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Reiterate Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Reiterate" means to say or do something again, often for emphasis or clarity. e.g., The teacher had to reiterate the instructions for the students who were absent yesterday.

Reiterate Definitions

Reiterate pertains to emphasizing a statement or idea by repetition.
The coach reiterated the team's strategy during halftime.
Reiterate means to repeat something for emphasis.
He reiterated the importance of being on time.
Reiterate refers to restating or saying again.
The speaker reiterated her main point at the end of her talk.
Reiterate is used for affirming something by repetition.
She reiterated her commitment to the project.
Reiterate can describe repeating something for clarity.
I will reiterate the rules so everyone understands.
Reiterate involves asserting or maintaining a point by repeating.
The lawyer reiterated the key evidence in the closing argument.
Reiterate can refer to recapitulating or summarizing previously stated information.
Let me reiterate what we covered in today's lesson.
Reiterate can mean to repeat something for confirmation.
The host reiterated the event's schedule to the audience.
Reiterate denotes echoing or duplicating previous statements.
The manager reiterated the company's policy on breaks.
To say or do again or repeatedly.
(transitive) To say or do (something) for a second time, such as for emphasis.
Let me reiterate my opinion.
(transitive) To say or do (something) repeatedly.
Reiterated; repeated.
(botany) A tree with vertical branches alongside the main trunk and which continue to grow upwards.
To repeat again and again; to say or do repeatedly; sometimes, to repeat.
That with reiterated crimes he mightHeap on himself damnation.
You never spoke what did become you lessThan this; which to reiterate were sin.
Reiterated; repeated.
To say, state, or perform again;
She kept reiterating her request
Reiterate describes the act of restating for reinforcement.
He reiterated the safety procedures before the drill.

Reiterate Snonyms


To state again or differently, especially more clearly or convincingly.
He restated his argument with more evidence.


To state again strongly.
The leader reaffirmed his commitment to the cause.


To summarize and state again the main points of.
Let me recapitulate the key points discussed in the meeting.


To make or be an exact copy of; duplicate.
The effort to reduplicate the success of the first product failed.


To say or do again or repeatedly.
She repeated the warning to make sure everyone heard.


To play (a recording) again.
We replayed the message to make sure we understood it correctly.


To perform or utter repeatedly.
He iterated his request for emphasis.


To repeat (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves from a surface.
His speech echoed the sentiments of many in the room.


To put old ideas or material into a new form without significant change or improvement.
The sequel felt like a rehash of the original movie.


To make an exact copy of; reproduce.
The study attempts to replicate the earlier experiment.

Reiterate Idioms & Phrases

Reiterate the point

To repeat or emphasize a specific idea or detail for clarity or emphasis.
The teacher had to reiterate the point to make sure all students understood the concept.

Reiterate the instructions

To repeat directions or orders to ensure they are followed correctly.
He reiterated the instructions to avoid any confusion during the drill.

Constantly reiterate

To repeat something many times, often to the point of redundancy.
She constantly reiterated her argument throughout the debate.

Reiterate for clarity

To repeat something to make it clearer or more understandable.
The guide had to reiterate the instructions for clarity due to the noise.

Reiterate the commitment

To affirm one's dedication or promise again.
The politician reiterated his commitment to the cause during the rally.

Reiterate the question

To repeat an inquiry to solicit an answer or clarification.
The interviewer had to reiterate the question to get a direct response.

Reiterate the plan

To repeat the details or steps of a strategy or proposal.
The project leader reiterated the plan to ensure everyone was on the same page.

Reiterate the message

To repeat a statement or communication to ensure its understanding or reception.
The spokesperson reiterated the message to dispel any misconceptions.

Reiterate the rules

To repeat the guidelines or regulations to ensure compliance.
The referee had to reiterate the rules before the game resumed.

Reiterate in different words

To repeat the same idea or concept using different phrasing or terminology.
To reach a wider audience, she reiterated the concept in different words.

Reiterate for emphasis

To repeat something to stress its importance or significance.
The manager reiterated for emphasis the need for punctuality.

Reiterate the conclusion

To repeat the final part or summary of a speech, paper, or discussion.
The author reiterated the conclusion in the closing chapter.

Reiterate one's position

To repeat one's stance or viewpoint on a particular issue or topic.
During negotiations, he found it necessary to reiterate his position.

Reiterate the expectations

To repeat what is anticipated or foreseen in a particular situation.
The teacher reiterated the expectations for the class project.

Reiterate for understanding

To repeat something to ensure it is comprehended by all.
The instructor reiterated the process for understanding among all participants.

Reiterate the policy

To repeat the stated rules or guidelines of an organization or institution.
The HR manager reiterated the company's policy on workplace conduct.

Reiterate the terms

To repeat the conditions or stipulations of an agreement or contract.
The lawyer reiterated the terms of the settlement to both parties.

Reiterate the timeline

To repeat or restate the schedule or timeframe of an event or project.
The planner had to reiterate the timeline to keep the project on track.

Reiterate the warning

To repeat a caution or alert to ensure it is heeded.
The park ranger reiterated the warning about wildlife encounters.

Reiterate the importance

To emphasize again how crucial or critical something is.
The doctor reiterated the importance of a healthy diet.

Reiterate Example Sentences

I'd like to reiterate the homework assignment.
She reiterated her question, hoping for a clearer answer.
She had to reiterate her point to make it clear.
He reiterated the instructions to ensure everyone understood.
The coach reiterated the importance of teamwork.
The speaker reiterated her gratitude to the audience.
The principal reiterated the school's rules at the assembly.
She reiterated her request for quiet in the library.
The guide reiterated the importance of staying together.
Let me reiterate that safety is our top priority.
The instructions were reiterated for the new employees.
The author reiterated his thesis in the concluding chapter.
The teacher reiterated the deadline for the project.
He reiterated his apology to show his sincerity.
The tour guide reiterated the meeting time and place.

Common Curiosities

How is reiterate used in a sentence?

Example: "I must reiterate the importance of submitting the report on time."

What is a stressed syllable in reiterate?

The third syllable, "er," is the stressed syllable in "reiterate."

What is the root word of reiterate?

The root word of "reiterate" is the Latin "reiterare."

Why is it called reiterate?

"Reiterate" is called so because it comes from the Latin "reiterare," meaning "to repeat." It refers to saying or doing something again, often for emphasis.

What is the verb form of reiterate?

"Reiterate" itself is a verb form.

What is the first form of reiterate?

The first form of "reiterate" is "reiterate."

What is another term for reiterate?

Another term for "reiterate" is "repeat" or "restate."

How many syllables are in reiterate?

There are four syllables in "reiterate."

How do we divide reiterate into syllables?

"Reiterate" is divided into syllables as re-it-er-ate.

What is the second form of reiterate?

The second form of "reiterate" is "reiterated."

What is the third form of reiterate?

The third form of "reiterate" is also "reiterated."

What part of speech is reiterate?

"Reiterate" is a verb.

What is the opposite of reiterate?

The opposite of "reiterate" could be "omit" or "overlook."

Is reiterate an abstract noun?

No, "reiterate" is a verb, not a noun.

What is the pronunciation of reiterate?

Reiterate is pronounced as /riˈɪtəreɪt/.

What is the singular form of reiterate?

"Reiterate" itself is the singular form as it is a verb.

Is the word reiterate is imperative?

"Reiterate" can be used in the imperative form as a command or request.

Is the word reiterate Gerund?

The gerund form of "reiterate" is "reiterating."

Is the word “reiterate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Reiterate" is a verb and thus can act upon a direct object, but it is not an object itself.

Which determiner is used with reiterate?

As a verb, "reiterate" typically doesn't use a determiner.

Is reiterate a countable noun?

"Reiterate" is not a noun; it's a verb, so it is not countable.

Is the reiterate term a metaphor?

"Reiterate" can be used metaphorically in some contexts but is generally used in a literal sense.

Is reiterate a noun or adjective?

"Reiterate" is a verb.

Is reiterate a collective noun?

No, "reiterate" is not a collective noun.

Which vowel is used before reiterate?

The choice of vowel before "reiterate" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

Is reiterate a negative or positive word?

"Reiterate" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

Which preposition is used with reiterate?

Prepositions like "to" or "on" can be used with "reiterate," depending on the context.

Which article is used with reiterate?

As a verb, "reiterate" does not typically require an article.

What is the plural form of reiterate?

"Reiterate" does not have a plural form as it is a verb.

Is reiterate an adverb?

No, "reiterate" is not an adverb.

Is reiterate a vowel or consonant?

"Reiterate" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with a consonant.

Which conjunction is used with reiterate?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "reiterate," depending on the sentence structure.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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