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Punctuality Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Punctuality" refers to the action of being on time and not late, showing respect for others' time in appointments, meetings, or events. e.g., His punctuality at work was commendable.

Punctuality Definitions

Punctuality refers to being timely and not delayed.
Her punctuality for meetings was appreciated by her colleagues.
Punctuality means arriving or doing something at the agreed or proper time.
Punctuality is important in professional settings.
Punctuality describes the quality of being on time.
She valued punctuality in her appointments.
Punctuality can mean the precision of timing.
The event's punctuality made it run smoothly.
Punctuality pertains to the habit of being prompt.
Punctuality is a sign of respect for others' time.
Punctuality is used for being on schedule.
His punctuality in project deadlines was notable.
Punctuality involves being precise in observance of time.
The conference emphasized punctuality in its schedule.
Punctuality can refer to strict observance of set times.
Punctuality in submitting assignments is crucial.
Acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed; prompt.
Paid or accomplished at or by the appointed time.
Precise; exact.
Confined to or having the nature of a point in space.
(Linguistics) Of, related to, or being the verbal aspect that expresses momentary action or action considered as having no temporal duration.
The state of being punctual
The quality or state of being punctual; especially, adherence to the exact time of an engagement; exactness.
The quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time
Punctuality can describe adherence to exact times.
The train's punctuality impressed the travelers.
Punctuality denotes promptness in action or appointment.
He was known for his punctuality at school.

Punctuality Snonyms


Arriving or happening at the expected or planned time.
His timeliness ensured that the meeting started on schedule.


The quality of being prompt; quick and on time.
The promptness of her response was appreciated.


The quality of being prompt or punctual; readiness.
His promptitude was a clear sign of his professionalism.


At the scheduled or proper time.
The train arrived on-time despite the bad weather.


The act or process of recording the time of something.
Good timekeeping is essential in this line of work.


The quality of being exact or precise, especially in terms of time.
The exactness of the schedule left no room for delay.


The quality of arriving early or before the expected time.
Her earliness allowed her some time to prepare before the interview.


The condition of being regular or occurring at regular intervals.
The regularity of the meetings helped keep the project on track.


Showing great attention to detail or correct behavior.
His punctiliousness about timekeeping is well-known among his colleagues.

Punctuality Idioms & Phrases

Punctuality is a virtue

Being on time is a valuable and commendable quality.
He always says, Punctuality is a virtue, and expects everyone to be on time.

Punctuality pays off

Being punctual often leads to positive outcomes or benefits.
In her career, she found that punctuality pays off during business meetings.

Emphasize punctuality

To stress the importance of being on time.
The company handbook emphasizes punctuality for all employees.

Prize punctuality

To highly value the quality of being on time.
In her classroom, the teacher prizes punctuality as much as participation.

Punctuality matters

Being on time is important and significant.
In the military, punctuality matters; it's not just about discipline but also about respect.

Punctuality is key

Being on time is crucial or essential.
For a successful event, punctuality is key for all staff members.

Demand punctuality

To require or insist on timeliness.
As a project manager, she demands punctuality from her team to meet deadlines.

A record of punctuality

A history or track record of consistently being on time.
She was proud of her record of punctuality at work.

Strive for punctuality

To make an effort to consistently be on time.
He strives for punctuality in all his appointments.

Punctuality is expected

There is an anticipation or requirement to be on time.
In this office, punctuality is expected from every member of staff.

Punctuality is courteous

Being on time is considered polite and considerate.
In social situations, punctuality is as courteous as saying please and thank you.

Improve punctuality

To work on or enhance one's ability to be on time.
He made a New Year's resolution to improve his punctuality.

Enforce punctuality

To make sure that punctuality is observed and maintained.
The school enforces punctuality to teach students the value of time.

Cultivate punctuality

To develop the habit of being on time.
He worked hard to cultivate punctuality, setting multiple alarms to avoid being late.

Punctuality reflects discipline

Being punctual indicates a person's self-discipline.
Her punctuality reflects the discipline she applies in every aspect of her life.

Lack of punctuality

The habit or tendency of not being on time.
His lack of punctuality was the main reason for the negative performance review.

Punctuality and professionalism

Being on time is a part of being professional.
Punctuality and professionalism go hand in hand in customer service roles.

Punctuality shows respect

Being on time is a way of demonstrating respect for others.
In our culture, punctuality shows respect for others' time.

Appreciate punctuality

To be thankful or grateful for someone's timeliness.
The manager always appreciates punctuality during meetings.

Punctuality is beneficial

Being on time is advantageous and helpful.
In logistics, punctuality is beneficial for maintaining efficient operations.

Punctuality Example Sentences

Punctuality is a valuable trait in the workplace.
Punctuality is key to making a good impression.
She set reminders to improve her punctuality.
The meeting started with remarkable punctuality.
They recognized the importance of punctuality in business.
The teacher praised her students for their punctuality.
His lack of punctuality often caused delays.
Punctuality in attending classes is important for success.
She always takes pride in her punctuality.
Punctuality is respected in many cultures around the world.
She encouraged her team to practice punctuality.
Their punctuality in delivering the project was commendable.
Punctuality helps in managing time effectively.
He apologized for his rare lapse in punctuality.
The seminar highlighted the benefits of punctuality.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide punctuality into syllables?

Punctuality is divided into syllables as punc-tu-al-i-ty.

How many syllables are in punctuality?

There are five syllables in "punctuality."

What is the pronunciation of punctuality?

Punctuality is pronounced as /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈælɪti/.

How is punctuality used in a sentence?

"His punctuality for meetings always impressed his colleagues."

What is a stressed syllable in punctuality?

The stressed syllable in "punctuality" is "tu."

Why is it called punctuality?

It is called "punctuality" from the Latin "punctualis," meaning "pertaining to a point," referring to being on the point or exact, especially in relation to time.

What is the singular form of punctuality?

"Punctuality" is typically used as a singular, uncountable noun.

What is the plural form of punctuality?

As an uncountable noun, "punctuality" does not have a standard plural form.

What is the root word of punctuality?

The root word is "punctual."

What is another term for punctuality?

Another term for "punctuality" could be "timeliness."

Is punctuality a noun or adjective?

"Punctuality" is a noun.

Is punctuality a negative or positive word?

"Punctuality" is generally considered a positive word as it denotes reliability and respect for others' time.

Is the word punctuality imperative?

As a noun, "punctuality" cannot form an imperative. Imperatives are formed with verbs.

Is the word punctuality Gerund?

"Punctuality" is a noun and does not have a gerund form.

What is the verb form of punctuality?

"Punctuality" is a noun; the related verb would be "punctuate," though it doesn't carry the same meaning related to timeliness.

Is punctuality an adverb?

No, "punctuality" is not an adverb.

What part of speech is punctuality?

"Punctuality" is a noun.

What is the opposite of punctuality?

The opposite of "punctuality" could be "tardiness" or "lateness."

Is punctuality a countable noun?

"Punctuality" is generally used as an uncountable noun.

Is the punctuality term a metaphor?

"Punctuality" can be used metaphorically to emphasize the importance of timeliness in various contexts.

Is punctuality an abstract noun?

Yes, "punctuality" is an abstract noun as it refers to the concept of being on time.

Is punctuality a vowel or consonant?

The word "punctuality" starts with the consonant "p."

Which determiner is used with punctuality?

Determiners such as "the," "this," or "that" can be used with "punctuality," depending on the context.

Which vowel is used before punctuality?

Typically, no vowel is used directly before "punctuality," but the article "a" can be used in certain contexts despite its uncountable nature, depending on the emphasis or context.

Which preposition is used with punctuality?

Prepositions like "with" or "in" can be used with "punctuality," e.g., "with punctuality" or "in terms of punctuality."

Is punctuality a collective noun?

No, "punctuality" is not a collective noun.

Is the word “punctuality” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Punctuality" can serve as a direct object in a sentence, e.g., "We value punctuality in our employees." It is not used as an indirect object.

Which conjunction is used with punctuality?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "punctuality" in compound sentences.

Which article is used with punctuality?

The definite article "the" is commonly used with "punctuality," e.g., "The punctuality of the trains is impressive."

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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