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Sleek Definition and Meaning

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on March 7, 2024
"Sleek" describes something that is smooth, glossy, and streamlined. e.g., The sleek design of the new car impressed everyone.

Sleek Definitions

Having a smooth, glossy surface.
The sleek coat of the horse shone in the sunlight.
Well-groomed and polished in appearance.
He looked sleek and sophisticated in his new suit.
Slick and unctuous in manner or speech.
The salesman's sleek pitch convinced them to buy.
Efficient and effective, with no wasted space or effort.
The new software has a sleek interface.
Designed in a smooth, streamlined manner.
The architect's sleek skyscrapers are city landmarks.
Sophisticated and fashionable.
The guests at the gala were sleek and stylish.
Having a smooth, uninterrupted shape or design.
The sleek lines of the sports car were admired by all.
Smooth in texture or composition.
The chef served a sleek sauce with the fish.
Lustrous and healthy-looking (especially of hair or fur).
Her sleek hair caught everyone's eye.
Making something appear smooth, polished, or refined.
The designer's touch made the room sleek and inviting.
Smooth and lustrous as if polished; glossy
Long, sleek hair.
In good health and having smooth or glossy hair, fur, or skin
A sleek hound.
Able to or designed to move efficiently through air or water; streamlined
A sleek, luxurious sedan.
Thin and elegant in design
"A pair of sleek minarets anchored the skyline" (Terence Ward).
Polished or smooth in manner, especially in an unctuous way; slick
A sleek government official.
To make sleek; slick
Sleeked his hair with pomade.
Having an even, smooth surface; smooth
Sleek hair
Not rough or harsh.
Slim and streamlined; not plump, thick, or stocky.
Of stock animals, healthy, well-fed and well-groomed; in good condition.
(dated) With ease and dexterity.
To make smooth or glossy; to polish or cause to be attractive.
That which makes smooth; varnish.
Having an even, smooth surface; smooth; hence, glossy; as, sleek hair.
So sleek her skin, so faultless was her make.
Not rough or harsh.
Those rugged names to our like mouths grow sleek.
With ease and dexterity.
That which makes smooth; varnish.
A slick.
To make even and smooth; to render smooth, soft, and glossy; to smooth over.
Sleeking her soft alluring locks.
Gentle, my lord, sleek o'er your rugged looks.
Make slick or smooth
Having a smooth, gleaming surface;
Glossy auburn hair
Satiny gardenia petals
Sleek black fur
Silken eyelashes
Silky skin
A silklike fabric
Slick seals and otters
Well-groomed and neatly tailored; especially too well-groomed;
Sleek figures in expensive clothes

Sleek Snonyms


Shiny and smooth, often reflecting light.
She flipped through the glossy pages of the magazine.


Made smooth and shiny by rubbing or chemical action.
The polished floors reflected the chandelier's light.


Having an even and regular surface or consistency.
The smooth surface of the lake was like glass.


Reflecting light, typically because very clean or polished.
The shiny apple looked very tempting.


Smooth, soft, and flowing; resembling silk.
The silky fabric draped beautifully.


Designed or organized to be efficient and easy to use.
The streamlined process saved the company time and money.


Elegantly and stylishly fashionable.
The chic design of the dress caught everyone's eye.


Having a smooth, wet, or slippery surface.
The slick roads made driving dangerous.


Pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
Her elegant demeanor was admired by everyone.


Neat and smart in appearance.
His trim beard gave him a distinguished look.

Sleek Idioms & Phrases

Sleek as a seal

Very smooth and glossy, often referring to skin or fabric.
After her swim, her skin was sleek as a seal.

Make it sleek

To refine or improve something to make it smooth or elegant.
The team worked hard to make the presentation sleek.

Cut a sleek figure

To look impressively smooth and well-groomed.
Dressed in his tuxedo, he cut a sleek figure.

Sleek finish

A smooth and polished end result, especially in manufacturing or design.
The carpenter ensured the table had a sleek finish.

On the sleek side

Referring to something that is rather too smooth or polished, possibly superficially so.
His compliments felt a bit on the sleek side.

Sleek over

To smooth over a problem or situation, making it seem less serious.
He tried to sleek over the mistake, but it was too noticeable.

Sleek and span

Immaculately clean or tidy, often used to describe places.
The kitchen was sleek and span after the cleaning.

Sleek it out

To resolve or smooth out difficulties or disagreements.
The team needed to sleek it out before the project could proceed.

Sleek down

To make something smooth or lay flat, often referring to hair or fabric.
She sleeked down her dress before entering the room.

Look sleek

To appear smooth, well-groomed, or sophisticated.
She always manages to look sleek, no matter the occasion.

Keep it sleek

To maintain a smooth, orderly, or stylish appearance or arrangement.
Despite the chaos, she kept her desk perfectly sleek.

Give it a sleek look

To apply a finishing touch that makes something look smooth and polished.
A coat of varnish gave the sculpture a sleek look.

Born sleek

Naturally smooth or sophisticated without much effort.
With his charm, he was born sleek.

Sleek by nature

Inherently smooth or polished in appearance or manner.
The cat, sleek by nature, groomed its fur meticulously.

Sleek out of

To escape or slip out smoothly and unnoticed.
He managed to sleek out of the meeting early.

Sleek as a whistle

Extremely smooth or well-executed, without any apparent effort.
The operation went sleek as a whistle.

Sleek up

To dress or make oneself look more polished and sophisticated.
He decided to sleek up for the job interview.

Sleek over it

To review or cover something in a way that makes it appear smooth or effortless.
She sleeked over her notes before the presentation.

Sleek as satin

Very smooth to the touch or in appearance, like satin fabric.
Her gown was sleek as satin, catching the light beautifully.

Turn sleek

To become polished or sophisticated, often in appearance.
The renovation turned the old house sleek.

Sleek Example Sentences

They admired the cat's sleek fur.
The sleek airplane cut through the sky effortlessly.
The new phone has a sleek design that fits comfortably in your hand.
Her sleek black dress was perfect for the evening gala.
The runner's sleek form helped him win the race.
She applied a sleek coat of paint to the wall.
His movements were sleek and confident.
The company's logo is sleek and modern.
The table's sleek surface reflected the light.
The car's sleek lines make it stand out.
He keeps his apartment sleek and tidy.
The kitchen appliances are sleek and highly functional.
The sleek yacht glided through the water.
The magazine's layout is sleek and easy to read.
They worked hard to give the presentation a sleek finish.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called "sleek"?

"Sleek" comes from the Middle English "sleken," which means to make smooth or glossy, reflecting its meanings related to smoothness and glossiness.

How is "sleek" used in a sentence?

"Sleek" is used to describe something that is smooth, polished, or sophisticated in appearance. e.g., The sleek car attracted everyone's attention.

How many syllables are in "sleek"?

There is 1 syllable in "sleek."

What is a stressed syllable in "sleek"?

The entire word "sleek" is stressed, as it is a one-syllable word.

What is the verb form of "sleek"?

The verb form of "sleek" is "sleek," meaning to make something smooth or glossy. e.g., She sleeked her hair before the party.

What is the second form of "sleek"?

The second form is "sleeked," as in the past tense. e.g., She sleeked her hair.

What part of speech is "sleek"?

"Sleek" can be an adjective or a verb depending on its use in a sentence.

What is the pronunciation of "sleek"?

"Sleek" is pronounced as /sliːk/.

How do we divide "sleek" into syllables?

"Sleek" is a single syllable word, so it is not divided.

What is the third form of "sleek"?

The third form is "sleeked," used as the past participle. e.g., The wood has been sleeked to perfection.

Is "sleek" an adverb?

No, "sleek" is not typically used as an adverb.

Is "sleek" a negative or positive word?

"Sleek" is generally considered a positive word, associated with elegance and smoothness.

Is the "sleek" term a metaphor?

"Sleek" can be used metaphorically to describe something as smooth or refined beyond its literal meaning.

What is the root word of "sleek"?

The root word of "sleek" is from the Middle English "sleken," related to making something smooth or glossy.

What is the first form of "sleek"?

The first form is "sleek," e.g., The surface is sleek.

What is the singular form of "sleek"?

The singular form is "sleek."

What is the plural form of "sleek"?

The word "sleek" does not have a plural form when used as an adjective. As a verb, its use does not change in plural contexts.

What is the opposite of "sleek"?

The opposite of "sleek" is "rough" or "coarse."

Is "sleek" an abstract noun?

No, "sleek" is not an abstract noun; it is an adjective or a verb.

Is "sleek" a countable noun?

"Sleek" is not used as a noun; it is an adjective and a verb.

What is another term for "sleek"?

Another term for "sleek" is "smooth."

Is "sleek" a collective noun?

No, "sleek" is not a collective noun.

Is the word "sleek" imperative?

The verb form of "sleek" can be used in imperative sentences. e.g., "Sleek your hair before we go."

Is the word "sleek" Gerund?

The gerund form would be "sleeking," but it is not commonly used.

Is the word “sleek” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As an adjective, "sleek" does not function as an object. As a verb, it can have a direct object. e.g., "She sleeked her hair."

Which vowel is used before "sleek"?

The vowel or consonant sound before "sleek" depends on the preceding word. There's no specific rule for vowels before "sleek."

Which preposition is used with "sleek"?

Prepositions such as "of" and "with" are often used with "sleek." e.g., "The sleek design of the car," "She was sleek with sweat."

Which conjunction is used with "sleek"?

Conjunctions like "and" can be used with "sleek" when describing multiple characteristics. e.g., "Sleek and stylish."

Which article is used with "sleek"?

The definite article "the" or the indefinite article "a" can be used with "sleek." e.g., "A sleek yacht," "The sleek surface."

Is "sleek" a noun or adjective?

"Sleek" is primarily used as an adjective but can also be used as a verb.

Is "sleek" a vowel or consonant?

The word "sleek" begins with a consonant.

Which determiner is used with "sleek"?

Determiners like "a," "the," or possessive pronouns (my, your, etc.) can be used with "sleek." e.g., "The sleek design."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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