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Portray Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Portray" means to represent or describe someone or something in a particular way, often in art, literature, or performance. e.g., The actor portrayed the character with great emotion.

Portray Definitions

Portray can describe representing characteristics or qualities.
The book portrayed the hero's journey vividly.
Portray can refer to symbolizing or exemplifying.
The story portrayed the struggle for justice.
Portray means to depict someone or something in a work of art.
The artist portrayed the landscape beautifully.
Portray involves creating an image or likeness.
The statue portrayed the leader's likeness.
Portray describes embodying a character in a performance.
He portrayed a villain with surprising depth.
Portray can mean to present a particular interpretation.
The documentary portrayed a different perspective.
Portray denotes conveying emotions or actions.
The dancer portrayed a range of emotions.
To depict or represent pictorially; make a picture of
The painter portrays a typical country scene.
To describe or represent in words
The author portrays the world of the fantastically wealthy.
To describe or depict in a certain way
The book portrays her as hardworking and driven.
To represent dramatically, as on the stage
The actor portrays an obsessed lover in the film.
To paint or draw the likeness of.
I will portray a king on horseback.
(figuratively) To represent by an image or look.
(figuratively) To describe in words; to convey.
To play a role; to depict a character, person, situation, or event.
For my next movie, I will be portraying Shakespeare.
(obsolete) To adorn.
To paint or draw the likeness of; as, to portray a king on horseback.
Take a tile, and lay it before thee, and portray upon it the city, even Jerusalem.
Hence, figuratively, to describe in words.
To adorn with pictures.
Spear and helmets thronged, and shieldsVarious with boastful arguments potrayed.
Portray in words;
The book portrays the actor as a selfish person
Make a portrait of;
Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba
Assume or act the character of;
She impersonates Madonna
The actor portrays an elderly, lonely man
Represent in a painting, drawing, sculpture, or verbally;
The father is portrayed as a good-looking man in this painting
Portray refers to acting out a role in a play or movie.
She portrayed the queen in the play.
Portray pertains to illustrating or expressing something visually.
The mural portrayed the city's history.
Portray is used for showing or describing in words.
The author portrayed the conflict in detail.

Portray Snonyms


Explain or make (something) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc.
The book is illustrated with examples of the artist's work.


Provide or give (a service, help, etc.).
The novel renders the atmosphere of the medieval period very effectively.


Describe the distinctive nature or features of.
The article characterizes him as a formidable competitor.


Show or represent by drawing, painting, or other art forms.
The painting depicts a beautiful landscape.


Represent (a quality or concept) by a figure in human form.
The characters in the book personify good and evil.


Be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official capacity.
In the film, she represents the struggles of early pioneers.


Give a detailed account in words of.
She described her experience of climbing Mount Everest.


(Of a reflective surface) show a reflection of.
His work mirrors the changes in society over the last century.


Imitate the appearance or character of.
The game simulates a real-life experience.


Be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling).
The statue embodies the spirit of the city.

Portray Idioms & Phrases

Portray with accuracy

To represent someone or something in a manner that is true to reality.
The biopic sought to portray the singer with accuracy, capturing both her triumphs and struggles.

Portray through art

To represent or express someone or something using artistic methods.
The artist chose to portray the emotions of the city through art, using vibrant colors and dynamic shapes.

Portray in words

To describe or depict someone or something using verbal descriptions.
The novelist excelled at portraying complex characters in words, making them vividly come to life for readers.

Portray with empathy

To depict someone or something in a way that shows understanding and sensitivity to their feelings.
The documentary portrayed its subjects with empathy, allowing their personal stories to resonate with the audience.

Portray in a positive light

To depict someone or something in a way that makes them appear good or favorable.
The article aimed to portray the community project in a positive light to attract more volunteers.

Portray with realism

To depict someone or something in a manner that is realistic and believable.
The novel portrays with realism the life of miners in the 19th century.

Portray as a villain

To depict someone in a negative manner, making them appear as a bad person.
The movie controversially chose to portray the historical figure as a villain.

Portray from memory

To depict someone or something based on one's recollection rather than references.
The witness attempted to portray the suspect from memory for the police sketch artist.

Portray the struggle

To depict the difficulties or challenges faced by someone or something.
The series aimed to portray the struggle of immigrants with honesty and respect.

Portray a relationship

To depict the dynamics and interactions between individuals.
The film portrayed a relationship that evolved from rivalry to deep friendship.

Portray an era

To represent or depict a specific period in history.
The costume designer worked hard to portray an era accurately, researching fashion extensively.

Portray across mediums

To depict someone or something using various forms of media or artistic expression.
The story of her life was portrayed across mediums, including a book, a film, and a stage play.

Portray the essence

To capture the fundamental nature or quality of someone or something in depiction.
The photographer aimed to portray the essence of rural life in his exhibition.

Portray a character

To represent or act as a character in a play, movie, or book.
She was chosen to portray a character who is strong, complex, and deeply human.

Portray a lifestyle

To depict the way in which a person or group lives.
The vlogger portrays a lifestyle filled with adventure and travel.

Portray in detail

To depict someone or something with a high level of specificity and nuance.
The writer chose to portray the setting in detail, making the fictional world rich and immersive.

Portray without bias

To depict someone or something in an objective and fair manner.
The journalist aimed to portray both sides of the debate without bias.

Portray a vision

To depict an imaginative or idealized view of the future or a concept.
The architect's designs portray a vision of sustainable and community-focused urban living.

Portray Example Sentences

The biography portrayed his life in great detail.
He portrayed a sense of mystery in his performance.
The film portrayed a futuristic world.
The sculpture portrayed a famous historical event.
The painting portrayed a serene countryside.
The photograph portrayed the beauty of the landscape.
They sought an actor to portray the legendary figure.
The actress portrayed the role with passion.
The documentary portrayed the challenges of wildlife conservation.
She was excited to portray the character in the school play.
The poem portrayed feelings of love and loss.
She portrayed the main character's emotions effectively.
The advertisement portrayed a happy family scene.
The story portrayed a journey of self-discovery.
The exhibit portrayed different cultural traditions.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide portray into syllables?

"Portray" is divided into syllables as por-tray.

Why is it called portray?

"Portray" is called so because it comes from the Middle French word "portraire," which means to draw or paint a likeness, implying the depiction of someone or something in art or literature.

What is a stressed syllable in portray?

The second syllable, "tray," is the stressed syllable in "portray."

What is the root word of portray?

The root word of "portray" is the Middle French "portraire."

How many syllables are in portray?

There are two syllables in "portray."

What is the verb form of portray?

"Portray" itself is a verb form.

What is the second form of portray?

The second form of "portray" is "portrayed."

How is portray used in a sentence?

Example: "The artist chose to portray the landscape with vibrant colors."

What is the pronunciation of portray?

Portray is pronounced as /pɔːrˈtreɪ/.

What part of speech is portray?

"Portray" is a verb.

What is the singular form of portray?

"Portray" itself is the singular form as it is a verb.

Is portray an adverb?

No, "portray" is not an adverb.

Is portray a vowel or consonant?

"Portray" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with the consonant 'p'.

Is the word “portray” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Portray" is a verb and thus can act upon a direct object, but it is not an object itself.

What is the first form of portray?

The first form of "portray" is "portray."

Is portray a noun or adjective?

"Portray" is a verb.

Is portray a collective noun?

No, "portray" is not a collective noun.

Is the portray term a metaphor?

"Portray" can be used metaphorically to describe the depiction or representation of something in various contexts.

Which determiner is used with portray?

As a verb, "portray" typically doesn't use a determiner.

What is the plural form of portray?

"Portray" does not have a plural form as it is a verb.

What is the opposite of portray?

The opposite of "portray" could be "misrepresent" or "distort."

Is portray an abstract noun?

No, "portray" is a verb, not a noun.

Is the word portray is imperative?

"Portray" can be used in the imperative form as a command or request.

Is the word portray Gerund?

The gerund form of "portray" is "portraying."

Is portray a negative or positive word?

"Portray" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

Which vowel is used before portray?

The choice of vowel before "portray" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

Which conjunction is used with portray?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "portray," depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with portray?

As a verb, "portray" does not typically require an article.

What is the third form of portray?

The third form of "portray" is also "portrayed."

What is another term for portray?

Another term for "portray" is "depict" or "represent."

Is portray a countable noun?

"Portray" is not a noun; it's a verb, so it is not countable.

Which preposition is used with portray?

Prepositions like "as," "in," or "with" can be used with "portray," depending on the context.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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