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Repour Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 5, 2024
To repour means to pour a liquid again, typically into a different container or back into its original container. e.g., After tasting the tea, she decided to repour it into a larger cup.

Repour Definitions

Refill a Glass: Pouring more of a beverage into someone's glass.
The waiter offered to repour our glasses with water.
Pour Again into a New Container: Transferring a liquid from one container to another.
He had to repour the wine into a decanter.
Transfer Beverages: Moving a beverage from its original bottle to another for serving.
To enhance its flavor, the sommelier suggested we repour the wine.
Adjust the Amount: Correcting or adjusting the amount of liquid in a container.
She had to repour the mixture to get the measurements right.
Pour Back: Returning a liquid to its original container.
After checking the temperature, he decided to repour the soup into the pot.
Perform a Second Pour: Conducting a second pouring action for a better mix or blend.
To mix the ingredients properly, you might need to repour them several times.
Redistribute Liquid: Evenly distributing a liquid among several containers.
We needed to repour the juice to ensure everyone got the same amount.
Reorganize Liquids: Organizing or rearranging liquids for better storage or presentation.
To make more room in the fridge, she had to repour some of the sauces into smaller bottles.
(transitive) To pour again.
To pour again.
Correct a Pouring Mistake: Pouring a liquid back after a mistake during the initial pour.
He accidentally poured too much oil, so he had to repour some back.
Serve or Present Again: Pouring a beverage again for serving or presentation purposes.
After the initial toast, he offered to repour champagne for the guests.

Repour Snonyms


To fill (something) up again; to restore to the former level or condition.
The waiter came to replenish their water glasses.


To fill (something) up again.
She refilled her coffee mug.


To regain energy or spirit; to fill up again.
Taking a break to recharge and then continue the work.

Top up

To fill up again by adding what is missing.
He topped up the glass with more wine.


To put more of something into (a device or container).
It's time to reload the printer with paper.


To supply (something) again or anew.
After the party, we needed to restock the fridge.


To give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate; to replenish.
The rain refreshed the soil.


To renovate and redecorate (something, especially a building).
The café was closed for a week to refurbish and repour the concrete floor.


To apply again or anew.
After the first coat dried, he had to reapply the paint for a second coat.


To resume (an activity) after an interruption.
After a brief pause, they renewed their conversation.

Repour Idioms & Phrases

Repour the effort

To rededicate or reinforce one's effort into an endeavor.
Realizing the importance of the exam, she decided to repour the effort into her studies.

Repour the wine

To take what has been learned and reapply it in a more refined manner.
After years of experience, he was ready to repour the wine of his knowledge into teaching others.

Repour with a new blend

To try a different approach or method in hopes of achieving a better outcome.
The chef decided to repour with a new blend of spices to perfect the recipe.

Repour into a new mold

To change direction or transform something into a new form.
The artist chose to repour his creative energy into a new mold, exploring different mediums.

Repour the cup of opportunity

To give oneself or others another chance at a missed opportunity.
The scholarship program was her chance to repour the cup of opportunity and pursue her dream career.

Repour the ink

To rewrite or redo written work with the aim of improvement.
Dissatisfied with the first draft, he decided to repour the ink and start the novel afresh.

Repour the foundation

To start over from the basics after a failure or setback.
After the project's initial failure, the team decided to repour the foundation and reevaluate their approach.

Repour old wine into new bottles

To present old ideas in a new way.
The company's rebranding strategy was essentially repouring old wine into new bottles.

Repour the mixture

To attempt to correct or improve a situation by adjusting the components involved.
The team needed to repour the mixture of their strategy to overcome the competition.

Repour the contents

To reexamine and rearrange the components of a plan or idea.
The project manager suggested repouring the contents of the proposal to better align with the client's expectations.

Repour the candle

To start anew after a failure, akin to melting down and reshaping a candle.
After the business failed, he was determined to repour the candle and try again.

Repour the investment

To reallocate resources or capital into new or existing ventures.
The company chose to repour the investment into research and development for future growth.

Repour the effort into a new vessel

To take the lessons learned from past experiences and apply them to new endeavors.
After reflecting on past mistakes, he was ready to repour the effort into a new vessel, starting a venture that reflected his true values.

Repour under a different light

To reevaluate or reconsider something in a new context or from a different perspective.
She took the feedback as an opportunity to repour her ideas under a different light.

Repour the flavor

To reintroduce or enhance the quality or essence of something.
The remastered album was an attempt to repour the flavor that had captivated a generation.

Repour the conversation

To revisit and continue a discussion or dialogue that was previously paused or unfinished.
After the interruption, they were eager to repour the conversation and share their ideas.

Repour the path

To correct or alter one's course of action.
Faced with unforeseen obstacles, they found it necessary to repour the path of their expedition.

Repour with precision

To redo something with greater care and accuracy.
The artisan decided to repour the sculpture with precision, ensuring every detail was perfect.

Repour the energy

To redirect one's enthusiasm or effort towards a different goal or activity.
Finding her passion in environmental activism, she repoured her energy into advocating for sustainable practices.

Repour lost waters

To try to recover or salvage what was lost in a previous attempt.
The revival of the abandoned project was an effort to repour lost waters.

Repour Example Sentences

After spilling, he had to repour the milk into the bowl.
She decided to repour the coffee, finding the first cup too strong.
To share the drink, they had to repour it into two cups.
The chef instructed to repour the broth to mix the flavors evenly.
They had to repour the liquid into a cooler container for the picnic.
During the party, they had to repour the punch several times.
To finalize the cocktail, the bartender decided to repour it over ice.
After a failed experiment, the scientist had to repour the solution.
She taught her child how to repour juice without making a mess.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in repour?

There are two syllables in "repour."

What is a stressed syllable in repour?

The stressed syllable in "repour" is the second syllable, "pour."

What is the first form of repour?

The first form (base form) of "repour" is "repour."

How is repour used in a sentence?

After spilling the water, she had to repour it into the glass.

What is the pronunciation of repour?

"Repour" is pronounced as /riːˈpɔːr/ in American English.

What part of speech is repour?

"Repour" is a verb.

What is the singular form of repour?

As a verb, "repour" does not have a singular or plural form; it remains "repour."

What is the verb form of repour?

"Repour" itself is the base form of the verb.

What is the third form of repour?

The third form (past participle) of "repour" is "repoured."

Why is it called repour?

It's called "repour" because it denotes the action of pouring something again or anew, typically after it has been previously poured. The prefix "re-" signifies repetition.

How do we divide repour into syllables?

"Repour" is divided into syllables as "re-pour."

What is the opposite of repour?

The opposite of "repour" could be "drain" or "empty," depending on the context.

What is the root word of repour?

The root word of "repour" is "pour," with the prefix "re-" added to indicate doing it again.

What is another term for repour?

Another term for "repour" could be "pour again."

Is repour an adverb?

No, "repour" is not an adverb.

Is the word repour imperative?

"Repour" can be used in the imperative form as a command, e.g., "Repour the drink."

Which vowel is used before repour?

The vowel used before "repour" depends on the preceding word and its grammatical structure, not on "repour" itself.

What is the plural form of repour?

As a verb, "repour" does not change form for plural subjects; it remains "repour."

Is the word “repour” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Repour" as a verb does not serve as a direct or indirect object, but it can take direct objects, e.g., "Repour the water."

Is repour a noun or adjective?

"Repour" is a verb, not a noun or adjective.

Is repour a negative or positive word?

"Repour" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is repour a collective noun?

No, "repour" is not a collective noun.

Is the repour term a metaphor?

"Repour" can be used metaphorically to describe redoing or refilling something in various non-literal contexts.

What is the second form of repour?

The second form (simple past) of "repour" is "repoured."

Is repour an abstract noun?

"Repour" is a verb, so it cannot be an abstract noun.

Is repour a vowel or consonant?

The word "repour" starts with a consonant sound, "r."

Is repour a countable noun?

"Repour" is not a noun; it is a verb, so the concept of being countable does not apply.

Is the word repour Gerund?

The gerund form of "repour" is "repouring."

Which determiner is used with repour?

Determiners are not typically used directly with verbs like "repour." Determiners are used with nouns.

Which preposition is used with repour?

Prepositions such as "into" and "over" can be used with "repour," e.g., "repour into the glass," "repour over the ice."

Which conjunction is used with repour?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "repour" depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with repour?

Articles are not typically used directly with verbs like "repour." Articles are used with nouns.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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