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Struggle Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Maham Liaqat — Published on March 6, 2024
Struggle refers to making strenuous efforts against opposition or to fight vigorously. e.g., The young tree struggled to survive in the harsh desert conditions.

Struggle Definitions

To exert oneself physically or mentally to do something challenging.
He struggled to solve the complex math problem.
To engage in conflict or combat.
The two knights struggled for the throne.
To work hard to deal with or overcome a difficulty.
She struggled with the decision for weeks.
To make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction.
The captured bird struggled to free itself from the cage.
To engage in a strenuous effort to change an unfavorable situation.
The community struggled to rebuild after the storm.
To strive to achieve or attain something in the face of difficulty or resistance.
She struggled for years to become a successful artist.
To move with difficulty, especially because of a lack of strength or space.
The large fish struggled in the narrow net.
To undergo hardship or suffering.
Many families struggle to make ends meet.
To have difficulty handling or coping with.
He struggles with social anxiety at large gatherings.
To contest or battle against.
The team struggled against the reigning champions but ultimately lost.
To exert muscular energy, as against a material force or mass
Struggled with the heavy load.
To be strenuously engaged with a problem, task, or undertaking
Struggled for years before breaking through as an actor.
To have difficulty or make a strenuous effort doing something
Struggled to be polite.
To move or progress with difficulty
Struggled up the steep slope.
To contend or compete
"Right and wrong ... will ever continue to struggle" (Abraham Lincoln).
To move or place (something) with an effort
Struggled the heavy desk into the elevator.
The act of struggling
The rat's struggle to escape the snake's coils.
A strenuous effort in the face of difficulty
The struggle for civil rights.
Strife, contention, or combat
Armed struggle.
Something that is difficult to do or achieve
Getting him to agree will be a struggle.
A contortion of the body in an attempt to escape or to perform a difficult task.
(figurative) Strife, contention, great effort.
To strive, to labour in difficulty, to fight (for or against), to contend.
During the centuries, the people of Ireland struggled constantly to assert their right to govern themselves.
To strive, or to make efforts, with a twisting, or with contortions of the body.
She struggled to escape from her assailant's grasp.
To strive, or to make efforts, with a twisting, or with contortions of the body.
To use great efforts; to labor hard; to strive; to contend forcibly; as, to struggle to save one's life; to struggle with the waves; to struggle with adversity.
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it [Gettysburg] far above our power to add or detract.
To labor in pain or anguish; to be in agony; to labor in any kind of difficulty or distress.
'T is wisdom to beware,And better shun the bait than struggle in the snare.
A violent effort or efforts with contortions of the body; agony; distress.
Great labor; forcible effort to obtain an object, or to avert an evil.
Contest; contention; strife.
An honest might look upon the struggle with indifference.
An energetic attempt to achieve something;
Getting through the crowd was a real struggle
He fought a battle for recognition
An open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals);
The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph
Police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs
Strenuous effort;
The struggle to get through the crowd exhausted her
Make a strenuous or labored effort;
She struggled for years to survive without welfare
He fought for breath
To exert strenuous effort against opposition;
He struggled to get free from the rope
Climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
Be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight;
The tribesmen fought each other
Siblings are always fighting

Struggle Snonyms


To struggle with a difficulty or problem.
She wrestled with the decision for weeks.


To fight against; to engage in conflict.
The immune system combats infection.


To attempt earnestly; struggle in the effort.
They endeavored to complete the project on time.


To fight or contend against obstacles.
They battled the wind and rain during their hike.


To face difficulties or opposition.
She contended with numerous challenges on her way to success.


To engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons.
He grappled with his feelings of guilt.


To make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
She strived for perfection in her work.


To work hard; make great effort.
They labored through the night to meet the deadline.


To engage in a vigorous struggle or scuffle.
The puppies tussled over the toy.


To push, elbow, or bump against someone roughly, typically in a crowd.
Commuters jostle for position at the busy train station.

Struggle Idioms & Phrases

Struggle for breath

To find it difficult to breathe, usually due to exertion or a medical condition.
After the long run, he struggled for breath.

Struggle against the odds

To try to achieve something despite it being very unlikely.
She struggled against the odds to become a top athlete.

Real struggle

A situation that is very difficult to deal with.
Balancing work and study was a real struggle for him.

Struggle to make ends meet

To barely manage to survive financially.
Many families struggle to make ends meet on a single income.

Struggle with oneself

To be in conflict with one's own thoughts or emotions.
He struggled with himself over the decision to move abroad.

Struggle in vain

To make an effort with no chance of success.
They struggled in vain to save the sinking ship.

No struggle, no progress

Without facing challenges, there won't be any improvement or success.
The athlete believes in the motto, No struggle, no progress.

Struggle under the weight of

To have difficulty carrying or supporting something because it's too heavy.
He struggled under the weight of the heavy backpack.

Power struggle

A situation where two or more people or groups compete for control or influence.
The boardroom was often the scene of a power struggle.

Struggle for existence

The fight to survive, especially under harsh conditions.
In the wild, every species is engaged in a struggle for existence.

Upward struggle

A difficult effort to improve one's situation.
Climbing the corporate ladder was an upward struggle.

Inner struggle

A personal conflict or difficulty.
She faced an inner struggle when making her career choice.

Struggle over

To have difficulty or disagreement about something.
The siblings struggled over who would inherit the family home.

Struggle on

To continue trying despite difficulties.
Despite the setbacks, the team struggled on, determined to finish the project.

Struggle for control

To attempt to gain authority or command over a situation or group.
The factions struggled for control of the territory.

Struggle against one's demons

To fight against one's negative thoughts or harmful tendencies.
She struggled against her demons to maintain her sobriety.

Struggle for words

To have difficulty finding the right thing to say.
Overwhelmed with emotion, he struggled for words during his speech.

Struggle through the pain

To continue despite suffering or discomfort.
The marathon runner struggled through the pain to reach the finish line.

Struggle against nature

To fight against natural forces or conditions.
The farmers struggled against nature to protect their crops from the storm.

Struggle to keep up

To have difficulty maintaining the same pace or level as others.
He struggled to keep up with the advanced class.

Struggle Example Sentences

Many students struggle with the transition from high school to college.
She faced a constant struggle balancing work and family life.
His struggle with the illness was both inspiring and heartbreaking.
In the struggle to survive, the animals adapted to their environment.
The struggle for freedom has been a long and difficult journey.
The struggle to maintain peace in the region continues.
The struggle to climb the steep hill left them breathless.
They joined the struggle for civil rights and equality.
The struggle for academic excellence pushed him to his limits.
Their struggle to communicate effectively strained the relationship.
The struggle against poverty requires global cooperation.
Every day was a struggle to wake up and face her fears.
The new business faced a struggle to find its place in the market.
In the struggle between heart and mind, she always followed her heart.
The struggle to keep the old traditions alive is becoming harder.
The struggle to overcome addiction is a journey of resilience and courage.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide struggle into syllables?

Struggle is divided into syllables as "strug-gle."

How many syllables are in struggle?

There are two syllables in the word "struggle."

Why is it called struggle?

The term "struggle" originates from the Middle English word "struglen" or "strogglen," which means to contend with an adversary or to strive vigorously.

What is a stressed syllable in struggle?

The stressed syllable in "struggle" is the first one: "strug."

How is struggle used in a sentence?

Struggle is used to denote effort against difficulties, e.g., She continued to struggle against the strong currents.

What is the verb form of struggle?

The verb form of "struggle" is "struggle" itself, e.g., "They struggle to overcome their challenges."

What is the root word of struggle?

The root of "struggle" is believed to be the Middle English "struglen" or "strogglen," which has no clear further etymology.

What is the pronunciation of struggle?

Struggle is pronounced as /ˈstrʌɡ.əl/.

What is the second form of struggle?

The second form of "struggle" as a verb is "struggled," which is the simple past tense, e.g., "He struggled to find the right words."

What part of speech is struggle?

"Struggle" can be a noun, referring to a difficult effort or conflict, or a verb, meaning to make strenuous efforts against opposition.

What is another term for struggle?

Another term for "struggle" is "battle" when used as a noun, or "strive" when used as a verb.

What is the opposite of struggle?

The opposite of "struggle" is "succeed" or "thrive," implying ease in overcoming challenges.

Is struggle a countable noun?

As a noun, "struggle" can be countable when referring to specific instances or efforts, e.g., "She faced many struggles in life."

Is the word struggle Gerund?

Yes, "struggling" is the gerund form of the verb "struggle," e.g., "Struggling with the task, he sought help."

Which determiner is used with struggle?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "my" can be used with "struggle," e.g., "The struggle for independence was long."

What is the first form of struggle?

The first form of "struggle" as a verb is "struggle," used in the present tense, e.g., "They struggle every day to make ends meet."

Is struggle a vowel or consonant?

The word "struggle" begins with a consonant 's'.

Which vowel is used before struggle?

The vowel "u" is used in "struggle."

Which preposition is used with struggle?

Prepositions like "against," "with," or "for" can be used with "struggle," e.g., "They struggle against injustice."

Which conjunction is used with struggle?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "struggle," e.g., "He struggled but eventually succeeded."

What is the singular form of struggle?

The singular form is "struggle," referring to one instance or act of struggling.

What is the plural form of struggle?

The plural form is "struggles," referring to multiple instances of conflict or effort.

Is struggle an abstract noun?

Yes, "struggle" can be considered an abstract noun as it refers to the concept of enduring difficulty or effort.

Is struggle a collective noun?

No, "struggle" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the struggle term a metaphor?

"Struggle" can be used metaphorically to describe any difficult effort or conflict, not just physical ones.

Is the word struggle imperative?

"Struggle" can be used in imperative sentences as a verb, e.g., "Struggle for your rights!"

Is the word “struggle” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Struggle" can be a direct object when used as a noun, e.g., "He faced the struggle with determination."

What is the third form of struggle?

The third form of "struggle" as a verb is also "struggled," used in the perfect tense, e.g., "They had struggled for years before finding success."

Is struggle a noun or adjective?

"Struggle" is primarily a noun and a verb but not an adjective.

Is struggle an adverb?

No, "struggle" is not used as an adverb.

Is struggle a negative or positive word?

"Struggle" generally has a negative connotation as it implies hardship or conflict, but it can have positive implications when associated with growth or overcoming challenges.

Which article is used with struggle?

The definite article "the" or the indefinite article "a" can be used with "struggle," e.g., "The struggle was worth it in the end."

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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