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Sell out Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Published on March 8, 2024
Sell out refers to the act of selling all of a product, or betraying one's principles or associates, especially for personal gain. e.g., The concert tickets were expected to sell out quickly due to the band's popularity.
Sell out

Sell out Definitions

To sell all available units of a product.
The store sold out of the limited edition sneakers in hours.
To betray one's principles, values, or associates for personal benefit.
Critics accused the politician of selling out by accepting corporate donations.
A person who betrays a cause, group, or principle.
He was labeled a sell-out by former supporters after changing his stance.
An event where a performer or sports team plays in a venue with all tickets sold.
The band's first sell-out arena tour was a major milestone.
To betray one's principles or associates, especially for personal gain.
Critics accused the politician of selling out to corporate interests.
To surrender or give in, especially under pressure.
Despite the challenges, she vowed not to sell out her dreams.
The complete sale of inventory or stock.
The end-of-year sale resulted in a sell-out of last season's fashion.
An event where all tickets or spaces have been sold.
The play was a sell-out, with no seats available on opening night.
To compromise one's integrity, often for financial gain.
The artist refused to sell out by commercializing his music.
An instance of betraying one's principles or cause.
Her decision to endorse the product was seen as a sell out by her fans.
An event for which all tickets or accommodations are sold.
The play was a sell out every night of its run.
To fully book or reserve all available spaces.
The popular resort sells out quickly during peak season.
To exhaust the stock of something by selling.
The bakery tends to sell out of its famous croissants early in the morning.
To exhaust the supply of something by selling.
The bakery sells out of fresh bread early every morning.
To compromise one's values or integrity for advancement or profit.
He refused to sell out, despite the lucrative offer.
To abandon one's commitments or ideals, especially for financial reasons.
The band was accused of selling out when they signed with the major label.
To sell all of the supply of something.
The store expected to sell out of the popular toy before noon.
The action of selling all tickets for an event.
The concert achieved a sell out faster than any in the venue's history.
To transfer all of a commodity or stock by selling.
The limited edition sneakers are expected to sell out quickly.
Alternative spelling of sellout

Sell out Snonyms

Run out

To come to an end; become exhausted.
The store ran out of the promotional item quickly.

Dispose of

To get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone.
He disposed of his old furniture by selling it.


To use up the supply or resources of.
The tickets were quickly depleted by the eager fans.


To use up completely.
The concert tickets were exhausted in minutes.


To eliminate, usually by selling off.
The store decided to liquidate its entire stock.


To advertise or sell.
They successfully marketed the concert as a must-see event.


To exchange something for something else, typically as a commercial transaction.
He traded his old car for a newer model.


To get rid of something unwanted by transferring it to others.
The company unloaded its surplus inventory through online sales.

Clear out

To sell off or get rid of a large quantity of (stock or goods).
The sale was meant to clear out last season's fashions.


To supply goods to stores and companies.
The publisher distributed the bestseller to bookshops nationwide.

Sell out Idioms & Phrases

Go sell out

An encouragement or command to betray one's values for profit.
Go sell out, they mocked, as he considered the lucrative offer.

Sell out to the highest bidder

To betray one's values for the most lucrative offer.
He accused them of selling out to the highest bidder without regard for consequences.

Tempted to sell out

Considering betraying one's principles for benefit.
He was tempted to sell out and take the easy path.

Don't sell out

A caution or advice against compromising one's principles.
No matter what they offer you, don't sell out your beliefs.

To sell out one's principles

To compromise one's moral values for personal gain.
He would never sell out his principles, even for fame.

Sell out like hotcakes

To sell quickly and in large quantities, indicating high demand.
The new toy is expected to sell out like hotcakes this holiday season.

Proud to never sell out

Taking pride in maintaining one's principles without compromise.
Despite numerous opportunities, she was proud to never sell out her artistic vision.

Sell out crowd

An audience that fills a venue to capacity because all tickets are sold.
The championship game attracted a sell out crowd.

Never sell out

A commitment to maintaining one's integrity.
Despite the challenges, she promised to never sell out.

To sell out someone

To betray someone, often for personal gain or to avoid trouble.
He would never sell out his friends, no matter the pressure.

A complete sell out

An event for which all tickets or available spaces have been sold.
The concert was a complete sell out within minutes of tickets going on sale.

Sell out show

A performance or event where all the tickets have been sold.
The band's first international tour was a series of sell out shows.

Threatened to sell out

Implied risk of betraying someone or compromising principles.
When faced with legal trouble, he threatened to sell out his co-conspirators.

A total sell out

An event where all tickets or items are sold.
The play was a total sell out, with audiences loving every performance.

To sell out quickly

To be sold completely in a short period.
The designer bags are expected to sell out quickly due to high demand.

Sell out concert

A musical performance where all tickets are sold.
The artist's first solo concert was a sell out.

Sell out risk

The potential for an item or event to be completely sold.
Due to the sell out risk, fans camped overnight for tickets.

Sell out edition

A print or version of a product that is completely sold.
The special sell out edition became a collector's item.

Sell out performance

A theatrical or live performance where all tickets are sold.
She received a standing ovation at her sell out performance.

Sell out or stay true

The dilemma between achieving commercial success and maintaining artistic integrity.
Artists often face the choice to sell out or stay true to their vision.

Labelled a sell out

Being tagged or identified as someone who has compromised their values.
After the ad campaign, some labelled him a sell out.

Sell out Example Sentences

They managed to sell out their entire stock during the clearance sale.
Many considered his move to a big corporation as a sell out.
The art exhibit was a sell out, with every piece sold by the end of the night.
She was determined not to sell out her principles for short-term gain.
She vowed never to sell out her creative vision for commercial success.
The store expects to sell out of the new product by the end of the week.
Her participation in the reality show was seen as a sell out by some of her followers.
They were determined to sell out the charity gala to raise maximum funds.
The event was a sell out, with not a single seat left empty.
The author refused to sell out his beliefs, even if it meant losing the publishing deal.
The limited edition books are likely to sell out within days.
His decision to compromise his ideals for a sponsorship deal was labeled a sell out.
The band's latest album caused fans to accuse them of being sell outs.
Accusations of being a sell out haunted the artist after the commercial aired.
They managed to sell out the entire stock of vintage wines.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in sell out?

There are two syllables in "sell out."

What is a stressed syllable in sell out?

The stressed syllable in "sell out" is the first one: sell.

Why is it called sell out?

It's called "sell out" because it originally referred to selling all available stock or tickets, and metaphorically, it came to mean betraying one's principles, often for personal gain.

How is sell out used in a sentence?

"Sell out" can be used as a verb to describe the act of selling all of something or betraying one's values, and as a noun to describe an event where all tickets or items have been sold.

What part of speech is sell out?

"Sell out" can function as both a verb (phrasal verb) and a noun.

What is the verb form of sell out?

The verb form is "sell out," with "selling out" as its present participle and "sold out" as its past tense.

What is the third form of sell out?

The third form is also "sold out," used in the same context as the second form.

What is another term for sell out?

Another term for "sell out" could be "betray" when referring to compromising principles, and "fully booked" or "exhausted" for products or tickets.

What is the singular form of sell out?

As a verb, "sell out" doesn't change form for singular or plural. As a noun, the singular form can be "a sell-out" referring to a single event.

How do we divide sell out into syllables?

We divide "sell out" into syllables as: sell-out.

What is the plural form of sell out?

The plural form can be "sell-outs" when referring to multiple events or instances where something has sold out.

Is sell out an abstract noun?

As a noun, "sell out" can be considered abstract when it refers to the concept of betraying one's principles, but it's more concrete when referring to the sale of all items or tickets.

What is the pronunciation of sell out?

Sell out is pronounced as /ˈsɛl aʊt/.

What is the first form of sell out?

The first form is "sell out" as a phrasal verb.

Is the word “sell out” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

In the phrase "sell out," "out" acts as a particle, making "sell out" a phrasal verb. It doesn't serve as a direct or indirect object, but the thing being sold can be the direct object, e.g., "They sold out the tickets."

Which determiner is used with sell out?

Determiners such as "the," "this," "that," "my," "your" can be used with "sell out" depending on the context, e.g., "the sell-out event" or "my decision to sell out."

What is the root word of sell out?

The root word of "sell out" is "sell," which comes from the Old English "sellan," meaning to give or deliver.

Is sell out a noun or adjective?

"Sell out" can be a noun referring to an event where all items or tickets have been sold, and it is also used as a phrasal verb.

Is sell out a vowel or consonant?

The word "sell" in "sell out" starts with a consonant sound.

What is the second form of sell out?

The second form is "sold out," used to describe the past action of selling all of something.

What is the opposite of sell out?

The opposite of "sell out" (in betraying principles) could be "remain faithful" or "stand by one's values." For selling all of something, an opposite concept could be "stock remaining" or "available."

Is sell out an adverb?

No, "sell out" is not an adverb.

Is sell out a collective noun?

No, "sell out" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word sell out imperative?

"Sell out" can be used in the imperative mood as a command, especially in a commercial context, e.g., "Sell out this stock by the end of the day."

Which vowel is used before sell out?

The vowel "e" is used in "sell" of "sell out."

Is the word sell out a Gerund?

No, "sell out" is not a gerund. Gerunds are verbs ending in -ing that function as nouns, and "selling out" could be considered a gerund phrase.

Which preposition is used with sell out?

Prepositions aren't typically used directly with "sell out," but in context, "to" can be used, e.g., "sell out to someone."

Which conjunction is used with sell out?

Conjunctions like "and" and "but" can be used with "sell out," e.g., "sell out and face criticism" or "sell out but remain popular."

Is sell out a negative or positive word?

"Sell out" can have a negative connotation when referring to betraying one's principles for personal gain. However, when referring to selling all of something like tickets, it can be neutral or positive, indicating success.

Is sell out a countable noun?

Yes, as a noun, "sell out" can be countable, e.g., referring to multiple events that were sell-outs.

Is the sell out term a metaphor?

"Sell out" can be used metaphorically to describe someone compromising their principles or values, especially for personal gain.

Which article is used with sell out?

The article "the" can be used with "sell out" when referring to a specific event or instance, e.g., "the sell-out concert."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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