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Semiotical Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Semiotical pertains to semiotics, the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation in communication and analysis of meanings and messages. e.g., The advertisement's design had a semiotical significance.

Semiotical Definitions

Relating to the study of signs and symbols.
The artist's work is rich in semiotical content.
Involving the use of signs in communication.
The gesture had a semiotical importance.
Pertaining to the interpretation of symbolic meanings.
His lecture explored semiotical theories.
Associated with semiotic analysis.
The film's imagery was semiotical.
Linked to the conveyance of ideas through symbols.
The logo's semiotical message was clear.
Connected with the symbolism in communication.
The artwork's semiotical elements were intriguing.
Referring to the science of signs and sign systems.
The book discussed semiotical structures in language.
About the representation and interpretation of signs.
Her research focused on semiotical practices.
Relevant to the interpretation of sign processes.
The advertisement employed semiotical strategies.
Of or relating to semiotics.
Relating to symptomatology.
Synonym of semiotic
Of or relating to semiotics;
Semiotic analysis
Concerning the principles of semiotics.
They studied semiotical patterns in media.

Semiotical Snonyms


Serving as a sign or indication of something.
The red light is significative of danger.


Showing, suggesting, or pointing out something.
Her tone was indicative of her frustration.


Relating to or denoting art that represents something recognizable from the real world.
The museum featured representational art from the 19th century.


Serving as a symbol of a particular quality or concept.
The bald eagle is emblematic of American freedom.


Having a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose.
Their handshake was meaningful, signifying the end of their feud.


Relating to or implying a suggestion of something beyond what is explicitly stated.
The term home has connotative meanings of warmth and safety.


Relating to symbols or using symbols to represent ideas or qualities.
The dove is symbolic of peace.


Denoting or indicating something.
The word rose is denotative of the flower.


Effectively conveying thought or feeling.
His expressive use of colors made the painting stand out.


Acting as a symbol of something.
The olive branch symbolizing peace is an ancient concept.

Semiotical Idioms & Phrases

Semiotical understanding

A deep comprehension of the meanings and interpretations of various signs and symbols.
His study in cultural anthropology gave him a profound semiotical understanding of ancient symbols.

Speak in semiotical terms

To communicate using symbols or signs that have deeper meanings.
The poet was known to speak in semiotical terms, using imagery rich in symbolic significance.

Semiotical analysis

The process of examining and interpreting signs and symbols.
The art historian performed a semiotical analysis of the painting to uncover its hidden meanings.

Semiotical expression

The use of signs and symbols to convey ideas or emotions.
The mural was a powerful semiotical expression of the community's struggles and hopes.

Navigate the semiotical landscape

To understand and interpret the complex world of signs and symbols.
As a designer, she learned to navigate the semiotical landscape of modern advertising.

Semiotical clues

Indications or hints that are understood through the study of signs and symbols.
Detectives sometimes find semiotical clues at a crime scene that help them solve the case.

Semiotical complexity

The intricate and nuanced nature of sign and symbol interpretation.
The semiotical complexity of dreams has always fascinated psychologists.

Semiotical symbolism

The use of symbols in a way that is significant to the study of semiotics.
His artwork is rich in semiotical symbolism, drawing from various cultural traditions.

Through a semiotical lens

Considering or analyzing something with a focus on the meaning of signs and symbols.
When viewed through a semiotical lens, even everyday objects can be seen as rich in meaning.

Semiotical interpretation

The act of deciphering the meaning behind signs and symbols.
His semiotical interpretation of the ancient text provided new insights into its historical context.

Engage in semiotical discourse

To participate in discussions or conversations about the interpretation of signs and symbols.
The conference allowed scholars to engage in semiotical discourse about media representations.

Semiotical literacy

The ability to understand and interpret signs and symbols effectively.
In our media-saturated world, semiotical literacy is increasingly important.

Semiotical decoding

The process of unraveling and interpreting symbols or signs.
Decoding the semiotical aspects of the ancient script took years of dedicated research.

Semiotical insight

A deep understanding gained through the interpretation of signs and symbols.
Her semiotical insight into the novel's imagery revealed its hidden themes.

Semiotical richness

Having a wealth of signs and symbols that convey deep meanings.
The cultural festival was a display of semiotical richness, with diverse symbols from various traditions.

Semiotical narrative

A story or account that heavily relies on symbolism and sign interpretation.
The film's semiotical narrative used colors and shapes to convey the characters' emotions.

A semiotical approach

Tackling a problem or situation by focusing on the interpretation of signs and symbols.
She took a semiotical approach to understanding the city's graffiti.

A semiotical perspective

Viewing something with an emphasis on the interpretation of signs and symbols.
Looking at the film from a semiotical perspective reveals deeper layers of meaning.

Semiotical barrier

A hindrance in understanding caused by the complexity of signs and symbols.
Language can sometimes be a semiotical barrier in cross-cultural communication.

Semiotical Example Sentences

The painting's colors had a semiotical meaning.
The semiotical interpretation of the text revealed deeper meanings.
The semiotical function of language interests linguists.
They discussed the semiotical significance of cultural symbols.
He explained the semiotical dimensions of the ritual.
The semiotical representation in the advertisement was clever.
The song's lyrics were rich in semiotical imagery.
She analyzed the poem from a semiotical perspective.
The semiotical aspects of the dance were fascinating.
His speech used semiotical elements to convey the message.
The artist expressed her ideas through semiotical forms.
She wrote a paper on semiotical expressions in art.
Their semiotical analysis of the play was insightful.
The semiotical relationship between the symbols was complex.
The film's narrative had a strong semiotical component.

Common Curiosities

How is semiotical used in a sentence?

Example: "The semiotical analysis of the text revealed its underlying meanings."

How many syllables are in semiotical?

There are five syllables in "semiotical."

What is the verb form of semiotical?

"Semiotical" is an adjective. The related verb form could be "semioticize," though it's not commonly used.

What is the pronunciation of semiotical?

Semiotical is pronounced as /ˌse.miˈɒ.tɪ.kəl/.

Why is it called semiotical?

It's called "semiotical" because it relates to semiotics, the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.

What is a stressed syllable in semiotical?

The stressed syllable in "semiotical" is the second one: mi.

What is the singular form of semiotical?

"Semiotical" remains the same in singular form.

How do we divide semiotical into syllables?

"Semiotical" is divided into syllables as "se-mi-o-ti-cal."

What part of speech is semiotical?

"Semiotical" is an adjective.

What is the root word of semiotical?

The root word of "semiotical" is "semiotics."

Is semiotical an abstract noun?

"Semiotical" is an adjective, not a noun.

What is the opposite of semiotical?

The opposite of "semiotical" might be "non-semiotic" or "literal."

Is the semiotical term a metaphor?

"Semiotical" can be used metaphorically in some contexts.

Which vowel is used before semiotical?

The use of a vowel before "semiotical" depends on the context and the preceding word.

Is semiotical a negative or positive word?

"Semiotical" is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is semiotical a vowel or consonant?

"Semiotical" is a word, not a single vowel or consonant.

Is the word semiotical imperative?

No, "semiotical" is an adjective and cannot be imperative.

Is semiotical an adverb?

No, "semiotical" is not an adverb.

Is semiotical a countable noun?

"Semiotical" is an adjective, not a noun, so it is neither countable nor uncountable.

Is semiotical a collective noun?

No, "semiotical" is not a collective noun.

Which article is used with semiotical?

The articles "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "semiotical," depending on the context.

What is another term for semiotical?

Another term for "semiotical" is "semiotic."

What is the plural form of semiotical?

"Semiotical" remains the same in plural form, as it is an adjective.

Which conjunction is used with semiotical?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "semiotical."

Is semiotical a noun or adjective?

"Semiotical" is an adjective.

Is the word semiotical Gerund?

No, "semiotical" is an adjective and not a gerund.

Is the word “semiotical” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Semiotical" as an adjective is neither a direct object nor an indirect object.

Which determiner is used with semiotical?

Determiners like "a," "the," or "this" can be used with "semiotical."

Which preposition is used with semiotical?

Prepositions like "in" or "of" can be used with "semiotical."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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