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Standardise Definition and Meaning

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Published on May 11, 2024
Standardise means to make consistent or uniform by applying a set of standards or norms. e.g., The company decided to standardise its procedures to improve efficiency.

Standardise Definitions

Making procedures the same across different areas or sectors.
Hospitals seek to standardise patient care to ensure consistency.
Setting norms or benchmarks that are widely accepted and followed.
The council worked to standardise recycling processes in all municipalities.
Aligning different practices or methods to a common standard.
The new regulations aim to standardise safety protocols across factories.
Ensuring operations are carried out in a consistent manner everywhere.
The franchise standardised its menu to offer the same quality worldwide.
Adapting something so that it fits a particular model or example.
New cars must be standardised to meet emission standards.
To ensure everything conforms to a single standard.
The industry moved to standardise equipment sizes for compatibility.
Adjusting tools, devices, or procedures to a uniform standard.
Laboratories standardise their measuring instruments for accuracy.
Making systems or processes homogeneous or similar in nature.
The software update was meant to standardise the user interface across devices.
Aligning different methods so they work in a similar fashion.
The educational reform aimed to standardise teaching methodologies.
Establishing a level of quality that all products or services should reach.
The agency standardised testing methods to ensure fair results.
To establish a standard consisting of regulations for how something is to be done across an organization.
To make to conform to a standard.
To check for conformance with a standard.
Evaluate by comparing with a standard
Cause to conform to standard or norm;
The weights and measures were standardized

Standardise Snonyms


To control or direct according to rule, principle, or law.
The board regulates medical practice standards.


To arrange in or according to a system; make systematic.
The company systematized its filing process for better efficiency.


To bring or return to a normal condition or state.
The government's efforts normalize economic activities after the crisis.


To place or arrange things so that they are in the correct position in relation to each other.
The new regulations align state laws with federal guidelines.


To bring into agreement or harmony.
The team worked to harmonize the design elements.


To make uniform in form or character.
The new policy aims to uniformize educational assessment across the state.


To organize and control strictly; to systematize.
The coach regimented the training schedule for the team.


To improve the efficiency of a process, organization, or system by simplifying or eliminating unnecessary steps.
The new software streamlined data entry tasks.


To organize or collect together (laws, rules, procedures, etc.) into a system or code.
The legal team codified the company's policies into a handbook.


To make something physically stronger or more solid; also to unite or combine.
The merger consolidated two of the leading tech firms.

Standardise Example Sentences

Regulations were introduced to standardise building codes for earthquake resistance.
The software update will standardise the user experience across all devices.
Manufacturers are required to standardise packaging to reduce waste.
The education board decided to standardise the curriculum across all schools.
To improve safety, airlines standardise cockpit procedures.
The industry committee met to standardise the terms used in trade agreements.
The technology firm seeks to standardise coding practices among its developers.
The government's initiative aims to standardise healthcare services nationwide.
The new law will standardise the licensing process for businesses.
Efforts are underway to standardise data protection protocols across the sector.
The association works to standardise professional qualifications.
To simplify operations, the company will standardise its product lines.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide standardise into syllables?

We divide it into syllables as stan-dard-ise.

How many syllables are in standardise?

There are three syllables in standardise.

What is the root word of standardise?

The root word of standardise is "standard."

How is standardise used in a sentence?

Standardise is used to describe the act of making things uniform or consistent, e.g., The company aimed to standardise its manufacturing processes.

What is the verb form of standardise?

The verb form is "standardise."

What is the pronunciation of standardise?

Standardise is pronounced as /ˈstan.də.daɪz/.

What is the third form of standardise?

The third form is "standardised."

What is another term for standardise?

Another term for standardise is "normalize."

Why is it called standardise?

It is called standardise because it involves applying a set of standards or norms to make something consistent or uniform.

What is a stressed syllable in standardise?

The stressed syllable in standardise is the first one: "stan."

What part of speech is standardise?

Standardise is a verb.

Is standardise an adverb?

No, standardise is not an adverb.

What is the second form of standardise?

The second form is "standardised."

What is the plural form of standardise?

Standardise does not have a plural form as it is a verb.

Is standardise a countable noun?

Standardise is not a noun; it is a verb.

Is standardise a collective noun?

No, standardise is not a collective noun.

Is the standardise term a metaphor?

Standardise is not typically used as a metaphor; it directly refers to the process of making things uniform or consistent.

Is the word standardise Gerund?

The gerund form would be "standardising."

What is the first form of standardise?

The first form is "standardise."

What is the singular form of standardise?

The singular form is "standardise."

Is standardise an abstract noun?

No, standardise is a verb, not a noun.

Is the word “standardise” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Standardise" is a verb, so it does not serve as a direct or indirect object. However, it can have a direct object, e.g., "Standardise the process."

Which determiner is used with standardise?

Determiners are not typically used with verbs like standardise.

What is the opposite of standardise?

The opposite of standardise could be "diversify" or "individualize."

Is standardise a negative or positive word?

Standardise is neutral; it describes a process and is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is standardise a vowel or consonant?

The word starts with a consonant.

Is the word standardise imperative?

Standardise can be used in an imperative form, e.g., "Standardise the procedures."

Which vowel is used before standardise?

The question does not apply as standardise is a verb and not typically preceded by a vowel in a specific rule.

Which conjunction is used with standardise?

Conjunctions like "and" can be used when discussing actions, e.g., "standardise and streamline."

Which preposition is used with standardise?

Prepositions like "to" can be used, e.g., "to standardise across platforms."

Is standardise a noun or adjective?

Standardise is a verb.

Which article is used with standardise?

Articles are not used with verbs like standardise.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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