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Resident Definition and Meaning

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on March 6, 2024
Resident refers to a person who lives in a particular place or establishment. e.g., She has been a resident of the neighborhood for over 20 years.

Resident Definitions

An inhabitant of a particular town or city.
The residents of the town voted against the new zoning law.
A medical graduate engaged in specialized practice under supervision in a hospital.
She is a resident in pediatrics at the local hospital.
A living organism found in a specific habitat or area.
The koala is a resident of Australian eucalyptus forests.
A term referring to animals that do not migrate and stay in one area.
The cardinal is a year-round resident of our backyard.
A person who resides or occupies a place.
As a resident of the apartment complex, he has access to the gym.
A term used to describe someone who lives in a place for an extended period.
He's been a resident at the care facility since last year.
A person who holds residency status in a country.
He became a legal resident of the country five years ago.
A member of a community or group with certain privileges or responsibilities.
As residents of this community, we should help keep it clean.
Someone who pays for the right to live in a residence owned by someone else.
The building's residents were notified about the upcoming maintenance.
A customer or client who regularly uses the services of a particular establishment.
She's a resident artist at the gallery downtown.
A diplomatic official residing in a foreign seat of government.
A colonial official acting as adviser to the ruler of a protected state, often having quasi-gubernatorial powers.
A member of an intelligence-gathering or nonuniformed law enforcement agency who resides and oversees operations in a certain locale
The FBI resident in St. Louis.
One who lives in a dormitory.
A physician receiving specialized clinical training in a hospital, usually after completing an internship.
A nonmigratory bird or other animal.
Dwelling in a particular place; residing
Resident aliens.
Living somewhere in connection with duty or work.
Filling a particular role in a group or organization
The museum's official resident poet.
The office's resident gossipmonger.
Inherently present
Resident anxieties.
Resident fauna.
A person, animal or plant living at a certain location or in a certain area.
A bird which does not migrate during the course of the year.
A physician receiving specialized medical training.
She's a resident in neurosurgery at Mass General.
A diplomatic representative who resides at a foreign court, usually of inferior rank to an ambassador.
(legal) A legal permanent resident, someone who maintains residency.
(espionage) rezident
Dwelling, or having an abode, in a place for a continued length of time; residing on one's own estate.
Resident in the city or in the country
Based in a particular place; on hand; local.
He is our resident computer expert.
(obsolete) Fixed; stable; certain.
Currently loaded into RAM; contrasted with virtual memory.
Dwelling, or having an abode, in a place for a continued length of time; residing on one's own estate; - opposed to nonresident; as, resident in the city or in the country.
Fixed; stable; certain.
One there still resident as day and night.
One who resides or dwells in a place for some time.
A diplomatic representative who resides at a foreign court; - a term usualy applied to ministers of a rank inferior to that of ambassadors. See the Note under Minister, 4.
Someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there
A physician (especially an intern) who lives in a hospital and cares for hospitalized patients under the supervision of the medical staff of the hospital;
The resident was receiving special clinical training at the hospital
Living in a particular place;
Resident aliens
Used of animals that do not migrate

Resident Snonyms


A person who resides in a property or place.
The fire safety instructions were posted for all occupants of the building.


A legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth.
As a citizen, he has the right to vote in national elections.


A person who owns or manages a household.
The householder is responsible for the utility bills.


A person or animal that lives in a certain place.
City dwellers often face higher living costs than those in rural areas.


A person or animal that lives in or occupies a place.
The inhabitants of the island are known for their hospitality.


Someone who pays rent to use or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by another.
The tenant signed a one-year lease for the apartment.


An inhabitant or occupant of a particular place.
Denizens of the deep sea are adapted to life under high pressure.


A person who lives in a particular area or community.
Locals know the best spots for dining out in the city.


A person who rents accommodation in another's house.
The lodger had a room on the second floor.


A person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth.
She is a native of Brazil, having been born and raised there.

Resident Idioms & Phrases

Local resident

A person living in the surrounding area.
Local residents were invited to the town hall meeting.

Resident alien

A non-citizen legally permitted to live in a country.
She applied for a job as a resident alien.

Permanent resident

Someone who has been granted the right to live in a country indefinitely.
After five years, he became a permanent resident.

Long-time resident

Someone who has lived in a particular place for many years.
Long-time residents remember the old bakery that used to be here.

Resident assistant

A person, often in a college dorm, who assists in the administration of a residence.
The resident assistant organized a meeting for all floor members.

Become a resident

The process of making a place one's home.
After moving, it didn't take long for her to become a resident of the new city.

Resident expert

A person who is an expert in a particular field within a specific environment.
He's our resident expert on all things tech.

Senior resident

In a medical context, a resident in the final years of their training.
The senior resident supervised the emergency procedure.


A person who does not live in a certain place.
Non-resident fees for the college are significantly higher.

Legal resident

A person who has legal permission to live in a place.
He recently became a legal resident of the country.

Resident population

The group of inhabitants residing in a particular place.
The census aims to count the entire resident population.

Resident artist

An artist based in a specific venue or community, often to produce work.
The theater has a resident artist who designs all their sets.

Resident committee

A group of residents who oversee or manage community-related issues.
The resident committee voted on the new garden project.

Resident advisor

Similar to a resident assistant, helping students or community members.
The resident advisor helped her navigate her first year at college.

Fellow resident

Another person living in the same place or community.
She bumped into a fellow resident at the grocery store.

Year-round resident

A person or animal that stays in a place throughout the year.
The robin is a year-round resident in this region.

Resident card

An identification card proving a person's residency status.
She showed her resident card at the border.

Resident registration

The process of officially declaring one's place of living.
Resident registration is required within 30 days of moving.

Resident status

The official condition of being a recognized inhabitant of a place.
His resident status was confirmed by the government.

Tax resident

A person who is liable to pay taxes in a particular jurisdiction based on residence.
As a tax resident, he must file an annual return.

Resident Example Sentences

As a permanent resident, she enjoys many of the same benefits as citizens.
The resident population of the area has grown significantly over the past decade.
He became a legal resident after years of paperwork.
The resident of the corner house is known for her beautiful garden.
The program is designed for resident artists to showcase their work.
She's not just a student; she's a resident assistant as well.
He consulted with the resident expert to solve the problem.
The resident committee decided to upgrade the playground equipment.
A resident of the forest, the owl hunts primarily at night.
Her resident status allows her to work without a visa in the country.

Common Curiosities

How is resident used in a sentence?

Resident is used to describe a person who lives in or occupies a particular place or establishment.

What is a stressed syllable in resident?

The stressed syllable in resident is the first one, "res."

What is the verb form of resident?

The verb form related to resident is "reside," as in to live in a particular place.

What is the root word of resident?

The root of resident is from the Latin word "residentem," related to "residere" meaning to sit back or remain.

How do we divide resident into syllables?

Resident is divided into syllables as res-i-dent.

What part of speech is resident?

Resident is a noun.

Why is it called resident?

Resident comes from the Latin "residentem," meaning "sitting back, remaining," which reflects its use to describe someone who lives in a particular place.

How many syllables are in resident?

There are three syllables in resident.

What is another term for resident?

Another term for resident is "inhabitant."

What is the pronunciation of resident?

Resident is pronounced as /ˈrezɪdənt/.

What is the plural form of resident?

The plural form is "residents."

Is resident a collective noun?

No, resident is not typically used as a collective noun.

What is the opposite of resident?

The opposite of resident could be "visitor" or "non-resident."

Is resident a negative or positive word?

Resident is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is the word resident imperative?

The word resident itself is not imperative; it is a noun describing a person or organism that resides in a place.

What is the singular form of resident?

The singular form is "resident."

Is resident a countable noun?

Yes, resident is a countable noun; there can be one or multiple residents.

Is the resident term a metaphor?

The term resident can be used metaphorically to describe someone who is a permanent fixture in a particular setting, but it is primarily used literally.

Is the word resident Gerund?

No, resident is not a gerund; "residing" would be the gerund form of the verb "reside."

Is the word “resident” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a noun, resident can serve as a direct object, e.g., "The city values its residents."

Which determiner is used with resident?

Determiners such as "the," "a," "every," and "any" can be used with resident, depending on the context.

Which preposition is used with resident?

Prepositions such as "of," "in," and "for" can be used with resident, depending on the context, e.g., "resident of the city."

Which conjunction is used with resident?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used in sentences involving the word resident.

Is resident a noun or adjective?

Resident is primarily a noun, but it can also function as an adjective, as in "resident advisor."

Is resident an abstract noun?

No, resident is a concrete noun as it refers to a person who lives in a specific place.

Which article is used with resident?

Both "the" (definite article) and "a" (indefinite article) can be used with resident, depending on the context.

Is resident an adverb?

No, resident is not an adverb.

Is resident a vowel or consonant?

The word "resident" begins with a consonant.

Which vowel is used before resident?

The article "a" is used before resident because it starts with a consonant sound.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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