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Request Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 6, 2024
Request refers as a formal or polite way of asking for something. e.g., He made a request for additional resources to complete the project.

Request Definitions

An act of asking for something, especially politely or formally.
She sent a request for information to the department.
The state of being asked for something that is needed or wanted.
Your request for assistance has been approved.
A demand or appeal for something to be given or done.
The general's request for reinforcements was urgent.
A solicitation or petition for something desired.
He filed a request for asylum.
A plea or entreaty for something.
Her request for leniency was denied by the judge.
A bid or order for something to be done or provided.
He made a request for a room with a sea view.
An invitation or proposal for someone to do something.
The invitation included a request to wear formal attire.
A formal application or requirement for something.
The job application includes a request for references.
A requirement or need expressed by someone.
The project's success hinges on fulfilling the client's requests.
An invocation or call for a service or necessity.
The software requires a user request to initiate the process.
To express a desire for, especially politely; ask for. Often used with an infinitive or clause
Requested information about the experiment.
Requested to see the evidence firsthand.
Requested that the bus driver stop at the next corner.
To ask (a person) to do something
The police requested her to accompany them.
An act of asking for something.
Something asked for
Wasn't happy until he got his request.
To ask for (something).
The corporal requested reinforcements.
I have requested that the furniture be moved back to its original position.
(transitive) To ask (somebody) to do something.
She called me into her office and requested me to sit down.
Act of requesting (with the adposition at in the presence of possessives, and on in their absence).
A formal message requesting something.
Condition of being sought after.
(networking) A message sent over a network to a server.
The server returned a 404 error to the HTTP request.
(obsolete) That which is asked for or requested.
The act of asking for anything desired; expression of desire or demand; solicitation; prayer; petition; entreaty.
I will marry her, sir, at your request.
That which is asked for or requested.
I will both hear and grant you your requests.
A state of being desired or held in such estimation as to be sought after or asked for; demand.
Knowledge and fame were in as great request as wealth among us now.
To ask for (something); to express desire ffor; to solicit; as, to request his presence, or a favor.
To address with a request; to ask.
I request youTo give my poor host freedom.
A formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority
The verbal act of requesting
Express the need or desire for; ask for;
She requested an extra bed in her room
She called for room service
Ask (a person) to do something;
She asked him to be here at noon
I requested that she type the entire manuscript
Inquire for (information);
I requested information from the secretary

Request Snonyms


To ask for or try to obtain something from someone.
He solicited help from the community.


To make a formal request for something, usually in writing.
They petitioned the government for a new law.


To make a serious or urgent request, typically to the public.
The charity made an appeal for donations.


To attempt to find (something).
They are seeking permission to start a new club.


To say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.
She asked for directions.


To make an emotional appeal.
He pleaded for more time to complete the project.


To ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.
She beseeched him to stay.


To ask for information from someone.
She inquired about the train schedule.


To ask authoritatively or brusquely.
The boss demanded an explanation.


To beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something.
He implored her to reconsider.

Request Idioms & Phrases

Upon request

When asked for, typically in a formal context.
Documentation will be provided upon request.

At someone's request

Done because someone has asked for it.
The meeting was rescheduled at the manager's request.

On request

Available if someone asks for it.
Additional details can be provided on request.

Deny a request

To refuse what someone has asked for.
Her request for a day off was denied.

Respond to a request

To reply or take action based on what someone has asked for.
The team quickly responded to the customer's request for support.

Grant someone's request

To fulfill or agree to what someone has asked for.
The committee decided to grant his request for funding.

Request the pleasure

A formal way to invite someone, especially to a wedding.
The invitation requested the pleasure of your company.

By request

In response to someone's desire or demand.
The band played the song again by popular request.

Submit a request

To formally ask for something, usually in writing.
You need to submit a request for leave in the portal.

Fulfill a request

To complete or satisfy what someone has asked for.
The library was able to fulfill her request for the rare book.

Make a special request

To ask for something that is not normally available or done.
He made a special request for a vegetarian meal on the flight.

Withdraw a request

To take back or retract what someone has asked for.
After considering the implications, he decided to withdraw his request.

Repeat a request

To ask for something again, often because it was not addressed the first time.
She had to repeat her request for the manager to take notice.

Special request

Asking for something that is out of the ordinary or requires special attention.
The chef accommodated the special request for a gluten-free dessert.

Request for comments (RFC)

A formal request for feedback or input on a topic or document.
The technical team issued an RFC on the proposed network changes.

Reject a request

To turn down or refuse what someone has asked for.
The board rejected the request for additional funding.

Urgent request

A demand for something that needs immediate attention or action.
The urgent request for medical supplies was prioritized.

Request for proposal (RFP)

A formal document that solicits proposals, often from contractors or vendors, for a project.
The city released an RFP for the new bridge construction project.

Pending request

A request that has been made but not yet fulfilled or answered.
There are several pending requests that need your attention.

Accommodate a request

To make adjustments or provisions to fulfill what someone has asked for.
The hotel was happy to accommodate their request for adjoining rooms.

Request Example Sentences

Can you please fulfill my request by tomorrow?
The teacher's request was simple yet important.
They received hundreds of requests every day.
The request came directly from the top management.
The request for silence went unnoticed.
His request was met with a prompt response.
Each request was carefully considered by the committee.
She couldn't believe her request was finally granted.
After some hesitation, he agreed to the request.
Submitting a request was the first step.
He made a request for early departure.
The request for volunteers was met with great enthusiasm.
The form indicated where to write your special requests.
Her request for more information was reasonable.
She had a special request for her birthday.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in request?

The stressed syllable in "request" is the second one, -quest.

Why is it called request?

It is called "request" because it originates from the Middle French word requeste, meaning 'the act of asking for something,' emphasizing the polite or formal nature of asking.

How many syllables are in request?

There are two syllables in "request."

How is request used in a sentence?

"Request" is used in a sentence to denote the act of asking for something formally or politely, e.g., He submitted a request for additional funding.

What is the pronunciation of request?

The pronunciation of "request" is /rɪˈkwɛst/.

How do we divide request into syllables?

We divide "request" into syllables as re-quest.

What is the verb form of request?

The verb form of "request" is also "request," as in to ask for something formally or politely.

What is the root word of request?

The root of "request" is the Latin word requirere, meaning 'to ask for.'

What is the first form of request?

The first form of "request" is the base form itself, "request."

What is another term for request?

Another term for "request" could be "petition" when used as a noun, or "ask" when used as a verb.

Is request an abstract noun?

Yes, "request" can be considered an abstract noun as it refers to an idea or concept of asking for something rather than a tangible object.

Is request a vowel or consonant?

The word "request" starts with a consonant (r).

Is request a countable noun?

Yes, "request" is a countable noun; you can have one request, two requests, etc.

What part of speech is request?

"Request" can be both a noun and a verb depending on its usage in a sentence.

What is the third form of request?

The third form of "request" is also "requested," used as the past participle.

Is request an adverb?

No, "request" is not an adverb.

Which determiner is used with request?

Determiners such as "a," "the," "this," "that," "my," etc., can be used with "request," depending on the specific sentence.

Which vowel is used before request?

The vowels used before "request" can vary depending on the article or adjective, such as "a request" or "an urgent request."

Is request a negative or positive word?

"Request" is a neutral word; its positive or negative connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is the request term a metaphor?

"Request" itself is not a metaphor, but it can be used in metaphorical expressions.

Is the word request imperative?

The word "request" can be used in imperative sentences, but it itself is not an imperative verb; it's more polite and less commanding than typical imperatives.

Is the word request a Gerund?

No, "request" is not a gerund. The gerund form would be "requesting."

Is the word “request” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Request" can serve as either a direct object or an indirect object depending on the sentence structure, e.g., "He made a request (direct object)" vs "He gave her a request (indirect object)."

Which conjunction is used with request?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "request" in compound sentences, e.g., "He made a request and waited for a response."

Which article is used with request?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "request," depending on whether you're referring to a specific request or any request, e.g., "a request" for any request, "the request" for a specific one.

What is the second form of request?

The second form of "request" is "requested," used for the simple past tense and past participle.

What is the singular form of request?

The singular form of "request" is "request."

What is the plural form of request?

The plural form of "request" is "requests."

What is the opposite of request?

The opposite of "request" could be "demand" in some contexts, implying a less polite form of asking.

Is request a noun or adjective?

"Request" is primarily a noun but can also be used as a verb.

Is request a collective noun?

No, "request" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Which preposition is used with request?

Prepositions commonly used with "request" include "for" (request for something) and "to" (request to someone).

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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