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South Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
South is a cardinal direction opposite of north, typically associated with the bottom half of a map, and signifies the direction toward the South Pole. e.g., They traveled south for the winter.

South Definitions

A principal compass point directly opposite north.
The birds migrate south every autumn.
The direction toward the South Pole.
He sailed south to explore new lands.
The southern part of a country or region.
She grew up in the deep south of the United States.
Symbolic of the southern part of a continent.
South America is known for its diverse cultures.
Denoting the southern part of a city or area.
The south side of the city is more residential.
The direction along a meridian 90° clockwise from east; the direction to the right of sunrise.
The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 180° clockwise from due north and directly opposite north.
An area or region lying in the south.
The southern part of the earth.
The set of developing nations of the world, largely located to the south of the developed nations of the Northern Hemisphere.
The southern part of a region or country.
South The southern part of the United States, especially the states that fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War.
The side of a church which is to the right as one faces the altar. Also called liturgical south.
To, toward, of, facing, or in the south.
Originating in or coming from the south
A hot south wind.
In, from, or toward the south.
(Slang) Into a worse or inferior condition, as of decreased value
A stock that went south shortly after he bought it. "If a life could be redeemed in a moment, it could go south just as fast" (Roy Parvin).
One of the four principal compass points, specifically 180° (being directed towards the South Pole); conventionally downwards on a map.
The southern region or area; the inhabitants thereof.
(ecclesiastical) In a church: the direction to the right-hand side of a person facing the altar.
(figurative) down or the negative direction
His fortunes have been going south ever since he was tricked into investing in that ostrich farm.
(physics) The negative or south pole of a magnet
Toward the south; southward.
From the south.
Of or pertaining to the south; southern.
Pertaining to the part of a corridor used by southbound traffic.
South highway 1
(ecclesiastical) Designating, or situated in, the liturgical south.
Toward the south; southward.
In an adverse direction or trend (go south).
(meteorology) Of wind, from the south.
To turn or move toward the south; to veer toward the south.
(astronomy) To come to the meridian; to cross the north and south line.
The moon souths at nine.
That one of the four cardinal points directly opposite to the north; the region or direction to the right or direction to the right of a person who faces the east.
A country, region, or place situated farther to the south than another; the southern section of a country.
Specifically: That part of the United States which is south of Mason and Dixon's line. See under Line.
The wind from the south.
Lying toward the south; situated at the south, or in a southern direction from the point of observation or reckoning; proceeding toward the south, or coming from the south; blowing from the south; southern; as, the south pole.
Toward the south; southward.
From the south; as, the wind blows south.
To turn or move toward the south; to veer toward the south.
To come to the meridian; to cross the north and south line; - said chiefly of the moon; as, the moon souths at nine.
The region of the United States lying south of the Mason-Dixon Line
The southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861
The cardinal compass point that is at 180 degrees
Any region lying in or toward the south
Situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the south;
The south entrance
In a southern direction;
We moved south
A region or area situated in the southern part of a place.
The south of France is known for its beaches.
Used to describe the southern part of a specific area.
They moved to South London last year.
The downward direction on most maps.
On the map, south is at the bottom.
Orientation towards the southern hemisphere.
The company expanded its operations south.
The southern cardinal point on a compass.
The compass needle pointed south.

South Snonyms


Pertaining to the south or southern regions.
ertain bird species migrate along meridional routes.


Pertaining to or located in the south.
he southern coast is known for its warm climate.


Abbreviation for south, used in maps and compass directions.
To reach the village, head straight towards S on the map.

Sunny South

A poetic or affectionate term for the south, emphasizing its warmer climate.
any retirees move to the sunny south for its mild winters.


Coming from or situated in the south.
he southerly wind brought warmer temperatures.


Furthest towards the south.
he southernmost point of the island offers breathtaking views.


Relating to the south, often used in a global or astronomical context.
he austral hemisphere enjoys summer while the north has winter.

Down South

Informal term for the southern part of a country or region.
e're planning a trip down south to enjoy the warmer weather.

Below the Equator

In the southern part of the world, south of the equator.
ountries below the equator experience summer from December to February.


Informal term referring to the southern United States.
ixie is celebrated for its rich cultural heritage and history.

South Idioms & Phrases

Fly south for the winter

To escape to a warmer place during colder months, similar to migrating birds.
Like many retirees, my grandparents fly south for the winter.

Go south

To deteriorate, fail, or go wrong.
The project started well, but it quickly went south after the team lost its lead developer.

Heading south

Moving in a downward direction, often implying deterioration.
After the scandal, his approval ratings started heading south.

Down south

Referring to the southern part of a country or region.
Every winter, we take a trip down south to escape the cold weather.

Southern hospitality

The warm, friendly, and welcoming attitude traditionally associated with the southern United States.
We experienced true southern hospitality on our trip through Georgia.


A left-handed person, especially in sports like boxing.
As a southpaw, he had an advantage in the boxing ring against right-handed opponents.

Go down south

To travel to the southern part of a country or area.
This summer, we plan to go down south to visit the historic landmarks.

South of the border

Referring to a place located south of a specific border, often used in the U.S. to refer to Mexico.
We're planning a vacation south of the border to explore Mexico's beautiful beaches.

Deep South

The southeastern region of the United States, known for its unique cultural and historical characteristics.
The blues music originated from the Deep South.

South of heaven

An expression suggesting a place or state is far from idyllic or peaceful.
After the chaos in the city, their quiet country home felt like it was south of heaven.

Southern fried

A style of cooking, especially frying, that is associated with the southern United States.
Southern fried chicken is one of my favorite comfort foods.


Oriented towards the south, often used to describe the position of a building or room.
The south-facing windows let in plenty of sunlight during the day.

Southern accent

The distinct way of speaking found in the southern United States.
His southern accent became more pronounced when he returned home from college.

Old South

Referring to the southern United States before the Civil War, especially in terms of its traditional customs and practices.
The novel depicted life in the Old South.

Southern charm

The pleasant and appealing nature often associated with people from the southern United States.
She won everyone over with her southern charm and gracious manners.

South wind

A wind blowing from the south.
The south wind brought warmer temperatures to the region.

Turn south

To start to fail or get worse.
After the initial success of the product, the company's fortunes began to turn south.

South by southwest

In a direction halfway between south and southwest.
They set their course south by southwest, heading towards the warmer coastline.

Southern belle

A young woman from the southern United States known for her beauty and refinement.
She was considered the southern belle of her hometown.

The South rises again

A phrase used to suggest a resurgence or comeback, originally in the context of the southern United States post-Civil War.
With the new investment, the local industry felt like the South rises again.

South Example Sentences

They enjoyed the warm climate in the south.
The highway heads south towards the coast.
We need to turn south at the next intersection.
The wind shifted from north to south.
Migratory birds are heading south for the winter.
The river flows south into the sea.
Their farm is located 20 miles south of the city.
The south entrance of the park is less crowded.
They set up camp facing south to catch the sunrise.
We will hike south along the riverbank.
The map shows a trail leading south.
She looked south, hoping to see the mountains.
The road curves south near the old mill.
The train travels south through various landscapes.
Let's explore the south side of the island.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in south?

In "south," the single syllable is stressed.

How is south used in a sentence?

Example: "We drove south for two hours to reach the coast."

Why is it called south?

"South" is called so because it comes from the Old English word "sūþ," related to the Proto-Germanic root "*sunþaz," likely referring to the direction of the sun.

What is the verb form of south?

"South" as a direction does not have a standard verb form. However, in navigation or colloquial use, "south" can be used as a verb, meaning to go or move southward.

What is the singular form of south?

"South" remains the same in singular form.

How many syllables are in south?

There is one syllable in "south."

How do we divide south into syllables?

As a single syllable word, "south" is not divided into syllables.

What is the plural form of south?

"South" does not have a plural form.

Is south an abstract noun?

"South" is not an abstract noun; it refers to a specific direction or location.

Is the word south Gerund?

"South" used as a verb in a gerund form would be "southing," though this usage is not standard.

What is the pronunciation of south?

South is pronounced as /saʊθ/.

What is the root word of south?

The root word of "south" is the Old English "sūþ."

Is south a noun or adjective?

"South" can be both a noun and an adjective.

Is south a countable noun?

No, "south" as a direction is not a countable noun.

Which determiner is used with south?

Determiners like "the," "this," or "that" can be used with "south."

Is south a vowel or consonant?

"South" is a word, not a single vowel or consonant.

Is south a collective noun?

No, "south" is not a collective noun.

Is the south term a metaphor?

"South" can be used metaphorically in some contexts.

Which conjunction is used with south?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "south."

Is south an adverb?

"South" can be used as an adverb to describe direction, as in "heading south."

Is the word “south” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"South" can be used as a direct object in certain contexts, especially in navigational terms.

Which vowel is used before south?

Any vowel can precede "south," depending on the context and the preceding word.

Which preposition is used with south?

Prepositions like "to," "from," or "in" are commonly used with "south."

What part of speech is south?

"South" is primarily used as a noun and an adjective.

What is another term for south?

Another term for "south" is "southern direction."

What is the opposite of south?

The opposite of "south" is "north."

Is south a negative or positive word?

"South" is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is the word south imperative?

"South" as a noun or adjective cannot be imperative. If used as a verb colloquially, it can be imperative, like "South now!"

Which article is used with south?

The articles "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "south," depending on the context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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