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Specialise Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
To specialise means to focus on a particular area of study, work, or interest, developing expertise in that field. e.g., She decided to specialise in pediatric medicine.

Specialise Definitions

Academics: In academics, to specialise is to concentrate on a specific subject area for advanced study.
He chose to specialise in environmental science.
Professional: Professionally, to specialise means to offer services in a specific area of expertise.
The firm specialises in corporate law.
Medical: In medicine, to specialise is to focus on a particular branch of medical practice.
After medical school, she specialised in neurology.
Research: To specialise in research means to conduct in-depth studies in a narrowly defined subject area.
He specialises in marine biology research.
Technology: In technology, to specialise means to focus on a specific technology or software development area.
The company specialises in blockchain technology.
Consulting: In consulting, to specialise means to provide expert advice in a particular industry or area.
The consultant specialises in digital marketing strategies.
Sports: To specialise in sports means to focus training and competition in a specific sport or athletic discipline.
He specialises in long-distance running.
Crafts: To specialise in crafts means to focus on creating a particular type of artisanal product.
The artist specialises in handmade pottery.
Culinary: In the culinary world, to specialise is to cook or offer cuisine of a specific style or origin.
The chef specialises in Italian dishes.
Education: In education, to specialise is to teach or develop curriculum focused on a particular subject.
She specialises in special education.
Standard spelling of specialize
Devote oneself to a special area of work;
She specializes in honey bees
This plumber specialized in jacuzzis
Be specific about;
Could you please specify your criticism of my paper?
Suit to a special purpose;
Specialize one's research
Become more special;
We specialize in dried flowers
Evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment

Specialise Snonyms


To concentrate attention or effort on a particular area of activity.
He decided to focus on landscape photography.


Special skills or knowledge in a particular field.
His expertise in forensic science is well known.


To become very skilled in or knowledgeable about a particular subject.
He mastered three languages.


To be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject.
She excels in mathematics.


To refine or perfect (a skill) over a period of time.
She honed her skills as a sculptor.


To commit (oneself) to a particular area of work or study.
She dedicated her life to medical research.


To study something as one's main subject in college or university.
He decided to major in English literature.


To devote special attention to one particular person or thing.
She concentrates on early childhood education.


To carry out or perform (a particular activity, method, or custom) habitually or regularly.
They practice sustainable farming.


To follow (an activity, occupation, or course of study) as one's chief interest.
He decided to pursue a career in journalism.

Specialise Idioms & Phrases

Specialise in custom solutions

To focus on creating tailor-made solutions for specific problems or needs.
The company specialises in custom solutions for small businesses.

Specialise in rare books

To concentrate on a specific niche or unusual area within a broader field.
The bookstore specialises in rare books and first editions.

Specialise in customer service

To focus efforts and resources on providing excellent support and service to customers.
Our company specialises in customer service, ensuring every client feels valued.

Specialise in a field

To focus one's study or work on a particular area of expertise.
She decided to specialise in pediatric medicine because she loves working with children.

Specialise in local cuisine

To focus on cooking and serving dishes that are typical of a particular region.
The chef specialises in local cuisine, bringing traditional flavors to the menu.

Specialise in handcrafted items

To focus on creating or selling products that are made by hand, often implying skill and craftsmanship.
The artisan specialises in handcrafted items, including pottery and textiles.

Specialise in antique restoration

To focus on repairing and restoring antique items to their original condition.
She specialises in antique restoration, with a particular focus on 18th-century furniture.

Specialise in language translation

To concentrate on translating texts or spoken words from one language to another.
The agency specialises in language translation services for businesses and government agencies.

Specialise in luxury goods

To concentrate on products or services that are of high quality and often expensive.
The boutique specialises in luxury goods, from designer clothing to high-end accessories.

Specialise in financial planning

To focus on advising individuals or organizations on how to manage their finances.
The consultant specialises in financial planning, helping clients secure their financial future.

Specialise in digital marketing

To concentrate on marketing products or services using digital channels and technologies.
He decided to specialise in digital marketing to help brands enhance their online presence.

Specialise in sustainable practices

To focus on methods and processes that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.
The farm specialises in sustainable practices, emphasizing organic farming and renewable energy.

Specialise in sports training

To focus on coaching or training individuals in specific sports.
The coach specialises in sports training, particularly for competitive swimming.

Specialise in educational technology

To focus on developing and implementing technology for educational purposes.
The startup specialises in educational technology, creating apps and platforms for interactive learning.

Specialise in wildlife photography

To concentrate on taking photographs of animals in their natural habitats.
The photographer specialises in wildlife photography, capturing stunning images of nature.

Specialise in software development

To concentrate on creating and maintaining software applications.
The developer specialises in software development, particularly mobile apps.

Specialise in travel planning

To concentrate on arranging and planning travel itineraries for clients.
The travel agent specialises in travel planning for exotic destinations.

Specialise in event planning

To concentrate on organizing and managing events, such as weddings, conferences, or parties.
The company specialises in event planning, known for its innovative and memorable events.

Specialise in home renovations

To focus on remodeling and improving homes.
The contractor specialises in home renovations, transforming outdated spaces into modern living areas.

Specialise in legal advice

To focus on providing legal counsel and representation in specific areas of law.
The law firm specialises in legal advice for intellectual property rights.

Specialise Example Sentences

Many universities encourage students to specialise in their third year.
Graphic designers can specialise in branding, web design, or illustration.
Writers may specialise in genres such as fiction, non-fiction, or poetry.
Consultants often specialise to provide more targeted and effective advice.
Environmental scientists may specialise in climate change, conservation, or sustainability.
Some schools specialise in arts or sciences to cater to specific talents.
It's common for lawyers to specialise in a particular area of law.
Doctors often specialise after completing their general medical training.
Athletes specialise early to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
Many software engineers specialise in either front-end or back-end development.
Photographers often specialise in portraits, landscapes, or event photography.
Businesses sometimes specialise to meet the needs of a niche market.
Chefs may specialise in a cuisine to master its flavors and techniques.
Teachers might specialise in teaching students with disabilities or gifted students.
Musicians can specialise in an instrument or a style of music.

Common Curiosities

How is specialise used in a sentence?

"She decided to specialise in pediatric medicine."

What is a stressed syllable in specialise?

The first syllable, "spe," is the stressed syllable in specialise.

How many syllables are in specialise?

There are three syllables in specialise.

How do we divide specialise into syllables?

Specialise is divided into syllables as spe-cial-ise.

What is the pronunciation of specialise?

The pronunciation of specialise is /ˈspɛʃ.ə.laɪz/.

What is the second form of specialise?

The second form (simple past) is "specialised."

Why is it called specialise?

It is called specialise because it refers to the process of focusing on a particular area of study or work, making it a specialty. The term derives from "special," indicating a distinct or specific character.

What is the first form of specialise?

The first form (base form) is "specialise."

What part of speech is specialise?

Specialise is a verb.

What is the verb form of specialise?

The verb form is "specialise."

What is the root word of specialise?

The root word of specialise is "special."

What is the plural form of specialise?

As a verb, specialise does not have a plural form. Verbs change form based on tense, not number.

Is specialise a collective noun?

No, specialise is not a collective noun.

Is the word specialise is imperative?

Yes, the word "specialise" can be used in the imperative mood as a command or instruction, e.g., "Specialise in your field of interest."

What is the third form of specialise?

The third form (past participle) is "specialised."

What is the opposite of specialise?

The opposite of specialise could be "generalise" or "diversify."

Is specialise an adverb?

No, specialise is not an adverb.

Is the specialise term a metaphor?

Specialise can be used metaphorically to describe focusing intensely on a particular subject or activity.

Is the word “specialise” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Specialise" is a verb and thus does not serve as a direct or indirect object. However, it can have direct or indirect objects, e.g., "She specialises in it."

What is another term for specialise?

Another term for specialise is "concentrate on" or "focus on."

What is the singular form of specialise?

As a verb, specialise does not have a singular or plural form. Its base form is "specialise."

Is the word specialise Gerund?

The gerund form of specialise is "specialising."

Which determiner is used with specialise?

Determiners are not typically used directly with verbs. However, in noun forms related to the verb, determiners like "the," "my," or "this" could be applied, e.g., "my specialisation."

Which preposition is used with specialise?

Common prepositions used with "specialise" include "in" or "on," depending on the context, e.g., "specialise in cardiology."

Which article is used with specialise?

Articles are not used directly with verbs. When discussing the act of specialising in noun form, articles like "a," "an," or "the" may be used, e.g., "the specialisation in…"

Is specialise an abstract noun?

No, specialise is a verb, not a noun.

Is specialise a negative or positive word?

Specialise is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Which vowel is used before specialise?

This question is not applicable. Articles and vowels are considered before nouns, not verbs.

Is specialise a noun or adjective?

Specialise is a verb.

Is specialise a vowel or consonant?

This question does not apply to the word "specialise" as a whole; it pertains to individual letters.

Is specialise a countable noun?

Specialise is not a noun; it is a verb.

Which conjunction is used with specialise?

Conjunctions like "and," "or," and "but" can be used with "specialise" in sentences to connect clauses or items.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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