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Resort Definition and Meaning

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Published on March 8, 2024
"Resort" refers to turning to someone or something for help or a solution, or a place frequented for holidays or leisure activities. e.g., We had to resort to calling a professional plumber.

Resort Definitions

To have recourse for use, help, or accomplishing something, often as a final option.
They resorted to arbitration to settle the dispute.
An establishment providing recreational facilities for people on vacation.
The ski resort offers both winter sports and scenic beauty.
To depend on or turn to someone or something.
She resorted to her savings in times of crisis.
To go frequently or customarily.
He resorts to the library for his research.
A place offering entertainment, relaxation, and other amenities for vacationers.
The tropical resort is popular among honeymooners.
A course of action taken when desired alternatives are unavailable.
Filing a lawsuit was their last resort.
The act of visiting or using a place regularly.
The café is a popular resort for students.
A destination of choice for travel or relaxation.
This island is a famous resort for celebrities.
The action of employing something.
Resorting to traditional methods proved effective.
A place known for providing a specific service or for being visited for a particular purpose.
The spa is considered a health resort.
To turn to or make use of a person, strategy, or course of action for help or as a means of achieving something
The government resorted to censorship of the press.
To go, especially customarily or frequently; repair
"The whale-bone whales can at last resort to their Polar citadels" (Herman Melville).
A place frequented by people for relaxation or recreation
A ski resort.
A customary or frequent going or gathering
A popular place of resort.
The act of turning to a person or thing for help or as a means of achieving something; recourse
Raised the money without resort to borrowing.
One turned to or made use of for aid or relief
I would ask him only as a last resort.
A place where people go for recreation, especially one with facilities such as lodgings, entertainment, and a relaxing environment.
Recourse, refuge something or someone turned to for safety.
To have resort to violence
(obsolete) A place where one goes habitually; a haunt.
An act of sorting again.
(obsolete) Active power or movement; spring.
(intransitive) To have recourse (to), now especially from necessity or frustration.
(intransitive) To fall back; to revert.
(intransitive) To make one's way, go (to).
To repeat a sorting process; sort again.
Active power or movement; spring.
Some . . . know the resorts and falls of business that can not sink into the main of it.
The act of going to, or making application; a betaking one's self; the act of visiting or seeking; recourse; as, a place of popular resort; - often figuratively; as, to have resort to force.
Join with me to forbid him her resort.
A place to which one betakes himself habitually; a place of frequent assembly; a haunt.
Far from all resort of mirth.
That to which one resorts or looks for help; resource; refuge.
To go; to repair; to betake one's self.
What men name resort to him?
To fall back; to revert.
The inheritance of the son never resorted to the mother, or to any of her ancestors.
To have recourse; to apply; to one's self for help, relief, or advantage.
The king thought it time to resort to other counsels.
A hotel located in a resort area
A frequently visited place
Something or someone turned to for assistance or security;
His only recourse was the police
Took refuge in lying
Act of turning to for assistance;
Have recourse to the courts
An appeal to his uncle was his last resort
Have recourse to;
The government resorted to rationing meat
Move, travel, or proceed toward some place;
He repaired to his cabin in the woods

Resort Snonyms


A condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit or danger.
The cabin in the woods was their refuge from the stress of city life.


A hidden place for privacy or seclusion.
The couple booked a secluded hideaway for their honeymoon.


A quiet or secluded place where one can rest and relax.
Their mountain retreat was perfect for a weekend getaway.


A place of refuge or safety.
The wildlife sanctuary provides protection for endangered species.


A portion of territory surrounded by a larger territory, whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct.
The resort was an exclusive enclave for the rich and famous.


A place appropriate for a vacation.
They planned a weekend getaway to the countryside.


A place of safety or refuge.
The small village was a haven for artists.


A place to which someone is going or something is being sent.
The tropical island is a popular tourist destination.

Recreation center

A place offering activities and facilities for leisure and recreation.
The new recreation center includes a swimming pool and a gym.

Holiday spot

A place favored for vacations or leisure activities.
The seaside town is a well-known holiday spot for families.

Resort Idioms & Phrases

Last resort

The final option after all others have been exhausted.
Borrowing money should be considered a last resort.

Resort Example Sentences

The conference will be held at a beach resort this year.
The island is a popular resort for both families and honeymooners.
As a last resort, they decided to cancel their trip.
They found a quaint resort tucked away in the mountains.
Many tourists resort to online reviews when choosing their vacation destinations.
They chose a resort that caters to all ages, from toddlers to seniors.
The resort offers stunning views and luxurious amenities.
The city is known as a cultural resort with its many museums and galleries.
He never thought he would have to resort to borrowing money.
The resort village was a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Their favorite ski resort is now open for the season.
After much deliberation, they decided to buy a timeshare at the tropical resort.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in "resort"?

The stressed syllable in "resort" is the second syllable: sort.

How do we divide "resort" into syllables?

"Resort" is divided into syllables as re-sort.

How is "resort" used in a sentence?

As a noun, "resort" refers to a place for relaxation or recreation: We stayed at a luxury resort over the weekend. As a verb, it means turning to something or someone as a solution: They had to resort to legal action.

What is the pronunciation of "resort"?

"Resort" is pronounced as /rɪˈzɔːrt/.

Why is it called "resort"?

The term "resort" comes from the Old French word "resortir," which means to "go out again," implying a place people repeatedly visit for relaxation or entertainment, and also from the idea of turning to someone or something for help.

How many syllables are in "resort"?

There are 2 syllables in "resort."

What part of speech is "resort"?

"Resort" can be both a noun and a verb, depending on its use in a sentence.

What is another term for "resort"?

Another term for "resort" (noun) is "retreat." As a verb, an alternative could be "turn to."

What is the second form of "resort"?

The second form is "resorted," as in the past tense. e.g., We resorted to calling a professional.

What is the plural form of "resort"?

The plural form is "resorts," referring to multiple locations or instances of seeking help.

Is "resort" an abstract noun?

No, "resort" as a noun refers to physical places, making it a concrete noun. As a verb, it does not classify as a noun at all.

Is "resort" a collective noun?

No, "resort" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word “resort” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

In sentences where "resort" is used as a verb, it can take a direct object. e.g., "They resorted to what was necessary." Here, "what was necessary" acts as the direct object of "resorted."

What is the verb form of "resort"?

The verb form of "resort" is "resort," including its conjugations resorts, resorting, and resorted.

What is the root word of "resort"?

The root of "resort" comes from the Old French "resortir," meaning to "go out again" or "return," and the Latin "resortare," indicating a place people frequently visit or the act of turning to someone or something for assistance.

What is the first form of "resort"?

The first form is "resort," e.g., People often resort to using their savings in emergencies.

Is "resort" a noun or adjective?

"Resort" is primarily a noun when referring to a place for holidays or relaxation and a verb when implying the act of turning to someone or something for help. It is not commonly used as an adjective.

Is "resort" a negative or positive word?

"Resort" can have neutral, positive, or negative connotations depending on context. As a noun describing a holiday destination, it’s positive. As a verb implying a last option, it may carry a negative connotation.

Is the word "resort" Gerund?

The gerund form of "resort" is "resorting." e.g., "Resorting to threats is not acceptable."

Which vowel is used before "resort"?

The vowel or consonant used before "resort" depends on the preceding word; there's no specific rule for vowels before "resort."

What is the opposite of "resort"?

As a noun, the opposite of "resort" could be "workplace" or "daily routine." As a verb, it might be "avoid" or "eschew."

Is "resort" a vowel or consonant?

The word "resort" starts with a consonant.

Which preposition is used with "resort"?

Prepositions such as "to" and "at" are commonly used with "resort." e.g., "resort to measures," "stay at a resort."

Which conjunction is used with "resort"?

Conjunctions like "and" can be used with "resort" when linking ideas or actions. e.g., "They resorted to negotiation and compromise."

Which article is used with "resort"?

The definite article "the" or indefinite articles "a/an" are used with "resort," depending on whether a specific resort or any resort is being referred to. e.g., "The resort was full," "We stayed at a resort."

What is the third form of "resort"?

The third form is "resorted," used as the past participle. e.g., Having resorted to every available option, they finally found a solution.

What is the singular form of "resort"?

The singular form is "resort," referring to a single location or action of seeking help.

Is "resort" a countable noun?

Yes, "resort" as a noun is countable. e.g., "There are several resorts in the area."

Is the "resort" term a metaphor?

"Resort" can be used metaphorically, especially as a verb, to imply needing to depend on something not typically preferred.

Is the word "resort" imperative?

The verb "resort" can be used in imperative constructions when advising someone to turn to a specific solution. e.g., "Resort to peaceful means first."

Is "resort" an adverb?

No, "resort" is not an adverb.

Which determiner is used with "resort"?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "my" can be used with "resort" when it's a noun. e.g., "The resort was beautiful," "We visited a resort."

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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