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Oxen Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Oxen" are large, strong domesticated cattle, typically used for plowing fields, pulling carts, and other heavy labor. e.g., The farmer used oxen to plow his fields.

Oxen Definitions

Oxen involves bovines known for their calm temperament and strength.
The gentle nature of oxen makes them good working animals.
Oxen means domesticated bovines trained for work, such as plowing.
Oxen are often used in traditional farming practices.
Oxen refers to male cattle that are usually castrated and used for labor.
The oxen pulled the heavy wagon effortlessly.
Oxen pertains to working cattle used in agriculture.
Oxen have been essential in agricultural development.
Oxen denotes bovine animals used traditionally in farming and transport.
Oxen played a vital role in historical transportation.
Oxen is used for cattle that are harnessed and controlled for work.
The farmer harnessed the oxen to the plow.
Oxen can describe robust cattle bred for strength and endurance.
The oxen stood strong and sturdy in the field.
Oxen can refer to cattle used in ceremonial or cultural events.
The festival featured a parade with decorated oxen.
Oxen can mean cattle specifically trained for pulling heavy loads.
The oxen transported goods across the village.
Oxen describes cattle that are often yoked in pairs.
The pair of oxen moved in unison.
Plural of ox.
Plural of ox
Of, relating to, or resembling an ox; oxlike
Domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age;
So many head of cattle
Wait till the cows come home
Seven thin and ill-favored kine
A team of oxen

Oxen Snonyms

Draft animals

Animals used for pulling heavy loads.
Oxen are often used as draft animals in farming operations.


Relating to or affecting cattle.
The field was filled with grazing bovines.


Large ruminant animals with horns and cloven hoofs, domesticated for meat or milk, or as beasts of burden; cows.
The farmer's cattle include both cows and oxen.

Beasts of burden

Animals employed to carry heavy loads or perform other heavy work.
In many parts of the world, beasts of burden like oxen are vital to agriculture.

Work animals

Animals trained to perform tasks, such as pulling plows or carts.
The oxen, as work animals, were essential to the farm's productivity.

Plow animals

Animals used specifically for plowing fields.
Oxen, as plow animals, have been used in agriculture for centuries.


A wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart that they are to pull.
A pair of oxen were yoked together to pull the wagon.


Castrated male cattle, which can include oxen.
The steers, including the oxen, were herded into the barn.

Pack animals

Animals used to carry loads on their backs.
While not as common, oxen can serve as pack animals in rugged terrain.

Farm animals

Animals raised on a farm for labor, wool, meat, milk, or other products.
Oxen, as farm animals, contribute significantly to agricultural communities.

Oxen Idioms & Phrases

Strong as oxen

Exceptionally strong or robust.
The new worker on the farm is strong as oxen, handling the heavy lifting with ease.

Oxen-like patience

Exhibiting great patience and calmness, similar to the temperament of an ox.
She approached the difficult task with oxen-like patience.

Yoked like oxen

Being in a situation where one is working in close cooperation with another, as oxen yoked together.
The two co-founders were yoked like oxen, sharing every responsibility of the business.

Eyes like oxen

To have a calm and gentle demeanor, reminiscent of an ox’s eyes.
Despite the chaos around him, he maintained a gaze calm and deep, eyes like oxen.

Oxen's pace

Moving slowly but steadily, like an ox.
The project was progressing at an oxen's pace but it was thorough.

Oxen's stride

A steady, unrelenting pace or progress.
The construction work continued at an oxen's stride, unwavering and deliberate.

Plow like oxen

To work extremely hard and steadily, similar to oxen in a field.
During harvest season, the workers plow like oxen from dawn till dusk.

Bearing burdens like oxen

Carrying heavy loads or responsibilities, akin to oxen.
She has been bearing burdens like oxen since she took over the family business.

Oxen-like endurance

Having a high capacity to endure strain or hardship, similar to oxen.
The marathon runner showed oxen-like endurance throughout the race.

With the might of oxen

With great strength or force.
The gates were opened with the might of oxen.

Oxen's diligence

Exhibiting diligent and persistent effort in one's work.
Her success is largely due to her oxen's diligence.

Stubborn as oxen

Extremely stubborn, not easily swayed or moved.
He was as stubborn as oxen when it came to changing his opinion.

Slow as oxen

Moving or working very slowly.
The bureaucratic process was as slow as oxen, frustrating everyone involved.

Oxen teamwork

Working together effectively and cooperatively, akin to a team of oxen.
The crew demonstrated oxen teamwork in completing the challenging task.

Oxen's trail

A path or course followed with steady, relentless progress.
The expedition followed the oxen's trail, making consistent headway each day.

Marching like oxen

Moving forward with slow but unstoppable force.
The army was marching like oxen, steadily advancing towards the enemy.

As dependable as oxen

Extremely reliable or trustworthy.
In times of crisis, he's as dependable as oxen.

Oxen's loyalty

Displaying steadfast loyalty and dependability.
His long service to the company has been marked by oxen's loyalty.

Like oxen to the plow

To approach work with determination and endurance.
Every morning, he goes to his work like oxen to the plow.

Oxen Example Sentences

The oxen rested under a tree after a day's work.
He learned how to yoke the oxen from his grandfather.
In the past, oxen were more common than tractors on farms.
The oxen's hooves left deep prints in the mud.
The oxen grazed peacefully in the meadow.
The children watched the oxen drink from the pond.
Farmers relied on oxen for plowing fields before machines.
The museum displayed tools used to work with oxen.
The oxen's strength was vital for tilling the hard soil.
He admired the oxen for their endurance and strength.
The oxen were fed hay at the end of the day.
The oxen were trained to respond to voice commands.
In the painting, oxen were pulling an old-fashioned plow.
Oxen have been used in agriculture for centuries.
The village festival included a competition for the best-decorated oxen.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in oxen?

The first syllable, "ox," is the stressed syllable in "oxen."

How is oxen used in a sentence?

Example: "The farmer used a team of oxen to plow the field."

How many syllables are in oxen?

There are two syllables in "oxen."

How do we divide oxen into syllables?

"Oxen" is divided into syllables as ox-en.

What is the pronunciation of oxen?

Oxen is pronounced as /ˈɒksən/.

What is the verb form of oxen?

There is no verb form of "oxen"; "oxen" is only a noun.

What is the first form of oxen?

The first form (singular) of "oxen" is "ox."

Why is it called oxen?

"Oxen" is the plural form of "ox," which comes from the Old English "oxa." The term is used for the plural due to its origins in Germanic languages, where "en" is a common plural suffix.

What is the opposite of oxen?

There is no direct opposite for "oxen" as they are a type of animal. In some contexts, "oxen" may be contrasted with other types of livestock.

What is the root word of oxen?

The root word of "oxen" is "ox."

What is the second form of oxen?

"Oxen" does not have a second form; it is the plural form of "ox."

Is oxen a collective noun?

"Oxen" is a plural noun but not specifically a collective noun. It refers to multiple individual animals of the ox species.

What part of speech is oxen?

"Oxen" is a noun.

Is oxen an abstract noun?

No, "oxen" is a concrete noun, as it refers to a physical animal.

Is oxen a vowel or consonant?

"Oxen" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with the consonant "o."

Is the word oxen is imperative?

No, "oxen" is not used in the imperative; it's a noun.

What is the third form of oxen?

"Oxen" does not have a third form; it remains "oxen" in its plural form.

Is oxen a noun or adjective?

"Oxen" is a noun.

Is oxen a countable noun?

Yes, "oxen" is a countable noun.

Which article is used with oxen?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with "oxen," depending on whether it's used in a specific or general context.

What is the singular form of oxen?

The singular form of "oxen" is "ox."

Which preposition is used with oxen?

Prepositions like "with," "by," or "for" can be used with "oxen," depending on the context.

What is another term for oxen?

Another term for "oxen" is "bullocks" or "draft cattle."

What is the plural form of oxen?

"Oxen" itself is the plural form of "ox."

Is oxen an adverb?

No, "oxen" is not an adverb.

Is oxen a negative or positive word?

"Oxen" is neutral; it neither conveys a positive nor negative connotation.

Is the oxen term a metaphor?

"Oxen" is typically used in its literal sense, but it can be used metaphorically in some contexts.

Is the word oxen Gerund?

No, "oxen" is not a gerund. It's a plural noun.

Is the word “oxen” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Oxen" can be used as either a direct object or an indirect object in a sentence, depending on its usage.

Which determiner is used with oxen?

Determiners such as "the," "some," "these," "those," etc., can be used with "oxen."

Which vowel is used before oxen?

The choice of vowel before "oxen" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

Which conjunction is used with oxen?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "oxen," depending on the sentence structure.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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