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Slowdown Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
A slowdown is a decrease in speed or rate of activity, often temporarily or in response to specific conditions. e.g., The factory experienced a slowdown in production due to equipment issues.

Slowdown Definitions

A period of decreased economic or business activity.
The industry faced a significant slowdown during the recession.
A deliberate reduction in work pace by employees.
The workers initiated a slowdown to demand better conditions.
A temporary decline in performance or efficiency.
The company's sales saw a slowdown in the third quarter.
A reduction in the speed or pace of activities.
The traffic slowdown was caused by road construction.
Slowing down of operations or processes.
The computer experienced a slowdown after the update.
A decrease in the rate of progress or movement.
There was a noticeable slowdown in the project's timeline.
To experience a reduction in intensity or vigor.
The athletes experienced a slowdown in energy levels.
A phase of slower growth or development.
The new policy led to a slowdown in investment.
A gradual lessening of speed in transportation.
The train began its slowdown as it approached the station.
A diminution in the rate of action or activity.
The heatwave caused a slowdown in outdoor activities.
The act or process of slowing down; a slackening of pace
A production slowdown.
A reduction in speed, or a decrease in the level of production, etc.
The act of slowing down or falling behind

Slowdown Snonyms


A decline in economic, business, or other activity.
The industry is experiencing a downturn in sales.


The action of delaying or slowing the progress or development of something.
There was noticeable retardation in the project's timeline due to unforeseen issues.


A period or act of reduction in intensity or activity.
After the intense exercise, a cool-down period is essential.


A sudden severe or prolonged fall in the price, value, or amount of something.
After the scandal, the company's shares took a slump.


Fall behind in movement, progress, or development; not keep pace with another or others.
The software began to lag because it needed an update.


A reduction in the intensity or rate of something.
There was no letup in the storm's fury throughout the night.


The action or fact of making something smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.
A reduction in traffic speeds was implemented for safety reasons.


Reduction in speed or rate.
The deceleration of the economy has led to increased unemployment.


A decrease in speed or activity.
The construction work caused a slow-up in traffic.


Make or become smaller or fewer in size, amount, intensity, or degree.
We've seen a decrease in the number of new clients this quarter.

Slowdown Idioms & Phrases

Traffic slowdown

A decrease in the speed of traffic flow, often due to congestion.
There was a significant traffic slowdown during the morning commute.

Economic slowdown

A period when the economy grows at a slower rate than usual.
The country was bracing for an economic slowdown due to the global crisis.

Slowdown in demand

A decrease in the desire or need for a product or service.
Retailers noticed a slowdown in demand for luxury goods.

Seasonal slowdown

A period of reduced activity or business that occurs at a certain time of the year.
The shop prepared for the usual seasonal slowdown in winter.

Workplace slowdown

A reduction in the speed or efficiency of work, often deliberately by employees.
The workers initiated a workplace slowdown to protest the new policies.

Slowdown in growth

A decrease in the rate of expansion or development.
Analysts reported a slowdown in growth in the tech sector.

Anticipate a slowdown

To expect a reduction in speed, activity, or progress.
The government anticipated a slowdown in the housing market.

Deliberate slowdown

An intentional reduction in speed or productivity.
The employees engaged in a deliberate slowdown to make their dissatisfaction known.

Hit a slowdown

To encounter a period of reduced speed or progress.
The project hit a slowdown when several team members fell ill.

Slowdown in production

A reduction in the rate or speed of manufacturing or production.
The factory experienced a slowdown in production due to supply chain issues.

Global slowdown

A worldwide reduction in economic activity or growth.
Economists warned of a potential global slowdown in the coming years.

Negotiation slowdown

A decrease in the pace or progress of discussions or negotiations.
There was a noticeable negotiation slowdown after the initial agreements.

Slowdown in progress

A decrease in the rate of advancement or development.
The research team faced a slowdown in progress due to funding cuts.

Market slowdown

A period of reduced activity or decline in the financial market.
Investors were cautious during the market slowdown.

Temporary slowdown

A short-term reduction in speed or progress.
The construction project faced a temporary slowdown due to bad weather.

Slowdown in hiring

A decrease in the rate or number of new employees being hired.
Due to budget constraints, there was a slowdown in hiring at the firm.

Gradual slowdown

A slow and steady reduction in pace or intensity.
The athlete experienced a gradual slowdown in his performance as he aged.

Slowdown in investment

A decrease in the amount of money being invested.
There was a noticeable slowdown in investment in the startup sector.

Combat a slowdown

To take action to counteract a reduction in speed or progress.
The government implemented new policies to combat the economic slowdown.

Slowdown in sales

A reduction in the rate or number of sales.
The company experienced a slowdown in sales after the launch of a competing product.

Slowdown Example Sentences

We noticed a slowdown in the internet speed at night.
The team experienced a slowdown in productivity this week.
During summer, the town experiences a tourist slowdown.
The construction caused a significant slowdown in traffic.
The software update caused a slowdown in the system's performance.
The economic slowdown affected many small businesses.
There's usually a slowdown in sales after the holiday season.
The factory's machinery had a noticeable slowdown due to age.
The restaurant sees a slowdown in customers during the winter.
She noticed a slowdown in her phone's responsiveness.
He felt a slowdown in his energy after running the marathon.
The heavy rain led to a slowdown in the soccer match.
The recent policy changes have caused a slowdown in approvals.
The hot weather resulted in a slowdown of outdoor work.
After the accident, there was a slowdown on the highway.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide slowdown into syllables?

"Slowdown" is divided into syllables as "slow-down."

Why is it called slowdown?

It's called a "slowdown" because it describes a reduction in speed or activity, combining "slow" (to reduce speed) and "down" (indicating a decrease).

What is a stressed syllable in slowdown?

The first syllable "slow" is the stressed syllable in "slowdown."

What is the root word of slowdown?

The root words of "slowdown" are "slow" and "down."

How many syllables are in slowdown?

There are two syllables in "slowdown."

How is slowdown used in a sentence?

"The industry is experiencing a significant slowdown due to the economic crisis."

What is another term for slowdown?

Another term for "slowdown" could be "deceleration" or "downturn."

What is the singular form of slowdown?

The singular form is "slowdown."

What is the pronunciation of slowdown?

Slowdown is pronounced as /ˈsloʊˌdaʊn/.

What is the third form of slowdown?

For the verb "slow down," the third form (past participle) is "slowed down."

What is the first form of slowdown?

As a noun, "slowdown" doesn't have a verb form, but the related verb "slow down" is its base form.

What is the verb form of slowdown?

The verb form related to "slowdown" is "slow down," used as a phrasal verb.

Is slowdown a noun or adjective?

"Slowdown" is a noun.

Is slowdown a negative or positive word?

"Slowdown" generally has a negative connotation, indicating a reduction in activity or efficiency.

Is slowdown a vowel or consonant?

The word "slowdown" starts with the consonant "s."

Is slowdown a collective noun?

"Slowdown" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word slowdown imperative?

As a noun, "slowdown" is not imperative, but the verb form "slow down" can be used as an imperative command.

Is the word “slowdown” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Slowdown" as a noun can be used as a direct object (e.g., "The recession caused a slowdown").

Is the word slowdown Gerund?

The gerund form related to "slowdown" would be "slowing down," used as a noun.

Is slowdown a countable noun?

Yes, "slowdown" is a countable noun (e.g., "several slowdowns in production").

Is the slowdown term a metaphor?

"Slowdown" can be used metaphorically to describe any decrease in activity or progress, not just in terms of physical speed.

What is the second form of slowdown?

For the verb "slow down," the second form (past tense) is "slowed down."

Is slowdown an abstract noun?

Yes, "slowdown" can be considered an abstract noun as it refers to the concept of a reduction in speed or activity.

Which determiner is used with slowdown?

Determiners like "a," "the," or "this" can be used with "slowdown," depending on the context.

Which vowel is used before slowdown?

The vowel used before "slowdown" depends on the context and the preceding words in a sentence.

Which preposition is used with slowdown?

Prepositions such as "in" (in a slowdown) or "of" (slowdown of the economy) can be used, depending on the context.

Which article is used with slowdown?

Both "the" (definite article) and "a" (indefinite article) can be used with "slowdown," depending on whether the noun is being specified or introduced.

What part of speech is slowdown?

"Slowdown" is a noun.

What is the plural form of slowdown?

The plural form is "slowdowns."

What is the opposite of slowdown?

The opposite of "slowdown" could be "acceleration" or "speedup."

Is slowdown an adverb?

No, "slowdown" is not an adverb.

Which conjunction is used with slowdown?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "slowdown," depending on the sentence structure.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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