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Persist Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Persist" means to continue steadfastly or determinedly despite challenges or difficulties. e.g., Despite the heavy rain, the marathon runners decided to persist until the finish line.

Persist Definitions

Persist refers to maintaining a course of action.
She persisted with her piano practice and improved greatly.
Persist can describe continuing to exist over time.
The ancient traditions persist in the village to this day.
Persist denotes continuing in an opinion or course of action.
She persisted in her belief that things would get better.
Persist means to continue doing something despite difficulty.
He persisted in his studies, even when they got tough.
Persist is used for insisting or being firm in a demand.
He persisted in asking for a better explanation.
Persist can mean to remain constant or stable.
The symptoms persisted despite the treatment.
Persist can refer to refusing to stop or be changed.
The problem persisted despite several attempts to fix it.
Persist pertains to being tenacious or unyielding.
The detective persisted in his search for the truth.
To be obstinately repetitious, insistent, or tenacious.
To hold firmly and steadfastly to a purpose, state, or undertaking despite obstacles, warnings, or setbacks.
To continue in existence; last
Hostilities that have persisted for years.
(intransitive) To go on stubbornly or resolutely.
(intransitive) To repeat an utterance.
(intransitive) To continue to exist.
To continue to be; to remain.
To cause to persist; make permanent.
To stand firm; to be fixed and unmoved; to stay; to continue steadfastly; especially, to continue fixed in a course of conduct against opposing motives; to persevere; - sometimes conveying an unfavorable notion, as of doggedness or obstinacy.
If they persist in pointing their batteries against particular persons, no laws of war forbid the making reprisals.
Some positive, persisting fops we know,Who, if once wrong, will needs be always so.
That face persists.It floats up; it turns over in my mind.
Continue to exist;
These stories die hard
The legend of Elvis endures
Be persistent, refuse to stop;
He persisted to call me every night
The child persisted and kept asking questions
Stay behind;
The smell stayed in the room
The hostility remained long after they made up
Persist describes enduring or surviving in an environment.
Some plants can persist even in harsh conditions.
Persist involves maintaining a steady effort in a task.
They persisted in their efforts to raise funds for the cause.

Persist Snonyms


To maintain without interruption a condition, course, or action.
She continues to work hard despite the challenges.


To take a stand or hold firmly to a belief.
He insists that he was right in his decision.


To continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.
They persevered in their efforts to finish the marathon.


To suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.
He endured the discomfort without complaint.


To continue in time; go on.
The meeting lasted longer than expected.

Carry on

To continue to do or participate in something.
Despite the setbacks, they carried on with the project.


To continue to exist, especially after other similar or related people or things have ceased to exist.
A sense of hope remains despite the losses.


To keep in an existing state of repair, efficiency, or validity.
He maintains a healthy diet and exercise routine.


To maintain (something) in its original or existing state.
They are fighting to preserve their way of life.


To keep up or keep going, as an action or process.
She sustained her effort to learn the language.

Persist Idioms & Phrases

Persist against all odds

To continue steadfastly despite very difficult circumstances.
She decided to persist against all odds in her pursuit of a medical degree.

Persist in the face of adversity

To continue firmly or obstinately, even when things are challenging.
The team persisted in the face of adversity and eventually won the championship.

Persist beyond reason

To continue doing something despite it being irrational or unwise.
She persisted beyond reason in her refusal to seek help.

Persist through trials

To continue steadily despite facing difficulties or challenges.
The entrepreneur persisted through trials and eventually saw his business thrive.

Persist under pressure

To continue to operate or function effectively despite stressful conditions.
The team's ability to persist under pressure was commendable.

To persist and prevail

To continue in an action and ultimately succeed.
He persisted and prevailed against the many challenges of his upbringing.

To persist with effort

To continue trying hard to do or achieve something.
He persisted with effort to learn the new language.

The power to persist

The ability or strength to continue even when it's difficult.
It’s her power to persist that has made her a successful athlete.

Persist for a cause

To continue advocating or fighting for a particular purpose or ideal.
The activists persisted for the cause of environmental conservation.

To persist in belief

To continue to hold onto a belief, even in the face of contrary evidence or opinion.
Despite skepticism from others, she persisted in her belief that the project would succeed.

To persist in silence

To continue steadfastly without complaining or making one's struggles known.
He persisted in silence, working tirelessly behind the scenes.

Persist at the task

To continue working on a job or task until it is completed.
He persisted at the task, even when it seemed endless.

Persist against the current

To continue with one's actions despite facing opposition or unfavorable conditions.
She persisted against the current of traditional expectations to build her tech startup.

Persist Example Sentences

They decided to persist with their original plan.
He would persist in his question until he got an answer.
If you persist in your efforts, you will succeed.
If the pain persists, you should see a doctor.
She had to persist through several trials to achieve her goal.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called persist?

It is called "persist" from the Latin "persistere," meaning "to continue steadfastly" or "to stand firm," reflecting the action of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty.

How is persist used in a sentence?

"Despite the challenges, she chose to persist in her efforts to learn the new language."

How many syllables are in persist?

There are two syllables in "persist."

What is a stressed syllable in persist?

The stressed syllable in "persist" is "sist."

What is the verb form of persist?

The verb form is "persist," as in "to persist."

What is the root word of persist?

The root word is the Latin "persistere."

How do we divide persist into syllables?

Persist is divided into syllables as per-sist.

What is the first form of persist?

The first form (present tense) is "persist."

What is the third form of persist?

The third form (past participle) is "persisted."

What is the singular form of persist?

As a verb, "persist" remains the same in both singular and plural subjects.

What is the pronunciation of persist?

Persist is pronounced as /pərˈsɪst/.

What is the opposite of persist?

The opposite of "persist" could be "give up" or "cease."

Is persist a collective noun?

No, "persist" is not a noun and therefore cannot be a collective noun.

Is the persist term a metaphor?

"Persist" can be used metaphorically to describe enduring or continuing in various abstract contexts.

Is the word “persist” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Persist" is a verb and cannot serve as a direct or indirect object.

What is the second form of persist?

The second form (simple past tense) is "persisted."

Is persist an adverb?

No, "persist" is not an adverb.

Is persist an abstract noun?

"Persist" is a verb and not a noun, so it cannot be an abstract noun.

Is the word persist Gerund?

The gerund form of "persist" is "persisting," which functions as a noun.

What part of speech is persist?

"Persist" is a verb.

What is another term for persist?

Another term for "persist" is "continue" or "persevere."

Is persist a negative or positive word?

"Persist" is generally considered a positive word due to its association with determination and perseverance, but it can be negative in some contexts where continuation is undesirable.

Is persist a vowel or consonant?

The word "persist" starts with a consonant "p."

Is persist a countable noun?

"Persist" is not a noun; it's a verb and therefore not countable.

Is the word persist imperative?

"Persist" can be used in the imperative form to give a command or encouragement, e.g., "Persist in your efforts!"

Which vowel is used before persist?

Vowels or articles before verbs depend on the structure of the sentence, not the verb itself. For gerund or infinitive forms, "to persist" or "persisting," an article might precede.

Which conjunction is used with persist?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "persist" in complex sentences.

Which article is used with persist?

Articles are not typically used directly with verbs. However, in the gerund form "persisting," "the" can be used, e.g., "The persisting issue was finally resolved."

What is the plural form of persist?

As a verb, "persist" does not change form for plural subjects.

Is persist a noun or adjective?

"Persist" is a verb, not a noun or adjective.

Which determiner is used with persist?

Determiners are not typically used directly with verbs like "persist."

Which preposition is used with persist?

Prepositions like "in" or "with" can be used with "persist," depending on the context, e.g., "persist in trying" or "persist with efforts."

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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