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Savvy Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Published on June 26, 2024
Savvy refers to having practical understanding or knowledge of something; shrewd and informed. e.g., She was known for her tech savvy and innovative solutions.

Savvy Definitions

Showing quick understanding or perceptiveness.
Her savvy response saved the meeting.
Smart in practical matters; having street smarts.
Growing up in a big city taught her to be street savvy.
Possessing practical knowledge or insight; shrewd.
His business savvy was evident in his rapid success.
Showing an ability to understand or deal with the practical aspects of technology.
She's incredibly computer savvy.
Displaying environmental or political awareness or sophistication.
The new policies show environmental savvy.
Having good judgment and quick decision-making skills.
You have to be financially savvy to excel in stock trading.
Having or showing a good ability to deal with people or situations effectively.
He’s very savvy when it comes to negotiating deals.
Being capable of understanding complex systems or mechanisms easily.
He has an engineer’s savvy for solving technical problems.
Well informed and perceptive; shrewd
Savvy Washington insiders.
Knowledgeable or proficient. Often used in combination
Practical understanding or shrewdness
A banker known for financial savvy.
To understand; comprehend.
(informal) Shrewd, well-informed and perceptive.
(informal) To understand.
(informal) Shrewdness.
To understand; to comprehend; know.
Comprehension; knowledge of affairs; mental grasp; also, practical know-how; common sense.
The cognitive condition of someone who understands;
He has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect
Get the meaning of something;
Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
Informed about or aware of something, especially modern or current trends.
You need to be media savvy in today's digital world.
Knowledgeable of how to avoid being deceived or how to achieve something.
His investment savvy helped him build a fortune.

Savvy Snonyms


Intelligent and well informed.
He is knowledgeable about world history.


Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people.
Her astute choices in investments grew her portfolio.


Having or showing a perceptive understanding or insight.
His acute analysis of the poem impressed his teachers.


Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas.
She found a clever solution to the problem.


Highly developed and sharp.
He has a keen sense of the stock market’s fluctuations.


Having or showing an accurate and deep understanding.
Her insightful comments during meetings often lead to effective strategies.


Having or showing sensitive insight.
He’s perceptive about his staff's needs, which makes him a great leader.


Having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.
She’s smart about her career choices.


Having or showing shrewdness and good judgment.
She was canny in her negotiations and always got a fair deal.


Having sharp powers of judgment.
His shrewd understanding of the market trends made him a successful trader.

Savvy Idioms & Phrases


Proficient in the use of technology.
The new employee is very tech-savvy.

Politically savvy

Shrewd about politics; good at understanding and influencing political situations.
Her politically savvy maneuvers helped her climb the ranks in the government.


Having a good understanding of how different markets operate.
You need to be market-savvy to succeed in sales.


Skilled in dealing with the media.
Celebrities need to be media-savvy to maintain a positive public image.


Skilled in negotiation tactics.
Being negotiation-savvy can get you better deals and agreements.


Knowledgeable about and able to engage effectively with different cultures.
Global companies require culture-savvy employees.


Skilled at understanding and meeting the needs of customers.
Their customer-savvy approach has earned them a loyal client base.


Having the experience and knowledge necessary to deal with the potential difficulties or dangers of life in big cities.
His street-savvy kept him safe in tough neighborhoods.

Financially savvy

Skilled at understanding and making good decisions about money.
Becoming financially savvy can help you save for the future.


Having a good sense of design and aesthetics.
Their design-savvy team created a stunning new product line.

Environmentally savvy

Informed about environmental issues and solutions.
More companies are trying to be environmentally savvy.

Savvy Example Sentences

Being tech-savvy is almost a requirement for the job.
The team's design-savvy approach resulted in innovative products.
You have to be media-savvy in a public relations role.
She's known for her financial savvy and wealth management skills.
She’s particularly savvy about legal matters.
The course aims to make students digitally savvy and ready for modern workplaces.
As a savvy shopper, she never pays full price for anything.
His street-savvy saved him in many tight situations.
Being savvy with words, he easily charmed the audience with his speech.
His savvy in handling difficult clients is well-known in the industry.
She’s a savvy investor with an eye for startups with potential.
To navigate this market, you need to be both savvy and a bit lucky.
His negotiation-savvy is evident in the contracts he secures.
Her savvy understanding of cultural nuances makes her a great diplomat.
Their environmentally savvy policies have won them several awards.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called savvy?

The term "savvy" originates from the French "savoir," meaning "to know," which transformed into "savvy" in English, indicating knowledge or practical understanding.

How do we divide savvy into syllables?

Savvy is divided into syllables as sav-vy.

What is a stressed syllable in savvy?

The stressed syllable in savvy is the first syllable: "sav."

What part of speech is savvy?

Savvy can be an adjective or a noun.

How many syllables are in savvy?

Savvy has two syllables.

What is the singular form of savvy?

The singular form is "savvy."

How is savvy used in a sentence?

Savvy is used as an adjective to describe someone's practical knowledge or shrewdness, or as a noun to refer to practical understanding.

What is the root word of savvy?

The root word of savvy is "savoir" from French, meaning to know.

What is the pronunciation of savvy?

Savvy is pronounced as /ˈsavē/.

What is another term for savvy?

Another term for savvy is "shrewd."

What is the plural form of savvy?

The plural form is "savvies" when used as a noun.

Is savvy an adverb?

No, savvy is not an adverb.

Is the savvy term a metaphor?

Savvy can be used metaphorically to describe someone's adeptness or sharpness in non-literal contexts.

Is the word savvy imperative?

Savvy can be used in the imperative mood when giving advice or instructions, e.g., "Savvy up before making that decision."

What is the verb form of savvy?

The verb form of savvy is also "savvy," meaning to understand or get the idea of something.

Is savvy a countable noun?

Yes, when used as a noun, savvy is countable.

Is savvy a collective noun?

No, savvy is not a collective noun.

Is the word savvy a Gerund?

No, savvy is not a gerund; however, "savvying" could be considered a gerund form if used.

Is the word “savvy” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a noun, savvy can be a direct object, e.g., "He has the savvy needed for the job."

Is savvy an abstract noun?

When used as a noun, savvy is an abstract noun, referring to an intangible quality.

Is savvy a vowel or consonant?

The word savvy starts with a consonant.

Which conjunction is used with savvy?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with savvy in compound sentences.

Which article is used with savvy?

The definite article "the" or the indefinite article "a" can be used with savvy, depending on whether it refers to a specific kind of savvy or savvy in general.

What is the opposite of savvy?

The opposite of savvy is "naïve" or "inexperienced."

Is savvy a noun or adjective?

Savvy can be both a noun and an adjective.

Is savvy a negative or positive word?

Savvy generally has a positive connotation, indicating a commendable level of understanding and shrewdness.

Which determiner is used with savvy?

Determiners such as "some," "a lot of," or "no" can be used with savvy, depending on the context.

Which vowel is used before savvy?

A vowel is not typically used before the adjective or noun savvy unless forming a phrase.

Which preposition is used with savvy?

Prepositions like "with," "in," and "about" can be used with savvy, e.g., "savvy in technology" or "with savvy."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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