.
To act or produce effect on the mind; to exert moral power or influence.
To perform some manual act upon a human body in a methodical manner, and usually with instruments, with a view to restore soundness or health, as in amputation, lithotomy, etc.
The surgeon had to operate on her heart.
I'm being operated tomorrow.
To deal in stocks or any commodity with a view to speculative profits.
To produce, as an effect; to cause.
To put into, or to continue in, operation or activity; to work.
To operate a machine
To perform a work or labor; to exert power or strength, physical or mechanical; to act.
To produce an appropriate physical effect; to issue in the result designed by nature;
To act or produce effect on the mind; to exert moral power or influence.
The virtues of private persons operate but on a few.
A plain, convincing reason operates on the mind both of a learned and ignorant hearer as long as they live.
To perform some manual act upon a human body in a methodical manner, and usually with instruments, with a view to restore soundness or health, as in amputation, lithotomy, etc.
To deal in stocks or any commodity with a view to speculative profits.
To produce, as an effect; to cause.
The same cause would operate a diminution of the value of stock.
To put into, or to continue in, operation or activity; to work; as, to operate a machine.
Direct or control; projects, businesses, etc.;
She is running a relief operation in the Sudan
Perform as expected when applied;
The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in
Does this old car still run well?
This old radio doesn't work anymore
Handle and cause to function;
Do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol
Control the lever
Perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense
What is going on in the minds of the people?
Keep engaged;
Engaged the gears
Perform surgery on;
The doctors operated ont he patient but failed to save his life

Operate Snonyms


To carry out or perform an action.
The computer executes the command within seconds.


To command, direct, or rule.
He controls the vehicle with precision.


To work or operate in a proper or particular way.
The device functions smoothly after the repair.


To manage and be responsible for the running of (a business, organization, etc.).
They administer the funds allocated for the project.


To manage or direct the operation of something.
She runs the family business.


To be in charge of, act on, or dispose of.
He manages the team efficiently.


To operate or function, especially properly or effectively.
Does this old watch still work?


To make practical and effective use of something.
The system utilizes advanced technology for better performance.


To deal with in action or use; to manage.
She handles the machinery with care.


To direct the operation or management of.
She conducts research in her laboratory.

Operate Idioms & Phrases

Operate in the shadows

To work secretly or without drawing public attention.
The organization prefers to operate in the shadows to protect the privacy of its clients.

Operate on thin ice

To be in a risky, dangerous, or sensitive situation where one must proceed with caution.
After the recent scandal, the CEO is operating on thin ice with the board of directors.

Operate under the radar

To work or act in a way that avoids attracting attention or detection.
The team decided to operate under the radar to develop their prototype without alerting competitors.

Operate at a loss

To run a business or an activity that spends more money than it earns.
Despite the high sales volume, the company continued to operate at a loss due to high production costs.

Operate behind the scenes

To work or manage something without being in the public eye or openly acknowledged.
She prefers to operate behind the scenes, ensuring events run smoothly without seeking any credit.

Operate on all cylinders

To function at maximum efficiency or capacity.
After the new software update, our processing system is now operating on all cylinders.

Operate with impunity

To act without fear of punishment or consequences.
The rogue traders continue to operate with impunity due to lax regulatory oversight.

Operate on a shoestring

To function with very limited financial resources.
The startup had to operate on a shoestring budget until they secured their first round of funding.

Operate in a vacuum

To work in isolation without considering outside influences or the effects on others.
Designing policy without public input is like operating in a vacuum and can lead to unintended consequences.

Operate under a guise

To act under a false appearance or pretense.
The spy had to operate under the guise of a journalist to gather information.

Operate on autopilot

To function in a routine manner without much thought or attention.
After several years in the same role, he found himself operating on autopilot, craving a new challenge.

Operate under someone's thumb

To work under the control or influence of someone in a way that limits freedom.
Ever since the new manager took over, the team feels like they've been operating under his thumb.

Operate at the fringe

To work on the margins or periphery of an industry, field, or society.
The research team operates at the fringe of scientific exploration, tackling projects deemed too unconventional by mainstream institutions.

Operate under false pretenses

To act based on deceptive claims or lies.
The charity was shut down after it was discovered to operate under false pretenses, misusing donations.

Operate without a net

To perform or work without a safety net or without any backup plans.
Going into this venture without any additional funding is like operating without a net.

Operate under a cloud

To function with a suspicion or a lack of trust hanging over one.
After the allegations of misconduct, he has been operating under a cloud with his colleagues.

Operate on the edge

To work in a manner that is close to the limits of what is safe or acceptable.
The journalist prefers to operate on the edge, tackling stories that others find too dangerous.

Operate at arm's length

To maintain a distance or a level of detachment in dealings or relationships.
Despite their partnership, the two companies prefer to operate at arm's length to preserve their independence.

Operate in tandem

To work together closely or in coordination with someone or something.
The two departments need to operate in tandem to ensure the project's success.

Operate in the grey area

To work in an undefined, unclear, or not strictly legal or ethical area.
The firm's tax strategies operate in the grey area, skirting the line between aggressive planning and evasion.

Operate Example Sentences

The amusement park operates from March through October.
You need a license to operate a drone in this area.
Volunteers operate the charity shop on weekends.
The community center operates a food pantry for those in need.
They taught the children how to operate the emergency call system.
After the upgrade, the system could operate much faster.
The new software allows users to operate their computers with voice commands.
Doctors operate to save lives and improve health.
Farmers operate machinery to plant and harvest crops efficiently.
The airport operates international flights 24 hours a day.
The train operates on a tight schedule to ensure timely arrivals and departures.
She showed him how to operate the washing machine.
They learned to operate the new software in a few days.
To operate the device, simply press the green button.
The museum operates guided tours for visitors.

Common Curiosities

How is operate used in a sentence?

"The surgeon will operate on the patient early tomorrow morning."

How many syllables are in operate?

There are three syllables in "operate."

What is the verb form of operate?

"Operate" itself is the base form of the verb.

What is the pronunciation of operate?

"Operate" is pronounced as /ˈɑp.əˌreɪt/ in American English.

What is a stressed syllable in operate?

The stressed syllable in "operate" is the first syllable, "op."

What is the root word of operate?

The root word of "operate" is the Latin "operari," meaning "to work."

What is the first form of operate?

The first form (base form) of "operate" is "operate."

What is another term for operate?

Another term for "operate" could be "function," "run," or "manage," depending on the context.

Why is it called operate?

"Operate" comes from the Latin "operari," meaning "to work," and "opus," which means "work" or "labor." It refers to performing a function, working, or being in action.

How do we divide operate into syllables?

"Operate" is divided into syllables as "op-er-ate."

What part of speech is operate?

"Operate" is a verb.

What is the opposite of operate?

The opposite of "operate" could be "cease," "stop," or "malfunction," depending on the context.

Is operate a noun or adjective?

"Operate" is a verb, not a noun or adjective.

Is operate an adverb?

No, "operate" is not an adverb.

Is operate a negative or positive word?

"Operate" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Which determiner is used with operate?

Determiners are not typically used directly with verbs like "operate." Determiners are used with nouns.

Is operate a collective noun?

"Operate" is not a noun; it is a verb, so it cannot be a collective noun.

Is the word operate imperative?

"Operate" can be used in the imperative form as a command, such as "Operate the machinery carefully."

What is the singular form of operate?

As a verb, "operate" does not have a singular or plural form; it remains "operate."

What is the plural form of operate?

As a verb, "operate" does not change form for plural subjects; it remains "operate."

Is operate a vowel or consonant?

The word "operate" starts with a vowel sound, "o."

Is the operate term a metaphor?

"Operate" can be used metaphorically in various contexts to imply functioning or working in a certain way.

Which vowel is used before operate?

The vowel used before "operate" depends on the preceding word and its grammatical structure, not on "operate" itself.

Which preposition is used with operate?

Prepositions such as "on," "in," "with," and "under" can be used with "operate" depending on the context, e.g., "operate on a patient," "operate in a market."

Which conjunction is used with operate?

Any conjunction can be used with "operate" as appropriate for the sentence structure, such as "and," "but," "or."

Is operate a countable noun?

"Operate" is not a noun; it is a verb, so the concept of being countable does not apply.

Is the word operate Gerund?

The gerund form of "operate" is "operating," which is a noun form derived from the verb.

What is the second form of operate?

The second form (simple past) of "operate" is "operated."

What is the third form of operate?

The third form (past participle) of "operate" is "operated."

Is operate an abstract noun?

"Operate" is not a noun; it is a verb. Therefore, it cannot be an abstract noun.

Is the word “operate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Operate" is a verb and does not serve as a direct or indirect object. However, it can have direct or indirect objects, such as "operate a machine" (machine being the direct object).

Which article is used with operate?

Articles are not typically used directly with verbs like "operate." Articles are used with nouns.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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