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Reverb Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Reverb, short for reverberation, refers to the persistence of sound after the sound source has stopped, caused by reflection off surfaces like walls and ceilings. e.g., The guitar's reverb added depth to the song.

Reverb Definitions

A prolongation of sound in an enclosed space.
The reverb in the hall enhanced the speaker's voice.
The resonance of sound in a particular area.
The cave's natural reverb was mesmerizing.
A sound effect used to create ambiance in recordings.
The studio used reverb to create a spacious sound.
The fading away of a sound or echo.
The reverb of the bell lingered in the air.
An electronic effect that simulates reverberation.
He adjusted the reverb on the mixing board.
A device or setting to add reverberation to audio.
The guitarist tweaked the reverb pedal for effect.
The lingering effect of sound after its source stops.
The reverb in the empty gym was loud.
A feature in audio equipment to produce reverberation.
The reverb knob on the amplifier was turned up.
The echo-like effect of sound reflecting off surfaces.
The cathedral's reverb gave the choir a haunting quality.
A reverberative effect produced in recorded music by electronic means.
A device used for producing this effect.
To reverberate or cause to reverberate.
(audio effects) An electronic effect which simulates echoes or reverberations in the sound signal being processed.
(obsolete) To echo.
(transitive) To apply a reverb (electronic echo effect) to.
To echo.
An acoustic phenomenon producing a reverberation effect.
The reverb in the old theater was notable.

Reverb Snonyms


Prolongation of a sound; reflection of sound waves.
The reverberation of the bell could be heard throughout the village.


A sound that is reflected off a surface and heard again.
The echo in the canyon carried our voices far into the distance.

Sound Reflection

The bouncing back of sound waves when they hit a surface.
The sound reflection off the tall buildings created a unique acoustic effect.


Increase in the strength or amount of sound.
Amplification of the speaker's voice allowed everyone in the audience to hear clearly.


A return of a portion of the output of a process or system.
The microphone produced feedback when it was placed too close to the speaker.


The quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating.
The violin's resonance filled the concert hall, captivating the audience.

Acoustic Echo

An echo that occurs within an acoustic environment, enhancing sound.
The acoustic echo in the cathedral added depth to the choir's performance.

Sound Wave Reflection

The rebounding of sound waves off surfaces.
Sound wave reflection is what allows us to hear echoes in large halls.


To maintain the level of sound without it diminishing quickly.
The sustain on the electric guitar gave the solo a smooth, lingering quality.

Audio Effect

An effect used to enhance or alter the sound in recording and performance.
The audio effect added to the track made the music sound ethereal and otherworldly.

Reverb Idioms & Phrases

Life's reverb

The ongoing or lasting impact of one's actions or experiences.
She often reflected on life's reverb and how her choices shaped her future.

Reverb of history

The lasting impact or influence of historical events.
The reverb of that historical decision can still be felt in today's policies.

In the reverb chamber

Being in a situation where effects or consequences are amplified.
In the reverb chamber of public opinion, her words had a greater impact.

Reverb of emotions

The continuous and echoing impact of strong feelings.
Even years later, the reverb of emotions from that event was palpable.

Reverb of a memory

The persistent and resonant effect of a past memory.
The reverb of that childhood memory still influenced his decisions.

Feel the reverb

To experience the consequences or effects of an action or event.
He could feel the reverb of his words in the tense atmosphere that followed.

Echoes of reverb

Lingering effects or influences that continue to impact or resonate.
His speech left echoes of reverb in the community, sparking discussions for weeks.

Silence after the reverb

A period of quiet or inactivity following a significant event or action.
The silence after the reverb of the announcement left everyone contemplating.

Reverb of change

The ongoing impact or resonance of a significant change.
The reverb of change from the new law continued to affect communities.

Reverb of success

The lasting positive impact of a successful action or endeavor.
The reverb of their successful campaign boosted the team's morale.

Reverb of the moment

The lasting or echoing effect of a significant or powerful moment.
The reverb of the moment when they first met stayed with them for years.

Reverb of words

The ongoing influence or effect of something said.
The reverb of his words during the speech motivated many to take action.

Reverb of fame

The enduring impact or presence of fame.
She dealt with the reverb of fame, long after her career peak.

Whispers in the reverb

Subtle or underlying effects or influences within a more significant context.
In the complex situation, there were whispers in the reverb hinting at deeper issues.

Create a reverb

To initiate something that will have a lasting or echoing effect.
The new policy created a reverb that changed the industry landscape.

Aftershocks of reverb

The subsequent effects or consequences following an initial impact.
The aftershocks of reverb from the economic crisis were felt worldwide.

Reverb of discovery

The lasting impact of a significant discovery or revelation.
The reverb of the scientific discovery revolutionized the field of medicine.

Ride the reverb

To take advantage of the momentum or impact of a situation.
They decided to ride the reverb of their initial success to launch a new project.

Reverb of the past

The continued influence or presence of past events or experiences.
The reverb of the past could still be felt in the old house.

Reverb of the streets

The echoing and lasting effects of urban life or street culture.
The artist's work captured the reverb of the streets in a poignant way.

Reverb Example Sentences

She tested the microphone for reverb before the concert.
He loved the reverb effect on his electric guitar.
The song's reverb created a dreamy atmosphere.
The reverb made the small room sound larger.
The reverb of her footsteps echoed in the hall.
The studio's reverb settings were perfect for the album.
The reverb in the subway station was eerie.
The reverb gave the illusion of being in a cathedral.
The reverb in the valley amplified their voices.
They played with the reverb to get the right sound.
The reverb effect made the podcast sound more professional.
He adjusted the reverb to make the recording clearer.
He used a reverb pedal to enhance his performance.
She could hear the reverb of the closing door.
The reverb on the drum set was too high.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called reverb?

"Reverb" is short for "reverberation," which comes from the Latin "reverberare," meaning to strike back, reflect, or echo. It refers to the persistence of sound after the source has stopped.

How many syllables are in reverb?

There are two syllables in "reverb."

How is reverb used in a sentence?

Example: "The guitar solo had a lot of reverb, giving it a dreamy sound."

What is the verb form of reverb?

The verb form of "reverb" is "reverberate."

How do we divide reverb into syllables?

"Reverb" is divided into syllables as "re-verb."

What is a stressed syllable in reverb?

The stressed syllable in "reverb" is the first one: re-.

What is the pronunciation of reverb?

Reverb is pronounced as /rɪˈvɜːrb/.

Which determiner is used with reverb?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "some" can be used with "reverb."

What is the root word of reverb?

The root word of "reverb" is "reverberation," which comes from the Latin "reverberare."

What is the singular form of reverb?

The singular form is "reverb."

What is the plural form of reverb?

The plural form is "reverbs."

Is reverb an adverb?

No, "reverb" is not an adverb.

Is reverb a vowel or consonant?

"Reverb" is a word, not a single vowel or consonant.

Which vowel is used before reverb?

The use of a vowel before "reverb" depends on the context and the preceding word.

What is another term for reverb?

Another term for "reverb" is "reverberation."

Is reverb a countable noun?

Yes, "reverb" is a countable noun (e.g., different types of reverbs).

Is reverb a collective noun?

No, "reverb" is not a collective noun.

Is the word reverb Gerund?

"Reverb" is a noun. The gerund form of the related verb "reverberate" is "reverberating."

Which preposition is used with reverb?

Prepositions like "with," "in," or "of" can be used with "reverb."

Which article is used with reverb?

The articles "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "reverb," depending on the context.

What is the opposite of reverb?

The opposite of "reverb" might be "damping" or "sound absorption."

Is reverb a noun or adjective?

"Reverb" is a noun.

Is reverb an abstract noun?

"Reverb" is a concrete noun, as it refers to a specific sound effect.

Is the word reverb imperative?

As a noun, "reverb" cannot be imperative. However, the related verb "reverberate" can be used in the imperative form.

What part of speech is reverb?

"Reverb" is a noun.

Is reverb a negative or positive word?

"Reverb" is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is the reverb term a metaphor?

"Reverb" can be used metaphorically to describe things that have a lingering or echoing effect.

Is the word “reverb” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Reverb" as a noun can be a direct object, as in "The song uses a lot of reverb."

Which conjunction is used with reverb?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "reverb."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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